
Ultimate Throne

In the grand tapestry of existence, mortality serves as a poignant reminder of the transience of life. Fish succumb to the whims of hunger, their fate a mere trifle in the grand scheme. Humans, on the other hand, surrender to the allure of wealth, a fleeting dream that vanishes like smoke on the wind. Yet, in this world, the currency of trust proves far more perilous. To entrust one’s fate to the wrong individual is to invite despair, to drown in a sea of regret. Trusting a devil will only leave one imprisoned by the chains of pain. When I say “devil,” I don’t mean it in a spiritual sense, but rather a human with the characteristics of a devil. A person capable of lying to himself until his mind believes it to be the truth. Someone who views the world with disdain and wouldn’t care if it disappeared in the next second. On the planet Ablauf, where the extraordinary has become mundane, abilities both grand and trivial are woven into the fabric of existence. like turning into an insect, to the all powerful like reversing time, mind control, and turning illusion into reality. Tito Roux Z, a broken soul from Earth with the ability to turn into flames, lands on this planet with no goals in mind. However, from the second day onward, when he heard about the “Ultimate Throne” granting the rights to be Sovereign of Ablauf from Encender Tohil, a fellow inmate at the time, other thoughts began to form in his dark mind.

Platofox · Ficção Científica
Classificações insuficientes
123 Chs

Camilla Sinclair [1]


I instantly ducked down. A chilling cold air went past me. It cut through the black and white strains of my hair.

"Oh-ho! You dodged that?"

My eyes had no choice, but to look at the owner of that voice sweet small voice.

A pair of monolid ocean blue eyes stare at me, "You are a lot stronger than you look."

I don't know much about woman. However, the pink jumper she is wearing really brings out her athletic-slender figure.

'I Can't win against this alien.' Even if I use my ability winning against her would be nearly impossible. It doesn't make it better that her weapon is made from great stones.

"I am Camilla Sinclair." She introduced herself. Her hand played with her platinum blond hair set in Caesar cut.

Her free right hand pointed her silver shiny broad sword at me, "Remember my name in the afterlife."

"I am Tito Roux Z." I stood up with my dying teammates in my hand, as I put on a smirk, "Your newly wedded husband. Mwah-!"

"What!?" She exploded in rage.

"Run away~" I turned around charging at the group of men chasing me. They looked happy that their prey was coming to them instead. I knew what charging up behind me and grinned.

Swish —!

Hearing the sound of an incoming fierce sword swing. I quickly rolled the ground and the pink skinned woman's sword cut through the necks of the three men. Their blood gushed all over the place, with some entering my mouth.

I had no time to complain about the horrible taste, and just picked up the deadbeat trio. Using my legs to run again, I soon reached a dead end. My body shivered, as I could hear a menacing small laughter behind me.

"Kukuku! Got any last words?"

I turned around with a petrified look. My eyes wondered in between her legs and a wily grin formed on my face.

"Yes, the zip of your Jeans is open."


There was no zip, but as a woman she had to look. Her ocean blue eyes turned back to where I was. However, here was nothing there just like my love for chilly.

"You little runt!"

She followed me again, like a predator. This time I was charging towards the center where the strongest beings in the hall where. I was slightly shivering in fear, and was crying without making a sound.

The first guy who looked in my direction was a frail dude with pale skin. His black leather pantyhose, added with the messy long black hair, made him look like twenty-first century ghost.

I knew better not to judge a book by its cover. Still and all, I just had to say, "Loser! The girl behind me says so!"

"What!?" The loser scowled his face, that looked to be already frowning. I ran past him, and he took out a gun, before shooting at Camilla.

Bang—! Bang—!

Clang—! Clang–!

The pink skinned woman cut through the bullets, as she clicked her tongue. She advanced over to make quick work of the loser. How did he even manage to stay alive during the last seven minutes and a half?

"Get out of my way! I only need Tito's head!'

"Came and get it! You are not even worth fighting!" My face cringed and entered the peak of its ugliness. This time, I really made a crying sound.

I am just making her angry!

Fights were happening around me like poverty these days. I was like a mouse carrying other mice, surrounded by a group of cats.

"Don't touch him! He is mine!" Camilla roared.

All the nasty eyes averted my direction. I messed up with the wrong person. She might be the strongest person in the whole hall.

My entire body is drenched in sweat. However, my fear for Camila is the least of my worries.

'The heart beats of my teammates getting slower by the second.'

Their complexions are turning paler, and I could feel their ice-cold skin. Despite that fact, their eyes remained wide open.

'Darn it! Why do I have to die, because of you people! We don't even know each other! I never did anything wrong to them or anyone! This is not fair!'

I wanted to shout, but I had to keep running. An instant death a minute later, is better than dying now

As I started getting diluted by fear, something plays in my mind.

"The mind is like water. When it's turbulent, it's difficult to see. When it's calm everything is clear."

I took a few deep breaths. It was a troublesome thing to do in a life and death situation. Nonetheless, I had to keep myself serene.

Thanks to Camilla, the other slaughterers are avoiding me. She is insanely strong, yes. That being said, my chances of killing her are increasing as she chases me.

"Can we be civil and talk about this!" I shouted.

My feet propelled in between the other fighters, disrupting their kills. I was still whimpering, like a girl who got her first bee sting.

"Shut up!"


Camilla cut the others in half, as she charges at me. It would have been nice if it were romantically. I never had it before, but I think having someone falling love sick for you is kinda cool.

Ten minutes have gone since this all started. Barely a hundred people remain alive. The weakest person is me, together with my three deadbeats.

It's a thanks to Camilla killing the people I pass by, that I made it this far. However, I am starting to feel tired. The strongest parts of my body are my legs, but they also need rest.

"I surrender! I will give you our name tags!" I shouted.

Furthermore, I turned around to face the pink skinned woman, "My friends are dying, there is no more reason to fight! Not only that, but I am afraid of blades, please make the tentacles kills me."

She placed her broad sword near my neck, making a little cut. A drop of blood falls to my shoulder, and my body unconditionally shivers.

She asks in cold tone, "Do you think, I will listen to your stupid request, just because you have a sorry face?"

If you weren't, you wouldn't be replying.

"I am a masochist. I always wanted to be killed cruelly. If you are going to kill me, make sure to cut me up limb by limb. You can start by my left pinky-finger."

I suddenly grin with both hands on my chest, "Pain is the way to go. To truly die is by being tortured to death. If you don't destroy my name tags, I will pull another trick and let someone do it."

She closed her blue eyes and meditated my words. In her mind, I was going of as an insane person who should be chained up in a mental hospital for self endangerment.

"Fine, give your tags to me. I will give you an ending you deserve."

I took chewing gum together with four name tags and handed them to her.

Not only that, but I maintain my grin, "The gum is my way of thanking you."

"Tsk." Clicking her tongue, she ignored the gum.

Camilla crushed the name tags in one palm.

"Haha, haha!"

Camilla's face contorted at my sudden laughter and asks, "What's so funny about dying?"

I locked my golden eyes onto her, "I am not the one dying, though."

Before she could ponder my words the black tentacles grabbed her, and her sword fell to the ground.

Tap, tap, tap...

I placed my palm on her platinum hair, "Camilla thank you for protecting me, all this time. Your services aren't needed anymore. It's such a waste to lose a fine warrior like you."

My legs finally gave out, and I sat leaning against the black stone walls. I finally took a sigh of relief, and my crocodile tears stopped. I felt like David who just beat up Goliath.

The little alien didn't want me to have peace around and managed to shout, "Tito Roux Z the moment you reach the Supreme Road I will hunt you down!"

"Whatever, just die."

The first loophole; is that as long as the name tags are not destroyed the team stays in the game. A team can lose all their name tags, and won't even get the chance to notice.

There were three individuals Camilla's heart would race for when they faced a stronger opponent. I passed next to those individuals, while stealing their name tags written '7F'. She also happened to spare them.

I stole Camilla's name tag hidden in the back pocket of her leggings, the second time she tried to cut my neck.

The gum I gave her was a distraction to see the letters on the name tags.

I never share sweets that's my creed.

Watching the Alien being ripped apart, I finally muttered, "This calls for something sweet."

Taking up the squished bonbons and brittle candy, I staffed them in my mouth. I added a little strawberry milk on top. The sweetness in my mouth made me forget about all the fighting

"Now I feel refreshed~" I muttered with a calm smile on my face.

Nothing beats the power of eating sugars to calm your mind. Putting a candy cane in my mouth, I picked up my deadbeats and start running again. A group of people were already on to me.

"Where are you running to kid?! Didn't you say that you like a painful death!?"

"I will give you a painful death you desire!?"

"Maybe running away is a way of torturing himself?!"

'Argh! Who would like a painful death? I know, I don't. I only said that to trick Camilla.'

Compared to that pink skinned alien woman, these guys are nothing. I can maintain a fine distance with them and I don't have to use my energy on running.


My eyes shook in puzzlement. The golden eyed girl I was carrying grabbed the edge of my clothes.

She slowly mutters, "Bro…ther..."


— In his childhood days, Tito only interacted with people through stealing from them. He was like a ghost, until he stole from the youngest daughter of the Kronos family.


After that he was sentenced four years in juvenile prison. However, thanks to his cunning mind, he only stayed there for two years.

Sixth Chapter!

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