
Your Son

"They only organised that event to shame your family. Nathan seemed to know something about what your son did to the daughter of the White family. I asked my son and he told me about it"

James's father frowned, "What did they exactly do"

His friend sighed, "My son told me that James had tried to molest her but didn't succeed" he said.

"What?... My son did what?" he exclaimed.

"And now that she is his girlfriend, I don't think his letting that slide. He's been known to keep grudges" he said.

"So they did all this to get back at us for what my son did?" Mr Hurks said.

His friend nodded, "They are billionaires such a small event and pulling strings to make you lose such an amount of money is nothing to them. And now that he's in love with that girl things are going to get complicated for your son"

Mr Hurks sighed heavily, "Maybe I should go meet him in person"

"We tried setting up a meeting but they only asked for your son," he said

"Then I have no choice and let him face the consequences of his actions," James's father said


"Why are you always pale after work, is so tiresome?" Nathan asked Alex. She was laying back in her seat with her eyes closed.

"Cynthia has gone missing again, so Dad told me to help with her work," she said.

"Disappeared to where?" he asked gently pulling her into his arms.

Her breathing getting more comfortable, "She always does it whenever she falls for a new guy" she said.

Nathan chuckled, "That's weird"

"Mmm, but we are used to it, it's just that this time she says it differently but now with her gone everything falls on my shoulders," Alex said.

Nathan's hand touched her chin moving her face to him. She opened her eyes and met his gaze.

"I dont care if she's in love but worried about you. All that work is a lot for just you alone. You look so drained" he said.

She smiled, "Am okay been doing it for a while. Am only drained 'cause am..."

"Hungry" he finished for her.

She blinked and then giggled as he smiled.

"What do you want to eat?" he asked.

"Tonight I don't want you cooking, mom made dinner for us," she said.

"For us both," he asked

She nodded, "well technically it's the whole family, mom wanted us to officially announce our relationship to the family," she said

"I think they already know but I can't miss your mother's cooking and spending more time with you especially" he pecked her lips.