
Ultimate Antihero

Ultimate Antihero is a light novel written by Riku Misora (author of Chivalry of a Failed Knight and High School Prodigies Have It Easy Even in Another World). Synopsis: Kamishiro Homura is a hero who once by himself exterminated the another world invader that destroyed the military all over the world. However his extreme strength made the influential people ostracized and exiled him from the society with false accusation of [Traitor] attached to him. A few years after that, for an unspecified reason Homura entered the magician academy and he looked after the girls that were ridiculed as the [burden platoon]…!? This is the raise of the curtain of a fantasy tale of the unrivaled and invincible young man where not a single ally or enemy can keep up with him, the young man who sooner or later will be extolled as the messiah by the whole human race!

Light_Novels · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
9 Chs

Chapter 1: Part 6

Part 6

(Aa― aa―, I really done it huh.)

In front of the two who was wearing their in , Homura was making a bitter expression inside his heart.

What he regretted was the him who took upon himself to cut in at the timing that stopped Sumika's apologize.

(Even though the matter will be settled for the time being if I just let her apologize. Just why did you come out, me.)

His intervention was done mostly unconsciously.

Homura was straining his ear and listening attentively at the conversation from outside, but when he sensed that Sumika was going to apologize about how she said too much to Chikori, he showed himself completely.

That was because for Sumika to apologize at Chikori here, was the thing that mustn't be done the most.

It was a poor move that would bring nothing but harm for both Sumika and also Chikori.

The apology might even liable to destroy this team.

―Actually, that kind of thing shouldn't have really related to Homura but,

(No matter what it ain't good. I just can't bring myself to leave something like this alone.)

If there was something in front of his eyes that was [going to break], he would unconsciously reached out his hand.

That was also Homura's nature.

(…Well, fine. I interfered already so I gotta take responsibility.)

Appointing such responsibility to himself, Homura called out to the two that was inside the room.

"Both of you, you two look comparatively energetic for someone that almost died huh. That's a relief."

"Ho, Homura-san-!"

When she knew that the man who entered the room was Homura, Sumika's expression that was dyed with anger until now turned brilliant.

The girl happily rushed toward Homura and bowed her head deeply.

"You are Kamishiro Homura-san aren't you! Truly thank you very much for helping us from the danger before this! As the representative of 101st, I express you our gratitude!"

"You really give an extremely courteous greeting huh. Even toward the that is even called the [traitor]."

"Evil god or whatever, what mistake there is in using a power that you can use in order to protect. Even if the power that you use is even more evil than the devil itself, you are a hero who stand in the dangerous foremost line more than anyone and saved lives more numerous than anyone, not an evil existence."

It was the duty of those with power to protect those without power.

For Sumika who remonstrated herself like that, Homura who exterminated the was an existence she aspired for.

That was why, the girl didn't care at all about the label that the influential people stuck to Homura.

She stared straight at Homura and sent him a gaze of respect and gratitude.

"E, excuse me-! Please let me say my thanks too! To save me from the danger, and for even going as far as healing my injury, really, thank you very much-!"

Continuing after Sumika, Ichinotani Chikori was also lowering her head to Homura while her little ponytail shook.

He couldn't feel respect as much as Sumika from the girl's voice and gaze, but it was obvious that there was no fear in those.

Looking at that situation, Homura finally comprehended.

Certainly, it was just like Onjouji said, the sense of these two as magician was not bad.

While it was only natural for Sumika who was already an S-rank magician, this Ichinotani Chikori was also a girl who was able to believe the thing that she had seen herself.

Not carried away by rumor, believing on what she had seen herself, believing on the knowledge that she had obtained.

In a certain meaning it was even the most important resource for a magician.

Just from that exchange Homura had managed to take in these two's aptitude.

"Well, it's all fine. It's not even too much trouble for me. Besides I said it right, I got a little reason that I got entered into 101st. In other words from now on we are comrade."

Talking to the two with a kind tone,

"Helping a useless leader that has no ability at all save yelling around, is also the duty of a comrade."

That voice tone, suddenly turned into something cold.


It was words that suddenly struck and stabbed Sumika.

Sumika's expression froze from those words.

(…I am, useless?)

Cold scorn from the person she was harboring aspiration to.

But Homura left alone the dumbfounded Sumika, he passed through in front of the girl and,

"Ichinotani Chikori, right? You too have it hard huh. Getting used by this greenhorn and almost died. You have my sympathy. Really, it's great that your wound was not something big. But you can be relieved. From tomorrow I'll be the leader of 101st. Just as you know, I'm a magician that can even use evil god, that's why those demons are just like fart for me. If you work under me you ain't gonna meet almost death experience for the second time."

Homura gave a friendly smile while clapping Chikori's shoulder repeatedly.

"Eh, a…, eh."

However Chikori was also confused from that.

Just how should she act in this scene that would be good, her expression showed that she hadn't the slightest idea.

But, faster than that confused Chikori,

"Please wait."

Sumika pierced Homura's nape with a sharp voice.

Right now the envy in Sumika's eyes was gone, replaced with a glaring hostility.

It was understandable. Sumika believed that she had continued until this far with her very best effort in her own way.

For her to be ridiculed by someone who just arrived today that didn't know anything saying whatever he pleased, there was no way she could endure that.

"Certainly Kamishiro-san is far stronger than someone like me. I even think that it's fine to say that there is no magician exists above this earth that can match you. That's why perhaps it's the correct decision for you to become the leader. But, …I cannot accept to be told as useless."

"You really talk big for someone that almost death just from something like orc."

"Wr, wrong! You are wrong you know, Evil God User-san! That's because of my fault! It's my bad because I didn't listen to leader's warning, leader didn't do anything wrong at all-!"

However Homura shook his head saying "No" to Chikori's objection and add to his denial.

"It ain't wrong. In the first place, her inability to draw out Ichinotani's power except of something to the degree of getting beaten by orc, is the proof of her incompetence. Yet despite so, to brand Ichinotani as useless is just shelving her fault. Let me say this, if I become Ichinotani's master then at tomorrow morning, ―Hoshikawa Sumika, she can become even stronger than you."


"Eh, eeeee!?"

Chikori screamed from the too sudden words.

On the other hand Sumika was making a doubtful expression that seemed to say [Just what in the world this guy is talking about], while scrutinizing Homura.

"-san really doesn't have a humor sense aren't you?"

"If you say you cannot believe that let's try it out for real. Tomorrow is also just right because it's Sunday and there is no class. Do a mock battle between you and Ichinotani the first thing in the morning. I'm going to show you I can make Ichinotani win against you in that mock battle."

"Wha, tha, that kind of thing is obviously impossible-!"

Chikori who was dragged into a duel without her say so raised a protesting voice, but Homura didn't lend his ear to that at all.

"It's okay, it's okay. Don't get that nervous. This kind of girl, she won't even reach your pinky after all."

"…Do you know about the grades of me and Chikori-san?"

"You are an S-rank magician and the number 1 of your year. While Ichinotani is in the academy's lowest place with E-rank…the lowest rank. I have seen your data before so I know already. Obtaining the title S-rank magician when you are still a student, well that's quite something. But looking from position, the rating of those like is just like comparing heights of bunch of acorn."


Sumika's eyebrow twitched from those words.

At any rate could only contract with human soul, in contrast this man exchanged contract with god itself. The scale of strength was different.

But, even so Sumika until now had continued to struggle to death doing her best until now in order to distinguish herself from among those acorns.

She strived in her study of sorcery sacrificing her youth, she exposed her life to danger and overcame battles against demon.

In the end of all that what she obtained in her hand was her own power, the title as S-rank magician.

For that, to be told that it was only something to the degree that could be overtaken by the academy's weakest Chikori in just one night, it was not something that could be endured. That was why,

"…Fine then. That match, I'll accept it."


With eyes that conceived a strong anger, Sumika accepted the fight that Homura brought to her.

"The match will be tomorrow morning. Can you get Chikori-san to become stronger than even me until then?"

"It's a piece of cake."

"But, if Chikori-san lost to me, please withdraw your calling me as incompetent."

"Of course. I'll also bow my head. Not just that. I'll also entrust being the leader to you for a long time, and I'm going to become a loyal underling for you that follow your order no matter what it is."

"…That's extremely generous isn't it?"

"After all there ain't no way I'm gonna lose."

"I'll make you regret it. That self-conceit."

"Just who do you think I am. Even if I get self-conceit, but just against a mere magician as an opponent, I still got a lot of leeway left."

"...Is that so? Then, let's meet tomorrow."

Glancing in annoyance at Homura whose composed attitude persistently didn't break, Sumika left from the platoon room.