
Undead Path: Advent of Strongest Necromancer

Ten years ago, a catastrophe struck. Dimensional Monsters appeared in the Dimensional crack, and beasts mutated, forcing humans to the brink of extinction. One man stood and brought humanity to the light. In the current year, if you aren't awakened, you are worthless, living a life to entertain them as much as you can. Draven doesn't want to let his future be shackled by the fault of being powerless to change his fate. He desires to stand high above and conjure supernatural powers like awakened would. One day he died... Redemption took place when the Path brought him to trial. He realized he had awakened an unwanted path, or so he thought. Just when he wanted to hide from human society, a Goddess saved him and blessed the flaws of the undead. What would happen if Draven, an undead, supposed to have many limitations and weaknesses, suddenly became invincible from a single word of the Goddess?

PrinceClover · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
132 Chs

Have you fallen in love?

Inside a particular apartment room, which situates on the twentieth floor of a tall twenty-story condominium, Draven, Mao Tian, and Jasper had only entered the room.

Their eyes immediately sparkled as they saw the interior, and couldn't help but gasp in astonishment. The room was built in a fashionable manner, as though only rich people could get access to it. Draven shivered and immediately walked as he examined it like a child.

Mao Tian and Jasper looked at him, and the former immediately showed his disgust at Draven's behavior, but his legs suddenly moved, and chose a rather large size bed and dropped his backpack. Jasper, on the other hand, smiled at them and chose the bed on the left.

When Draven saw the bed Mao Tian had chosen, his eyes widened, and didn't hesitate to run at Mao Tian.

"Stop!" Draven exclaimed. "That will be my bed. Choose the remaining one."