

After getting caught up in an accident, Li Xin transmigrated into a fantasy novel called 'The Rise of the Heavenly Demon' and became the ultimate villain, Chen Zoe. Arriving fifteen years prior to the original plot, he decides to change his dark destiny and distance himself from the protagonist at any cost. However, his plans were ruined when the protagonist becomes his disciple, a twist that wasn't even part of the original novel. To escape from this situation, Chen Zoe tries every method to make the protagonist leave his side, but nothing works; in fact, it brings them even closer. They start to develop feelings for each other, but they never expect that their love will bring disaster to the entire world.

Black_Queen666 · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

Protected by a dragon

Yuzhen couldn't understand the feeling he was experiencing when he saw a face he had never seen before. His body acting upon itself as the same, when he met his master for the first time.

Suddenly, an explosion rocked the area, and demonic energy spread everywhere. Demons swarmed the scene, and people fled in fear. The demons showed no mercy as they mercilessly attacked and killed humans.

The demon commander shouted loudly, "Kill them all! Leave no one alive!"

Witnessing everything, Chen Ling came forward to fight against them. As a member of Chen, her pride doesn't let her run off like a coward. With the power of water that she was blessed with Chen Ling tried to subjugate the situation. Local guards also joined the fight.

Chen Zoe, in disguise, had no choice but to stay back. Revealing his true identity would not only damage his pride but tarnish the reputation of his clan. He intended to transform back when he found a secure spot for the change and went to look for a place.

After successfully transforming back to his real self without any flaws, Chen Zoe returned. However, the situation went worse than before. Something weird were happening to everyone, they were collapsing and a dark energy coming out from them. Once it happens, they start to attack others as they are being controlled by someone.

'What on earth is happening here? It feels like I've walked into a zombie movie.

Where's Yuzhen? He isn't fighting the demons. Where could he be?' While searching for Yuzhen, Chen Zoe fought against both the controlled humans and the demons.

Not knowing what happened to him, a slight fear rise in Zoe's mind. If it is fantasy or real world, Li Xin (Zoe) never hated Yuzhen not even once. He only feared the future that leads his death because of Yuzhen. However, after start to be his master by fate slowly changed everything.

Yuzhen wins his master heart, as a disciple and friend (for Ziya). Because of that, Zoe's could not help but search for Yuzhen in the middle of chaos.

 Finally, he found Yuzhen but his state wasn't in a good shape like others. Dark energy coming out of his body as well.

"Yuzhen..." Zoe rushed to him, attempting to purify Yuzhen with his mana. However, it had the opposite effect, especially since Yuzhen was not human in the first place.

His mana being strengthen the dark energy pouring out of Yuzhen. Even it begins to absorb the demonic energy surrounds there and then the energy entirely enveloped Yuzhen.

For a moment, everything paused. The attention of humans and demons turn towards Yuzhen, because their energy been continuously sucked up by Yuzhen's energy.

With unbelievable eyes, Chen Ling look at Yuzhen as she figures out what happening. Not wasting a second, she moved her sword, controlled by all her mana, with the intent to kill Yuzhen.

Before it pierces the energy wall, it stuck in the middle by Lei Wei, golden mana flowing out from his body resists Chen Ling's power. Witnessing the scene, Chen Zoe sat there in a daze of what exactly happening there.

But he couldn't be in daze any longer, when Lei Wei redirected the sword towards Chen Ling. Before it touches her body, Zoe's sword stands in between Chen Ling and her sword.

"Senior brother…" Chen Ling called out while recognizing the sword. Because of Zoe stand behind the energy wall, totally covered her view from seeing him before.

Shocking everyone, the energy wall surrounding Yuzhen began to crack, and dark energy surged forth, affecting everyone except one person: Chen Zoe.

Back to the present.

Chen Zoe couldn't resist the kiss, which resulted from Yuzhen's sudden movement. However, it triggered a vivid vision.

In his vision, a dragon soared through a dark sky, the land below consumed by flames, and the cries of people filled the air. In the midst of the inferno, he saw a figure resembling himself.

Zoe's eyes snapped open; his ocean blue pupils slowly turn to red as Yuzhen's energy absorbed into his body. Suddenly, Lei Wei's power struck Yuzhen, causing him to fall to the ground.

Chen Zoe came back to his normal self, and couldn't understand what just happened to him. Before he could comprehend the situation, a bright golden light filled his vision, and his consciousness faded.

When he regained consciousness, Zoe found himself in a cave, lying beside Yuzhen, he back to his normal form. He heard coughing from outside and ventured to see what was happening.

Outside, he saw the golden-haired man, who almost killed him few years back. But now, he was coughing up blood. As footsteps approached behind him, he turned back to his child form (Lei Wei) and looked back.

"Sister Ziya..." Lei Wei spoke affectionately but was interrupted as Chen Zoe threw a rock to stop his act.

"Why are you throwing a stone at such a young child..." Before he could finish, another rock struck his stomach.

"Return to your true self and explain everything."