
Oh! im a king, wait... what race are under my kingship? ...F*#k

<on a giant yellow cloud>

A beautifull Woman was standing on a Holy Yellow Cloud as she continues to defy logic. She raises her hand and says


A magic circle similar to the one that appeared in the class room grew on the yellow cloud as it gets bigger and bigger until it reaches a size as big as a classroom.

After a few seconds, dozens of people appeared while muttering some words.

"So this is what a magic world looks like!"

"it's so cool!"


"i don't feel any different at all though?"

"ohh! look over there! theres a real goddess!"

When they finally notice the woman, they look enthusiastic and excited.

"hello my friends, i am Maria. i am the goddess of this world, Arian."

Her voice sounded serene and calmed anyone who heard it, even Sizuin could feel his headache slowly calming. It was however, much more effective to the others.

"My world is facing danger! and i can only see it being destroyed slowly! i decided that i would need some help and i summoned you here! You who have been chosen are the best i could find in your whole world so i decided to ask you for your help. Would you who are chosen help me in restoring this world to it's former glory? After you are done with helping me, i will bring you back to your world at the same time you were gone so that your families will be sad. You will also get to keep your powers that you aquired!"

At the start, she sounded distressed, then hopefull, then to pleading and lastly gratefull.

Everyone in the class got charmed and pitied the goddess, the class was filled with young people so it was relatively easy for them to sympathise with the sad goddess. Even the teacher was only 27.

Ofcourse everyone except one.

Sizuin immediately knew that she was hiding something, how did he knew? it was because they shared something similar. Their Act. They goddess had an excellent act while Sizuin had a perfect one. He just didn't know what her goal was. So sizuin opted to stay average like the other students for now, hoping that the goddess will not find out.

"It's okay goddess-sama! we will definately help you out! We still can go back to our world when we defeat whatever is destroying the world!" Airi sounded out her answer while Sizuin could only curse at this troublesome event.

"Thats right! we could even bring back our powers too! We definately won't lose anything if we help you out!" Another idiot said as Sizuin could only curse for not transferring schools early.

"Since Airi-chan and riku-kun have decided, i will help out too" Idiot no.3 said while Sizuin curse at everyone here.

"what about you Sizuin-kun?" Airi said while making a pleading look.

Sizuin tought for a moment 'i don't think i could escape so might aswell continue acting'

"uhh i don't know about this Airi-san, it could be dangerous." he said, acting scared.

"it's going to be okay Sizuin! The whole class will have powers so if we stick together, we will be safe! it's just like a mmorpg!" Riku was beaming with excitement.

"Thats right Sizuin-kun! we could even explore the magic world! just think about the places we could see thats not on earth!" Airi couldn't wait much longer

"if we three are going then you should come along too, we will miss you if you don't follow us." Kanako said with interest in her voice

"hmm alright then, i will also go along" Sizuin put a fake brave font to further his acting

While the group were talking, the class also listened as the most popular group were respected alot.

"Thats true! if we stick together as a class then we'll be alot safer! besides, we could skip the exams when we come back with powers!"

Haruto izumaki said, he is your typical older brother type as he is responsible and mature. He would think smartly and make a move when it's appropriate. He would think more into the puzzle and solve it quickly. If kanako was the smartest, then he would be the wisest. He was also someone Sizuin could get along with, he would still rather not trust them though.

Too bad he wasn't able to figure out that the goddess has something hidden.

Soon the whole class agreed except for the teacher.

"i don't know class... i have alot of stuff to do on earth..."

"It's okay sensei! the goddess said that we can be teleported back at the same time we left! You can think of it like a vacation!"

"hmm...if its just a vacation then...okay, i'll go along. But we MUST stick together okay? the other world might be a dangerous place"

The class has 29 students and 1 teacher currently so it would be safe if all of them had powers, they tought. Sizuin tought differently, 'If the other world had alot of people with powers, Why do you think 30 people could do something significant? Even if we have superior power, they definately have more than a million people with powers.'

" i am really thankfull for all of you chosen ones help! i will give you a gift to all of you in place of my gratefullness"

Multiple golden threads went to each of the students and teacher.

"you can say [status] to show your abilities and titles now"

Everyone was suprised and said the magic words, their face lit up as they saw a screen that's only visible to them.


infront of Sizuin, a screen showed:




Name: Sizuin Xesthroth

Race: Atlantian

Age: 17

Class: Demon King

LVL: 1

STR: 16

VIT: 16

CON: 17

AGI: 18

WIS: 22

INT: 20

Stats points: 40

Abilities points: 40




{A kings valor} Lvl MAX

You will not fear death when fighting

{Greater Stamina} Lvl 1

You will be able to extert 10% more physical and mental effort than you normally would

{Greater strength} Lvl 1

You will be able to lift weights that exceed your level

{A king's might} Lvl 1

Those in your army will be 10% stronger


{A kings gaze} Lvl 1

When activated, the person staring at you will be petrified or weaken depending on your strength.

{Burst strike} Lvl 1

You will attack your opponent once with an unstopable strike that will deal immense damage

{A king's aura} Lvl 1

You will exclude an aura that will damage and weaken your enemies over time while those who are in your army will be strengthen, feel less fear and reduces their stamina consumage.

- (10% more Strength and -10% Stamina consumage)

- (-10% strength for enemies)



<King of the demons>

You are the King of all evil in this world. All evil will recognize you as their one and only king.

- (infinate affection from all evil entities)

- (Extra Ability and Status points)


You are cursed by the Goddess Maria and will not be able to show or tell anything related to your class or title to other light sided people. They will know when you are inside the demon king's palace

- (Extra Evil related feelings and toughts)

- (You will forced to do things that are evil)

<World Traveller>

- (you will know the languange of the world you have visited)


'F*#k this damn troublesome goddess!'

Sizuin now knows what the goddess wants. Having fun playing God with people. She wants something that will entertain her.

She's a Crazy sadistic goddess.

im not japanese at all so if i somehow make some mistakes, please be gentle on me


im also coming up with ideas and where i wanna bring the story to when i am writing the chapters so if theres any plot hole, please tell me so that i could correct it


Next one coming in a few hours, probably 1 or 2 since im halfway done


i somehow can't get the mood to be dark...


Advice anyone?

doodlyycreators' thoughts