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Chapter 36 Young man, you are in good health


Chapter 36 Young man, you are in good health

Yu Xiaogang continued to let Shenlan check Su Yuntao's physical condition, and then Shenlan said in surprise in his mind:

"Master, this Su Yuntao is really diligent. He has already taken the whale gum pills he just gave him at noon. After comparing with yesterday's physical strength, the worse the training qualifications, the stronger the effect. Now after taking the whale gum pills to strengthen the body's muscles, , Su Yuntao's cultivation talent has reached level 4 of innate soul power."

Yu Xiaogang felt that he had mastered a big killer weapon, and he could win over ordinary civilian soul masters when he got into trouble! The most powerful soul masters on Douluo Continent are around level 30 soul masters. Now Yu Xiaogang has a pill in his hand that can improve his cultivation qualifications.

Yu Xiaogang immediately asked Shen Lan in the soul space:

"Can Deep Blue artificially synthesize the medicinal properties of whale glue? After all, whale glue can only be produced by cetacean sea soul beasts. It is too unstable. If the secret of whale glue is discovered, we cannot buy it based on the background of our sect that has just started. Come on. Things are rare and valuable! You must use a little bit less whale gum."

Shenlan didn't think too much. It felt like the master had the foresight and immediately added a new task to the task list to be executed first.

"Deep Blue has received the mission from you, master. Don't worry, Deep Blue is very strong! We need master to collect a large amount of medicinal material data, so that Deep Blue's deduction speed will be accelerated!"

Yu Xiaogang praised Shenlan a few words in his heart, then looked at the uneasy Su Yuntao in front of him with a serious face and said:

"Su Yuntao, your physical strength has improved a lot compared to others. Now your first soul ring can withstand 420 years. Keep working hard, but there are many hidden injuries in your body, so today's training will be reduced by half."

"But I can do it, teacher. I know that my cultivation talent is not high, and I can only catch up with others through hard work. I will persevere!"

Su Yuntao was a little emotional and explained to Yu Xiaogang. Yu Xiaogang saw Su Yuntao's face turned red due to excitement and criticized in a serious tone:

"Nonsense! Didn't the teacher give you a new meditation method? That can slowly improve your physical fitness, and your cultivation talent will also gradually improve! Now Su Yuntao, you have also participated in the training of the elite class. You can't just look at the immediate benefits and give up on the future. ! You are overdrawing your body's potential! Now you mainly need to take good care of your body and recover the potential that you have overdrawn before!"

Su Yuntao felt warm in his heart when he heard Teacher Yu Xiaogang's stern tone. Originally, work-study students were not favored by others, but now they have such a responsible teacher. Now I am looking at the tall figure of Yu Xiaogang in front of me with tears in my eyes, and I don't know what words to say in return.

"Yeah! Teacher!"

Su Yuntao tried hard not to shed tears of emotion, and quickly ran to Xiao Zhan and sat down next to him. Xiao Zhan showed his white teeth and smiled, patted Su Yuntao's thin shoulder and encouraged:

"Su Yuntao! Show your manliness! You are all from the same sect now, and I, Boss Xiao, will look after you from now on! Listen to the teacher carefully and practice with peace of mind to achieve results in order to repay the teacher's support!"

Su Yuntao now felt that he had found a friend to whom he could turn his back. Before Yu Xiaogang came to the Junior Soul Master Academy, he often fought with the college boss Xiao Zhan for the work-study students. Now they are accepted as disciples of Longmen founded by Teacher Yu Xiaogang. Now the grudge in their hearts has disappeared because of Xiao Zhan's words of encouragement. Men's friendship is so simple.

Sisi also looked at Su Yuntao with admiration. She knew from the beginning that Su Yuntao, a working-study student, liked her, and she had given Su Yuntao her own criteria for choosing a mate. Now he is accepted as a disciple by Teacher Yu Xiaogang's Longmen.

Now being paid special attention to by Teacher Yu Xiaogang, Su Yuntao has a bright future with the support of Teacher Yu Xiaogang's training resources, because what Teacher Yu Xiaogang has come up with is so shocking to the world.

Sisi is also worried that the whale gum pills that Teacher Yu Xiaogang took out yesterday will be known to the big forces in Douluo Continent and whether they can keep it. She is so worried about Longmen that she can hide it as long as she can! Especially that brainless idiot Wang Dachui!

Su Yuntao and Xiao Zhansisi chatted about their cultivation experiences, while Yu Xiaogang continued to ask people to check his body.

"Wang Dachui is your turn! Let the teacher see if there are any hidden injuries on your body from being a blacksmith since childhood. How was the effect of the medicinal bath yesterday?"

"Hey! It's finally my turn! Teacher, I'm coming right now!" When Wang Dachui heard Teacher Yu Xiaogang call his name, he jumped up with joy and answered immediately.

Yu Xiaogang looked at Wang Dachui's burly figure walking in front of him, and sometimes he couldn't help but think about what did the people of Douluo Continent eat when they grew up? At only 10 years old, she has grown to about 170, and her arms are almost as big as Sisi's thighs.

Yu Xiaogang was still there sighing, Shen Lan was already doing his best to use his mental power to scan and examine Wang Dachui's big body, and then shared the inspection data with Yu Xiaogang.

After seeing the data, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but marvel at the ability of people with straight brains to move, and also took whale gum pills.

"Well! Wang Dachui's physical fitness is very good! After the teacher checked, the age of the first soul ring has reached 630 years. Now you are mainly improving your mental strength and physical flexibility. Your muscles are too stiff. There are also many hidden injuries on your body, which should be caused by working iron all year round. The amount of training will be reduced as well. Your medicated bath medicine teacher will reconfigure it with Su Yuntao, focusing on restoring the body's hidden injuries first."

The students in the elite class below showed shocked expressions one by one when they heard that Wang Dachui's first soul ring absorption period was so high. Immediately the chatter began, and they all looked at Teacher Yu Xiaogang with longing eyes.

Because all this was caused by Teacher Yu Xiaogang, and Teacher Yu Xiaogang specially asked Su Yuntao and the four of them to go to the office at noon, so they must be busy!

"I know! Teacher, I'll go find Su Yuntao and the others."

Wang Dachui still showed his usual silly smile, bowed respectfully to Yu Xiaogang and then walked towards Su Yuntao and the others.

Seeing such a polite Wang Dachui, Yu Xiaogang felt that this guy was usually a bit silly and had a very likeable personality. Wang Dachui, the boss of Xiao Zhan, has a lot of say.

Yu Xiaogang checked his own people in Longmen, and then continued to check the remaining students in the elite class. The happiest one was Shenlan, seeing that the database was getting more and more enriched.

It took Yu Xiaogang and Teacher Ye from the infirmary half an hour to finish, and then sorted and filed the physical examination forms. Yu Xiaogang began to arrange afternoon training according to the physical fitness listed on the physical examination form.

If your body is not strong enough, you can run with weights, if your upper limbs are weak, do pull-ups, and if your waist is not explosive enough, do sit-ups. Yu Xiaogang trained according to the shortcomings of the elite class. It was the first time for the students in the elite class to see such a scientific training method. They were very proactive and made Yu Xiaogang relaxed a lot.

Dean Kahn couldn't help his curiosity and stepped forward to try these training methods himself. He also praised Yu Xiaogang for coming up with such a method:

"A master is a master! These training methods that specifically strengthen one's own shortcomings are really good, and Teacher Yu's indoor swimming pool can be built in about a week. Let's go watch the children train!"

 Please read it! Asking for a monthly ticket! This is important for new books. The new author is here to beg for food_(:з」∠)_

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 37 Longmen Enrollment


Chapter 37 Longmen Enrollment

Yu Xiaogang stepped forward from time to time to guide them in practicing standard movements. It was quite satisfying to watch the students in the elite class sweating there while he was gesticulating on the side. Now Yu Xiaogang finally understood the joy of being an instructor during military training.

Time slipped by unknowingly, and students in the elite class completed the training programs tailored by Yu Xiaogang one after another. Yu Xiaogang told his elite class students:

"The effect of the first medicinal bath after yesterday's extreme exercise was very good. I found that many students' physical strength has improved a lot now. Now go to the infirmary teacher Ye to get some light salt water and towels, and rest under the shade of a tree."

At this time, some students in the elite class couldn't help it anymore. When Su Yuntao and the four of them were undergoing a physical strength check just now, it was unbelievable that the age of their first soul rings was very high. All of them could absorb the first soul rings beyond their years.

When it was his turn to go forward for a physical strength check, most of them were between 430 and 450 years old. The gap was too big, especially that stupid big guy like Wang Dachui. His first soul ring age of more than 600 years scared everyone, and many elite class students were filled with worry. Confuse.

"Teacher Yu Xiaogang! Why are classmates Wang Dachui and their first soul ring years so old, and we all take the same medicinal bath? Did you, Teacher Yu Xiaogang, prescribe a small stove for them?"

Yu Xiaogang looked at this warrior who had the courage to speak for the elite class classmates. He admired his courage and was not afraid of putting on his shoes? Could someone else tell you this secret? But Yu Xiaogang himself has regarded the elite class as Longmen's reserve force. So I also explained to the elite class students:

"Well, that's a good question. Then teacher, let me also introduce the sect that the teacher created himself. It's called Longmen! I did give Su Yuntao and the four of them elixirs refined from heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and they improved so much. "

Yu Xiaogang stopped and looked at the envious eyes of the elite class student and Su Yuntao. He also began to plan to recruit people for his own dragon gate.

"The students are all geniuses in Notting City. Do you not mind joining the sect that the teacher has just created? Although the Dragon Sect only has one name now, everything has to be built from scratch. However, the teacher has his own soul skills and soul power cultivation secrets. There is also the cultivation of secret medicine as the foundation of Longmen."

"Dragon Gate is divided into an outer gate and an inner gate. The outer gate teaches you the soul power meditation method and the mental power meditation method. The teacher is also sorting out the secret method of flying knives with mental power recently. As the unique attack method of Longmen, as long as you join the teacher, I will create All the dragon gates can be given to you. If you want something better, you have to join the outer gate of the dragon gate and work hard to contribute and enter the inner gate."

Yu Xiaogang felt his mouth was a little dry after the introduction. He didn't know if he was doing the right thing, letting the newly created force of Longmen be exposed.

After listening, the students in the elite class began to whisper among themselves. Some of them who were close to Su Yuntao went to ask questions, which kept Su Yuntao and the others busy.

A few people originally approached Wang Dachui, but that guy only said one thing, and everything Sister Sisi said was right! I listen to her! After Xiao Zhan heard this, he immediately felt that his younger brother had been snatched away by Sisi.

The students in the elite class have been harassing each other for a while and have expressed their intention to join Yu Xiaogang's sect with few members, which makes Yu Xiaogang very happy. After all, this is where he works in Douluo Continent.

Yu Xiaogang plans to write to Flanders and Liu Erlong when the time comes, and call the other two members of the Golden Iron Triangle to come over and serve as Longmen elders. Moreover, Flanders also has a group of old brothers who can join Longmen together, so that they all have teachers. All you need to do is grasp the general direction and cultivation resources.

Liu Erlong is his second uncle's daughter and his party girl, and he has the resources of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect behind him. Longmen already has the early start-up capital, but now Liu Erlong must have fallen out with his second uncle, right? I plan to go to Tiandou City to open a senior academy.

Flanders may have left without saying goodbye, and he was disheartened and took a group of old brothers to establish Shrek Academy for retirement. But we have to wait for a while. Now that we have found them, they don't even have a place to stay. I hope Sister Liu Erlong has calmed down and figured it out.

When the time comes, Yu Xiaogang will say it again, it is impossible between us! This evil bond must be cut off! To prevent the budding love from fermenting and deteriorating over time. It just so happens that Flender also admires his sister Liu Erlong, and as a good brother, he has to help push her!

Yu Xiaogang watched the elite class students who had just joined Longmen asking questions around Sister Sisi. Su Yuntao faithfully stood in front of Sisi and helped answer them. Xiao Zhan gathered his younger brothers there to form a gang, and they were all boys with martial arts of the strong-attack type.

The girls must have been crowding around Sisi. At first, some boys were also crowding around Sisi, and they all ran away when they saw Xiao Zhan taking in his younger brother.

It was either a matter of leaving Su Yuntao or not, and a few bold girls teased Su Yuntao and Sisi's relationship. Yu Xiaogang saw Su Yuntao's face flushed among a bunch of warblers, and couldn't help but feel funny, so he had to speak to save Su Yuntao.

"Alright kids! Now that you have all joined the Dragon Gate, you don't need to call me the sect leader yet, just call me teacher! I will lay the foundation for you first, because Teacher Longmen's secret skills must be very high. Study hard!"

The students in the elite class gradually became quiet after hearing this. Yu Xiaogang saw that the group of children were almost excited and started to continue teaching the basics of soul control.

"Teacher teaches you the most basic soul power control in this lesson, so that you can control every trace of soul power in your body at will, and use mental power to control the operation of soul power to generate suction and repulsion. The teacher will first give a demonstration, using mental power to control The soul power circulates to the soles of the feet to create suction to climb the tree."

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, he walked towards a big tree with his hands behind his back and walked up to it without stopping. He walked up the tree trunk step by step and walked to a big branch halfway up the tree, hanging upside down and looking at the elite class students below.

The students in the elite class thought that their master teacher was joking at first. How could a person cling to a tree trunk with his feet? When I saw Teacher Yu Xiaogang walking up the tree trunk as easily as on flat ground. They were all dumbfounded, and some of them even uttered exclamations.

Wang Dachui couldn't help but shouted directly with a loud voice:

"Teacher! I want to learn this!"

After Wang Dachui shouted, he immediately took action and imitated Yu Xiaogang's example and started to climb the tree. After only two steps, the bark of the tree was shattered by the impact of his soul power, revealing the wood under the bark.

Wang Dachui was sweating profusely and he couldn't concentrate enough to control his soul power. He fell down after less than 3 seconds. Yu Xiaogang turned over and landed lightly on the ground, saying to him:

"Wang Dachui, take your time. This depends on your mental control. Come to the teacher and get a soft cushion. You can put it under the tree when you practice. This way it won't hurt so much if you fall."

The elite class students all gathered around and took out a pile of soft cushions that had been prepared from Yu Xiaogang's storage soul guide. Each student received a soft cushion in twos and threes and together they found a big tree to practice this magical training method.

Fortunately, the training ground is in the mountains behind the academy and there are many trees.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 38 Everyone returns to Longmen


Chapter 38 Everyone returns to Longmen

Yu Xiaogang wandered among the students in the elite class, giving guidance to a few students who could not control their mental power. The one with the strongest mental control was Sisi, the brain in the elite class. She could only climb three steps at the beginning and fell down every time. I slowly mastered the technique and am now halfway up the tree.

Yu Xiaogang saw that Sisi's soul and mental power were almost exhausted, so he stopped him and said:

"Sisi, you are already very good. Sisi, your mental power control talent is very good. It is very suitable for the teacher's mental power to fly the knife. I will give it to you when the teacher sorts out the training techniques. Now Sisi, please stop and take a rest to help you. Classmates! Teach them your skills and mental control experience."

"Yes! Teacher, I will fulfill my responsibility as the eldest sister of the sect! Hey, teacher! I am so talented and smart, and this position of senior sister should be mine!"

Although Sisi was very tired, she heard that Yu Xiaogang was going to teach her the power of telekinesis to fly a knife. It should be teacher Yu Xiaogang's own soul skill. The eyes were filled with water and Lingling, and as soon as she turned her eyes, she assumed the position of the eldest sister of the sect.

Moreover, Teacher Yu Xiaogang's self-created soul skills are very suitable for Sisi herself. After all, Sisi has changed her cultivation path and becomes an auxiliary soul master, but every auxiliary has a heart for output.

Yu Xiaogang smiled and reached out to touch Sisi's little head and said:

"Okay! Sisi is the most talented and smartest. If this Senior Sister of Longmen doesn't let you be the one, then who can you do it for? But Sisi, you have to set an example as Senior Sister! Take a rest and wait to guide your Longmen senior brothers. Bar."

In fact, Yu Xiaogang really likes a smart girl like Sisi. Taking on such a smart person as his apprentice saves him a lot of things. From now on, when I am not at Longmen, there will be someone to help watch over me.

Yu Xiaogang felt like he had raised a daughter. He couldn't help but think about Bibi Dong. Will he and Bibi Dong have a happy ending? No matter what, Bibi Dong was so pitiful in the original Douluo Continent. Xiaogang, who traveled through time and became Yu Xiaogang, now has the ability to do things that he couldn't do before.

Yu Xiaogang feels that the most important thing now is to deal with the base camp of Notting City and establish the Longmen Station to welcome the Flanders brothers. Deal with the bad relationship between you and sister Liu Erlong, and then work hard to become stronger!

Yu Xiaogang stared into the distance with deep eyes, clenching his fists behind his back. When I came to Douluo Continent, I must change this deformed world. Bibi Dong, I will not let you have a secret room Douluo incident! Qianxunji, a thing inferior to a beast, wait for me, Yu Xiaogang! It won't be long!

Yu Xiaogang watched the elite class students who had just joined Longmen practice hard there. Sisi obtained the position of Longmen's senior sister and now devoted herself to guiding the brothers to climb trees and practice.

Tang San, after you are reborn, how will you deal with my dragon gate? I remember that there was a valley near Holy Soul Village with beautiful scenery. When Su Yuntao and the others finished their cultivation, I asked Xiao Zhan if he could take over that valley and use it as the headquarters of the Longmen Sect.

The Holy Soul Village is just outside the exit of the valley. The Holy Soul Village can be handed over to Flanders and the brothers to serve as Shrek Academy to attract talents for Longmen.

After Tang San is reborn, the heirs of the Haotian Sect, the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, and the Star Luo Empire will all be recruited into Shrek Academy, and they will first let Flanders train him before giving him any favors.

Whether you slowly guide him to join the Dragon Gate or make friends, he will make a lot of friends and kill all his enemies! As his own capital to unify Douluo Continent.

Yu Xiaogang was planning the way forward. At this time, Dean Kahn and teacher Ye Xuemei from the infirmary came forward. Dean Kahn was the first to ask Yu Xiaogang:

"Teacher Yu Xiaogang, can Teacher Ye and I join the Dragon Gate you just mentioned? In fact, I'm really hungry for your self-created soul skills."

Teacher Ye Xuemei from the infirmary looked at Yu Xiaogang with shining eyes and asked impatiently:

"Yes! Teacher Yu Xiaogang, I am a free person and I am here to be a teacher. As a healer, I also have a heart that can output. Can Teacher Yu Xiaogang demonstrate the flying knife with telekinesis? Let's see again. Do you think I have the talent to learn?"

Yu Xiaogang was stared at by a beautiful woman with longing eyes, and he was not used to turning his head. "Kahn, you are my friend. Teacher Ye, I have recently gotten to know you as a person. I welcome you to join my newly founded Dragon Gate!"

Yu Xiaogang began to use his mental power to levitate himself, and began to control the small stones on the ground to float together. Turning his back to Kahn and Ye Xuemei, he said:

"Dean Kahn and Teacher Ye, then take a look at my Longmen's background! I won't let you down!"

Kahn and Teacher Ye were stunned! His eyes almost fell out with fright, but the students from the Longmen Elite Class on the other side also noticed what happened to Yu Xiaogang.

Especially when they saw Teacher Yu Xiaogang floating without opening his soul ring and martial soul, everyone was completely shocked!

Wang Dachui had already exhausted all his soul energy and was resting under a big tree without any bark. When he heard the exclamations of his classmates, he turned around and saw this incredible scene.

Yu Xiaogang was completely challenging the three views cultivated by Douluo Continental people for many years. Yu Xiaogang floated in the air without relying on soul skills, and then overcontrolled 12 small stones of different sizes under the incredulous eyes of everyone. Fly quickly.

Moreover, under the influence of Yu Xiaogang's soul power, those ordinary small stones became very hard and made a sharp flute sound during the flight. "Bump!" With a loud noise, a hole as big as a fist was pierced through a big tree!

Yu Xiaogang stretched out two fingers with his left hand and pointed down. The small stones that were still flying regularly in the air rushed towards the ground pointed by the fingers and made a series of loud noises, directly smashing 12 large craters on the hard ground of the training ground. .

While the shocked teacher Kanye and the Longmen Elite Class students were silent, Wang Dachui was the first to react and shouted with a loud voice in great excitement:

"Teacher! I want to learn this! I want to learn!"

The others were awakened by Wang Dachui's loud voice, and one by one they looked at the Longmen Sect Master in front of them, who was also their Sect Master, with longing eyes.

Yu Xiaogang smiled slightly when he heard Wang Dachui's silly voice, and controlled his body to float and turn around with his mental power. Putting his hands behind his back, he slowly lowered his height to 3 meters above the ground, then stopped and said:

"As the first sect leader of Longmen, I will keep everything I know in the inner gate of Longmen. If I want to, I will work hard to contribute to the strength of Longmen and contribute to the greatness of Longmen! I, Yu Xiaogang, set up the Dragon Gate here. Five sect rules! Only those who work hard will gain! Fellow sects must not kill each other! Do not kill innocent people! Do not bully the weak! Fellow sects must help each other!"

"Those who break the rules! I, Yu Xiaogang, will definitely get rid of them!"

Dean Kahn, Teacher Ye, and the elite class students headed by Sisi and Xiao Zhan half-knelt on the ground and shouted wildly:

"I will obey the orders of the Dragon Gate Sect Master!"

 Originally, I prepared the dog leash for Tang San_(:з」∠)_

  Later they said it was a poisonous point and I had no choice but to change it.

  Also, please ask for a monthly pass and follow-up reading.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 39 Yu Xiaogang's Basic Market Development


Chapter 39 Yu Xiaogang's Basic Market Development

Yu Xiaogang looked at the group of enthusiastic college teachers and students in front of him who were inspired by his speech, as if he was a pyramid scheme leader.

Yu Xiaogang immediately slowly dispersed the use of his mental power, slowly landed on the ground with his toes, stepped forward to help Dean Kahn and Teacher Ye from the infirmary, and said:

"Dean Kahn, you are my friend, you don't need to give me this big gift. Kahn, are you willing to be the elder who teaches martial arts outside Longmen? You have just broken through level 40 and haven't obtained the soul ring. Do you want to try my self-made cultivation technique?" Methods and health-preserving skills, this internal cultivation method that I originally planned to put in the inner sect. Coupled with the body-refining secret medicine I developed to thicken the body and soul power foundation, it can increase the absorption period of the fourth soul ring. Only in this way can Attack the level 50 soul king!"

Dean Kahn is still very excited now. He holds Yu Xiaogang's big hand tightly with trembling hands. With tears in his eyes, he says to Yu Xiaogang in a trembling tone:

"Really? Master Yu Xiaogang no! Now it's time to call you the sect leader. I will try my best to do my best, Master Chuan Gong! From now on, leave the students in the elite class to me! This way, sect leader, you can feel more relaxed. Have more time to study self-created soul skills and meditation methods!"

Dean Kahn began to feel calmer as he talked, and then thought about how old he was. It's a bit wasteful to use the secret medicine refined from heavenly materials and earthly treasures for yourself, but it's better to give it to the children in front of you. After all, this is the future of Longmen.

So after Elder Kahn took his hand back, he sighed, glanced at Yu Xiaogang, turned to the elite class students who had already stood up, and said with emotion:

"Sect Master, you don't have to give me the body-refining secret medicine that you spent so much effort to develop. I'm already very old now. My body has begun to decline. Breaking through the level 40 bottleneck still depends on you, didn't you create your own inner strength and mental method? I feel that my potential has been exhausted. It's better to improve the foundation of Longmen's new blood! They are the future of Longmen!"

The students in the elite class looked at Elder Kahn with tears in their eyes when they heard that their newly appointed Elder Longmen Chuan Gong was so selflessly defending them.

Wang Dachui was the most outspoken and said directly to Yu Xiaogang:

"Teacher! Didn't you just check my body? My share should be given to Elder Kahn! I'm still young! I believe I can improve through hard work!"

"Teacher! Me too! I believe I can make it through hard work! I am the boss of the Junior Soul Master Academy in Notting City! The first-day genius in Notting City!"

Xiao Zhan also stood up and expressed his thoughts at this time, and he was very arrogant and boasted about his talent!

After Elder Kahn heard the heartfelt words of Wang Dachui and Xiao Zhan, he felt that his old heart began to boil with blood.

Elder Kahn excitedly walked forward and touched the heads of Wang Dachui and Xiao Zhan with his warm old hands. Then he patted the young shoulders and said to them with tears in his eyes:

"Okay! Okay! You are all good boys! Longmen is really lucky to have disciples like you! When the dean is old, you will have to walk the path of a soul master on your own. I can only help you protect the way and guide you in your cultivation now."

Yu Xiaogang watched the drama of master-disciple affection unfolding in front of him and couldn't help but said with a smile:

"Elder Kahn, don't worry. As long as I have whale glue, I can refine the secret medicine without limit! Don't worry, I have enough secret medicine now! Xiao Zhan, you are the son of the city lord of Notting City. You are the most familiar with the surroundings of Notting City, right? Then teacher I'll give you a task to go to the drugstore to collect whale gum, and you can collect as much as you want. The teacher also has some gold soul coins here! But you have to collect the goods secretly, you know?"

When Xiao Zhan heard that Teacher Yu Xiaogang trusted his abilities so much, he was very happy and patted his chest and promised:

"Don't worry! Teacher! I am the son of the Lord of Notting City! The pharmacy in Notting City is quite respectable. I will go home after school and ask my dad to arrange for someone to buy it!" Yu Xiaogang felt speechless for a moment. It just so happens that your father, Xiao Zhan, has face, right? But as long as the goal is achieved.

Yu Xiaogang turned to look at Wang Dachui, who was beside him. He took out the drawing of the soul guidance device that he had drawn in the Holy Soul Village from the storage soul guidance device and gave it to Wang Dachui. Then he said to him:

"Wang Dachui, your family owns a blacksmith shop. The teacher needs to make a batch of tools. Let your dad refine a batch of iron essence later, which will be of great use to the teacher!"

Wang Dachui was still watching the show, but he didn't know he had his own business. He took the drawing handed over by Yu Xiaogang and carefully folded it in half, made it smaller and put it away close to his body. He showed his white teeth and said with a naive smile:

"Don't worry! Teacher! Just leave everything related to crafting to me! My blacksmith shop is famous for its craftsmanship in Notting City! You are guaranteed to be satisfied!"

Wang Dachui's big palm-like hands slapped his chest and made a banging sound.

Yu Xiaozhang was angry and funny. Even Wang Dachui, a fool, knew how to advertise his blacksmith shop in front of his classmates. Did he become smarter by practicing mental meditation?

Yu Xiaogang took back these random thoughts and continued to ask Xiao Zhan:

"Xiao Zhan, do you know which noble's territory is the mountain forest around the lower-level Holy Soul Village in Notting City? Let's see if you can buy it with some gold soul coins. Teacher, I stopped in the Holy Soul Village before and found a beautiful valley. You can buy it. Come down and be our sect's base!"

When Xiao Zhan heard Teacher Yu Xiaogang's question, he crossed his chest with one hand, touched his chin, and recalled with a frown:

"Holy Soul Village? I heard at the noble banquet in Notting City that it seems to be the territory of Baron Sauron Brandi, but there is no output in Holy Soul Village. You can ask my dad to come, anyway. These small village fiefdoms are not worth a few gold soul coins."

After Yu Xiaogang heard this, he couldn't help but sigh at the helplessness of the common people. Isn't this the direction that he should work hard to change?

At this time, Yu Xiaogang suddenly thought that the nobles of Douluo Continent all travel by carriage, while the common people travel on their legs. The soul master has soul power to add to various humanoid motorcycles. Those bicycles are very popular!

Douluo Continent's blacksmith shop can make Tang San's sophisticated hidden weapons by hand, and even a bicycle and a tricycle are not that simple. Why are you handing over the assembly line model to Wang Dachui's blacksmith shop to make bicycles?

Now Yu Xiaogang only needs to find one person to specialize in sales. He happened to see Sisi whispering to his best friend next to him. Isn't there someone there? It's still easy to use your brain. He immediately said to Sisi:

"Sisi, does your family do business? The teacher has some inventions. I will make the drawings and production legends for Wang Dachui to make. If Sisi, your family has a business store to help sell it! If not, Sisi, you Go home and discuss it with your family, teacher, I guarantee you will make money. After all, it costs a lot for you to cultivate the Golden Soul Coin."

Sisi was still chatting with her best friend about Teacher Yu Xiaogang's spiritual meditation practice, when she suddenly heard Teacher Yu Xiaogang calling her to ask a question. I endured it for a while at first and then started to think about it after listening to it.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 40 Yu Xiaogang turns into a capitalist


Chapter 40 Yu Xiaogang turns into a capitalist

Sisi is also well-read and has much more knowledge than ordinary people. During the last medicated bath, I relied on my sharp eyes and knowledge to guess the main types of medicated baths. Each cheap medicated bath cost at least 3 gold soul coins. I also knew that Teacher Yu Xiaogang wanted to Elite class students have good intentions.

Now the medicinal bath in the college may be a simplified version of Teacher Yu Xiaogang's. Sisi and the four of them are Yu Xiaogang's apprentices. It is equivalent to the fact that the inner disciples must use the best medicinal baths, so the academy cannot let the academy spend gold soul coins to buy medicinal materials for medicinal baths. No wonder Teacher Yu Xiaogang wants to start getting gold soul coins. After all, it is for our group of disciples!

Sisi was in a high mood after her transformation and said to Yu Xiaogang:

"Teacher! There are people in my family who are in business, and there are shops and caravans at home. Teacher, when you make the invention, can you give it to me and let me take it back to the family to see, so that I can feel confident? !"

Yu Xiaogang was very satisfied with Sisi. She was courageous, resourceful and considered all aspects. This Longmen senior sister was a wise choice for her.

"Don't worry, Sisi, I will surprise you with the invention! The goods sold then will be left to Sisiyou to handle with full authority!"

Sisi clasped her little hands in a cheering gesture and hummed softly to express her agreement.

Yu Xiaogang raised his eyes slightly and looked at Su Yuntao, the last disciple behind Sisi. He also thought of something for him to do, so he ordered:

"Su Yuntao, you are mainly focusing on recuperating the hidden injuries in your body, so you don't need to train your body anymore. When you have done so, let the teacher pass the inspection and then start training! Then Su Yuntao, you are the boss among the working-study students, right! Help teach the teacher In other words, the forest valley behind Holy Soul Village needs manpower for major construction work, and idle villagers from surrounding villages can come and do the work. 10 copper soul coins a day!"

Yu Xiaogang also wanted to make other ordinary people rich first. After selling himself through the shop in the Sisi family, he copied the earth's products for the market.

Moreover, Notting City can be built as a trading city by being located at the junction of the two empires. Now the next generation of Notting City City Lord is already a disciple of Yu Xiaogang, which is equivalent to intervening in the development of Notting City.

In this way, Yu Xiaogang can develop Notting City into what he likes. After all, Notting City is a small frontier town that does not even have a spirit fighting arena. It is quiet at night and has no nightlife.

After hearing Teacher Yu Xiaogang's instructions, Su Yuntao promised to do it beautifully! He also promised that he would take good care of the hidden wounds left by excessive training. After hearing this, Yu Xiaogang nodded and gave Su Yuntao a confirmation.

Yu Xiaogang turned to Teacher Ye from the infirmary who had been standing next to Elder Kahn for a long time and said:

"Teacher Ye, your martial spirit is the resurrecting grass. It should be easy to identify the medicinal materials! I plan to open a pharmacy in a store in Notting City. I will give you some prescriptions for treating headaches and brain fever. By the way, I can accumulate some civilians for Longmen. In terms of reputation and funds, you can also learn how to handle and mix medicinal materials with me."

"Yes! Okay, Master! I usually do this too. I treat injuries caused by fights among the students in the academy. When the soul power is not enough, I also use some medicinal materials to treat the wounds."

Teacher Ye from the infirmary replied to Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Xiaogang has also learned about the strange industry in Douluo Continent. If civilians usually have headaches and fever, they can just seek treatment from a healing soul master. If they don't have money, they can rely on the folk remedies handed down from their ancestors to cure them. If not everyone has a martial soul and a physical body. Earthlings are much stronger. I feel like not many people can resist it.

Yu Xiaogang asked Shenlan to scan his memory, and combined some of the prescriptions prescribed by traditional Chinese medicine doctors on Earth, combined with the medicinal materials on Douluo Continent, to deduce a set of medical books for treating headaches, brain fever, and minor illnesses. This is also the first medical book on Douluo Continent that specializes in treating diseases. Yu Xiaogang was very happy when he saw what Teacher Ye in the infirmary was doing next. In the past, Yu Xiaogang was doing it all by himself, and he was unable to do all the work.

Now that Yu Xiaogang has established a sect force, he can just have someone under him to take care of the matters at hand. Is this what it felt like to be a boss in his previous life? But Yu Xiaogang felt that it was quite satisfying to be the boss.

Yu Xiaogang asked the students in the elite class who did what, and then he was surrounded by a group of students chattering. There are some who run hotels, some who run wood processing, and there are also some small workshops.

Yu Xiaogang took out paper and pen in the rest area and began to draw the detailed drawings of the bicycle in dark blue. After finishing the drawing, he gave it to Wang Dachui on the spot. He also wrote down the brewing methods for beer, liquor and the like and gave them to a student in the elite class who runs a hotel, and then gave Sisi the arrangements for perfumes and the like.

Yu Xiaogang, anyway, all earth products that can make money in Douluo Continent are reproduced here. A small chamber of commerce headed by Longmen Yu Xiaogang started in this small training ground, and will inevitably develop into a world-famous brand in Douluo Continent. The Great Chamber of Commerce, after all, Yu Xiaogang, the soul guide, has not yet taken out the killer weapon.

After an hour of busy work, Yu Xiaogang asked the elite class students to take a medicinal bath. After taking care of personal hygiene, we went to the second floor of the college cafeteria to gather together. Yu Xiaogang planned to cook a good meal in person to celebrate the establishment of Longmen today.

The students in the elite class were all very happy when they heard that they could taste Yu Xiaogang's exquisite cooking skills. They politely said goodbye to Mr. Ye Xuemei, the elder of Yu Xiaogang's Longmen Gate, Kahn, and left. Then the students in the elite class said goodbye to Yu Xiaogang and the three of them. Go and do your own business.

Yu Xiaogang went to the college cafeteria to show off his skills. Elder Kahn got the health-preserving skills and spiritual-nourishing skills from Yu Xiaogang and went to the office of the replica association to study them. Teacher Ye received a large stack of prescriptions and medicinal materials given by Yu Xiaogang. Return the instructions to the infirmary.

Kahn and Teacher Ye said that they would not be absent from the dinner. After all, it was the first banquet for the Yu Xiaogang Sect Master and they still had to pay attention.

Time passed very quickly in the busyness. After everyone arrived, a simple celebration banquet started on the second floor of the college cafeteria. Yu Xiaogang was drunk by Elder Kahn. If Yu Xiaogang hadn't been physically strong, Kahn would have succeeded.

Teacher Ye and Sisi's group of girls ate and drank together in harmony. However, compared to the girls' table, the boys were less particular. One by one, they transformed into pot-bellied warriors and swept away wildly.

After a feast of wine and food, the elite class students one after another said goodbye to Teacher Yu Xiaogang and the others and went back to their dormitories. Yu Xiaogang stood on the second floor while listening to the elite class students and friends passing by him talk about their dreams for the future. When I look downstairs at the students leaving, their eyes are a little blurred.

At this time, Elder Kahn, who was a little drunk, patted Yu Xiaogang's shoulder from behind and said:

"What are you thinking, Master? Don't worry, these children are all excellent. Now Longmen can definitely make a breakthrough with them! Isn't it true that you also have Yu Xiaogang, the master with the most theoretical knowledge in the mainland!"

Only then did Yu Xiaogang feel the reality. He didn't expect that he, an ordinary person on earth, would actually start his own legend on Douluo Continent!

(End of this chapter)