
Unbound Familiar

An avid gamer nerd's dreams come true in another brutal yet lucky? fashion. Follow him as he does his best not to die in laughably humiliating ways, all while trying to escape his abrupt and unwanted servitude. Will his knowledge of the world he finds himself help him succeed? Will he return home? Will evolve past his title of 'Dog'? Read and find out! This will be another multiversal world-hopping story, similar to my other one, EBW. I'll not spoil the surprise of the first world, but Skyrim will eventually be involved... And no, I'll not be adhering to plot, instead destroying it and hopefully not butchering the original story in the process. Feel free to join my Discord : https://discord.gg/EJxRKkwtDm Also, if you enjoy my stories, want to read ahead, and or support me. Take a look at my Patreon : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross Also, I've 'borrowed' the picture from : greenmapple17, on Deviant Art.

Niggross · Videojogos
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713 Chs

Uninvited Visitor

A week passed after Maria's arrival and things had started to pick up pace. Firstly, was Faralda taking Megumin as her Apprentice. The Altmer mage had apparently gotten word of her actions down in Falkreath, and the Arch-Mage had even recommended her to the woman.

Megumin was both surprised and excited at this, feeling that she was finally being recognised for her talents... It seemed as if she'd found a fellow soul when it came to destructive tendencies... While Feralda kept it in check unlike Megumin, it didn't take long for her to show the explosive girl an area near the North Sea where she'd practise her spells to her heart's content.

With Megumin getting taken as an Apprentice, it seems as if Falion, the Conjuration master also wished to get a finger in the pie, as the saying goes. Tiffania was now Apprenticing under him, her ability to use Void magic made her incredibly talented when it came to Conjuration, so it wasn't a hard sell. She was making sure to keep her private research secret however, even the slightest chance of such things reaching the eyes or ears of a Daedric Prince sent shivers of fear through both her and Michael.

Maria had formally been taken as an Apprentice of the College as well, beginning to learn Tamrielic magic like everyone else there was. She didn't have a wand from Halkeginia, so she wasn't able to use Halkeginian magic which left her pretty defenceless...

As for what Michael was doing? Currently, he was sifting through the small pile of letters that'd been sent his way. Almost all of them were requests from the various Holds of Skyrim for him to visit them.

Hjaalmarch, the Reach, Eastmarch, the Pale, hell, even the Rift wanted a piece of him. Some were sent by representatives of the Jarl's while some were from Thanes belonging to their Holds. But one thing was common among all of them. Everyone wanted him in one way or another. He wasn't sure of Dengeir or Galmar had overexaggerated his presence in the battle against the Forsworn, but it was causing him nothing but trouble regardless.

Fortunately, while it' caused a lot of problems, he'd also gained a lot from it. The primary thing being the changes to his Shadow Shaman Spirit's abilities.

Since Darth had become his Familiar, he'd essentially replaced Rhasta's serpents. Causing all of his spells to change... Along with the Affinities it'd previously granted.


Name : Michael Tahlin

Rank : Hero

Stats :

Strength : 32 > 35

Agility : 56.5 > 60.2

Intelligence : 44 > 47

Birthsign : The Mage

Familiar : Darth, Dark Monolith Parasite

Abilities :

[The Mage] : Enables user to learn all magic-based skills 20% faster.

[Gandalfr] : Enables user to utilise any weapon at two ranks above their current proficiency while granting them the knowledge necessary to use them. While wielding a weapon, temporarily gain +100% in all stats.

[Language Comprehension] : Enables user to understand all spoken tongues, and increase the rate of which they learn reading and writing.

[Novice Mana Manipulation] : Allows user more control over his magic, spells, and some abilities. Mana efficiency and control of power is increased.

[Pain Tolerence] : Allows user to endure great amounts of pain with little to no negative effects as a result.

[Apprentice basic Swordsmanship(Two handed swords/One handed swords)] : Determines how skilful the user is when handling swords.

[Apprentice basic Dagger techniques(Single edge, curved, straight, double edge.)] : Determines how skilful the user is when handling daggers.

Affinities :

[Lesser Water Affinity], [Fire Affinity], [Lesser Lightning Afffinity] > [Lesser Space Affinity], [Lesser Darkness Affinity], [Ice Affinity]

Spirits :

Commoner Tier :

Shadow Shaman : MAX

Slark : Lvl MAX

Riki : Lvl MAX

Hero Tier :

Anti-Mage : MAX

Lina : MAX

Winter Wyvern : 1 > 7

Magic :



Spirit : Shadow Shaman

Level : MAX

Abilities :

Carnival Tricks > Dark Lights (Rank 4) : Allows user to form ephemeral shapes, creatures, and patterns to terrify or misdirect the target.

Ether Shock > Spatial Scatter (Rank 4) : Casts a cone of ethereal energy that strikes multiple enemies.

Hex (Rank 4) : Temporarily transforms the target into a harmless chicken.

Shackle > Spatial Grip (Rank 4) : Magically binds an enemy in shadow chains that lock their body in place for the duration.

Serpent Wards > Monolith Wards (Rank 3) : Summons multiple Monolith Wards to attack any nearby enemies.

Ether Strike > Spatial Strike (Rank 1 > 2) : Uses a Contracted Spirit to enhance a single strike. Damage is multiplied depending on mana used and the base strength of the attack itself.


Yeah, the power of each of these spells had been enhanced significantly, most likely because he was no longer boring Rhasta's spirits. His new Lesser Spatial Affinity also made it easier for him to use Blink and Blink Strike. Their distance had increased along with the speed at which he could use them.

Rhasta had been surprised that he'd found a Familiar while still being unable to sense Spirits. Still, he was amused by Darth and the form he'd taken, calling him 'A peculiar artificial Spirit', whatever that meant.

Other than that, he'd continued with his magic studies, which now included Lina's lessons on how to control fire via the 'Solar Goddess Arts' which was what she'd learned initially. Sadly, since she was a genius in all things fire, her teaching left a lot to be desired... Her tips were sometimes just 'So you flick your wrist and push fire out." without acknowledging the fact that Michael couldn't just summon fire at will... Regardless, he felt like he was making some progress, he could now light candles without a proper spell... If that was something to brag about...

He also couldn't help himself from trying to flirt with her to get a reaction from her, but as hot as she was, she shot all attempts down with a coldness matching the weather in Skyrim.

Shaking his head, he's about to go through the rest of his letters but stops when he feels a dagger suddenly be pressed against his throat. He freezes up, having not heard or felt anything before this... "Who is this?" he asks while attempting to calm his heart... He wouldn't be able to do anything, even cast Blink Strike without getting stabbed... Even Dark Pact would require him to injure himself, and Shadow Dance wouldn't do anything but obscure him from his attacker. It wouldn't do anything to stop him from getting shanked in the neck or face.

"My mistress wished to contact you... You have something of hers." the feminine-sounding assassin whispers into his ear.

Ah shit. Nightingale? "Uh huh?" he asks, feeling Darth begin to act from his shadow. Before the assassin realises what's happening, Darth's clawed hand shoots up and grips the arm wielding the dagger, pulling it away from Michael and allowing him to stand. He turns and grabs the Nightingale's throat, pushing them against the wall as Darth steals the dagger from her grasp.

"So, what do you want?" he asks, watching her keenly for any other hidden weapons.

"You're strong... My Mistress wished to thank you for what you did to the traitor, Mercer Frey, and to make an offer."

"Oh, I don't suppose this is a 'deal you can't refuse' situation?" he asks.

"No. My Mistress only wishes for you to hand back the key. Do so, and she will grant you luck enough to never meet hardship again!" she states. "But first, you must hand over the key!"

Michael hums to himself, her words brought back a few memories of the game, particularly the fact that Nocturnal was powerless in Nirn after Mercer had sealed away the portal to her realm... This probably meant that this assassin here was one of her only followers left... "How about this? I kill you and keep the key, deal?"


"Fool, Nocturnal will curse you if you try!" she angrily retorts.

Michael nods, "Oh? I thought she couldn't do anything since the portal was sealed?" he asks, being just specific enough to imply a greater knowledge.

The Nightingale freezes, "H-how do you know!?"

Michael gives a shrug, "Well, I do now." he says and glances at Darth, prompting the shadow arm to plunge the girl's stolen dagger into her neck, bypassing her armour and killing her on the spot. He stows her body into his inventory and silently curses the bind he'd put himself into... "Well, I've got their attention now..."

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

If you like my content or want to read ahead please go to : https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.

Also, thanks to my patrons for their support :



Faruk Ereng

Niggrosscreators' thoughts