
First Member Of The Army

"HAHA, we meet again sir kelfy! How have you been since we last met?"

The bandit leader had a bemused look as he shook kelfy's hand.

"Hmph! I was fine until you showed up! Now hurry up and let's get to business."

Kelfy looked angry and  quickly sat down on the portable chair. The guards had set up a miniature meeting table a few minutes ago.

"Straight the point as usual huh? No fun."

"Quit your babbling and say your offer."

"Sheesh, fine fine. Hmmm i think i should get 20 percent of your cargo, Oh and 5 silver coins per person in your transporting group."

"Hmph! 10 percent and 1 silver. I got some decent adventurous so you should be happy about this price!"

"Nuh uh! 18 percent and 4 silvers!"

"Damn you! 12 perce….."

While they were discussing, the bandits had a small celebration.

"Boss really is the best! We got another merchant group this week HAHA!"

"C'mon boys! we're gonna party later! 1 free beer for all!"

"Damn jim! I already told you 1 beer won't make you look rich and awesome! You need to say 'Free beers for all!' you cheapskate!"

"But i would go broke if i did that!"



Bandits are always lively, this group in particular are much more than others.

On the other side, the guards looked despondent. If the cargo was attacked by bandits, they would get less money and get lectured by the boss for an hour. Sure they could attack the bandits and keep the cargo but there would be casualties, a lot of them in this situation, if the two sides attacked.

Nobody would want to risk their lives if there was a much more peaceful way of dealing with it. The losses of a few cargo was much better than the loss of dozens of guards. The merchant agency would lose a lot of credit and credit was very important for merchants.

The adventurers looked a little saddened but not as much as the guards, they typically make much more money than them so a little loss wasn't so bad for them. They still however, complained.

"Arghh! Aden! I already told you we should be more careful! what's the use of my magic if we just sit back and relax all day?!"

"Okay Okay, i promise to buy you cake okay?"

"That's right, lalatina, Aden will buy you cake like the usual. Hehe."

"uuhhh! lily! I already told you to not use my full name! It's so embarrassing!"

"Hahhh, this group is too much for me. I need some vacation time"

"hey albert, i heard about a new hot spring opening in Raiza. Let's check it out after this quest."

"oooh, you really know me best ven!"

'how novel like… you can't find these situations in japan or other places on earth.'

Sizuin sat next to the exit of the carriage so he could see the antics of everyone here.

'Hmm? oh it's nothing too dangerous, they should be able to handle it.'

Sizuin looked at the northern direction for a split second, he then closed his eyes as he meditated peacefully.

Meditating was one of the methods Sizuin found that could help him control mana easier. He focused on spreading his mana to every part of his body, hair, nails, eyes, everything. This would make his body used to mana and magic so it will in turn, make his magic and mana flow much more efficiently.

"Fine! 15 percent and 2 silver. That's all you can get!"

"sheesh, don't need to yell all the time. Well pleasure doing business with ya! This makes 8 successful transactions from your agency HAHA"

"What transaction? It's robbery! Hmph! hurry up and get lost already!"

Kelfy had visible veins on his red face. The bandit leader sat up and left while laughing, the cargo and money would be sent in a few minutes.


"What was that?"

Lalatina, the mage, sensed something.

"Did you sense something tina?"

"yeah, let me cast {Detect Mana}"

An invisible force starting to spread out from tina, the force reached out to 30 meters.

"It's a pack of twin tailed wolfs!!"


"Everyone! Monsters are here! Circle formation! Protect the caravan!"

The adventurers called out to the guards as a dozen grey wolves with a height of 4 meters sprinted to the caravan. These wolves have 2 tails instead of one, they are also much more powerful than wolves on earth.

The bandits were also caught up in the attack, a few dozen wolves attacked them. Many of the bandits and guards were at E rank, more important bandits and guards reached D rank but their numbers only numbers in the single digits. The guard captain is almost at C while the bandit leader, Zexn, had reached C for a long time already.

This particular bandit group is in the top ten most powerful bandit groups.

The adventurers were not pushovers either, everyone was at D rank with the leader, aden, close to C.

The wolves would be dealt with by a dozen or so minutes but the blood smell will attract much more dangerous beasts.

Sizuin continued meditating as he ignored the violence outside. Sizuin used {Detect Mana} constantly so he is able to sense everything within 30 meters even if his eyes are closed.

After 5 minutes, many of the wolves had been taken care of. Only 1 or 2 dozens wolves were left.


An ear shattering roar resounded through the forest as heavy steps could be heard. An enormous white wolf with 3 tails walked in between the tall trees. It had snow white fur and blue eyes, it showed of it's pearly white teeth as it growls loudly.

"It's an Alpha! It's rank is C!"

"Damnit! Oiii Zexn! I'll pay you 5 gold if you help us kill this thing!"

"Make it 7!"

"You damn money grubber! Why don't you take my whole caravan?!"

"That sounds like a good deal to me!"

"Tch, Fine! 7 gold coins and you help me take down this beast!"

"HAHA you heard him boys! Get to formation! Adventurers on the left flank, the leader with me. Guards to the right flank and my group will be at the center, ya got that?!"

"S-sir do we follow him?"

A guard lieutenant asked nervously.

"There's a reason why that money grubber reached C rank! Go follow his instructions! Adam! you command the guards!"

"Yes sir!"

Everyone got into position and followed the orders of Zexn carefully.

Zexn was previously a Squad captain in the Umules Kingdom, he was well respected for his prowess and cheerful personality. After he retired, he beat down a local bandit group and became their leader. He then transformed the group into a mix of adventurer and bandit group so his group was not hunted down yet. Even if they wanted to hunt it down, Zexn is a C rank and it will take a lot of time and resources to take care of his group.

'hmm, it's a few dozens levels lower than the minotaur not to mention the minotaur was a dungeon boss too.'

'Arthur and Zeek wasn't that weak, they both could solo this wolf and come out with a few minor injuries. I guess empires have much better technique and skills than kingdoms, a dozen of Zexn would be needed to kill arthur. Zeek will take much more since he has a variety of spells he learnt.'

'And this is only in C rank, higher ranks would focus more on skills so Kingdoms really doesn't have a chance against them.'

'I guess i will travel to an empire after levelling up to S rank, my skills will be enough until then. I can also start my army building at S rank, my mana should increase a lot by then.'

"Wouf! Wouf!"


Sizuin spotted a white wolf cub barking at the gigantic injured wolf.

"Oh, the alpha was a parent then? hmm, the alpha would die if this keeps up. The cub would also die if there's no protection. hmm… This is the cub of an alpha right? Then you will be my guinea pig from now on."

Sizuin stated it as if it was a fact, he picks up the cat-size cub and hid it inside his travelling pouch. The cub's retaliation was in vain as it was kept inside a cheap bag like some kind of object.


Sizuin looked at the battling wolf

"You will be the first member of my army."

Sizuin had a glint in his eyes

"Activate <Undeath Emperor>"

[Title <Undeath Emperor> is activated, All who you deem as prey will be terrified. The Preys are much weaker than you, Effect {Fear} will be more effective]

Took awhile for this,

Leave some reviews pretty please~~

14 chapters of this deserve atleast one review no?

doodlyycreators' thoughts