
Under Lock & Key

Mafia Story / With Regular Updates **Serious Assault, Strong Language, Mature and Dark Themes Throughout - 18+** Short Story Description: Jaxon Gray is New York's hottest businessman, gangster and mafia king. A terrifyingly harsh man that claims to be 'impossible to love' due to his dark nature, murderous choices and suffocating demeanour... That is, until he meets the sweetheart known as Faye Woods... The perfect victim to fulfil his selfish plans. Faye and her best-friend Michael, both were bullied throughout high school and were unfortunate enough to be left without parents. They struggle to make ends meet as they work in a run-down cafe - praying for something to go right for them for once... Jaxon lands himself in Fayes hold, quickly deciding that she would be the perfect target for his master plan... One altercation leads to another, as he decides to kidnap and threaten the innocent girl - which he claims is the only one right for the job - before he forces her fully into his hectic world filled with crime and darkness. Could someone so cold survive around someone so warm? Could a criminal actually love or be loved? Or will the monster hidden within be impossible to beat... read at your own risk to find out more! *********************************************

Beed910 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs

Chapter 8

******Jax POV******

If she thinks for a minute she's getting her damn phone back with the attempt of asking for 'earphones to listen to music' on her dumb list then she's went fucking mad. Does she honestly think I'm some fool?

"Why so quiet?" I grip the wheel, as I speed us towards the airport.

Everybody else was already on our plane waiting for us, since she decided to have another meltdown moment before we left the damn condo and only went and set me back forty minutes.

"I'm just... tired." She explains, as I continue to glare at the road ahead.

Tired from all the fucking crying she's done no doubt!

"Don't lie. You're shit at it." I grumble back, as she leans against the window, watching the passing trees.

"You drive fast." She comments quietly, catching me off guard with the random statement as I glance to her briefly.

"Why would I buy myself a fancy car to drive it slow?" I retaliate, causing her to turn to look at me this time.

"I'm sorry... for making you mad back there again... I just panicked..." She looks at me, showing the fear behind her eyes as she speaks.

"I ain't some crazed women killer you know. I have a bad temper, always have, but I don't intend to kill you anytime soon." I turn my eyes back to the road, feeling her eyes on me as I round the corner turning into the private entrance to the airport.

"Ok." She states simply after a moment of thought, as I slow the car and roll the window down.

"Evening sir! Your plane is ready to go waiting in zone 6. If you hand us your spare key we can park up your car when you leave." The man states, as I nod and hand him the spare key briefly before he opens the gates.

We remain silent for the last minute or so of the drive, before I see my plane - with Nico waiting outside and waving us over.

"Took your time!" Nico smirks with a wink, implying that we had stayed longer for a different reason.

"Blame her." I grumble, stepping out of the car as she does too - following me towards the plane steps.

Surprisingly enough, she doesn't attempt to run, only follows.

"After you..." Nico states to her, as we allow for her to pass us nervously - before she begins climbing up the steps.

I guiltily stare at her round ass in the process, earning a snigger from Nico as he seems to notice. I may treat her like shit but I had to admit she was probably one of the hottest women I had ever met...

I let her get about half way up, before stepping on and following her onto the plane...

I study her as she gets to the top, being greeted kindly by my staff which she try's her best to smile and say hi back to considering the circumstances.

I approach behind her, pushing at her back to walk further on to the plane as she does so slowly.

"Don't freak out, but if you walk straight forward and into the very back room, there's a surprise. Just remember that I can always take away that surprise if I feel necessary princess so don't test me... is that clear?" I whisper into her ear lowly, feeling her tense beneath me as she nods.

"O-Ok..." She all but whispers, before moving shakily down the plane - passing many of my men who avoid staring at her as she passes.

They know better.

******Faye's POV******

I seriously felt that my body had gone into autopilot as I moved my feet down the plane and towards the room.

Who knew what my surprise was. But I didn't actually care... I just knew that if I kept walking, it was putting more distance between myself and all of the large, deadly looking men.

I continue on, moving into the next section of the plane which automatically grew quieter - putting me at ease slightly as I took the time to breathe slowly.

I face a door, deciding not to waste time as I pull the handle down to open it... revealing...

"MIKE!" I practically sob out, entering the small bedroom holding no more than a double bed and a small table and chairs.

Michael was sat by the table, his eyes swollen and bloodshot - barely recognisable. He was covered in bruises, far worse than mine, as I began to involuntarily cry again from the sight of him.

I rushed to him, holding him in a tight embrace which he instantly returned - followed with a grunt of pain.

We clung to one another in a moment of silence, as I couldn't comprehend the overwhelming feeling of relief just from having him on this plane with me.

We eventually pulled back, as I only now noticed the other man who was comfortably laid back on the bed watching us with amusement.

I recognised him as one of the three who regularly came to the cafe - the one with the shaved head and gruff attitude.

"I'll leave you two alone for a bit then." He eventually spoke out, seeming bored, as he stood and left - closing the door behind him.

I could feel the plane begin to move, preparing to take off as I sat on the bed facing Mike to steady myself.

"Mike what happened to you?!" I rush at him, as he offers a sad smile back and seems to think for a minute.

The plane begins to speed up, as I grip onto the headboard of the bed and Michael grips the desk to steady ourselves.

I mean this wasn't exactly safe considering we weren't in proper seats with seatbelts... but it occurred to me that the men out there weren't exactly the types for taking on board safety measures.

"Did he do this to you?!" I question again, feeling a rage build within my stomach, as the plane steadied us in the air.

Michael looks around briefly, seeming to struggle to pull his words together, before I involuntarily stand and storm out of the room - in search of the tattooed monster himself.

Down the plane I go, fists clenched, racing towards the man in question as he stands at the end of the plane seeming to raid a snack cupboard.

"Where the fuck are you going..." He eventually notices me, but before I can respond, I lift my hand - landing it across his face - earning complete shock and silence from everyone else on the plane.

"You bastard!" I grit, losing my temper completely after seeing Michael in such a state.

He did not deserve that treatment! He's been through enough and quite frankly I'm sick of it! Sure he can bully and pick on me but he won't get away with leaving Michael in this state!

"Fucking bitch!" The man spits back at me, before in an instant I am on the floor of the plane - him hovering above me with both of my wrists pinned in one hand.

It takes me a minute to register just how quick he had tackled me, as my mouth hangs open in horror.

"DO YOU WANT TO FUCKING TEST ME PRINCESS!" He seethes, before he moves his free hand to his pocket - flicking out a knife the second later.

"I'll end you right now on the floor of this fucking plane!" He grits, tracing the open blade down my face now as the sudden reality sinks in and I instantly regret my decision to hit this man.

Why the hell did I just slap him?! I'm done for now!

"ANSWER ME! ARE YOU WANTING TO DIE?!" He explodes, face growing redder as my mouth opens and closes like a fish out of water.

"Faye it wasn't him! They didn't hurt me - none of them have!" Michaels voice reaches my ears, as my heart suddenly drops from the realisation.

"W-What?" I squirm beneath the man, as he glares down at me in pure hatred.

"Please let her go she didn't mean it!" I hear Michael plead next, his voice hoarse with panic as he must have followed me down here.

In one swift motion, I was up standing on my feet, being dragged by the back of my neck down the plane - towards the now empty bedroom I was once in.

He shoves me inside with great force, as I stumble towards the bed - thankful that it was there to catch my landing.

He slams the door behind him, leaving the two of us trapped alone in the room - as I gulp and shake.

"I'm so sorry!" I plead, knowing it wouldn't be enough this time since I had actually found the guts to hit this man.

I had never hit anyone in my life nevermind this huge murderous gangster! I was so angry and disappointed with myself for the poor lack of judgement!

"I do a nice thing! I bring your fucking stupid friend on this flight! Only for you to disrespect me in front of all of my men! Do you take me for a fucking fool?! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't throw your friend off of the fucking plane hmm?!" He rages, landing a punch into the wall as he speaks - leaving a large indent.

"I... he's been through a lot... I thought you all hurt him... I lost my temper." I blunder to explain my actions, my face wet from crying once again.

"You're fucking pathetic - all you do is cry!" He points a finger at me, his eyebrows knitted together in a fury as I gulp.

"I tried to be fucking nice to you! I was going to leave you both in here for the flight thinking you'd fucking calm yourself down a bit!" He continues, seeming to rant more to himself now.

"Stop... I'm sorry..." I mumble pathetically, before he stops in his rants - sending me a death stare.

"You will be." He all but whispers, sending a threatening bolt through my body.

I will be?