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Chapter 31 Speculations on the Ancient Civilization of Douluo Continent


Chapter 31 Speculations on the Ancient Civilization of Douluo Continent

Yu Xiaogang and Dean Kahn had a good drink together in the college cafeteria. Dean Kahn was very happy today and ordered a large table of dishes. Anyway, Yu Xiaogang and Kahn didn't eat much, so they drank and chatted there until they were full. Tuanzi expressed that he was very satisfied with today's meal

After Yu Xiaogang and Xue Tuanzi had eaten and drank, they said goodbye to Dean Kahn and returned to the dormitory. After returning to the dormitory, Deep Blue began to deduce how to refine a body-building pill using whale glue as the main drug.

After all, I promised Su Yuntao a big gift. Is there any better gift than whale glue that can increase physical fitness and allow people to absorb soul rings for many years?

"Hey! Master, the deduction of whale gum as the main medicine is very fast. Deep Blue has completed the deduction! Let Deep Blue assist Master in refining the medicine!"

Yu Xiao just gave Shen Lan a task, but she didn't know that Shenlan would give the results right away. Unknowingly, Deep Blue has become stronger and is about to become a personal artificial intelligence terminal in science fiction novels.

Yu Xiaogang thought in a blink of an eye, wouldn't it be more helpful for Shenlan to become more powerful? You can start building the Blue Silver Grass network when you return to Saint Soul Village next time.

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but tease Shenlan's little thoughts and said:

"I think you want to let me, my master, possess your second martial spirit! But the feeling of being in control of everything is really fascinating."

Shen Lan found out that his master had discovered his secret, so he said openly:

"Hey! Master~! After merging with you and possessing me, Shenlan obtained a lot of energy data of the world on Douluo Continent. Master, what do you think Shenlan and I discovered?"

Shenlan explained first and then started to act as the Riddler. Yiyu Xiaogang could only cooperate with Shenlan in acting to satisfy Shenlan's curious mood and said:

"Oh? Master, why don't I know? What is it? Please tell me Deep Blue! I am very curious about knowledge!"

Shenlan puffed up her chest with an air of dignity, put her hands on her hips, and after achieving the desired effect, she began to explain to Yu Xiaogang that a big secret had been discovered through recent data comparisons.

"Master! I discovered that there is a strange energy barrier in the sky above Douluo Continent. I obtained the energy of heaven and earth through the possession mode with the master last time and compared it with the energy data of the master who just traveled through the Douluo planet. Master An gave me the deep blue In the Douluo Continent series of novels, Deep Blue suspects that the ancient soul guide technology was wiped out by gods, and there are often strange energy ripples scanning here recently. But don't worry, Master! Deep Blue has helped to block it!"

Yu Xiaogang's face was a little gloomy. As expected, the majority of netizens in the novel forum guessed that after the disappearance of the God Realm, humans in Dousan did not develop as fast as God's suppressive technology.

Douluo Continent was a feudal society for tens of thousands of years before. Why didn't anyone awaken to the wisdom to unify the continent? There should be. The soul tool civilization was destroyed in ancient times. The people on the Sun and Moon Continent must have obtained the legacy of the ancient civilization!

It seems that after Yu Xiaogang arrives at Titled Douluo, he can go to the Sun and Moon Continent. There may be some unexpected gains, and in the memory of the original Yu Xiaogang, he and the Golden Iron Triangle bravely explore ancient ruins. In the eyes of modern people, it is completely a scene after the demise of technological civilization.

Yu Xiaogang felt even more motivated when he thought that his future enemies might be gods. Even if they are not right now, they will definitely be right when Yu Xiaogang starts to promote the science fiction technology of soul guides. He was afraid that he would be killed by the god himself in the middle of doing it, so he had to be careful with his subsequent actions. After Tang San was reborn, it seemed that a god had been paying attention to him, so he could test it out.

Yu Xiaogang affirmed Shen Lan's guess! Then he carried out the second martial soul possession, and used the super-precision mental power strengthened by Deep Blue to control the soul power to start refining the medicine.

After a series of processing, more than 300 pills were produced from the whale glue, and all the century-old and thousand-year whale glue were used. Xiaogang plans to wait until he reaches level 40 before refining the Ten Thousand Years Whale Glue Jade. After all, the auxiliary medicinal materials from the previous year have been used up. Even gold soul coins cannot support my waste!

Deep Blue has cracked all the soul guidance formations in the storage soul guidance device, and also deduced the formations needed for a soul guidance device that can hold living creatures. Who doesn't want to have a portable space, and also hopes to wait for Deep Blue to become more powerful and develop a way to establish a plane. After Yu Xiaogang released the possession mode, he first gave Xue Tuanzi a hot bath. Maybe Tuanzi was used to him and didn't resist this time. However, he still deliberately threw water on himself, causing Yu Xiaogang to drown.

After taking a comfortable hot bath, he sorted out today's elite class students' martial soul analysis data and soul ring suggestions, and compiled them into a booklet that he planned to distribute tomorrow. Yu Xiaogang put his heart and soul into it for the students in the elite class. Some martial spirits are still suggestions given by Deep Blue's deduction.

Shen Lan is really Yu Xiaogang's caring little cotton-padded jacket. She feels that Yu Xiaogang can only be an ordinary person when traveling through the Douluo Continent alone. Now all Yu Xiaogang's knowledge of skills and abilities are based on the mobile spirit.

Yu Xiaogang went to bed after finishing his work, but he was also thinking about when he would contact Flanders. After all, the elite class students will soon be at level 10 and have to hunt soul beasts to obtain soul rings. Is it stupid for those who have tools not to do it themselves? ?

Yu Xiaogang also plans to combine the recent experimental report with theory to write a new martial arts theory book to prove to himself that he is not the good-for-nothing Yu Xiaogang.

But how should the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect deal with it, even though the original person has been expelled from the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. Now that Yu Xiaogang's martial soul has awakened for the second time and transformed into a bright golden holy dragon, he cannot hide it unless he doesn't use the first martial soul for the rest of his life.

Yu Xiaogang casually wanted to take Bibi Dong's line. There are not so many books on ancient soul tools for Shenlan to study. The Spirit Hall must have left something behind after being in Douluo Continent for so long.

Yu Xiaogang also sighed. When he was in the Wuhun Hall, he knew how to read books about Wuhun and Soul Beasts, and he didn't read anything else. Now he wants Shenlan to deduce the soul guide from scratch.

Liu Erlong, his cousin, needs to deal with it as soon as possible. It is not his style to be incessant. It seems that I am about to write a letter to Sister Erlong. It happens that Flanders also likes Liu Erlong, so he just quits.

Yu Xiaogang is not the original person, he hesitates constantly, taking advantage of Liu Erlong's lack of deep feelings. Otherwise, like in the original work, Liu Erlong's love for Yu Xiaogang has been fermented for more than 20 years and turned completely crazy.

Yu Xiaogang was frightened when he thought about it. He was worthy of being in Love Continent. I still went after Bibi Dong, seeing Bibi Dong's pure and charming appearance and hot figure in my memory. I am definitely not coveting Bibi Dong's body, it was love at first sight!

According to Yu Xiaogang's timeline of Douluo's original work, Bibi Dong is still safe and has not been imprisoned by Qianxun Ji's secret room. Bibi Dong didn't go crazy after being hurt, and she wanted to become stronger as soon as possible.

Yu Xiaogang's current first martial soul can only condense the soul ring to the soul king's fifth soul ring, but mobile phones will not have this restriction. After being possessed by the second martial soul, the appearance changes drastically, and the soul power aura can also be changed through the dark blue. It's totally a trouble-making vest!

When the time comes, Yu Xiaogang's second martial spirit possesses him and changes his vest to cause trouble. What does it have to do with me, Yu Xiaogang? My Yu Xiaogang martial spirit is the Bright Golden Holy Dragon! Not an elf!

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(End of this chapter)

Chapter 32 Elite Class Theory Class


Chapter 32 Elite Class Theory Class

Yu Xiaogang recalled Bibi Dong's appearance in the original owner's memory. To be honest, he was even more beautiful than in the anime. No wonder the original Yu Xiaogang can't forget it. In his memory, it's like watching a Korean drama.

Yu Xiaogang admitted that he fell in love with Bibi Dong. After all, he inherited all the causes and effects of Yu Xiaogang.

Thinking about all the messy things, Yu Xiaogang caressed Xue Tuanzi and fell asleep. In his dream, he kicked Qian Xunji from Wuhun Palace, rescued Bibi Dong and then...

When Yu Xiaogang got up in the morning, he changed into a pair of pants. Fortunately, no one saw him. After washing, I practice purple energy and health-preserving skills daily, and a new day begins.

Yu Xiaogang was taking Xue Tuanzi to the college cafeteria for breakfast, accepting greetings from students every day, and responded to them one by one. After all, yesterday he analyzed the martial arts for each student in the elite class, and provided suggestions for additional suitable soul rings. Today, he has already entered the junior class in Notting City. Word spread about the Soul Master Academy.

Yu Xiaogang feels that this is the correct way for the theory master to open up. Who is Yu Xiaogang in the original work? He ate and drank at the Junior Soul Master Academy in Notting City, gave lectures to students, and did not accept any apprentices to prove his theory. If he had to accept Tang San, a genius with twin martial souls and full soul power, as his apprentice to prove his theory, Tang San Lan Yincao was almost destroyed by him.

While Yu Xiaogang greeted the friendly students, he complained in his mind that the original person was indifferent. Yesterday afternoon, when I was training in the elite class, I was learning how to use mental power to override my mind. I suddenly had an inspiration and wanted to try out a flying knife that looks like the star-devouring protagonist.

Yu Xiaogang remembered that idiot Wang Dachui. His home was a blacksmith shop and he could draw drawings for him to build. He didn't know how many flying knives he could control with his mental power.

Yu Xiaogang finished breakfast and went directly to the elite class classroom to wait for students to come to class. Students walked into the classroom one after another and saw Teacher Yu Xiaogang waiting for them. They immediately called out "Good morning, teacher" very respectfully. Yu Xiaogang was very helpful.

I was waiting for the morning class to start, but idiot Wang Dachui hadn't come yet. Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but think that the guy overslept? I have to practice hard at the training ground later.

After the school bell rang, Wang Dachui hadn't come yet, and Yu Xiaogang didn't wait for him, so he asked Wang Dachui's leader, Xiao Zhan:

"Classmate Xiao Zhan, you and Wang Dachui are very close. Do you know why he didn't come to class today?"

Xiao Zhan knew that something bad was going to happen even before Wang Dachui came. He was so unlucky that he accepted that idiot Wang Dachui as his younger brother. He could gain momentum just by looking at others. Well, now that his younger brother caused trouble, he wanted Xiao Zhan to be the boss. The tank is jacked up, what a bad luck!

"Um... Teacher Yu Xiaogang and Wang Dachui may have been too tired from practicing yesterday. They overslept today and may come to class soon."

Xiao Zhan racked his brains and tried his best to find excuses to excuse his younger brother Wang Dachui. He was absent from class on the second day of class with such a powerful teacher. He was really brave!

Just at this moment, the sound of running with weight was heard in the corridor outside, and he saw Wang Dachui, the idiot Wang Dachui, panting with his hands on his knees, looking at his boss Xiao Zhan regardless of surprise. Guan Luck showed a silly smile and said to Yu Xiaogang:

"Teacher Yu Xiaogang! The medicated bath you gave us yesterday really worked! This morning I got up and practiced the mental power meditation method you gave me to make a breakthrough in one fell swoop. My soul power has broken through to level 9!"

As soon as the students in the elite class heard that Wang Dachui's soul power had broken through to level 9, they were just one level away from being able to add a soul ring. Everyone showed surprised expressions and envious eyes, but many people felt that they had greatly improved after taking the medicinal bath prepared by Teacher Yu Xiaogang yesterday, but it was not as big as Wang Dachui. It's true that stupid people have stupid blessings. !

Yu Xiaogang was confused after hearing this. Is this a breakthrough? It's so casual! Yesterday I saw that Wang Dachui's soul power was very stable! Not strong either. Yu Xiaogang practiced Wang Dachui on his own, ate a nutritious lunch, and took a medicinal bath for one night after training, and he achieved a breakthrough. It may be due to Wang Dachui's physical constitution, he has absorbed the medicinal properties of the medicinal bath very well, and his mental training has broken through the bottleneck. For a series of reasons, stupid people are really lucky!

Yu Xiaogang could only give one lucky Wang Dachui and said:

"Teacher, congratulations to you first. You are one step closer to becoming a first-level soul master! Wang Dachui, please come in first! The class will start soon. Listen carefully to the lecture. A soul master is not only powerful in body and soul, but also has a smart brain. It's a must! Well, classmates, you can do it too, don't envy Wang Dachui. I hope you can all break through level 10 together, and the teacher will lead a team to help hunt down the century-old spirit ring."

Yu Xiaogang waited for Wang Dachui to enter the classroom, and began to lecture and continue to popularize the knowledge of soul beasts to the elite class students, how to tell the year of the soul beasts, and those soul beasts would run as far away as possible when they encountered them. I also mentioned that the hundred thousand year soul beast is powerful. During Douluo Tang San's time, ordinary soul masters only knew about the hundred thousand year soul beast and did not know the existence of the ferocious beast.

He also mentioned the importance of spiritual power and physical fitness of soul masters in absorbing soul rings. He also gave the example of the highest number of soul rings absorbed in the history of Wuhun Palace. From the first soul ring ten thousand years ago, which lasted more than 50 years to the white ten-year soul ring, to the current number one soul ring. The century-old spirit ring has been around for more than 400 years, and its absorption period has been increasing.

At this time, Sisi raised her hand to ask a question. After seeing this, Yu Xiaogang paused his speech and let him speak.

"Teacher Yu Xiaogang! I have a question. Can my physical strength and mental strength be enough to absorb a ten-thousand-year soul ring with my fourth soul ring?"

Yu Xiaogang likes Sisi, a good student who loves to study and study very much, and it gives him a sense of accomplishment. Then he introduced it to Sisi and the elite class students:

"Student Sisi's question is very good! This is feasible, but it is very important. You need to be very mentally tough. Soul beasts were not very intelligent ten thousand years ago. Only the resentment of the soul beast after death is attached to the soul ring, giving The soul master who absorbs the soul ring is a little hindered. However, except for some soul beasts with strong bloodline, which have been cultivated for thousands of years, they have developed very high wisdom. After death, they will be accompanied by the soul of the soul beast, just like the soul ring produced by the soul beast with ten thousand years of cultivation. It's the soul impact that can only be absorbed by a ten thousand year soul ring. If you can't resist it, you will die, so if you want to absorb the ten thousand year soul ring for the fourth soul ring, you can only pass my mental and physical strength test."

After Yu Xiaogang finished explaining, Sisi had no other questions. Yu Xiaogang continued to lecture, and all kinds of knowledge that civilian soul masters and small families didn't know were told one by one from Yu Xiaogang's mouth. The students in the elite class below were listening with gusto, and were frantically taking notes below for fear of missing something.

After seeing this, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but slow down the tone of his lecture. He saw in the students in the elite class the enthusiasm for learning in the senior high school students in his previous life, and he was just messing around at that time.

After a while, Yu Xiaogang's class in the morning was almost complete. Theoretical knowledge such as soul beast identification could only be taught a little bit every day.

"Okay! get out of class is over, students. Now you can have a good rest and go to have lunch early. After lunch break, we will gather at the training ground for class in the afternoon. From now on, we will arrange it like this, with theoretical knowledge in the morning, physical training in the afternoon, and medicinal baths in the evening. Practice. The management of Sisi and Xiao Zhan's elite class classmates will be left to you."

"Don't worry, Teacher Yu Xiaogang! Let's see who doesn't give me boss Xiao face." Xiao Zhan wanted to show his loyalty by standing up immediately. Wang Dachui still stood behind Xiao Zhan and smiled naively. His tall figure gave Xiao Zhan a strong momentum.

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(End of this chapter)

Chapter 33 Yu Xiaogang founded a powerful sect


Chapter 33 Yu Xiaogang founded a powerful sect

Yu Xiaogang's brows twitched when he saw Xiao Zhan jumping like that. Sure enough, no matter what world he is in, children are still so expressive. The students in the elite class looked at Xiao Zhan with god-like eyes. The students in the elite class all admired Xiao Zhan's courage to offend the whole class in one breath.

Several male classmates began to look at Xiao Zhan with unkind eyes. Anyway, teacher Yu Xiaogang said that the squad leader and deputy squad leader could challenge, but squad leader Sisi was a girl and was in the support department and was too embarrassed to challenge. Now that Xiao Zhan is so brave, doesn't this give him a chance?

When Xiao Zhan saw the unkind looks in his classmates' eyes, he immediately knew that he had provoked public anger, so he could only giggle like Wang Dachui and plan to get through, and then quickly sneak away with a bunch of younger brothers.

Yu Xiaogang asked the elite class students to stop Sisi after class and said that he had something to confess:

"Student Sisi, please wait until you finish lunch. Please ask Wang Dachui, Xiao Zhan and Su Yuntao to come over and meet in the teacher's office. Teacher, I have something to ask you, so it's a good thing to be reassured."

At first, Sisi saw Teacher Yu Xiaogang calling her and thought it was her martial soul who had new analysis and suggestions. Then she heard that she was asked to pass on the message, but it was a good thing and she agreed:

"Yeah! Okay! Teacher Yu Xiaogang, I'm going to find them now. I'll come over to see you after lunch!"

Yu Xiaogang knew it after he told Sisi, so he also went to the college cafeteria to cook while holding the snow dumpling in his arms.

Xue Tuanzi killed Yu Xiaogang's 12 gold soul coins again at noon today, and I feel that the dumplings are becoming more and more edible. From the bottom of his heart, Yu Xiaogang ordered Shenlan to deduce a technology template for the lowest-cost storage soul guide.

right! Yu Xiaogang planned to make small storage soul guides to sell for money. He would buy some materials during the break and start making soul guides.

When the time comes, you can find Flanders who fell into the gold soul coins to help you sell them, so that you can have enough gold soul coins for your own research. By the way, I also invited Liu Erlong to work together to resolve this bad relationship.

As soon as Yu Xiao finished eating and ate in the college park, she returned to her office and put down the snow dumplings for her to play with. I took out a pen ruler and started drawing. I drew three views of the flying knife, the main character of the anime Devouring the Starry Sky in my previous life. I planned to come over and give it to Wang Dachui and his friends to pass it on to his dad to help build it.

After Yu Xiaogang finished the drawing, he tidied up and made himself a pot of tea, prepared some snacks and put them on the coffee table, then sat on the sofa and waited for Sisi and the others to arrive.

After a while, without letting Yu Xiaogang wait long, there was a knock on the door, and Wang Dachui outside the door began to shout in a loud voice:

"Teacher Yu Xiaogang! What good things do you want from us! We are all here!"

"Hey! Wang Dachui! Keep your voice down! I can hear you twenty meters away!"

"Hey! I'm afraid Teacher Yu Xiaogang didn't hear it! Sister Sisi, don't be angry, I know I was wrong."

Yu Xiaogang listened to Sisi's voice scolding Wang Dachui outside the door, and couldn't help but laugh at the fact that such a fool as Wang Dachui changed his mind no matter what, so he could only say:

"Okay! Stop standing outside and come in! The teacher has something to ask you."

The four people outside heard the voice of Teacher Yu Xiaogang and pushed the door in. Su Yuntao, the last one, closed the door politely and walked to the sofa opposite Yu Xiaogang one after another. He sat down and looked at Yu Xiaogang with questioning eyes. Wang Dachui finally I didn't have any intention and said straight away:

"Teacher Yu Xiaogang, we are all here! If you have any good news, please tell me! I will go to practice later."

Yu Xiaogang listened to Wang Dachui's speech without hesitation, picked up the teapot and poured a cup of tea for each of Su Yuntao and the others. He sat down and looked at the four people in front of him and asked:

"You don't have a sect, right? Teacher, I was born in the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, but it has been expelled now. Now, Teacher, after I awakened my martial soul for the second time, I want to pass on my abilities. Teacher, I! I plan to create a sect. Yesterday, I When I was practicing, I observed the students in the elite class. You four are the best in mind. Are you willing to join the sect where I am the only teacher?" Yu Xiaogang picked up the teacup and blew it, observing the expressions of the four people opposite. After hearing this, Xiao Zhan was still struggling, thinking about what he could gain by joining his own sect, and everything showed on his face. Su Yuntao's eyes were full of excitement. After all, he was born as a commoner, so he would seize all the help. Sisi is still thinking about her family's reasons! His brows were furrowed. Wang Dachui answered directly without thinking:

"Teacher Yu Xiaogang! I join! Anyway, I believe you can lead me to become stronger! Teacher, you promised to help me hunt the soul beast! You are a good person! Hehe!"

After Wang Dachui finished speaking, he rubbed the back of his head and smiled stupidly. Then Su Yuntao also answered:

"Teacher Yu Xiaogang, I, Su Yuntao, also want to join! I know that my qualifications are very poor, but I was born a commoner and have nothing, so I want your help!"

Su Yuntao expressed the most frankly that he needed Yu Xiaogang to support his cultivation. After all, in order to meet Sisi's mate selection standards, it was all for the goddess Sisi!

Xiao Zhan and Shi Shidu saw that Su Yuntao and Wang Dachui had expressed their intention to join Yu Xiaogang's fledgling sect, and they also made up their minds and asked to join.

Xiao Zhan first expressed his confidence by patting his chest and saying to Yu Xiaogang:

"Master! Now that the sect has just established the funds, please give them to me. After all, my father is the lord of Notting City. I will tell my father when I go back today. It will be no problem to give the gold soul coins to me."

Xiao Zhan betrayed his father without caring. Yu Xiaogang saw that Xiao Zhan was so caring and was very happy to give him affirmation. He gave Xiao Zhan full marks for his loyalty in his heart.

Sisi glanced at Xiao Zhan, who was not thinking clearly, and said that she was the leader among the four. He also asked Yu Xiaogang:

"Sect Master, what is the name of our sect? What does it do mainly? Is Lisheng simply the new meditation method that the sect master gave to our elite class yesterday? Then sect master, should I bring all the elite class students into our sect? Come?"

Yu Xiaogang saw that only Sisi asked the important point. Sure enough, his sect still needed a smart person to manage it. It was definitely not that he wanted to be lazy and be the boss, he was also very busy!

Yu Xiaogang also responded to Sisi's question. He put down the half-drunk tea in his hand and pushed the snacks on the coffee table towards the four of them, indicating that you should eat some first and start introducing yourself.

Wang Dachui started eating without any thought at all. Sisi glanced at Wang Dachui helplessly. Xiao Zhan and Su Yuntao saw Sisi's stern eyes and immediately sat upright to show that they were listening carefully. However, Su Yuntao's words drifted towards him from time to time. The snack's eyes betrayed his true thoughts.

"You don't need to call me sect leader, just call me teacher. After all, you will pass on my knowledge in the future, and I will also be your leader. The sect's name, teacher, has already been decided!"

Yu Xiaogang first corrected the title, and then slowly spit out the name of the newly created sect.

"Dragon! Door!"

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(End of this chapter)

Chapter 34 Accepting the Four Heavenly Kings of Notting City Junior Soul Master Academy as Disciples


Chapter 34 Accepting the Four Heavenly Kings of Notting City Junior Soul Master Academy as Disciples

When Yu Xiaogang mentioned this name, Sisi and the other four looked confused. They didn't know what this name meant, but Teacher Yu Xiaogang said so and they could only clap their hands and applaud!

"Uh? What's the meaning of the name Teacher? It doesn't sound domineering! Teacher, your martial spirit is the Bright Golden Holy Dragon, you might as well call it the Golden Dragon Gate Haki!"

When Xiao Zhan heard the name Longmen, he felt that it was not domineering enough. His little brain quickly turned and he immediately came up with a name that he thought was domineering. He felt good about himself!

Yu Xiaogang panicked when he heard this name. He felt ashamed to meet people, so he could only interrupt Xiao Zhan's next words and said helplessly:

"Okay, let's call it Longmen! This name has been decided. This name will be useful to the teacher in the future. Don't worry! This name will be resounding throughout Douluo Continent soon!"

Seeing that Teacher Yu Xiaogang had already made up his mind, Sisi and the other four had no choice but to agree with this ordinary name. Yu Xiaogang saw that Xiao Zhan was still there looking unhappy, and couldn't help but find it funny that Xiao Zhan usually always acted like a little adult. Even though he is the boss of the academy, he still has a childish side!

Yu Xiaogang took out the century-old whale gum pills that he had refined last night from the storage soul guide, and gave each person a bottle of ten pills. After taking it, Sisi looked at the porcelain bottle in her hand with a puzzled expression. Wang Dachui had already begun to remove the cork and was looking inside. Xiao Zhan and Su Yuntao felt that they couldn't figure it out anyway, so they waited for Teacher Yu Xiaogang to explain.

"Okay! Wang Dachui, don't look any further. This is a secret medicine developed by the teacher, which can increase the number of years of absorbing soul rings. It is mainly used to strengthen physical fitness. It is made from century-old whale gum as a medicine and combined with medicinal herbs! This is as a You can't tell others about Longmen's secret medicine! Do you understand?"

Xiao Zhan was surprised when he heard this and couldn't wait to ask teacher Yu Xiaogang:

"Teacher! How many years can this increase the absorption limit of the first soul ring? Can it be used forever? But I remember seeing whale glue in my father's small vault. Isn't this whale glue a men's pleasure drug in bed?"

Sisi blushed and broke into tears when she heard Xiao Zhan's explanation of whale glue, but she still stuffed the porcelain bottle in her hand into her chest pocket and hid it close to her body.

Yu Xiao just smiled and reacted to the four people opposite. Xiao Zhan was looked at with strange eyes by Su Yuntao. I never expected that Xiao Zhan, you are this kind of person! Wang Dachui still looked confused and had no idea what whale gum was used for. He only knew that it was the main ingredient used to make the pills that Teacher Yu Xiaogang mentioned.

Yu Xiaogang could only interrupt the four-person small theater, took out a porcelain bottle from the storage soul guide, opened the cork, poured out a whale gum pill, and explained to it:

"Whale gum has medicinal properties that can strengthen the body and speed up blood flow. Most people only use it as an aphrodisiac. After research by my teacher, I refined it through a secret method to stimulate the potential medicinal properties and turn it into a medicine that strengthens the body. But it is best for you to use it. It's best to take it in ice water, because the body temperature will rise very high, so you can only take one pill a day, and you must prepare high-energy food, preferably soul beast meat."

Yu Xiaogang paused for a moment to let Su Yuntao and the others absorb and digest the shocking news! Whale glue has such an important effect! Then Yu Xiaogang continued:

"What I just gave you is made from century-old whale glue. It is not very effective and is just enough for you to use. According to my research, teacher, I can increase the life span of your first soul ring to more than 500. Teacher Su Yuntao, I didn't promise you ? As long as you can continuously upgrade to level 2 in a month, the teacher will give you a bottle of pills refined from thousand-year-old whale glue. Don't be envious, Sisi, you also have it after you get the first soul ring, just treat me as your teacher The meeting gift."

Su Yuntao was very happy, and now his whole body was shaking with excitement. Feeling that things have changed since he entered the elite class, Su Yuntao looked at Yu Xiaogang with grateful eyes, and Yu Xiaogang could only respond with a smile:

"Well, Su Yuntao, you have to work hard! The teacher provides you with sect resources and hopes that you can become a genius who works hard. But the teacher also has a reason. The whale gum pills can also strengthen the muscles and meridians after strengthening the body. When the time comes, you have to come over and let the teacher check how much your cultivation speed has improved! Don't worry, Sisi and Xiao Zhan. Wang Dachui, you must keep the secret and not talk about it everywhere. Xiao Zhan leaves it to you. Watch Wang Dachui. After all, he is your younger brother. !"

Yu Xiaogang first gave Su Yuntao a bowl of chicken soup to encourage him. Another reminder to Wang Dachui, asking Xiao Zhan to take care of his younger brother. After all, Wang Dachui didn't have much thought and was a bit naive, so he was afraid of being tricked. "Don't worry! Teacher, I will never talk nonsense! Boss Xiao, don't worry! I know the importance of this secret."

Wang Dachui immediately stood up and patted his chest loudly. He assured with a silly smile that Yu Xiaogang could only do this after seeing it. Anyway, the secret of whale glue refining was in his hands and no one else knew the details.

Yu Xiaogang took out the drawing of the telekinetic flying knife that he had just drawn and handed it to Wang Dachui and said:

"Wang Dachui, your family is in the blacksmith shop business, and now the teacher is giving your family a business. Yesterday you also saw the teacher's invisible control ability to lift up a fainted person! This is a flying knife that cooperates with the teacher's unique mental power. The teacher plans to sort it out in a few days and teach you how to condense your mental power, which will also be used as our Longmen attack method."

Wang Dachui excitedly took the drawing of the flying knife handed over by Yu Xiaogang, and found that it was easy to know what this thing looked like from the three-dimensional view.

"Teacher, your painting is so good! Even a person like me who doesn't understand can read it! I asked my dad to help me create it after school!"

Yu Xiaogang then encouraged Su Yuntao and the four of them to practice hard and break through to the 10th level soul master. When the time comes, I will ask my friends to help hunt the soul beasts.

Yu Xiaogang told Su Yuntao and the others to go and have a good rest on the grounds that they had a training session in the afternoon, as the matter of the whale glue pills was going to be rotten in their stomachs.

Su Yuntao and the other two politely said goodbye to Yu Xiaogang and left their offices together. Yu Xiaogang stood up and stood at the window with his hands behind his back, watching as they walked further and further away. The four disciples couldn't help but think, Tang San found a giant on Douluo Continent. What would the Tang Sect's expression be like if it wanted to strengthen its martial arts skills? How interesting! After all, there is no such thing as inner strength, mental skills and lightness skills in Douluo Continent!

Tang San, you were an orphan adopted by the Tang Clan in your previous life, without the care of your relatives. He was ridiculed by the people in the inner sect, secretly practiced Xuantian Kung after being taught by the elders of the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, and was hunted by the Tang sect. He created the Buddha's Fury Tang Lian, which was not recognized by the Tang sect even when he was alive. Yu Zhong jumped off a cliff to show his ambition.

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but smile knowingly when he thought of this. Tang Sect has Xuan Tian Gong, Long Sect has Shenlan Deduction's health-preserving skills, Tang Sect has hidden weapons, and now he will have mental telekinesis flying knives, and Tang Sect has Medicine Sutra and Poison Sutra, which he can refine. The elixir method.

After Tang San traveled through time and was reborn, Yu Xiaogang accepted him as his disciple again, in the name of the leader of the Dragon Gate. Tang San, I will make you become what I, Yu Xiaogang, need!

Tang San, I can give you the love and care from your relatives in your previous life. I, Yu Xiaogang's Longmen, will give you the honor that Tangmen didn't give you. Shenlan is very greedy for your Xuantian Baolu! It's just the right material for upgrading health-preserving skills.

 Originally, Yu Xiaogang wanted to found the Tang Sect. At first, he wanted to learn from Douluo Er and Tang San. This was a dog leash prepared for Tang San.

  There have been so many complaints from readers recently that this point can only be revised.

  Finally, please ask for follow-up reading and monthly tickets. Free recommendation tickets and collections are also fine!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 35 Let the teacher check your body carefully


Chapter 35 Let the teacher check your body carefully

The lunch break passed quickly. Yu Xiaogang was writing and sorting out the soul master theory re-deduced by Deep Blue, and used the martial soul data collected from the elite class students yesterday as support. After all the students in the elite class reach 10 and add the soul rings suggested by Yu Xiaogang, they will let Deep Blue Mental Power scan them for a comparison experiment. Then Yu Xiaogang's real soul master's martial soul theory can be published.

The lunch break quickly slipped away due to Yu Xiaogang's busy schedule, and in a blink of an eye it was time for elite class practice in the afternoon. Xue Tuanzi shook his ears, stood up from the window sill and stretched in the sunshine.

Xue Tuanzi walked up to Yu Xiaogang, whose head was full of writing, and used his paws to push Yu Xiaogang's calves, reminding himself that it was time for his master to train the two-legged beasts in the afternoon.

Yu Xiaogang was awakened at this moment and looked up at the clock on the wall. I found that it was already time for me to go to class.

Yu Xiaogang raised his hand and stroked Xue Tuanzi's tiger head, and Tuanzi rubbed his master's palm affectionately. Then he shrunk and jumped onto Yu Xiaogang's shoulders, barking a few times to indicate that he was about to go whip the two-legged beasts.

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but laugh when he heard Xue Tuanzi's cry, wondering if his mental power was getting stronger the deeper he practiced the Shen Yang Gong! The sea of ​​spirit has almost filled the entire soul space.

Now Yu Xiaogang could begin to understand the meaning of Xue Tuanzi's calls. After closing the office door, he fed Xue Tuanzi a whale gum pill. Walking under the shade of the trees on the campus path, Yu Xiaogang feels extremely fulfilled now. He has everything he didn't have before when he traveled through Douluo Continent, and now he has more.

Later, I saw that the students in the elite class had gathered under the shade of the trees in the training ground. The teacher in the infirmary was doing physical examinations on the students. Dean Kahn was chatting with the students in the elite class, looking happy.

When Sisi, a delicate girl, saw Teacher Yu Xiaogang watching from a distance, she immediately said with the momentum of the monitor:

"Okay students, Teacher Yu Xiaogang is here. Physical training is about to start. Get up and gather!"

The students in the elite class heard what squad leader Sisi said, and followed squad leader Sisi's gaze and noticed Yu Xiaogang standing in the shadow of a big tree not far away. Spots of sunlight shone through the gaps in the leaves on Yu Xiaogang's resolute cheeks. On the bed, a decent teacher's uniform was stretched out by muscles.

Yu Xiaogang, who was originally full of majesty and aura, was given a bit of humanity by the cute snow dumpling on his shoulder. At least it didn't give him the inhumane expression before. After all, Yu Xiaogang is not a person who loves to laugh.

Yu Xiao had just taken over this body and the soul was still in the process of merging with the body. It was strange to have a stiff expression and a smiling face. According to the deep blue mental power scan, it would take at least a year for the body to slowly transform into the soul.

The students in the elite class quickly lined up and waited for teacher Yu Xiaogang to come over for inspection. When Dean Kahn saw Yu Xiaogang coming, he took the other teachers to the rest area and sat down to continue watching the training of the elite class students. He was very interested.

Yu Xiaogang walked to the elite class and stood in front of the team. He glanced around and everyone nodded in response to his teacher's gaze.

"Well! The students are very energetic. They have rested at noon today. Then we will start a new training method."

"Yes!" The students in the elite class shouted with great anger, especially Wang Dachui's loud voice.

Yu Xiaogang nodded, feeling that he was very authoritative in the elite class!

"Then let the teacher mentally scan your body for hidden injuries before training, and then arrange physical training of different intensities. Don't resist when the teacher detects the hidden injuries on your body. I will come forward to check you one by one when your name is called."

Yu Xiaogang then turned to the infirmary teacher and asked:

"Can the infirmary teacher do me a favor? I'll check the physical injuries and specific intensity of the elite class students. Please help me record them later."

The teacher in the infirmary stood up with a smile, walked to stand behind Yu Xiaogang and responded: "Teacher Yu Xiaogang, hello! I am Ye Xuemei, the teacher in the infirmary. You can call me Teacher Ye. Wuhun Huihuncao level 32 treatment I am the Soul Master, and it is my job to record the physical data of elite class students."

Yu Xiaogang nodded slightly in response and introduced himself. Then start the physical examination immediately.

"Sisi, you are the squad leader and set an example. You come first. Stand in front of me and don't move. Don't resist if your soul power is touched. This is my mental power scan, teacher."

"is teacher!"

After hearing this, Sisi responded happily, and then walked to the front of the team to stand in a very ladylike manner. Yu Xiaogang thought a huge mental power burst out of his body, and after Deep Blue's precise control, it turned into mental power scanning fluctuations. Deep Blue Carefully give Sisi a comprehensive physical examination. Sisi suddenly felt as if she was exposed to the ice and snow, and her whole body felt a little cold.

"Well! Sisi, you are in good health. The strength can be absorbed for 457 years. Your body is usually well maintained. There are very few hidden injuries. The physical training teacher will arrange it for you. Teacher Ye, please record it."

"Okay, Teacher Yu Xiaogang!"

Yu Xiaogang nodded, took out his book and notes, wrote down Sisi's training volume today, and asked him to rest under the shade of a tree while waiting for other students' physical examinations.

"Xiao Zhan, it's your turn, Sisi has already set an example just now."

"is teacher!"

Xiao Zhan confidently walked out of the team, stood in the same position as Sisi just now, and waited for Teacher Yu Xiaogang's mental power scan.

Shen Lan continued to work while checking and collecting data into the database, and then shared the check data with Yu Xiaogang's consciousness.

"Xiao Zhan, your physical strength is about the same as Sisi! The first soul ring lasts for 460 years, and there are very few hidden injuries. It seems that your father has given you good food! It seems that the training is not enough, wait and train more! As a beast soul master, I can't compare to Sisi's efforts as an auxiliary soul master."

Xiao Zhan was crestfallen after hearing this. The students in the elite class below were very happy when they first heard that the first soul ring absorption period was improved so much after taking a medicinal bath. It was Xiao Zhan's turn to be criticized by teacher Yu Xiaogang for not working hard enough to be as good as Sisi, an auxiliary soul master, and training twice as much. Everyone was snickering below.

Xiao Zhan could only walk to sit down next to Sisi with his head downcast. He stared at Teacher Yu Xiaogang with dull eyes as he continued to call for the next one. Sisi covered her mouth and glanced at Xiao Zhan's unlucky look, laughing, which made Sisi pay attention. Su Yuntao was stunned.

"Su Yuntao! Huh? Classmate Su Yuntao!! Please stand in front of the teacher and don't be distracted in class!"

When the students in the elite class saw Teacher Yu Xiaogang calling Su Yuntao, they immediately nudged him with their elbows. Only then did Su Yuntao return to his mind and immediately replied:

"Ah? It's the teacher! I know I was wrong!"

Then Su Yuntao walked quickly and stood in front of Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Xiaogang looked at Su Yuntao in front of him and felt that this licking dog was hopeless.

 Recently, a reader mentioned to me that Qian Renxue is 15 years older than Tang San, so I went to check it out. The original book is 9 years old, the manga is 5 years old, and the anime is different. Headache is currently revising the outline! Finally, please ask for your monthly pass. Your monthly pass will expire at the end of the month, so why not give it to a cute new author?

(End of this chapter)