

It was a lukewarm afternoon in a small town, located somewhere on the outskirts of a major city. The townsfolk, putting their daily routines into action. Adults were working their hardest to survive in a inflating economy. Children where either staying at home with their electronic devices or they were in the great outdoors, which usually just meant hanging out with friends.

The local High Schools have all finished their senior graduations, as summer break starts up for lower grades. Life overall, is peaceful their. That was the case until...

The Doom Scenarios happened.

Monsters triumphed into modern society, as humans began to rapidly lose a tremendous number of lives. Worldwide these events unfolded, and humanity was on the brink of extinction, until one day...

Humans gained the powers needed to fight back against the disasters, but their glory didn't last long. The monsters have evolved into a threat that is stronger than ever.

How can the remainder of human society strengthen themselves, before it's to late...?