
Undead Path: Advent of Strongest Necromancer

Ten years ago, a catastrophe struck. Dimensional Monsters appeared in the Dimensional crack, and beasts mutated, forcing humans to the brink of extinction. One man stood and brought humanity to the light. In the current year, if you aren't awakened, you are worthless, living a life to entertain them as much as you can. Draven doesn't want to let his future be shackled by the fault of being powerless to change his fate. He desires to stand high above and conjure supernatural powers like awakened would. One day he died... Redemption took place when the Path brought him to trial. He realized he had awakened an unwanted path, or so he thought. Just when he wanted to hide from human society, a Goddess saved him and blessed the flaws of the undead. What would happen if Draven, an undead, supposed to have many limitations and weaknesses, suddenly became invincible from a single word of the Goddess?

PrinceClover · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
132 Chs

The Flame in a Day (1)

One time when Draven generated a ball of flame, it was the moon's brilliance showing its might. The power of the Ice Blue Flame was divided by night and day, it was scorching during the day, while chilling and cold at night.

The moon represented the coming of the night, and since Selena was the personification of the moon, the goddess. The blessings Selena gave might have not influenced him, but also the Ice Blue Flame. If Draven could assess his frosty blue flame, he estimated that it could freeze everything within ten meters away of his surroundings.

Although it was not much, the fact he was invincible in the span of the circumference was nothing to laugh at.

"Let's try the heat of this Ice Blue Flame, then."

Draven, with an indifferent expression, slowly faced his burning palm to the ground, and without further ado. He pushed it downward!

The heat of the Ice Blue Flame spreads before Draven could even react, he was then covered with blue flame, and his flesh gets corroded with each second.

Draven's face twisted as a moan escaped his mouth filled with anguish. Draven hurriedly pulled upward his open palm, while imagining blowing a candle of light, signifying he wanted to turn off his power.


Draven panted vast oxygen as he landed his gaze on his legs which were still covered with a blue flame. Draven immediately used his arms to wave as he intended to extinguish the ice-blue flame but to no avail. He then looked for something that could help him take out the flame as a surprised expression took over him when he surveyed his vicinity.

Five meters in a circle with him as a center was currently raging with blue flame with a height of only half a meter. However, the circle of blue flame was expanding at every second, and Draven realized that in no more than half an hour; the whole place would be burned with flames.

"This is bad. I can't prevent the worse thing to continue happening. What's more, I can't move with these legs burned. How can I deal with this?"

Draven felt helpless about the situation. He was panicking inside but immediately regained his composure as he tried to analyze the situation once more.

"It's no use panicking. It's better to escape to save myself!"

Draven, without feeling embarrassed, took out his uniform and pants, leaving only his underwear covering his dick and butt. Draven used the clothes on his hands as he was desperate to quench the blue flame corroding his legs. Despite the numb feeling in his legs, to the point, he was even unaware if he could still run. Draven forcibly used his legs to move and escape.

"I'm already aware of the consequence, but why did I still do it?"

Draven could not help but snickered and mocked himself, as he finally reached the endpoint of the blue flame, which was still slowly crawling forward using the grass as combustion. Draven pushed and readied himself from the incoming wave of heat that was about to surge and ran amok on his body and mental health.

"Finally escape!" Draven heaved an enormous sigh of relief. "I should better go home, but how can I?"

As Draven contemplated how he could escape from the school's imprisonment. He realized it was impossible to do so since the high school was strict to discipline their students. The gate was also closed tightly as firmed how the banks stored their money away from the hands of the robbers.

However, Draven knew one thing how he could escape without alarming the school.

Draven stopped before a tree where its crown blocked the sunlight from penetrating the ground. Draven slammed his butt to the ground as he leaned his back to the tree's trunk while staring in a certain direction.

"The guard," he said to himself. "The guard's post was opened from inside to outside. However, entering the guard post under the awareness of the guard is a big no." He shook his head.

"However…" Draven snickered as he watched the blue flame raging as it corroded all the living and unloving things that got burned while it continued to spread.

The previous picturesque open field park, where clean-cut grass colored the ground, with sparse trees surrounding it, was turned into a hellish place. It was depressing and disheartening watching a beautiful place get wrecked by a single moment.

"It's no point overthinking about it, Draven," muttered Draven to himself. "At the end of the day, who knows what will happen to the beautiful heavenly place if it was ravaged by untainted, grotesque existence?"

It was as though not only was he consoling himself, he was even blaming himself. The grotesque existence he exclaimed was none other than him. He was actually surprised that he could move his legs, which flesh was reduced to ashes, as their bones were exposed with dried blood sticking.

However, Draven was surprised he could move his legs despite the missing muscles and joints. Draven then remembered something unpleasant, causing him to laugh in mockery to himself.

"So, I'm already an undead? It would not be changed if it was not because of Selena's doing. How could I return this in the previous appearance, then? I remembered Selena's blessing was no different from the blessing given by the Path. What types of blessings could it be?" Draven wondered as he sat up.

He decided to move according to his plan, as he tried to find a hidden, secluded area not far away from the guard post.

He stopped by a tree where its leaves on the crown covering the branches were abundant. He looked towards his skeletal legs once more and knew he could do something illogical. He lowered his butt, as his knees bend, and suddenly leaped up to the crown of trees.

The moment he jumped with all his might, he knew he was fucked up. After all, he forgot the boost of physical power he had, and now he jumped with all his strength, causing him to jump high enough that it almost surpassed the crown of trees and almost reveal himself. Thankfully, with his quick-wittedness, he grabbed a branch of the tree, halting the progress of his overjumping.

"Does my skeletal legs become a spring?" Draven giggled.

Once he finally gained his footing and sat on the branch. He looked towards the guard post where the person inside with a guard uniform whistled in a boring manner. He cleared out his voice, as he readied himself from a sudden burst out of his yell.

"Fire! A Fire is currently raging and burning all the trees! Fire! Fire!"

He repeatedly roars the same thing over and over again. Once he gained the attention of the guard, he tried to add words to make the guards aware of the sudden alarm. The Guard was startled and immediately looked for the source when he saw the other side of the line of trees.

A huge bloated smoke came out and slithered through the sky. The guard yelped in surprise as he almost forgot his gender for a moment. His heartbeat rose as though he was having a heart attack.

What do you think of the chapters? Does it flow the way all you want? I noticed lately as I realized in the previous chapters. I was to enthralled by increasing the grades of Grammarly, and messed up the flow of my writing. Now, though Grammarly rating was only 79, but does it okay with you? The most important question, does it flow the way all you want?

PrinceClovercreators' thoughts