
Undead Path: Advent of Strongest Necromancer

Ten years ago, a catastrophe struck. Dimensional Monsters appeared in the Dimensional crack, and beasts mutated, forcing humans to the brink of extinction. One man stood and brought humanity to the light. In the current year, if you aren't awakened, you are worthless, living a life to entertain them as much as you can. Draven doesn't want to let his future be shackled by the fault of being powerless to change his fate. He desires to stand high above and conjure supernatural powers like awakened would. One day he died... Redemption took place when the Path brought him to trial. He realized he had awakened an unwanted path, or so he thought. Just when he wanted to hide from human society, a Goddess saved him and blessed the flaws of the undead. What would happen if Draven, an undead, supposed to have many limitations and weaknesses, suddenly became invincible from a single word of the Goddess?

PrinceClover · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
132 Chs

Special Trial (Edited)

"Where am I?" Draven muttered with hazy eyes.

He sat up, and memories flooded inside his head. He then recalled the shameful death he had never anticipated in his life.

"I see!" Draven said softly with a bitter smile.

"Just when you are so careful to avoid death, but you can't avoid the mighty truck?!" Draven was in disbelief.

Who knows what Draven would have done if he had known the truck had crashed not once but twice?

Draven swept his eyes around to observe where he was. Am I in the afterlife? He wondered while feeling the gloomy atmosphere.

The sky was dark, and the only light that could be seen was a depressing crimson blaze, coming from the ground. Bones littered the ground, and numerous skulls with hollowed eyes and missing noses were spotted by his gaze. He could not help but shiver at how terrifying the place was.

"Is this…" Draven's voice trembled. "Is this the rumored legendary underworld?"

Draven spent most of his high school days in the library, where he had read the text from a book of mythology. The book consisted of all the stories regarding the adventures of a particular god.

One of the Big Three Gods ruled the underworld and was the brother of the King of the Gods. 

"According to what I remembered, I should be on some kind of river, where my soul would be received by someone and condemned for the sins I committed, but I'm standing in the ground." Clover wondered as he stood up.

After he had the desire to explore the underworld, he walked, and not long after, he halted on his steps. He felt a hard invincible wall blocking him from continuing to step forward, causing his face to become flat, and his nose reddened in the process. Taking a step backward, Draven commented.

"So I'm bound by some kind of restriction?" Draven wondered and felt confused. "Just where am I?"

After a while, a voice entered his ears, and Draven was startled and instantly tried to find the source.

[The participant is ready for his first trial.]

"Trial… Participant…" Draven widened his eyes and his mind turned blank for a moment.

"Isn't this the legendary "Path"?! Where do the awakeners awaken their supernatural abilities? Where did they receive their blessings after completing  their first trial?!" Draven's body was trembling from excitement.

"How long have I been dreaming of receiving this?" College exams are quickly approaching, and I have yet to awaken my Path." Draven could not help but tear up. "I thought my path was already set, and I have to live like everyone else...B-But"

His lips trembled with emotion, and his tongue dried. He wanted to burst into tears and cry, but the Path did not let him as it continued.

[It appeared that a prominent figure of the underworld took an interest in our participant.]

[The Ice Blue Flame of the underworld suggested that the participants should participate in his trial.]

[The special trial is now available.]

[Participant, will you enter the special trial?]


Draven was confused and had a hard time digesting the continuous announcements by the Path. He contemplated thoroughly, and then suddenly remembered words from his teacher.

It was not strange for the Path to abruptly introduce the Special Trial, as those who received its blessings became legendary figures and left their names behind in history. However, one reward came at a price since only one out of a thousand participants could survive such a trial.

Furthermore, the one participant who received the blessings did not get out rational either. It was because the special trial's blessings affected their personality and behavior, and their end would be death! That was why Draven hesitated to accept or reject the special Trial.

Most parts of him lean toward rejecting the trial. After all, why would he put his life in danger now that he had discovered his path? However, it was the path that veered toward evil. The Undead! He had no idea what this path was because it was the first time he had heard of it.

Draven was certain of one thing: the government would not let him roam free after learning that he had awakened such a heinous path. They might impose some restrictions on him, thus reducing his freedom. It was, for this reason, Draven hesitated and decided to ponder thoroughly whether he should accept it or not.

"The Ice Blue Flame. If I get his blessings, I should have the power of fire. It would appear that I had awoken a Path of Fire. The problem was…" Draven pondered. "This flame should be destructive and corrosive."

It was expected that the Fire of the Underworld was destructive and torturous for those people who were inflicted. If it was the fire of the light, then it would lean more on healing-type powers, which would be valued by the government.

"However, if they know that I awakened the Path of the Undead..." Draven muttered and shook his head. "Who knows if they will let me live without placing shackles on me?"

Draven continued to contemplate thoroughly the pros and cons of the choices.

[You have only five seconds left to decide.

If the participant fails to make his decision when the time is up. The special trial will disappear, and it will no longer be appearing in the further phases of the trial.]

After Draven heard what the Path said, he no longer hesitated, finally making his decision.


He exclaimed with resolution and determination flashing in his eyes. So what if he failed? It's not like he would die for real.

[The participant has accepted the special trial.

[Please follow the arrow above you, as it will lead you to the trial that awaits you.]

[Note that if the participants die on the special trial, the ice blue flame will extinguish your soul.]

[Good luck on your first trial. May the God of Fortune bless you!]

After he heard what the Path announced, Draven was dumbfounded.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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