
Ultimate Harem System

Ultimate Harem System no backstory I’m too damn lazy to write one Mc was just normal died from cancer and never had the chance to have a harem his ultimate goal so he’s going to get one of the biggest ever

DaoistGUnvBL · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

New Beginnings

Why do I feel so sick going to another world is not very fun. "System where am I and when doe canon start"

In Kuoh located in your house that the system set up for you also 5 days before Kuoh Academy starts 15 before canon -Hs

Five days so I can kill Issei before the beginning of school I barely have any time to prepare shit first I need to at least become slightly stronger than a human so I can beat Issei well I could probably just kill him now with one or two fireballs. First I have to do some training with some ID Create.

[ID Create

{Lesser Imp Training World}

{Lesser Frost Imp Training World}

{Lesser Fire Imp Training World}


Why are they all imps well whatever beggars can't be choosers. Lesser Imp seems to be the best choice as the other types could be troublesome I click Lesser Imp Training World

Transporting -Hs

I appear in what looks to be earth with all the buildings a modern city but destroyed cracks and random land raises almost as if a massive earthquake stuck and then I spot on a small red thing with two small and thin legs, one big eye, red rough skin, and two little horns on its head. Fireball I though and instantly a fireball comes out of my left hand beginning to incinerate the little gremlin but he's not dead Fireball Fireball Fireball

*level up*

*level up*

Alright I summon my "Broadsword" armor and shield they look to have grown a bit larger pen thing that sucks is fireball can be used 15 time it takes four to kill one looking around I notice that the lesser imps seem to have really bad eyesight as they don't see me when I'm at max 15 feet away I was standing about 10 from the other so let's assume they can only see 10 feet in front of them.

*Observe Skill Acquired*

Yes I use observe on an Imp.


Status :

Level: 4

Race: Lesser Imp

Health: 200/200


That's all well whatever it doesn't matter fireball does 50 damage then because it took four on the other one okay let's distribute those stat points so I can actually hold up a fight without fireball.



Level: 3

Race: Semi Lesser Lich

Health: 60/60 -> 120/120

Mana: 220/300 -> 410/490

Stamina: 50/50 -> 110/110

Class: Broadsword Battle Mage

Secondary Class: Lustful Being

Vitality: 6 -> 12 (+3 per lvl)

Strength: 5 -> 11 (+3 per lvl)

Speed: 7 -> 13 (+3 per lvl)

Agility: 6 -> 12 (+3 per lvl)

Endurance: 5 -> 11 (+3 per lvl)

Regen: 2.5 -> 8.5 (85 health per hour) (+3 per lvl)

Intelligence: 31 -> 49 (+9 per lvl)

Wisdom: 6 -> 24 (240 mana per hour) (+9 per lvl)

Charisma: 101 -> 125 (+13 per lvl)

Skill Points: 10 (+5 per lvl)

*Stat Points Distributed*

Level: 3

Race: Semi Lesser Lich

Health: 120/120

Mana: 410/490

Stamina: 110/110

Class: Broadsword Battle Mage

Secondary Class: Lustful Being

Vitality: 12 (+3 per lvl)

Strength: 11 -> 16(+3 per lvl)

Speed: 13 -> 18 (+3 per lvl)

Agility: 12 (+3 per lvl)

Endurance: 11 (+3 per lvl)

Regen: 8.5 (85 health per hour) (+3 per lvl)

Intelligence: 49 (+9 per lvl)

Wisdom: 24 (240 mana per hour) (+9 per lvl)

Charisma: 125 (+13 per lvl)

Skill Points: 0 (+5 per lvl)



Alright there's two up ahead I'm gonna use observe on both so it hopefully levels up



Level: 4

Health: 200/200




Level: 4

Health: 200/200


*Observe level up*

Yes alright now what do there stats look like



Level: 4

Health: 200/200

Mana: 15/15


Well that was anticlimactic they're both turned around time for a sneak attack i fireball twice one on both o the Imps backs I instantly charge and stab one in the eye just as it turns around instantly killing it probably because it was a eyeshot and it hit the Imps brain. The other one charges at me while I'm trying to pull my knife out of the Imps head not noticing the other Imp charge in slashes it's claws at me luckily my armor neglects most of the damage but I still take 20 damage I turn around instantly and slam my shield down on the Imp and fireball him in the face after the attack combo the Imp is on the ground I slam my foot down on it's head using enhance weight on my foot it crushes the imps head instantly.

*Heavy Armor Proficiency Lvl Up*

*Broadsword Proficiency Lvl Up*

*Shield Proficiency Lvl Up*

*Fireball Lvl up*

*Enhance Weight Lvl Up*

If your wondering why the skills leveled up so fast it's because if you get a kill with a skill it gives more exp rather than just spamming the same skill -Author

Wow holy shit nice anyways ID Escape I need to chill for a bit maybe I'll go scope out where Issei and the rest of the perverted trio live soon to be the perverted duo "System show me my Health Mana and Stamina"

[Tab1 (Partial)

Status: (Partial)

Health: 100/120

Mana: 370/490

Stamina: 60/110

Alright time to go on a walk hopefully I'm back at full health and mana by the time I get back.

|Time Skip|

I found where all three of the perverted trio live lucky for me they all go to the bald ones house to jerk off to porn. Now I just have to kill Issei while he's walking to the bald kids house alright operation kill Issei roll out I sleep tonight and get up at 8 explore the town more and look for Kuoh Academy. "Wait system did you sign me up for the academy"

Yes -Hs

Okay anyways after exploring I'm gonna get some lunch at watch Issei's route he takes to the bald kids house and then when he comes near a dark alleyway something may just happen to him. Alright but first time to order some food I saw a billboard on my adventures that advertised some type of Uber eats app. So I order some food and wait in my living room when the food arrives I chow down and go to sleep.

|Time Skip|

Alright it's 9:45 I may have slept in a bit but now I'm off after a bit of exploring I found Kuoh Academy good to know unfortunately it's 15 fucking minutes from my house and I don't have a car so I have to walk I mean I guess it's not that bad anyways It could've been worse anyways now I'm looking for a place to eat everything just doesn't look appealing right now huh a maid cafe ehhh why not I walk in and get greeted by a maid the maid has a slight blush when she sees me though.

(Nope not anyone who's gonna be in the harem yet sorry -Author)

Hello is it just you today -???

Yep -Ikaris

I'll be right back with a menu then you stay right there and I'll be sure to come back and take care of you -???

Alright thank you -Ikaris

I can't help but let my eyes wander around the cafe and in the corner I see Azazel what the fuck is he doing here then again I'm not surprised it would be good to go talk to him and make relations but at the same time I'm so weak I can't afford passing him off. Suddenly I hear footsteps walking towards me it's the Maid from before.

Here is your menu master just press this button when you need something I'll be sure to some running master -???

She hands me a button and runs off hmm I wonder what foods they have I do have a bit of a sweet tooth so how about the toffee jelly cake which looks to be good I press the button and surely enough the main comes over nearly a few seconds after talk about good service.

Have you decided what to order Master -???

Yep I'll have the Toffee Jelly Cake please -Ikaris

Will that be all and what kind of drink would you like -???

Oh shit I forgot about the drink

I'll just have a water and that'll be everything -Ikaris

Damn how do you forget about the drink at least it should take to long because the Toffee Jelly Cake is cold and doesn't need to be cooked so it shouldn't take long.

|Time skip|

After a little bit of time my Toffee Jelly cake arrives along with my water mmm it looks so good.

Should I bring out the bill Master -???

Sure -Ikaris

Thank god the system gives me starting money for worlds because it would suck if it didn't anyways let's dig in.

|Time Skip|

I payed and left I decided to go watch a movie afterward and then around 5 I watched Issei's route and waited eventually I saw him perfect all according to plan I begin to walk along the same sidewalk he's on as we both walk next to each other at a alleyway perfectly timed by myself with no people around to see anything I grab Issei cover his mouth and drag him into the alleyway I stabbed him as soon as we were out of plain sight my dagger pierced his stomach he tries to fight me but can't fight back against the force of my 16 strength I stab him again this time in the chest I grab his neck and twist it killing him I proceed to use fireball over and over again until the once known Issei is now a pile of ash. I turn around and leave luckily I position myself correctly so only a small amount of blood got on my jacket I took off my jacket and burned it with fireball. I then just simply went home and went to bed as it was just past 7 and I was nearly out of mana.

|Time Skip| (Three days till school starts)

I decide to walk around town again and observe everything I see people rocks trees doesn't matter I managed to lvl up observe a couple times. It's now lvl 4 and I can see stamina vitality and speed. But as I'm walking around something weird happens I'm walking on a bridge back to my house when all of the sudden I spot Raynare on the side of the bridge or her fake personality she suddenly walks up to probably because of my very unusual mana she must've decided to target me because Issei is dead and I'm one of the only other abnormal human in Kuoh that is just casually walking around so much.

Hey I would you mind going out with me I saw you yesterday and it was love at first sight -Raynare(pretend)

Mmm yeah sure I'd love to how about tomorrow we meet here at 2 -Ikaris

Jesus that was a blunt conversation so quick well time to grind I start to rush home as soon as I get inside I use ID Create and head inside the Lesser Imp Training World arriving I summon my equipment and rush towards the first Imp I see know I need to here stronger as I had used observe on Raynare when I was leave and well



Level: 20

Race: Fallen Angel

Health: 800/800

Mana: 200/200

Stamina: 1000/1000

Vitality: 80

Strength: 69

Speed: 74


There's now way I can beat her in this limo yes amount of time "system if you help me with a skill or something I won't ever ask for help again please"

Fine granting skill Slave Crest -Hs

That's not what I meant but it works "Thanks system open up a description of the skill please"

[Tab2 (Partial)

Skills: (Partial)

Slave Crest: lvl 1

(Allows the user to activate a slave crest on anyone weaker equal or 10 levels higher than user causing them to feel love towards you overtime and not be able to disobey your command increases the number of levels above you the target of slave crest has to be before there to strong to be effected by it )

So I need to get to level ten at least that's doable barely well to the grind.


Hope you enjoyed as have a good one see you next time -Author