
Chapter 12

*Scene focuses on the soldiers who managed to escape into a nearby abandoned village*

"Kazuo, John, Licht! Everyone still here !?" Screamed Jagram.

"Yes sir!" replied the other soldiers

Jagram was the smartest among the 4 soldier's who managed to escape, therefore it was decided collectively that he should be in charge in making decisions and leading the group.

The village in which the soldiers found, had several large properties with large grounds.

But it also had a few streets with smaller bedroom homes and thatched roof cottages.

Surprisingly, there was no animals present in the abandoned village aside from stray dogs.

The dogs shrieked loudly as the men happened to wander into its territory, moistening its fangs with saliva as it ran towards them, only for it's neck to be sliced off with a blade like weapon.

"Soldiers! Scatter and map out the village."


The soldiers all obeyed the order without hesitation and sprinted off in different directions.

*Unknown shadow lurks in the distance*

[Jagram POV]

"The bigger the homes the more likely for it to have more suplies and useful items" I pondered looking at the surroundings.

Licht then sends me a message with a hesitant voice.

"Jagram, there's around 5 stray dogs near the biggest house, but they're not any norma stray dogs"

"What do you mean not normal stray dogs?" I ask.

"Well, they're stupily large, about twice the size of us " Licht replied with a shaky voice.

"Wait Licht, there could be a tonne of them hidden in the darkness of that house too, plus there aren't many of us so don't risk searching it."

Licht reluctantly agreed to my suggestion.

[End of POV]

The soldiers made their way slowly down each street, finding a handful of properties like the first with scattered goods but kept running into abnormally large animals.

John, who was the last to check out the houses found a semi-detached brick built house in which he noticed large unknown prints within the layer of dust on the walls.


*Scene changes to a different part of the forest unexplored by the soldiers*

*Scene of animals being eaten alive by Unknown shadow*

*Scene expands to a bloody trail of animal heads*

*Unknown shadow overlooks the chaos in Loyd's hometown*

*The shadow dissappears*

*Scene of a hidden figure in the distance watching the shadow*

"I don't know what the absolute hell that thing is, but I can't let it loose" Whispers the figure.

*Scene zooms in onto the figure to reveal a man with unusual clothing and some armour*


*Scene switches back to the 4 soldiers*

"After the few lanes of houses on each row, it's just the trees and forest vegetation beyond" Kazuo stated.

At the same moment, John suddenly broke through and yelled out:


"What!?" Everyone screamed in fright.


Suddenly, John's call is cut off.

*Weird screeching noises*

*Then, all the birds in the trees abruptly start flying their way out the forest*

The soldier's instantly all looked to the sound origin of the screeches in absolute dread.

*Trees violently fall down*


*Scene ends with all soldiers looking at the falling trees in horror*