
Undead Path: Advent of Strongest Necromancer

Ten years ago, a catastrophe struck. Dimensional Monsters appeared in the Dimensional crack, and beasts mutated, forcing humans to the brink of extinction. One man stood and brought humanity to the light. In the current year, if you aren't awakened, you are worthless, living a life to entertain them as much as you can. Draven doesn't want to let his future be shackled by the fault of being powerless to change his fate. He desires to stand high above and conjure supernatural powers like awakened would. One day he died... Redemption took place when the Path brought him to trial. He realized he had awakened an unwanted path, or so he thought. Just when he wanted to hide from human society, a Goddess saved him and blessed the flaws of the undead. What would happen if Draven, an undead, supposed to have many limitations and weaknesses, suddenly became invincible from a single word of the Goddess?

PrinceClover · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
132 Chs

A Peerless Master arrived.

Five minutes passed. Five miles should have taken 1 hour and 40 minutes to walk. However, given Frank's speed, he traversed it for only five minutes. Furthermore, despite the haste he felt, he conserved his energy for the future inevitable battle in the dimensional zone.

Although the night enveloped the city, the street he took shimmered with countless lights, causing the night to be lively from artificial lights.

The Dimensional zone was within the insight. Civilians became few, unlike the image shown in the hologram report. However, the soldiers were barraging fire as monsters, which were the milky worm Draven faced, made their way outside the zone.

A military truck and tanks used their missiles and artillery and continued to barrage before the milky worm could show its appearance. Numerous carcasses of the milky worm piled up, and it would not be long before it could create a wall. Despite the dreadful sight of the milky worm, since they possessed no intelligence they continued to wiggle to their own death.


Frank stopped before the back of the general, who opened his mouth nonstop as he commanded his soldiers to defend their city.

"General." Frank nudged General's shoulder to gain his attention.

The General was startled, and before he could completely turn his body, he had already positioned himself in defense. The soldiers at his side immediately pointed their guns toward Frank and circled him.

However, Frank remained calm and collected. After he knew the General was aware of his presence, he said, "What's the situation inside?"

The General frowned after he heard what the Old Man in front of him said. Although Frank's physical appearance was far different from the actual Old Man, the General knew that this man in front of him aged 60.

After all, anyone should have to consider the blessings gifted by the Path. It prolonged their lifespan after their soul was blessed with unimaginable powers. Hence, their physical body was affected, which made Frank appear in his late thirties rather than the early 60s.

Moreover, a breathing technique owned by prestigious people or families could enhance their body and appearance to appear far from their actual age. Hence, the General did not immediately reprimand the Old Man, for he was on the battlefield where no ordinary was supposed to be present.

He did not want to offend a mysterious figure, as it could end his career and life. Thus, he tried to ask politely and did not immediately answer Frank's question.

"Mind letting yourself know for me?" The General raised his arm, and the soldiers pointed guns gradually lowered and took their previous position.

"You don't have to bother yourself on knowing me, General." Frank frowned since he had always covered up his tracks from the pursuit of the greedy people. "It's best you should not sniff to other's identity. However, please be aware that I will take care of the dimensional portal inside."

Without wanting to take a response, Frank moved his feet backward, and he disappeared in the blink of an eye. He dashed to every milky worm, and the latter immediately died on the spot. They had a hole in their body which was the size of Frank's outline.

"W-Wow!" One of the soldiers who fought the milky worm on the front line exclaimed.

"W-Who is he?!" Stuttered by someone while feeling curious.

"He must be a master!"

"Yes, he should be!"


The General who witnessed what happened was flabbergasted. He did not expect the Old Man who stood at him earlier was far stronger than him. Note that he had reached the unbound stage, the third stage of the Path map, and he was already considered one of the prominent figures in the capital city of Zeka.

When he reached the third stage, he instantly received a position from the military government and gladly accepted it. He was now commanding his soldiers to fight the dimensional zone and battle the boss if it made its appearance.

Although the chance of him getting out alive after battling the boss, much less defeating him, almost reached zero. However, he wanted to die with honor and dignity.

He was no coward, as when he received the information of the dimensional portal emergence half an hour ago, he had already mobilized all his forces to fight back the breakout.

He fought bravely despite knowing that the chances of them escaping when the boss emerged were almost none. But now? A Peerless Master suddenly appeared and took down countless beasts, unlike the soldiers who needed an hour to slaughter them.

"A Peerless Master…" The General murmured. "This is the stage that is impossible for me to reach."

He watched Frank dominate all the numerous beasts who broke out of the dimensional zone. He only needed three minutes to slaughter all of them before he entered inside, however, before entering the dimensional zone. He announced in a soft voice.

"If a student came out of the dimensional zone. Please take care of him for me before I'm done taking care of the dimensional portal inside."

The atmosphere was tranquil, as all the people who witnessed the breathtaking sight of Frank slaughtering the milky worm made them speechless, which caused his soft announcement to reverberate throughout outside the dimensional zone.

"Roger!" The General shouted and made a military salute.

His yell echoed throughout the ears of soldiers who hastily imitated a soldier salute as they watched Frank enter the dimensional zone.

There was no wall or a transparent wall concealing the interior of the Dimensional Zone. They could even see the dimensional portal in the distance, as the massive round moon showed its brilliance moon ray. The night did not hinder the battle, and with their enhanced vision, they saw how Frank took down the milky worm.

However, they could only see his silhouette. Hence some soldiers did not even acknowledge his actual appearance since his face was covered with a night.

The Huge round moon had a crack, and numerous milky worms wiggled inside and landed in the dimensional zone. The General suspected the crack happened on the horizon, not the genuine moon.

However, it did not hinder the suspicion that the dimensional monster came from the moon, as it was likely to be authentic.

"I hope he takes down the boss." The General murmured with eyes sparkling with hope.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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