
Legend's Return

The carriage is soon drawn to the gates of Helgen, and the prisoners are given a small tour of the settlement before they're brought to the courtyard where many Imperial soldiers await them and the other prisoners.

"W-why are we stopping?" the horse thief mutters as the carriage pulls up beside the others.

"End of the line." Ralof says as the prisoners are pulled off of the carriage and into a line with an Imperial Captain and Ledger at the end of it.

Surtr looked to the side and spotted General Tullius watching with some Thalmor at his side... "Damned traitor." he found himself unconsciously muttering.

Galmar nods, "Elf lover, would sell out his kin to be pet on the head by them."

"W-wait! I'm not a rebel! You can't do this!" the horse thief shouts.

"Shut your mouth and face death with some pride." Galmar says, giving the man a jab with his shoulder, pushing him into the line.

The imperial captain ignores the thief's pleading, "Step towards the block when you hear your name. One at a time!"

"Empire loves their damn lists..." Ralof sneers as Ulfric's name is shouted out.

The Jarl of Windhelm moves forwards without question, giving the Captain a slight glare as he moves into position.

"You're killing a true Nord Skyrim." Galmar states as Ulfric moves.

"Shut your mouth, traitor. You'll be following him, be sure of that!" the Captain says before the ledger calls out the next person.

"Ralof of Riverwood."

Ralof moves forwards, stepping past the Imperial ledger, "Proud of yourself, Hadvar?" he says as he walks, not waiting for an answer.

The ledger, Hadvar, has to forcibly restrain himself from replying as the Captain breathes down his neck. "Next, Lokir of Rorikstead."

"N-No! I'm not a rebel! You can't do this!" the horse thief shouts, finally losing his nerve and making a run for it, only to be tackled to the floor by the nearby Imperials. He continues to struggle until the soldiers lose their temper, driving a sword into his ribs, causing him to scream out in terror and agony as he quickly succumbs to his wounds.

"Anyone else!?" the Captain growls threateningly, prompting the ledger to continue.

Finally, it's Surtr's turn. "You, I don't know yo-Oh wait, wrong page..." Hadvar corrects himself despite his mini brain-fart. "Surtr of Stonehills."

Surtr makes his way to the rest in front of the block, finding Ulfric facing off with Tullius.

"Ulfric Stormcloak. Some here in Helgen call you hero, but a hero doesn't use a power like the voice to murder his King and usurp his throne." Tullius pauses, as if waiting for a response that wouldn't come.

"You started this war, plunged Skyrim into chaos! And now the Empire is going to put you down and restore the peace!" Tullis announces.

Galmar chuckles at the side, "Arguing with a gagged and restrained man and thinking you're in the right. That's the Empire for you! Too afraid to face its actual enemies!"

"Aye!" the group of bound Stormcloak all agree, forcing the Imperials to silence them with force.


No one takes notice of the strange echo that passes by, Tullius walks away and has Legate Rikke order the nearby priest to give the Stormcloaks their last right. Before they're able to begin, however, a Stormcloak steps towards the block on his own initiative. "Let's just get this over with! I haven't got all day!"

"If you wish..." the priest mutters, uncaring over whether she gives the sermon or not, stepping away to allow the execution to continue.

"My ancestors are smiling upon me Imperials! Can you say the same!?" the man says as he rests his head on the block.



His head is cut by the executioner's large axe and falls into the basket positioned under him.

"YOU IMPERIAL BASTARDS!" another Stormcloak exclaims as the man's death, causing the others to give similar sentiments.

"Enough! Next! The 'Warrior of Justice'." Rikke says, giving Surtr a disappointed look. "We let you go once, this is your end, I hope you're happy with your decision." she says, stepping on his back to force him into the proper position.

Surtr turns his head to look at the Stormcloaks, each of them scowling at the executioner.

"I'll be following you shortly my friend. Wait for me in Sovngarde." Galmar says with a firm, restrained expression.

Ralof nods, "It's up to the others now to save Skyrim. We can rest..."


"There it is again... What is it?" Hadvar mutters as another echo drifts through the area.

"T-there! What in Oblivion is that!?" another Imperial exclaims as the executioner raises his axe. Not noticing the huge black scaled beast flying towards them.


It lands heavily on the nearby tower, causing the entire town of Helgen to rumble, along with knocking the executioner over, saving Surtr from getting his haircut...

"D-DRAGON!" someone shouts as the great beast looks down at them... One brave and or stupid Imperial dared to shoot an arrow at it, the projectile bouncing off of its scales as if it'd hit a stone wall. This proves to be the catalyst for the beast to act.

"LOK YOL MAH!" the dragon roars, causing a shockwave to explode outwards, covering everything in sight while causing the clouds above Helgen to start circling ominously... Then, flaming meteors begin descending, exploding with ferocity once they strike the ground.

The winds pick up, almost becoming enough to blow a child clear off of their feet, and causing all the arrows shot by the Imperial to steer radically off course.

Everyone panics, General Tullius shouts during the chaos to kill Ulfric, but is forced to grab his men and flee when Ulfric takes the chance to run away into a nearby tower.

"MAH JOOR, ZU'U, ALDUIN LOST DAAL! HIN LEIN LOS DII!" the dragon shouts in its strange language before turning its head to the nearby buildings.

"YOL TOR SHUL!" it roars, unleashing a tidal wave of unstoppable fire from its maw, igniting most buildings in Helgen, at least, the ones which were not instantly turned to ashes. He then turns his head towards a large gathering of Imperial soldiers who were trying to escort the civilians out of the city... "FUS RO DAH!" he shots again, turning everyone caught in the subsequent shockwave to turn into red mist. Even from such a distance, his attack is utterly devastating, as if those people had been directly in front of a bullet train.

Even just being nearby the shout causes Surtr to lose consciousness, everything going black as the shout washes over him.

Hope you bois liked the chap, if I missed anything please let me know. Thanks!

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Faruk Ereng

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