
Ulquiorra The Immortal Devil

Ulquiorra Cifer, the 4th espada, slain after the grand battle against Vasto Lorde Ichigo. The stoic Espada floats in the void after his death seemingly waiting for what would come next. Suddenly, he feels a strong pull in the void. The next thing the Espada knows would be that he is in a different world filled with people known as cultivators. Newly reborn in a child's body while retaining his powers as an Espada; watch as Ulquiorra strikes fear into the hearts of many and awe in others. This is the story of Ulquiorra the Immortal Devil. Covert art from: https://dailyanimeart.com/2014/04/25/void-heart-ulquiorra-cifer/ Artist of cover art: Xovq or Alison Johnstun Update frequency: Probably would not be able to update daily, but I'll try. Building a world especially a large one like a cultivation one is quite taxing. I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE BLEACH CAST, AND IF THERE ARE SIMILARITIES TO OTHER CHARACTERS IN OTHER STORIES, THEN IT IS NOT INTENTIONAL

FarEastSage · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
45 Chs

Chapter 4: Vastmoon sect (1)

Wang Yang led Ulquiorra through several streets in Rising Dawn city until they were met with a large area with buildings with a large arching entrance that had a silver plaque that had writing on it. Lin Feng's body did not have much knowledge in terms of writing and literature, and so, Ulquiorra was not able to read the plaque.

'I lack knowledge. It might be possible that this so-called sect would be able to supply me with the necessary basic knowledge for me to have a decent grasp on this world.' Ulquiorra thought to himself.

"Let's go! Vastmoon sect will surely bring you great harvests as long as you cultivate well! Come forth err. I forgot to ask, but what was your name?" Wang Yang said with enthusiasm at first, but ended up laughing in slight embarrassment towards the end.

"Ulquiorra Cifer." Ulquiorra said without bothering to look at Wang Yang.

Ulquiorra observed the insides of the sect. There was a large building in the surrounded by other buildings of similar architecture. There was a vast open space just right after entering the arching entrance. He could see multiple robed people practicing what seemed to be martial arts.

The age ranged from kids to teens. There were even older people in the mix that were seemingly monitoring and guiding the younger ones. The robes they wore were silver in colour. Wang Yang wore a similar coloured robe, but his had blue linings along with a symbol of a half-moon on right sleeve. Ulquiorra deduced that it was either Wang Yang was an eccentric that modified his sect robes or that he was someone with a position in the sect.

'It should be the latter.' Ulquiorra mused.

"Ulquiorra Cifer? What a peculiar name. Cifer should be your first name then?" Wang Yang asked.

"My first name is Ulquiorra, but call me how you wish." Ulquiorra replied.

"Well then, Ulquiorra. How about we go in to give you a look around our beloved sect?Ah!First, we have to get you some clothes though." Wang Yang said as he looked at Ulquiorra's makeshift "shirt" in pity.

Ulquiorra nodded, and then was led into the sect by Wang Yang. Ulquiorra could see two guards outside the arching entrance. Wang Yang smiled at them as we passed by while the guards merely bowed in respect. It seems that Wang Yang did indeed have some sort of status in the sect.

"Firstly, I'd like you to take a look at our disciples in the courtyard. The one with plain robes are normal disciples. If you see someone with blue linings like mine, but without a half-moon symbol, then those would be Core disciples." Wang Yang said.

"In that case, what does that half-moon symbol of yours signify?" Ulquiorra asked.

"Hehe, you'll have to figure it out yourself." Wang Yang teasingly said.

Ulquiorra was silent as he ignored Wang Yang, and looked at the other people in the courtyard. Ulquiorra could see that their martial arts were different from the nornal way of fighting he was familiar with. The moves performed by the people here seemed to be flashy in a sense that he could see irregular postures and stances.

He moved based on his instinct as a hollow. While he may have had stances and movesets, it still wasn't as exaggerated as the others he was seeing right now. He could even see a teenager that raised his legs vertically to the very top before bringing it down while executing a thrust with his spear.

"What peculiar moves." Ulquiorra said blankly.

"Ahhh, I see you've taken an interest in our sect's martial arts. Do not worry as there is a library that you can visit once you formally enter the sect." Wang Yang said.

Suddenly, an angry female aged voice rang out.


Wang Yang flinched. Ulquiorra looked at the source of the voice to see a woman that looked to be in her 70s. She wore a silver robe with golden linings and a full-moon symbol could be seen on her right sleeve. She had her white hair tied up to a bun, and her face showed that it was indeed very angry.

The woman approached us, and Ulquiorra could see Wang Yang squeezing out a smile as he tried to greet the woman. Before he could say a word, the woman clenched her fist, and rammed it at Wang Yang's stomach. Wang Yang made a noise as he was punched.

"ARGH!" Wang Yang said he clutched his stomach before coughing.

"That's what you get! I told you to stay in the sect and train! The Rising Dragon competition will be held soon! We need to fight our way into the top 3 sects of Rising Dawn city! We've been stuck as the "eternal 4th" for several years already!" The woman huffed as she said with a frown.

"You violent master! Why would you punch your precious direct disciple like this? Do you not fear that I would remain lazy all my life as defiance?" Wang Yang said in protest as he still felt the punch to his stomach.

"Try it, Wang Yang! The moment you do would be the moment I'll have the Patriarch send you off to the Thousand Demon Forest for your "vacation"!"The woman taunted.

Wang Yang gasped.

"You madman!" Wang Yang said in shock.

"That's enough! Now, tell me. Who did you take in this time?" The woman said before looking at the emotionless kid next to Wang Yang.

Wang Yang fixed his posture before putting his hands on his waist in proud manner.

"This is Ulquiorra Cifer! His first name is Ulquiorra by the way. He will be my 4th junior brother under your tutelage!" Wang Yang said as he earned another punch to the stomach from the woman.

"I knew it! You keep taking in kids! Do you think that the Vastmoon sect is an orphanage? Maybe you think it is a plave that anyone can get in? Luckily, the other three you took in were quite talented so there were no major problems!" The woman said angrily.

Wang Yang laughed as he scratched his head. The woman sighed as she thought of her mischievous eldest direct disciple. She knew why Wang Yang was like this, but he couldn't keep doing this forever. The other elders are already expressing their discontent of his careless behaviour, and while the Patriarch was able to pacify them many times. It won't be effective for long.

The woman scrutinized Ulquiorra. Ulquiorra stared back emotionlessly at the woman. They didn't break eye contact, and the more the woman looked at Ulquiorra, the more her brows furrowed, and her mouth slowly frowned.

'What....is he?'The woman thought.

She was a 5th stage golden core cultivator, and she could already use qi sense to probe people. The problem was, she couldn't probe Ulquiorra at all. Whenever she tried to use qi sense on him, it was like staring into a bottomless abyss. It wasn't the emptiness that she could sense from a normal non-cultivator. Still, she also could not sense any sort of qi from him which puzzled her. Also, those marks on his face. What were they for? While the woman was pondering to herself, Wang Yang spoke up.

"Ah! I forgot to mention it amidst the violence, Ulquiorra, but this is my master, Nian Zhen. She may be quite violent, but I can assure you that she has kind and caring heart!" Wang Yang said.

"I see. Knowing this, I'd like to ask a question. If she is your master, and you are her disciple, then why do you act so disrespectful towards her? From what I know, one should give their master the utmost respect." Ulquiorra asked in a blank voice.

Wang Yang froze upon hearing such a question while Nian Zhen laughed.

"What an interesting yet pleasant child! Truly, a good find! Fine then! Wang Yang, take this child to where your junior disciples are at. Introduce them. I'll make a report to the head about certain matters." Nian Zhen said.

"Thank you, master! Come, Ulquiorra! We have places to be!" Wang Yang said as he beckoned Ulquiorra.

When the two left, Nian Zhen was walking towards the main hall where the Patriarch was at. She was still pondering about Ulquiorra. She wondered what would happen next. She felt that he was different from the rest.

'We'll see in the near future'

Released another chapter today as I am unsure if I can release one tomorrow since I have me some exams. I'll release one if I can, but don't expect much.

FarEastSagecreators' thoughts