
Ultimate Harem System

Ultimate Harem System no backstory I’m too damn lazy to write one Mc was just normal died from cancer and never had the chance to have a harem his ultimate goal so he’s going to get one of the biggest ever

DaoistGUnvBL · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Ultimate Harem System What The Fuck

Please read the auxiliary volume for pictures of the characters of you wanna see them because I am not describing them also Mc died from cancer and never got to fulfill his dream of having a massive harem of you really thought I was gonna right a whole ass anime backstory you thought wrong -Author

Hs- Harem System

Mc thoughts have nothing at the end

Example: What does he want

Talking has a dash and then who's talking

Example: What does he want -Ikaris(Mc)

Ikaris(Mc) when talking to system in thoughts

Example: "System what does he want"

Button In System Window = {Tab 3}


Ultimate Harem System Activating -Hs

What!!! I died what felt like a couple days ago I've just been kind of chilling in this black void after my cancer took me out. Now this bit if it's the Ultimate Harem System then I can achieve my dream of having a massive harem. No one will stop me from my dreams gods I don't care giants, titans who gives a shit no one will stop my path to become the harem king. I always wanted a harem so I naturally found anime but it pissed me off when people like Issei sat around and talked about boobs when he could've been having sex the whole time all these girls clearly horny for him if I ever get to travel the multiverse I'm going to kill him where he stands.

Highschool DxD added to list of beginning worlds to travel to -Hs

A grin that could only be said to have bad intentions appears on my face. "System open access panel and give me a brief tutorial"



Level: 1

Race: Human {Beginning Evolution Route}

Health: 30/30 (Average Human: 100/100)

Mana: 100/100 (Average Human: 10/10)

Stamina: 20/20 (Average Human 100/100)

Class: None {Options}

Secondary Class: None {Options}

Vitality: 3 (Average Human: 10)

Strength: 3 (Average Human: 10)

Speed: 4 (Average Human: 10)

Agility: 3 (Average Human: 10)

Endurance: 2 (Average Human: 10)

Regen: 1 (10 health per hour) Average: 3

Intelligence: 10 (Average: 1)

Wisdom: 2 (20 mana per hour) Average 0.1

Charisma: 5 (Average Human: 10) ]

Skill Points: 0


What the fuck are those stats those are fucking bullshit why are mine so low. "System why are my stats so low"

You had cancer of-course your stats are low did you just think you would reset to a normal human the system took your consciousness and replicated your body the moment of death the system didn't give you a new body -Hs

That's fucking dumb whatever can't change the past. "System open Beginner Evolution Route"

Opening Beginner Evolution Route -Hs

[Evo Options

{Semi Lesser Vampire: +5 vitality, regen, and strength every level}

{Semi Lesser Werewolf: +5 speed, agility, endurance every level}

{Semi Lesser Lich: +7 intelligence and wisdom every level (skeleton transformation neglected by Hs)}


Hmm I always wanted to focus in magic so maybe Semi Lesser Lich especially because the Skelton part is neglected "System Select Semi Lesser Lich}

Evolution into Semi Lesser Lich Beginning -Hs

|Time Skip|

Huh how long was I out "System how long was I out also was evolution completed and go ahead and open my status while your at it "

14 hours and 23 minutes also evolution has been completed status Tab has also been opened -Hs



Level: 1

Race: Human {Beginning Evolution Route}

Health: 50/50

Mana: 300/300

Stamina: 40/40

Class: None {Options}

Secondary Class: None {Options}

Vitality: 5 (+1 per lvl)

Strength: 4 (+1 per lvl)

Speed: 6 (+1 per lvl)

Agility: 5 (+1 per lvl)

Endurance: 4 (+1 per lvl)

Regen: 1.5 (15 health per hour) (+1 per lvl)

Intelligence: 30 (+7 per lvl)

Wisdom: 5 (50 mana per hour) (+7 per lvl)

Charisma: 100 (+1 per lvl)

Skill Points: 0 (+5 per lvl)


What the fuck why is my Charisma so high "System explanation please" A mirror summons In front of me what the fuck why am I so handsome.

Author- picture posted in the comments at the bottom of this chapter

Charisma is high because of the side effects of the evolution it caused your hair to turn white skin to be more fair and eyes to turn red causing you to become more handsome -Hs

More handsome I'm ten times more hot then the average human anyways "system open the options for class and then secondary class when I finished picking"

Opening Both Class Options selected evolution effecting Main Class selection Main Class must involve magic -Hs

[ Main Class Selection

{Mage: Increased proficiency in magic, easier to learn magic spells, +10 intelligence and wisdom per level}

{Elemental Mage: Increased proficiency in elemental magic, easier to learn elemental magic spells, +10 intelligence and wisdom per level}

{(Special Class) Broadsword Battle Mage: Increased proficiency in Broadsword, Magic, and Battle techniques, easier to learn skills related to Broadswords and Battle and easier to learn spells for magic, +2 in every stat category, Heavy Armor and Broadsword that grow with user}


What the hell that last one is over powered "System Select Broadsword Battle Mage Class"

You know you can just press the button to select the class right selecting Class anyways -Hs

Oh now I feel kinda dumb well whatever too late now alright I hope the secondary class gives me a special class too.

[Secondary Class Selection

{Lustful Being Class: Increased proficiency in skills that help the user obtain woman, easier to obtain skills that help the user obtain woman, +10 in charisma per level}


What is that all I can select I mean I'm not surprised I would've picked that anyways so I could reach my goal but I mean come on I press on the Class.

Classes assimilating and inserting into status updating process -Hs



Level: 1

Race: Semi Lesser Lich

Health: 60/60

Mana: 310/310

Stamina: 50/50

Class: Broadsword Battle Mage

Secondary Class: Lustful Being

Vitality: 6 (+3 per lvl)

Strength: 5 (+3 per lvl)

Speed: 7 (+3 per lvl)

Agility: 6 (+3 per lvl)

Endurance: 5 (+3 per lvl)

Regen: 2.5 (25 health per hour) (+3 per lvl)

Intelligence: 31 (+9 per lvl)

Wisdom: 6 (60 mana per hour) (+9 per lvl)

Charisma: 101 (+13 per lvl)

Skill Points: 0 (+5 per lvl)



Well it's a good start my stats are still kinda shit but it works for now I press the Tab2 button.



Broadsword Proficiency: lvl 1

(Proficiency with any broadsword allows broadswords to do more damage, be handled more skillfully, and be lighter for user upon level up)

Heavy Shield Proficiency: lvl 1

(Proficiency with any shield allows attacks to be blocked easier with shields and be lighter for user upon lvl up)

Heavy Armor Proficiency: lvl 1

(Proficiency with Heavy armor allowing it to be lighter to the user and protect the user more from attacks upon level)


Enhance Weight: lvl 1 (10 mana per minute)

(Allows the user to enhance the weight of an object or themselves typically used on weapons so the pack more of a punch able to enhance to be even heavier upon level up)

Fireball: lvl 1 (20 mana per shot)

(A ball of fire extrudes from your hand causing fire damage to the enemy becomes more powerful upon level up)

Harem Crest: lvl Max

(Anyone who joins your harem shall be marked with your harem crest somewhere on there body which permanently adds them to your harem and makes it so they can't cheat)

ID Create: lvl Max

(Allows the user to create instant dungeons of different difficulties and train in them)

ID Escape: lvl Max

(Allows the user to leave the instant dungeons created)



Alright that's pretty nice it's good to know that my woman can't leave me or cheat on me. I press the Tab3 button



{Magical Broadsword: Grows with the user }

{Magical Heavy Armor: Grows with the user }

{Magical Heavy Shield: Grows with the user}



Alright I was wonder where my class items went there they are I proceed to press all of the buttons but all that summons are at most a very broad dagger a barely bigger light armor and a small shield with the shape of a taller shield that covers most of your body rather than the small round ones. "System explain this and send them back when your done explaining"

Class items grow with the user and since the user is extremely weak the class items are too -Hs

Are you fucking kidding me my Class items disappear back into the inventory that's kinda stupid might as well grind until they're useful. I press the Tab4 button




Harem Subcategories:





Ah so there is a harem pac that will make it more useful managing my harem I'll just press Tab5 then since there's nothing else to do here



First world select options

{Naruto: The world of Hot Ninjas}

{One Piece: The endless sea of Sexy Pirates}

{Highschool DxD: The open world of woman with massive tits}



As much as I would love to go to Naruto or One Piece there's only so many woman there while DxD has a lot and I want to kill that piece of shit Issei. But first let's use that sweet sweet ID Create to grind before even leaving this endless black void.

Sorry but in order to use any Skills or Spells you have to leave the Tutorial area but transferring to Highschool DxD -Hs

Damn it that's bullshit well whatever off to the land of DxD wait maybe I should've went somewhere else to grind instead of one where there's dragons and shit ready to kill me wait I wanna go back let me pick Naruto I'd rather face Pain and Obito System please.


Basically a big tutorial chapter thing anyways hope you enjoyed have a good day -Author