

Serena Lee is a vampire running away from destiny, trying to live a normal life with humans and a lot of werewolves. Draco Van Hellsing is a werewolf trying to prove himself to his dad. When the two clash interests are gained, bonds are formed, friends are made. What they didn't expect were pain and betrayal. Follow Serena and Draco in their battles against fate.

Mamapatience · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs


The tapestry of memory wove itself into the fabric of Draco's consciousness, transporting him to another time, another life. He stood on an open field, bathed in the warm embrace of the sun. The sky stretched above, an endless blue canvas. The atmosphere was light, filled with the sounds of laughter and the rustling of leaves.

Serena stood before him, her eyes alight with mischief, and a playful smile danced upon her lips. Draco's heart quickened at the sight of her, his gaze holding a mixture of challenge and anticipation.

"Ah, my sworn enemy," Serena declared, her voice carrying a hint of melodrama. "Prepare yourself for defeat!"

Draco mirrored her stance, his tone matching her playfulness. "Defeat is a word you'll come to know well."

Their banter was a dance, a familiar choreography that had been etched into their souls across time. With a burst of energy, they lunged at each other, their hands clashing playfully in mock combat. Their laughter filled the air as they danced on the fine line between rivalry and camaraderie.

But beneath the façade of rivalry, there was an undeniable attraction, a magnetic pull that tugged at their hearts. Their laughter gradually subsided, replaced by a charged silence that seemed to hum with unspoken feelings.

And then, as if drawn by an invisible thread, their eyes locked, the world around them fading into insignificance. The playful facade melted away, leaving only the raw vulnerability of their emotions. Without a word, they closed the distance between them, their lips meeting in a gentle, sweet kiss.

As the kiss deepened, their hands found each other's, fingers intertwining in a silent promise. The kiss held a multitude of emotions—longing, desire, and a sense of inevitability that stretched across lifetimes.

But just as quickly as it had begun, the kiss ended, replaced by a burst of laughter. They pulled away, their eyes twinkling with shared amusement.

"Caught off guard, were we?" Serena teased, her voice light.

Draco grinned, his gaze playful. "I would hardly say that."

A mischievous glint danced in Serena's eyes as she pounced playfully, knocking him off balance. They tumbled to the ground, play-fighting as if the weight of the world had momentarily lifted.


Serena and Kelly's peaceful slumber was shattered by an insistent knocking at their door. Weariness clung to them from the events of the previous days, their minds and bodies seeking the solace of rest. Reluctantly, they roused from their sleep, exchanging tired glances as they headed downstairs to answer the persistent summons.

As they descended the stairs, Kelly's heightened senses came into play, her acute sense of smell detecting the presence of the unexpected visitors before they even opened the door.

She whispered, her voice tinged with concern. "Serena, there are werewolves at the door."

Serena's heartbeat quickened, her mind racing to gather her thoughts. She took a deep breath, steeling herself against the unexpected intrusion. With a nod to her sister, she reached the door and turned the knob, revealing a trio of werewolves on her doorstep.

The werewolves stood with a measured posture, their expressions a mix of professionalism and gravity. Serena braced herself, her gaze steady as she met their eyes. Their presence was a reminder of the delicate balance between the supernatural factions.

One of the werewolves stepped forward, his voice calm and composed. "Miss Lee, we need your statement as a witness regarding the recent incident."

Serena's mind raced, understanding the significance of her role in the unfolding events. She exchanged a glance with her sister, the unspoken communication between them palpable. With a nod, she managed a response, her voice steady despite the fatigue that lingered.

"Of course. But my sister and I are quite exhausted from everything that's happened. Could we have a moment to freshen up before we go?"

The werewolves exchanged a look before the spokesperson nodded in agreement. "We understand. We'll wait."

As the door closed, Serena let out a sigh, a mixture of relief and trepidation filling her chest. She turned to her sister, her expression weary. "We'll give our statements, Kelly. Just... be prepared."

Kelly's nod was resolute. They couldn't say much because the werewolves had good hearing.

they retreated upstairs to gather themselves.


Draco emerged from the bathroom, his chiseled physique accentuated by the towel that clung to his form. He retreated to his room to dress.

Once dressed, he descended the stairs, his steps a blend of confidence and measured caution. His mother sat on the couch, engrossed in a fashion magazine. He greeted her with a nod, a hint of weariness touching his voice. "Morning, Mom."

She glanced up from the magazine, her gaze assessing him briefly before returning to her reading. "Good morning, Draco. Did you manage to rest well?"

Draco's lips curved into a wry smile. "Well, the night wherever I was was certainly eventful."

Her raised eyebrow conveyed a mixture of amusement and reproach as she set aside the magazine, her expression a balance between understanding and maternal concern. "Leaving suddenly and spending the night outside... this can't become a habit."

His apology held sincerity, his voice reflecting a note of contrition. "I understand, Mom. I'm sorry."

Her gaze softened, her fingers tracing a pattern on the magazine in an absentminded manner. "Your father was rather displeased, you know."

Draco released a sigh, his father was always displeased with him. "I can imagine."

Their conversation transitioned to lighter subjects, the words flowing between them as they engaged in a temporary respite from the intricacies of their lives. Yet, Draco skillfully steered the conversation toward a more intricate matter. "Mom, I have a question."

Her gaze met his, a silent invitation to continue. "Go ahead."

With a composed breath, Draco broached his inquiry. "Can a werewolf's mate be a vampire?"

Her eyebrow quirked, a blend of curiosity and amusement glinting in her eyes. "A vampire as a mate? That's an unusual question."

He met her gaze steadily, his voice holding a thread of curiosity. "Is it a possibility?"

Her response was swift, her tone laced with conviction. "No. The moon goddess safeguards human werewolf mates. A werewolf's mate cannot become a vampire."

Draco delved deeper, his inquisitiveness undeterred. "Has there ever been a unique case where a werewolf's mate is a vampire?"

She hesitated briefly, her gaze momentarily distant. "There was such a case, ages ago. The mate was a pureblood. Unfortunately, it ended tragically."

Draco absorbed her words, a blend of intrigue and concern swirling within him. Her comforting words followed her voice a soothing balm. "But don't worry Draco. Your mate is out there, safe and sound. I'm looking forward to the day you turn eighteen and find her."

His smile was genuine, a fusion of hope and anticipation. "Thank you, Mom."

With his heart lightened, Draco stood and announced his departure. His mother's understanding nod accompanied him as he left the house.


The police station's bustling atmosphere faded as Serena stepped outside, her statement given and her senses attuned to her surroundings. Overhearing snippets of hushed conversation, her keen hearing caught the mention of a missing student from the Artemis Hunter family. Her heart skipped a beat, curiosity urging her to remain composed.

With practiced ease, she continued walking, her movements unhurried. As if in a dance, her steps carried her forward while her superhuman hearing captured the faintest threads of the ongoing conversation. She exchanged a smile with the officer who had escorted her, gratitude evident in her gaze. "Thank you for your help."

Acknowledging her gratitude with a nod, the officer returned to his duties, leaving Serena to navigate the path ahead. The echoes of the conversation lingered in her mind, a puzzle piece waiting to be placed.

As Serena navigated the streets, lost in her thoughts, a sudden collision interrupted her musings. Startled, she looked up to find herself face-to-face with Draco. His concern was palpable, his question gentle as it cut through the momentary chaos. "Serena, are you okay? I heard you were at the station."

She managed a warm smile despite the surprise. "Yes, Draco. Just giving my statement. Nothing to worry about."

Their steps fell into sync, the atmosphere a blend of familiarity and comfort. The journey toward Serena's home became a bridge between their worlds, their lives intertwined by both chance and choice. It was then that Serena's curiosity bubbled to the surface, a question she couldn't help but ask. "By the way, how did you know I was at the station?"

Draco's smile matched hers, a glimmer of amusement in his eyes. "Well, I bumped into Kelly at home. She was preparing something... let's just say, the culinary arts aren't her forte."

A soft chuckle escaped Serena's lips. "Ah, the infamous cooking disasters. I know those well."

As they continued their journey, it was Draco who spoke next. His words held a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. "Serena, can I ask you something?"

Her gaze met his, her expression a mixture of curiosity and readiness. "Of course, Draco. Feel free to ask anything."

His question hung in the air, carrying both uncertainty and a genuine desire for understanding. "Are you... a pureblood vampire?"

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