
not a chapter 1

my head hurt Michael a splitting headache coming over his head he opened his eye and saw and it feels strange because he did not he did not see anything that he recognized and in the at the moment he took time to send me surrounding the headed bunny stop and memories and when Michael finally touches it all the memory he took a deep breath because remember that he got is the memory from of klein who's supposed to die inJune 28th to in the year 1349. and supposedly let Zhou Mingrui awaken from the Sofia castle to come in this world but at this time it's the year 1348 January 28th 6 months before he's klein before die chilled by the memory klein easy in this predicament because klein and friend when searching a Beyonder, gather but klein go with his friend he got lost and accidentally make a Secret order personWho is half crazy seem to Mama a bunch of jerking who saw klein on the side to decided to kidnapped perform a ritual to bring the but messed up gone wrong because when he performed ritual the aura of Sofia capital and make Secret order we did not expect that keep body just explosion and klein at the center of that too Parish allow for Michael to come here Michael is being a speechers right now because Klein luck seem to be bad just got lost with your friends and then run into a half crazy Secret order Michael say it's sassilatedly I guess I'm klein now because I'm so so frag soul spew with my soul I know myself because I remember my memory now well my friend I made seem to get in the car accident I guess because I've seen being die in the car accident klein aaaaa hearing a a bunch of work that thing cannot be understanding it my head again klein here A bunch of Mama in his ear he painted a little bit then he will never something and decide to meditate the motherland in this air funny seem to get a bunch of a bunch of knowledge of Sequence 9: Seer Spirit Pendulum Divination: It's utilized to communicate with spiritual intelligence, and this determines the good or bad, success or failure, of the sentence that they are repeating seven times in their mind.

Dowsing Rod Seeking: This is used for obtaining directions towards the location of a target, the "rod" in use could be a stick, cane, etc. 

Dream Divination: This allows the diviner to gain revelations and recall almost everything they see.

Astrolabe Divination: This is used to determine the inquirer's fate by determining the positions of the sun, moon, blue and red stars at their birth, the corresponding spots in the sky, matching the representative symbols to the astrolabe, and the corresponding situations of the different constellations.

Magic Mirror Divination: This is used to connect to a third party, high-level existence to ask for answers and gain revelationsDanger Intuition: They can intuitively detect danger using their Spirituality.

Spirit Vision:? They can use Spirit Vision to see non-physical things, such as ghosts and specters. They could see the different parts of a Soul, deduce a person's health and emotions, and determine if something has a magical aura.[2]

Mysticism: In terms of knowledge of Mysticism, a Seer will be more learned and professional than a Mystery Pryer.[1]

They don't directly gain knowledge about Mysticism, only the skills and abilities to learn it.Sequence 8: Clown Bodily Control: A Clown has near complete control over their bodily functions.

Their limbs will not move if they don't will them to.

Their face will only show the expressions they wish to show, with the only situations such as extreme shock or pain causing them to show their true feelings.

This makes them the nemesis of Spectators, as they cannot accurately read a Clown's body language

Physical Enhancements: After advancement Clown receives a powerful body, making them akin to a master acrobat.

They gain powerful coordination and a near inhumane sense of balance. A Clown will never lose their balance, barring any extrenuating circumstances. The increased coordination also makes them very talented at learning combat skills.

This allows them to walk over tightropes as if they were flat ground, or jump and land on the backrest of a chair without stumbling

Their agility and speed becomes exceptional, while their strength gains a decent increase.

These enhancements allow a Clown to commit various feats of acrobatics, such as swinging themselves up by their feet, easily scaling the outsides of buildings or using backflips to evade attacks during fights.

Paper Daggers: A Clown becomes capable of temporarily turning sheets of paper as hard and sharp as steel, allowing them to throw them as flying daggers or use them as knives.Strengthened Abilities

Spiritual Intuition: The Spiritual Intuition of a Clown is greatly enhanced, even granting them an unreliable short term form of premonition.

A Clown can supernaturally see the appearance of someone standing behind a door without ever opening it.

A Clown can sometimes intuitively predict the next action somebody will take. This is very useful during combat, but cannot be relied upon as it happens sporadically and infrequently. It can only provide an opportunity to take advantage of.

Like Divination, this ability is much more reliable when it comes to actions that will cause harm to the Clown. This allows them to often pre-dodge attacks that would be very damaging or even lethal

klein seem to be confused because he's gotTwo secret potion of Fool Pathway seem to not drink anything of the potion. Yeah, in fact, I cannot by the main material of the potionjudging bye,The Avengers happen, I believe the person the rich you must have give me that potion klein jumping up the hotel that he's sitting on and seem to look around him. He saw that the damn room. It seemed to be in some. some soda dungeon can't decide to look around this country seem to find anything klein around insert the room and found the remaining body and see characteristic is for me klein went to so the party body. and seem to find a 100 pounds and spiritual pendant The characteristic seem to be coming up that body now. should I wait or should I grab it from now but I don't have an Excel container of Speaking up, which should i ritual the transfer I guess it's not the good time like the person why as klein said that he's full step back but I don't have any of food to make ritual klein upstairs to see his if he can take anything from the kitchen or somewhere got food he woke up with a dungeon and upstairs and his sister the searching around the house he seem to not find anything in the kitchen then he went in the live room and saw some fruit in a table so he took it back to the dungeon klein and seem that he do not get stable food to perform the ritual. he went back to the body and wanted to see if he can find anything from the body he said and and he seem to find a 100 pounds and a spiritual pendant he holdependent down in sand and they seem to save free time this house got some valuable and they respond he got it seemed to be negative client side well at least I got somebody about this the or deal He find a cigarette case in pocket. climbing upstairs to get a silver night to perform a ritual on island klein Whitney come back he seem to stay to be a blob of something when the man body lay you pick the block up and put it in the klein trying to find his friend I seem to try to get away from day is slow and everything what kind of walk a little bit funny from the house you seem to find two people that seem to be something for him one of the people seem to be a a college girl and another one seem to be a college boy the boy scene of so climb and he come running to him together klein where have you been but I'm seem to be lost from you guys that time the Welch McGovern look at climb up and down and seem to find nothing wrong with him and free aside operate Welch McGovern seem to have black hair and blue eyes very in a suit and a king a suit and a cane Naya seem to be a brunette girl with blue eyes wearing a dress klein said to Welch McGovern a Naya I seem to be dying can I go home firstlyWelch McGovern Honda clients under his word and nothing is it okay received being finally so that just go home now When he went home, he seemed to find no one is back yet. he went to the kitchen and seemed to be searching from for staple food he found some ingredient and seem to find some bread klein going back room to the black and put it in the four corner of the room and walking in the counterclockwise enchant in a low voice . The Immortal Lord of Heaven and Earth for Blessings. (Fúshēng xuánhuáng xiānzūn.)"

, "The Sky Lord of Heaven and Earth for Blessings. (Fúshēng xuánhuáng tiānjūn.)"

, "The Exalted Thearch of Heaven and Earth for Blessings. (Fúshēng xuánhuáng shàngdì.)"

, "The Celestial Worthy of Heaven and Earth for Blessings. (Fúshēng xuánhuáng tiānzūn.)"

suddenly a gray fog envelope klein it wouldn't the eye he only saw in the gray fog klein so I'm seem to be connected to the Sefirah Castle but myself enough from this move at least that what I thought it was But he feels something strange. he look up and see a black circle that's surrounded by through blue energy around the edges and what coming out that that place circle is the great fog klein confusion they seem to be not be this thing and original work there's no such thing as a black Circle about the great fog sending me to service the blue energy around the breast Circle are getting lighter suddenly klein immense pain over his body that lead them to curl up in a ball the pain only lasts about 10 minutes and then climb so we can get up he received some information in his head about what happened klein so I can bunch of new ability did not conflict with the that's why the circle but the matter is why is this ability conflict with original original source of the grateful fog all the Sephor Castle I'm pretty sure the circle is a original source to but I do not know if the original stuff from the earth of the original cell the the out of God speaking which I am not going crazy yet or else my mind is touching up protection of the gray fog of the circle klein trying to make the corner of his mouth he did not know if he laugh or cry he took a deep breath and organized the information right now so I am definitely connected to the sefirah Castl but what about this circle that up about the gray fog and about the ability that the segregate me I dual pathway beyonder now almost like Woman except for the part that the circle that grab me the new ability inside of the sephor Castl speaking up the going crazy klein control his spirituality to wish for a palace in the Palace of the look like it came from Greece appear around him she's sitting at the head of the table and thinking to himself so we can punch him with your choice this gray fog like the original klein from sequence 8 but I can only put four potion about here for now because of my portion is not digested klein kind of punish I pulled the two of them now or wait for another day he took out the pendant and drop it and putting his hand they say in a little boy three time it's a good time to pull them over dependent rotate slowly so it's a good time to pull it over but not so good klein Mumble to his mouth they look around in the store beside the gray fog they are a Loosely Crimson star seem to be representing people klein thinking in Look around the the long Stone table setting for the two people he's supposed to pull up here but he look around this table he he talked he organized the information about the ability all the new Sequence 9 sniper New ability Clear Vision: allowing the person enhance Vision to see clearly the to the point that you see this dust particle in the air Eagle Eye: the ability to let you see something far away and you can also zoom in with your eye and allowance you brain to process information from your eye too you brain much faster Target mark: you can put a Target on someone this mark on someone and and when that person come near you or come close to you will know where the location vaguely in a range of your spiritualitybullet enchantment: if you know the right spell or the right incantation you can send bullet with special made enchantment bullet from for example: purify bullet poison bullet Flame bullet Fros bullet Sequence 8: instinct hunter You're five sensor in hand to the point that you can hear someone taiking from a room far away. you sensor including hearing smell taste touch spirituality sense enhancement: enhance you abilitu you to shrink and you'll find senses to the point that you can hear someone from a block awaysensor disconnection: you can lower your body census to the point and you cannot feel or hear anything disability also allow you to numb your pain less and Hunker but you cannot see it doesn't mean your body will not break down and you do not problem and when you stop using disability to the come back in double if you do not the problem on timestrengthening ability bullets enchantment now you can't put into effects and enchan your bullet with two that you can grant on one butsuddenly the great fog seem to be changing to something client seem to see offense surrounding a building and and when he looked down he see to see it a bunch of student run down there send serenade to do it to the Rooftop and someone shouted yo Zhou I found a book about creating barrier you can take a look not only that it got you to the step by one by one assembly a voice damn it huang tao I told you that thing is not real klein trying to turn around and he saw a youth with black hair and black people and seem to have a little belly fat suddenly klein head is some memory coming to his train he saw a boy playing with his friend around the neighborhood and you saw that boy going to Junior High School and I saw that boy going up go out to hang out with his friend Infinity the great fog return to normalI klein sit there after having the table bleeding heavily what's the memory okay shut up or not mine or this is mine with me or is it the world of celestial or the black klein he calm down and look at the back up his chair to the gret fog behind him the only thing about sure it that memory is my or that memory from Zhou the Celestia having the happen and Earth the only way ascending to the door of light and see what behind the Cocoon to pick it up is that my memory suddenly klein starting to laugh say to himself in a deprecation subtle when I read the Lord of the mysteries I want to change the fare now here suddenly the potion has been digested the about foot of the way after of the clown Sunny Cline stop laughing and movie spirituality to synchronize the feeling of falling and return back to reality when he back in reality he feel it sucks it and sit down and say to himself it's only been the first day and I might deal with this not only found on that I been used as a bezel for Resurrection from the celestial now I own that but I found out that night trying to get myself caught in another Resurrection plan sorry really second some useful information let me for example the Bellevue creation method method I should try that next time that I got to do it and about the two of them I should do that to the next day because I'm being tired now drinking up the table and put all the black back to original place and I go back to the bed and fall back to sleepmeanwhile in the basement a man with a dark cloak over his body seem to be praying to someone suddenly the basement door open and another man walk in and say Mr D the ritual that let Lord to send to this world this for almost complete but I have a doubt why let that man complete the ritual when he did not believe in the Lord Mr D that man is just a pawn if he failure that so be it but he said he said with a fanatic expression if he succeeded in my Lord will come into this world and destroy all the heritage the man at the door noted with a Pious expression yes klein opened his eye and saw the Crimson moonlight that it that is pouring out from the window klein said to himself it's in night already I did not think I sleep that long well I guess I really that tired he get out of bed and look around I guess Benson and Melissa not here yet but that stran I know that sometimes Benson but Melissa should be here by now did something happen to Melissa Klein his eye photo in doubt they went to the door and try to open it but suddenly he received a vision amen with a train coat is standing right standing at the door then he look up at the door his eye got no pupil half of his face seem to be rotten klein feel a chill spine down hey hurry up back up from the door suddenly the door just explosion and the man walk in the room when he saw klein he screamed fresh meat he run to klein and try to grab him klein saw this and when the man approaches him he ducks enroll to the corner of the room and quickly stand up and grab a book that been lying on the table and tear a page from the book and throw it at the man the Pitch hit the man throat seem to not be affected by this and run to what him again klein seeing this thought of a possibility to pick him or to incapacitated he turned around and saw the window and it run and jump out the window when in the air he then spin his body to hold on the edge of the window the man saw this and jumped what the window but he saw no body down the street that been suddenly the man angle a weight that pull him down then the man by seem to be falling down the window ask for klein see that his plan successful proceed to jump back to the window proceeded to throw free pages of the book that he's holding to the man that been falling down the window the paint proceeded to hit the man right eye and the other one hit the man head the other one hit the man on when that happened to the situation to faster suddenly you hear allowed boom when you look down you saw the men body like flat on the floor klein damn it what the hell is going on here am I in simple a dream world or in I still in the great fog this is just a illusion he could scratch his head inside and he jumped back into the room when you look around and see something else he did not see characteristics he got from the Mad Men okay same like this and not reality itself but I don't know what is going on now he proceeded to look out the window and sauce the city itself he saw all the building that been to the 90° angle and he saw the street a little recruits but no one seemed to walk in the street can klein look up at the sky and saw the star and then saw the Crimson move like the moon seem to have a giant eye that mean that come out of the circus suddenly that I can see his sight on here klein feel a sense of dread from that thing and quickly hit behind the corner a crimson light been shined down here and when the light move to another places try klein look down insult the body that when you mutated half up the body now only got muscle sudden I need the body exploded and came up some freshy baby that crawl out of it klein feel nauseous from seeing that he will his mind to calm down and think to him okay looks like the bean is bad but how the hell do I get out here about cutting the eye attention he talked to himself and he went back to the room and search for something he he opened the drawer and death and seem to be and they found it a windbreaker and a talk and found some old clothing so he decided to tell the old clothing apart and use the fabric to wrap his hand around it and his ankle and his face leaving the eye open klein the Crimson light seem to make you mutate if you touch your fresh or your body so I think I should wrap my body around suddenly climbed he's someone coming up this there and hear someone walking here for the next door on with klein seem like someone pick up on the phone making upstairs but I don't know the person coming here is normal or crazy klein say to himself and decided to upgrade a sense of hearing and spirituality senses and reduce the tender of taste and touch for now I need to hear and we had two people coming upstairs even in normal or crazy and me to up my spirituality reaction to Danger he moved to the side of the door Insanity someone walked into the room and then he saw that he quickly run the person Direction and not him down then he saw the person at a appearing is fake out no flesh only got muscle and he have freshy wind coming out of his angle at that moment klein he decided to cut his head off using the paper he cleanly decapitated his head he feel nauseous he looked down and he saw a ax a side to pick it up klein either I'm going crazy or something happened to the world what is some illusion that creates by some out of God klein fish for a coin and Mama second time is it a good time to go out the coin slip in the air in landing on and it fall until so it's not a good time to go out he thought for a second and decided to make a bunch of paper for throwing night he wait and total 20 through night that moment he picks up some sound the man that downstairs it came closer to the room klein going back to the position that his will before somebody you see a vision of a claw pulling him into the quarter klein road to the front and turn around and throw the night back the night seem to hit something but it's about back up Thunderball exploded an output a werewolf runs to klein guitars the werewolf Club attack and roll to the side of his leg and and pick up the ax and swing it down to break the werewolf late the werewolves scream and agony keep bloodshot eye stare at klein werewolf l he's Leap Forward and try to bite on klein neck klein saw this in advance and thus to the side and raise the ax and throw it at the werewolf erhead the klein he's run into side of the werewolf squatting away the ax he went to the back of his head and wrap his arm around his neck and choke him and then he pulled out a paper night that stabbed into his right eye the werewolves green then the klein decided to kick his leg to break it than werewolf went on one day and then climb pull up another paper jacket and stabbed him in the other eye terminate blind him the klein he's used another paper Decker to stab a werewolf in the mouth reaching down his phone throat wolf starting call klein pick up the ax install the shop down and decapitated the werewolf head up klein study to free happily usually sequin 9 or eight up to see a pathway do not have strength and physical ability but the new sequin 9 to 8 of other potion strengthen my physical ability to some extent but but my physical ability to not rival those up the giant pathway or the Honda pathway but at least my physical ability can jump to the window from the ground up punch it through wall is not strong enough and also let me stop by a far from a building suddenly klein look at the court and saw something come out the group and enter the Corpus black Black Lake when he went to pick it up Suddenly a black hole come and swallow the leg up klein he confused but he's he received the information that the thing that the black hole scrolling up he received it in the gray fog so so the black hole is a Sanford item thing before he even think something else suddenly he received a vision of his head getting snap off klein about to do something so he saw that keep you flip upside down inside the room then his vision went black klein he woke up in the bed and it cold sweat reach seem to reassign operate because his neck is the attack to his body klein is that a dream or reality oh this is the sign that that I am losing control klein Heating and he decided to stand up and walk around the room there he saw the characteristic he walked to the window and opened it and there he saw the sun been shining down on the city and saw the civilian walking around the street klein should I go above the gray fog see if the characteristic is so there Saturday the door open and come a girl Her face was thin and slightly pale, her skin remained lustrous as it exuded the vibes of a young girl. Melissa klein are you okay when I came back I saw you and sleep for 4 Hour klein talk to himself I've been asleep for that long and and said sorry Melissa I guess I been tired lately I did not expect the night going to sleep with that long Melissa look at klein really and said it's are you sure that is if you sick we can go and have a look klein it's not that I really been tired lately Melissa okay then have a good rest and she closes door and she walk away from the room klein thing to the dream in reality longer or short all the time difference of matter all his scratches his head and top about going above the gray fog and see if the characteristic is there or this is just Becky tree he's got he walked income the clock by and then above the gray fog there in the brown table he saw the characteristrc so if the dream a reality or something else or am I in a Time Loop light lumion klein I should try to see if I'm going to sleep but I return to that place or not if I can't go to the place and return with another characteristic either one that place is the alternate Dimension or two I stuck in the dream and the real world is already in corrupted just Justin by the information I have so far I cannot come to a conclusion or anything else but I guess I should go back to reality for now simulating falling and return back to his body