
Chapter 2

"Urragh! my fucking head" My head hurts, pounding, I'm worried my brain will explode but oh silly willy me. Im dying. Im dead. I stir again but feel bile coming up fast.

"Bllrrrggh" - " ah, gross" yup. Definitely dying.

"That ... was a gift"

I shot my eyes open and instantly regretted it "Ah, ah the light is too bright and loud" I try to recall last night and where I am. I should be in my hotel room but the bed is soft, not hard and lumpy.

Six drinks. Blonde asshole. Shadow man. Flying-

I hop up to my feet with a half assed karate stance, head still pounding and eyes burning with the bright searing sunlight I make out my nightmares friend. I relax a bit and bow tipping my imaginary hat, rising " sorry I thou- ah- bllrrrgh-shit. Sorry, I'll clean it up" I puked on his floor and thankfully not on any clothes or rug. 'I feel better now atleast..Yaay...' I look at him and see his gesture to the bed, on the stand beside it theres a mess of my stonach acid and yesterday's snacks. I cringe, oh god that's nasty...you did that, if he thought you attractive before he definitely doesn't now. Stupid thoughts sing songed the last part I cringed more.

He walked up to the stand and picked up a little thimble and the acorn beside it, completely covered in vomit. He gave me a side glare and walked out the room.

Alright, I'm on his bad side... for now.. I start thinking of ways to getting him warmed up to me, food, the answer is always food.

I smooth out my dress and see the mirror "Jesus Christ!" My hair is knotted in tangles and sticking out all over the place and my eyes are smodged, black mascara and eyeliner smeared giving raccoon eyes and my red lipstick smeared on my cheek and dried drool maybe a bit of puke down the corner of my lips.

Recoiling at my reflection I remembered his face looking at me before I backed down my fake karate stance. Raised eyebrows, wide eyes and tight lips. Here I thought I woke up like a warrior princess when, in actuality, I probably looked like a crazed crack whore. Great.

Shadow came in the room with a bucket of water, a few cloths and pair of leather pants, long white tunic and a vest. Probably best I don't smell like vomit all day.

After I washed everything up, and myself of course. I went out to explore the house it's a wood cabin with no electricity, there was some gas lanterns and a few solar lamps around the windows, I looked outside and saw a fire pit a little ways away then noticed vines creeped into the structure and along the ceiling give a rustic cottage feel it was pretty, and a little messy, random things strewn here and there.

Walking out the door I seen Shadows friend walking up the path with determined long strides he didn't bother looking at me just grabbed my arm and pulled me back inside, back to the room and the bed. Well damn, crazed crack whores' his thing I guess

His broad shoulders cast a little shadow over me, he looked like he was having a thought constipation breathing, stilling, releasing and contorting his face. Awkwardly I just stared, he was good looking dressed like he came right out of the pages of Robin Hood but with red and orange locks, pointed tips of his ears slightly stuck out, he was slim and muscular. The air between us grew heavy and statically I could almost feel a buzzing energy as I locked onto his eyes, emerald green hazels speckled with grey and ocean blue. His pupils dialated only a small rim of color remained, it should maybe have freaked me out but I already knew he wasn't normal, maybe a demon? Alarmingly handsome demon, his eyes reminded me of the stray cat that stayed in the alley of my apartment building eyes almost black, small whites 'I should call him kitty and he shall be my kitty' One eyebrow qurked up, then he came down to my ear and 'PrrrPr'

I squeaked and shoved him off me, the contact of skin sent warmth buzz up my arms but the shock that he just fucking purred and oh shit. I must've said that out loud.

"And I shall call you mouse, as you squeak like one." He said laughing at me with his eyes and then his expression hardened again, probably remembering why he dragged me here.

"You had pants to wear" yeeup. Called it.

" are you kidding? Leather pants will chaff the fuck out my thighs" I argue back unconsciously checking. Wrong move. He followed my hands and shot his gaze to the wall.

"Do you.. have anything under that shirt?" He asked through clenched teeth. Again I had to rub my knees together and press my thighs together, I mean goddamn. The dominance oozing out him light a fire. But looking at how high the shirt came up, it wasn't totally decent I'll give him that, but I .. oh no, nevermind.

Smiling sheepishly "Uhh, I.. hang on." I grabbed my dress from last night, loosened the vest and pulled it up to my bra line and tightened the vest back up a little tighter to keep it in place.

Did you just give him a peep show to your BARE ass? Yes. Yesss I did -cue imaginary hair flip-

Slightly smirking I peaked behind me seeing him leaned over the bed frame gripping hard the lines of muscles showed under his forest green sleeved shirt.

Checking the length, I was now decent, the dress came to below my knees, it negatively contrasted a bit but fine. I won't be vain.

He stalked behind me as we made our way back towards the fire pit, there we were greeted by a bunch of kids of various ages.

Dread came over me in waves, feeling his hand settle on me I whirled his way with a left hook to his face, knee to balls a kick to his shin and more punches until he stood up with force and wrapped his arms around me, it felt warm and cozy it made me sick.

I couldn't speak, huffing and puffing with blind rage. Hes the one taking the kids. He has to have Tommy. Tommy should be here I search around not seeing him but they all have slack jaws and open mouths, utterly shocked.

"You need to calm down" He said into my ear, hot breath trailing down my neck.

"Tell me where Tommy is. It was You! You have been taking the kids. You!" I try kicking and wiggling out of his grip

"Stop. Doing. That."-"NO" I try bucking to create space. Then I'm pushed against a tree, his knee between my legs and hands holding my arms above my head, before think about head butting he grabs some of my hair to restrain me more uhg fuck if he wasn't a mass kidnapper ... shit, nope still hot. Goddamn.

"I'm not kidnapping them, I'm saving them. They have a choice to leave but they never do, only some truly wish to go home. They are lost boys, I take care of them and keep them safe. That man, that monster you think I'm working with is the one who does the kidnapping. Hear me, and hear me clearly I don't know if Tommy is here or there, I do know that I don't work with that man, I work against him. His name is James Hook, my name is Peter. Okay?"

I feel crazy, I mean who wouldn't Haha.

"Ahaha.. so your Peter Pan? The boy who never grows up and this place is Neverland?" I read the story books, he's playing me, no. Demons yeah definitely, much like vampires even, Oof yeah. But fairy tales? Nope.

"Amariah, sometimes they do want to go home. Once a lost boy, always a lost boy."

"No fucking way, your a man." Gesturing from his head and feet, then using both hands to point at his dick. Red rose from the line of his shirt to his cheeks.

"Like all creatures, I do age, only very, very slowly" clearing his throat "I am a sort of ancient species. I'm not a fairy but I'm a shifter fae"

Still dumbly looking at him, I begin to wonder just how old is he? - "my body is of a 30 year old I believe and I've been alive since ... ah maybe the 10th or 12th something hundreds" He said with a tap to his heels.

I really gotta keep these thoughts locked in.

"Wait, what about shadow?"

"He is my shadow of course, we've been two halves of a whole for awhile now. Lately hes been hung around you to make sure your safe and sound." He said matter of factly, but I don't find the hidden meaning to his words.

"Noo... I don't get it, why stick around? If he's your shadow why haunt me everywhere ? You know how many close calls I've had to covere up murder because of him? I havent been able to lose my fucking virginity!" My eyes bulge and I slap my hands over my mouth oh good god I did NOT just say that

He smiled like the chesire cat his eyes slightly brightened like he was proud "Yes. I know because your mine." That's it. That's it, that's all. Like 'your mine' and happily smiling explains all.

Oh what a little sh- no. Don't. Settle the shit with Tommy First, thenn deal with the magical maniac.

Mr Peter already mosiond back to the fire pit. I smelled bacon wafting through the tree line and my mouth watered, picking up my pace I seen a large table with tree stumps for chairs, the table was plank of wood you can tell its been added on its length and I couldnt help but wonder just how long have these children stayed here for?

"Here, Pete says you would be mighty hungry an' tats why yous fought 'im. I neva seen the like take 'im down before. Oh an' me names is Gins. Forr Finnigans" A boy around 7 or 8 smiled brightly at me as I took the heavy plate, it was stacked mountain high with bacon, eggs, fish and berries topped like a flag, a leaf. I smiled back at the sweet kid "Thank you very much Gins. It's true, a lady isn't herself when shes hungry" He gave another big smile and sat down with his plate proudly nodding at the other boys. I laughed and ate as much as I could. It wasn't hard, once I started I didnt stop till the leaf made it to the plate, mountain defeated.

Cheers ran loud down the table everyone slamming their forks, confused I gazed around until something was put on my head. Oh.

"HEAR YEE HEAR YEE ! We Make -'sorry whats yer name?' - "uh Amariah"- ' WE MAKE UHH AMERIAH THE...QUEEN OF TABLES" More cheers ran and I whispered to the boy, "what does it mean?" He smiled sweetly, too sweetly, I knew that look "it means yer dish duty" then he bowed expressively raising his hand way up bowing down. Looking down both ends of the table and back again I see Peter quietly laughing, turning to the boy who gave me the food he shrugged his shoulders "I tried giving you lots miss. But you ate it up fast like a goblin" he shrugged again and diligently nibbled his food.

Ahh fuck me.


17 dishes later, my outfit was soaked, my fingers pruned and my patience levels dropped to the negative scale.

Walking back to the cabin I wondered where all the children sleep, from earlier I couldn't see where or how they all slept but I did just walk out, I walked through the door to utter chaos. Kids all strewn in little piles, there wasn't a clear path to the bedroom. Peter came throigh another door "Alright Boys! Come up ! Its time to officially meet someone." There behind him a stampede of kids came through and huddled in other piles, I eagerly looked at each face searching for Tommy.

Noo, he's not here... I felt my heart constrict. Peter layed a hand on my back and I nodded to him. "Everyone meet Amariah, she might stay here for awhile" Some boys nodding acceptance and others looked curious and a few looked outright mad.

"She can't stay here! She will make Wendy mad!" Everyone looked shocked at the boy but the other 4 closest to him looked supportive.

Leaning back I whispered to him "Wait, Wendy's real too?" After a few moments of no response I turned to look at him, his face was withdrawn and sombre but his eyes started to narrow on the boys and I seen his arms flex through his shirt sleeves clenching his hands. Oof, damn.

Thinking an ass whooping about to be layed on the kid he was mobbed into a giant hug pit. No escape, he and the others where squished and held tightly by the little mob. I didnt expect that, silently laughing to myself.

"When have you guys Wendy? And where?" He peered at them and the boys squirmed. "I told ALL of you that she isn't the Wendy we once knew" Swallowing and clenching his jaw he continued again "She is not, nor will she ever be your mother. Not a single bit." Theres was a boom of thunder and pouring rain, it was literally just sunny and clear, what the fu-

"SO SHES OUR MOM NOW?" The boy yelled out. Tears streaming down his face and snot coming out his nose, his supporters looked expectant and defiantly at me, tears on there faces too.

Raising my hands in mock surrender "Please, no." Instead of being joined in hesitant laughter everyone seemed to deflate. Aahhh for fucksakes. "I am not mommy material. BUT-christ kids are sensitive-But, I will be your older sister, or auntie if your okay with it. Im not ready to be a mother. Haha..haa.." l died my pathetic laugh as they looked curiously at me. A random brown haired boy with a scar from his ear to his chin came up to me. "I would like a sister like Tomtums" marching up and hugging me by the legs.

"Who was Tomtums? And where is he?" A memory came to light ' - "those are cool" .."theyre called totems not tomtums" "well i like how i say it. Sounds cooler"-- I looked at the boy desperately placing my hands on his shoulders "Where is Tomtums?"

"He was taken"-Taken by Hook"-HOOKS GOT 'IM" They all started saying and shouting wanting to heard first. My mind whirled and I looked to Peter. He must've connected the dots, he was shaking his head slowly at me.

"I have to get my brother" We were sitting on a log by the beach a few minutes from the cabin. This place was beautiful, looking around me wondering what other pretty spots it had but I couldn't right now. My brother was here.

"It's dangerous, you can't march onto Hooks ship without a plan. You can be captured or worse killed." He tried. Shrugging my shoulders.

"I'll only dies if you let me, and so far I haven't even been able to-" I was cut off by his lips capturing mine. My arms went slack then I grabbed onto his hair, tugging. He kissed me hard, hand at my nape pulling my head more back. I kissed him back with just as much force, a moan escaped me. At the sound he prr'd and the vibration of it set off a trail of heat down to my core oh my great go- I pulled back and shoved him by his chest. He didn't move and inch. bitch.

"Okay, that was nice, I will admit-ahem-but I do still want to get my brother. Annd I want to know the deal with Wendy." I said while untangling myself from him, standing up I stepped back. Not fully trusting myself to pounce on him to finish what he started.

His eyes were hooded and his arms hovered slightly but let them fall to his lap. Taking a breath in he faced me again a calm and relaxed face, really he looked dazed "We make out a plan first. Then we will go. And yes, we, I'm not letting you do it alone." I felt a tension of warmth again but disregard it. I'm very much like a cat in heat. With that thought in mind I peaked a glance to his-hm. Nice bulge. Smirking I tilted my head to the cabin, oh I am going to seduce this fucker. I picked up the pace then slowed myself down as we hit the little hill, I tried to sway hips a bit extra to torcher him. Hearing a huff I smiled to myself.

Goals : Explore the island

Get Tommy back

Seduce Peter and finally get some dick

"So Wendy.. what happened?" I asked him, looking back a dark expression showed on his face. Eesh touchy subject. "We talk about it later"

"No, I just... Its... OK. Long story short, she came back to neverland with Hook. He took her and tried to use her as bait but in the end of it." -he paused, taking in a deep breath-"She stayed with him. And she has been with him since." We stayed quiet for a moment "I don't blame her, I was still a kid to her and she grew up, like I said, I age slowly" Nodding my head, not knowing what to say, I mean, according to Disney's version he loved her.

"Did you know there's a whole series about you?"

"Yeah, Barrie was a lost boy and he wrote about me. I sent him back home. Back then I .. didn't really like company"

"Ahh, and Wendy?"

"I know the stories say I swept her here but it was actually my pixie fairy. Linx didn't like being the only female and with the boys I keep saving I grew exhausted constantly traveling to and fro so I gave them the option to stay and a lot did. Wendy, was entranced and eager to prove her worth. I hated how much she thought she was mature and proper. Going off all the time about kids needing mothers and setting up decorum, she stayed for a bit. I think it was a few months. But a few weeks here is quite a long time already in your world. By the time she grew sick of me not letting her lay laws and order us about she cried to go home. She gave me a kissing promise for when I grew up for her and we said goodbye"

I gestured to keep going, I want to know more.

"After a few years went by, more boys asked to go, I let them and then pixie brought her back. She wasn't happy being a teenager and me still a boy and ordered me to grow up. She gave me my acorn back and kissed me then told me she met Barrie, he added her to his stories about me and well you know, stories get turned around all the time. She went back home and well I had growth spurt. I did want to meet her expectations. I wanted to be kissed by her again. I tried, but I couldn't. So when she came back again I was only just the body of a 16 year old and she, a woman of 21" Finished with a glance at me, his lips slightly turned down. "Hook captured her and Linx, I didn't until he delivered a 'gift' he gave me Wendy's thimble she took back and Linxs' wings"

"Jesus christ"

"Yeah, anyway over the years Wendy tries to lure kids for Hook and if she's not busy with that she tries to kill me" He stated matter of factly. I mean damn, talk about a rocky relationship. Its like a heavy case of baby mamma drama, is he worth it? Looking at him more closely, he's toned, loyal, and sweet, obviously a bit sensitive he's over all a catch. Yeah he might be worth it.

"Is Tommy in danger there? I seen that boys scar." I tell him, he looks away for a moment.

"I dont know, Tommys been gone for two months now. Hook took him while they were visiting the mermaids and tried to fight him, I didn't make it on time. I.. I was somewhere else.." Skeptically I examined his features, he was suddenly shy like a kid caught with the cookie jar.

Squinting closely at him "have you been watching me?" I asked. He looked caught.

"Seriously?!" I exclaimed raising my arms. He didn't give any more reaction just a shrug and proud smile. This mother fucker.