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Chapter 131 Dugu Bo joins Longmen Sect

Chapter 131 Dugu Bo joins Longmen Sect

Yu Xiaogang felt a little distressed when he looked at the sluggish fairy grass. After all, these fairy grasses now belong to his property, but Yu Xiaogang plans to use Yunlan's life soul power to nourish him every day, and he should recover soon. .

It's better than being ripped off by Tang San! It took tens of thousands of years for the fairy grass to recover, and Tang San also deceived the fairy grass spirit beast. When looking at Douluo Er, Tang San had already taken away the Ice and Fire Dragon King, who had low eyesight. Otherwise, the fairy grass would not have soul consciousness under the pressure of the Ice and Fire Dragon King's divinity.

While Yu Xiaogang was looking at the Yunlan projection screen, he discovered many secrets of the fairy grass, especially the Acacia Heartbroken Red, which actually contained a hint of divinity. Yu Xiaogang used his spiritual power to feel it carefully. It was a divinity full of love. This surprised Yu Xiaogang. It seemed that Yun Lan had to go to Qiankun Qingqing Valley to see if the God of Love had not left any inheritance.

Yu Xiaogang is very interested in the divine test and how the inheritance of the divine test works. The God of Shura and God of Poseidon did not dare to go. After all, God of Shura and God of Poseidon were still alive. The God of Love was originally determined to have been lost. The lineage of Angel God Shen Kao was guarded by Qian Daoliu.

Yu Xiaogang is a little resistant to the fact that Rakshasa God is too evil and confuses people's hearts. Therefore, Qiankun Wenqing Valley has become the research target of Yu Xiaogang, who is giving orders to Yunlan through the projection screen.

A gust of sweet wind blew under Yu Xiaogang's nose. It seemed that Dugu Bo was back. In a ray of green soul power, Dugu Bo was seen carrying a person in one hand. The man and the woman were obviously Dugubo's son and daughter-in-law. Yu Xiaogang saw that Dugubo's son had about the same green hair color as him.

Yu Xiaogang felt pain in his teeth. The soul masters in Douluo Continent were completely indiscriminate, regardless of their own martial soul endurance for the sake of powerful soul skills.

Dugu Bo landed in front of Yu Xiaogang, and respectfully said with his son and daughter-in-law:

"Sect Master, these are my son Dugu Lin and daughter-in-law Hu Yulan. Please take action to save my poor son and daughter-in-law!"

"Ahem! Ask the sect master to save me and Yulan. From now on, I, Dugu Lin and his wife, will be at the disposal of the sect master! We are willing to join the Longmen Sect with my father!"

Dugubo's son spoke, his eyes revealing his desire for life. After all, no one wants to die. Then Dugu Lin turned his head and looked at Hu Yulan gently and said:

"I'm sorry Yulan, you suffered with me!"

Dugubo's daughter-in-law, Hu Yulan, looked pale and smiled. Instead, she knelt down in front of Yu Xiaogang and prayed:

"Sect Master, Yulan, I want to ask you something. I have had three miscarriages because of Ah Lin. I hope that the next generation of children will not suffer from the poison of Wuhun again!"

Dugu Lin didn't react at this time, with a look of bitterness and guilt on his face. His wife had always wanted to leave him a bloodline, and she insisted on doing so regardless of the terrifying poison of the martial spirit. Dugu Lin also knelt in front of Yu Xiaogang and remained silent, which made Yu Xiaogang a little at a loss.

"Okay, get up! Since your family has joined our Longmen Sect, as the sect leader, you must do your best to fulfill your promise to you!"

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, he directly used his mental power to hold up Dugu Bo and Hu Yulan, and then directly controlled his mental power to hold up the two of them. The gentle soul power of golden light began to explore and scan the bodies of Dugu Bo and Hu Yulan.

Dugubo clenched his fists and began to pray in his heart, hoping that his son and daughter-in-law could completely solve the hidden dangers of Wuhun poison. Yu Xiaogang breathed a sigh of relief after finding out clearly. Fortunately, the endurance of Dugu Lin's martial spirit has just reached its limit. As long as the poison of the martial spirit is eliminated, he can switch to the foundation building chapter of immortality to strengthen his physical fitness, and absorb another fifth soul ring to increase his green scales. Snake martial soul's original soul ring.

However, Hu Yulan was in trouble. The Wuhun poison penetrated deep into the bone marrow and was difficult to remove. Moreover, she was forced to get pregnant for the sake of her lover regardless of her body. Maybe the Wuhun poison caused the backlash and caused a huge loss in her body after three miscarriages. Fortunately, Dugu Bo had the Immortal Grass in the Eyes of Ice and Fire, so he could recover quickly after recuperating. Yu Xiaogang had a plan in mind, and when he put down Dugu Lin and Hu Yulan, he injected a cloud of Yunlan's pure life soul power into Dugu Bo's son and daughter-in-law. Yu Xiaogang smiled at Dugu Bo and said:

"Elder Dugu has lived up to your expectations. The defect in your son Dugu Lin's martial spirit can be easily solved. However, your daughter-in-law Hu Yulan is injured due to pregnancy and miscarriage and needs to be nursed back to health by the fairy grass in your medicine garden. It may take about a year to return to her original state. "

When Hu Yulan's pale face heard that Yu Xiaogang had a solution, she became emotional and flushed, and rushed to Dugu Lin's arms to sob. Dugu Lin looked at Yu Xiaogang apologetically and began to comfort his wife. Dugu Bo walked up directly and looked around at the a little wilted Xiancao, and said a little strangely:

"Sect Master, what did you just do to the jelly grass? Why do you feel that the jelly grass is so vital? Forget it, my medicine garden has been donated to the sect. Please use the jelly grass to nurse my daughter-in-law's body!"

Yu Xiaogang took out a book from the storage soul guide and handed it to Dugu Bo:

"This is my record of studying medicinal herbs, as well as some research on medicinal properties. There are some methods of cultivating medicinal materials in it. I plan to use the jelly grass in the eyes of Ice and Fire as a seed cultivation base. I just used a secret method to transplant the seedlings of jelly grass into We are in the secret realm of the sect. After all, the fairy grass is too rare. Don't worry, Elder Dugu, the fairy grass will recover after a while. At that time, I will use the eight-petal fairy orchid as the main medicine to prepare the fairy grass for your daughter-in-law to nurse back to health."

Yu Xiaogang watched Dugu Bo take the medicinal plant cultivation manual and put it away carefully, then took out the whale gum pills and the Longmen Sect's cultivation secrets and gave them to Dugu Bo and the three people in front of him:

"This is the sect's secret medicine that is good for the body. It can refine the body and increase physical fitness. Also, this is the foundation of Longmen Sect's cultivation and must not be passed on to others! Otherwise, if you run to the ends of the earth, I will personally take back everything given to you!"

After Yu Xiaogang said this, he began to show the shocking soul ring configuration, which stunned Dugu Lin and Hu Yulan. Even though Dugu Bo had seen it for the second time, he still looked sideways and thought that the sect leader would upgrade his ninth spirit ring to a hundred thousand year spirit ring later.

Thinking of this, Dugu Bo became even more loyal to Yu Xiaogang. How could he not hold on to such a good sect and leader, Dugu Bo, firmly? Moreover, the daughter-in-law problem has also been solved. When my grandchildren are born, I must worship Yu Xiaogang as their teacher!

Dugubo respectfully took the medicine bottle and secret book that Yu Xiaogang raised in front of him with his mental power, and then memorized the secret book by rote on the spot. Then he returned the secret book to Yu Xiaogang and said that he had memorized it all. Yu Xiaogang waved his hand and said:

"Since I gave it to you, practice well. This sect secret book will be passed down to your family as Dugu Bo. However, one requirement is that the children of the Dugu family must join our Longmen Sect for generations to come! I wonder if Elder Dugu agrees?"

Dugu Bo looked at his son and daughter-in-law who were comforting each other, and saw his son Dugu Lin's sallow face and green hair, and his daughter-in-law Hu Yulan's thin body and pale face. But now that his son and daughter-in-law have been treated by the sect leader, Dugu Bo made up his mind and said with firmness in his eyes:

"Since the sect leader doesn't dislike my family, I would like the Dugu family to be disciples of the Longmen Sect for generations to come!"

Yu Xiaogang was floating in the air, surrounded by golden dragons, and four terrifying purple, black, and red soul rings were spinning under his feet. Under Dugu Bo's awed gaze, he smiled confidently:

"Okay! Elder Dugu, you will be glad for today's decision in the future! The Longmen Sect will be even stronger with you joining! Elder Dugu sees that you like pharmacology. Our sect has a medical book and a large number of prescriptions. After all, medicine and poison are not separated!"

 By the way, I still can't understand why Tang Yuehua fell in love with his second brother? There was originally a plot involving Tang Yuehua, but it should be cut!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 132 Yu Xiaogang's conspiracy


Chapter 132 Yu Xiaogang's conspiracy

Five months have passed since Yu Xiaogang persuaded Dugubo's family to join the Longmen Sect. Yu Xiaogang was very busy during the day cultivating fairy grass and editing practical books on the theory of the origin of martial spirits and the theory of martial soul evolution. In the evening, I have to deal with all the affairs of the sect, and deduce the inner elixir condensation method with Shenlan, and from time to time I have to work as a supervisor in the construction of the sect's residence.

Sometimes Yu Xiaogang is too busy and neglects Bibi Dong, and has to make Bibi Dong happy, which makes Yu Xiaogang tired and happy. One day, five months later, Yu Xiaogang finally completed the compilation of the new theory and began to send it to the Qibao Glazed Sect, Blue Lightning Overlord Sect and Haotian Sect.

Yu Xiaogang stood up and left his seat and walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling window. His body was a little stiff due to movement, and he looked at the increasingly perfect sect residence, with red walls, black tiles, pavilions and some Jiangnan garden styles.

As for Yu Xiaogang's replica of the Chinese architecture that he often saw before in Douluo Continent, Bibi Dong and Liu Erlong, Flanders and several people close to him liked it.

However, Yu Xiaogang felt that something was missing in his arms. After Xiao Tuantuan further awakened from his bloodline, he was taken away by Bibi Dong as he was too sticky. But to be honest, it's really endearing how Xiao Tuantuan has turned into a coquettish little girl and acted cute. Now Xiao Tuantuan is completely helpless and is being held by Bibi Dong.

Yu Xiaogang can only say sorry to Xue Tuanzi. Bibi Dong's biggest master can't even keep your name. Now Yu Xiaogang can only change his name to Xiao Tuantuan. Fortunately, Xiao Tuantuan is a tigress.

Recently, Yu Xiaogang and Shenlan discovered a soul beast bloodline humanoid on the corpse of the Dragon King of Light. This made Bibi Dong look at him even weirder after knowing about it. However, when Xiao Tuantuan transformed into a little white-haired lolita, Perhaps Xiao Tuantuan was not very skilled and did not completely transform, so he retained his tiger ears and tail.

This made Bibi Dong and Liu Erlong become more maternal. They kneaded Xiao Tuantuan's chubby little face. They were so scared that Xiao Tuantuan didn't dare to turn into human form and keep looking like little tigers all day long. Now Bibi Dong's favorite thing to do is It is to tempt the small group to change into human form.

But after all, Xiao Tuantuan is not a 200,000-year-old ferocious beast. He can always maintain his human form, and he will return to his true form after his soul power is exhausted. The small group can persist in changing for almost an hour. The combat effectiveness of the human form has been greatly increased, and it has become more flexible after all.

To be honest, Su Yuntao's four little ones may still not be able to defeat Xiao Tuantuan. It doesn't matter whose pet it is, Yu Xiaogang's Xiao Tuantuan can also!

When Yu Xiaogang's new theoretical books began to be released throughout the continent through Shangsanzong, it caused a huge sensation. After all, the theory of the original attributes of martial souls and the evolution of martial souls are unprecedented in the history of Douluo Continent, not to mention that Yu Xiaogang also used his own disciples as evidence.

After confirming the registration information of Wuhun Hall, many big and small forces began to take Yu Xiaogang seriously as they were just a useless clown. Now Master Yu Xiaogang's reputation is firmly established, and Yu Xiaogang has also revealed the secret of whale glue.

This caused a stir in Douluo Continent, and whale glue was sold out in all major pharmacies. A large number of soul masters set their sights on the beautiful and dangerous sea, which caused a large number of soul masters to gather in Hanhai City. Every day, soul masters form groups to go out to sea to hunt sea soul beasts, but only a few of them can successfully come back alive.

This has made the already ridiculously high price of whale glue, and its skyrocketing value made some businessmen who had previously sold whale glue at a low price beat their chests.

And because soul beasts in the sea are much scarier than those on land, many soul masters can fly even if they don't know how to swim, but a soul master who loses his boat will lose his way in the sky. Once a soul master who can't tell the direction enters the sea, it's like A drop of water merges into the ocean and never comes out again.

There have been many soul master battles for whale glue recently on the Douluo Continent, which has made the soul master world that has been peaceful for a long time start to become turbulent. This has also allowed some great forces to give birth to many proud sons of heaven, and the first soul rings can be found everywhere from 700 to 800 years.

This also made Su Yuntao less conspicuous. Far away in the Qibao Glazed Sect's main hall, Ning Fengzhi was reading Yu Xiaogang's new martial soul evolution theory from his high seat. He asked the Ancient Banyan Bone Douluo on the side:

"Uncle Gu, have you made any moves in Wuhun Hall recently? It seems that our Master Yu Xiaogang is very capable! He has turned Douluo Continent upside down, what a good trick!" Gu Rong was also looking at Yu Xiaogang. When the book heard Ning Fengzhi's question, he didn't even raise his head and replied:

"Ha! Our Master Yu Xiaogang is nesting in his Longmen Sect, watching all the big and small forces beat him to death for a piece of whale gum. I also heard that the old poisonous man also joined the Longmen Sect, and became a guest elder and seemed to be in charge. Yaoyuan. But Ning Fengzhi! Recently, Wuhun Palace has started asking us for whale gum! What are you going to do? After all, we couldn't hide the whale glue from Wuhun Palace at that time."

Ning Fengzhi put down the book in his hand, smiled bitterly and sighed at Gu Rong:

"Our Master Yu Xiaogang is not a simple man. He deliberately revealed the secret of whale glue to us before to induce us not to pay attention to the dangers of whale glue. Now our Qibao Glazed Sect is equivalent to blocking Master Yu Xiaogang's gun. After all Our previous acquisition of whale glue was too obvious.

After all, whale glue was just mediocre before and our Qibao Glazed Sect's sudden large-scale acquisition must have attracted attention. Now, Uncle Gu, we have to support others. If Wuhun Palace wants whale glue, that's fine! Get other resources in exchange! Our Qibao Glazed Sect is not someone to be trifled with! "

Ning Fengzhi changed his gentle temperament from the past and showed his momentum as the leader of a large sect. Gu Rong was a little distracted. Ning Fengzhi, who was always confident and strong before, came back. Ever since Ning Fengzhi failed to break through the Qibao Glazed Sect's martial spirit Qibao Glazed Pagoda, he has been criticized with a fake smile, and now he reveals his aura as a strong man.

Gu Rong suddenly smiled and promised Ning Fengzhi happily:

"Don't worry! Fengzhi and I will make Wuhun Hall feel pain! It's not easy to take advantage of our Qibao Glazed Sect! Yu Xiaogang is really an outstanding person! If he hadn't mastered the secret of Wuhun evolution, our Qibao Glazed Sect would have I've been forced to come here a long time ago!

Ning Fengzhi! I also learned from the grapevine that Bibi Dong is also in the Longmen Sect and has become a Titled Douluo. Now the small Longmen Sect has two titled Douluo. Now we can't treat the Longmen Sect as a small sect! "

Ning Fengzhi smiled confidently:

"Uncle Gu, since we have accepted Master Yu Xiaogang's cooperation, we are already on the same boat. After all, Wuhun Palace is too powerful! We must unite. Now that Longmen Sect has a titled Douluo, it may be that Master Yu Xiaogang takes the initiative to let go. Only when the news comes out and the weapons are revealed can the enemy be deterred."

When Ning Fengzhi and Gu Rong were talking about Yu Xiaogang Longmen Sect, far away in the accommodation of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect master in the Thunder Mountains, an old man with gray hair and weak breath looked at the two books in his hands with trembling hands and blamed himself:

"We were all wrong! We were all blinded by the powerful martial soul bloodline! Pride and complacency are really silently destroying the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect! Ahem! Xiaogang's father can't help you! But Xiaogang is standing outside Father, I am very happy to have created a new world again! After all, you are the continuation of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Sect! You still have the blood of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus in you! There is a successor! Ahem!"

Yu Luo Mian looked at his elder brother Yu Yuan Zhen worriedly and said:

"Brother, do you want me to go find Xiaogang and come back now! I'm going to apologize to Xiaogang! Now that our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect has declined, we must not let go of an outstanding person now! After all, brother, your body..."

Yu Yuanzhen immediately raised his hand to stop Yu Luo Mian's words and said:

"After all, we did something wrong at that time. The elders of the sect removed Xiaogang. Now the most important thing is to train the next generation of our Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. Let Xiaogang let him go! Send a piece of ten-thousand-year-old whale glue to Longmen Sect! Just treat it as a congratulatory gift to give Longmen Sect one more titled Douluo!"

 Asking for a monthly ticket! Please read it! I will update every Tuesday!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 133: Blood Butterfly lays hatred for Ren Xue

Chapter 133: Blood Butterfly lays hatred for Qian Renxue

On the high papal throne in the Pope's Palace of Wuhun City, Qian Xunji's face was dark and his eyes were gloomy. Holding tightly the book on the theory of martial soul evolution that Yu Xiaogang had just released, Qian Xunji felt pain all over his body again. The injuries that Yu Xiaogang left him had not healed yet.

Qianxun Jihen held the book with his fingers until it turned white. He raised it high and threw the book to the ground with his soul power, turning it into pieces. He gritted his teeth and said to the silent guard below:

"Yu Xiaogang's martial soul has awakened for the second time? And now he has just become the soul king? Humph! A little waste is so lucky! Damn it! Cough! Cough! Why is Yu Xiaogang's soul power so difficult to get rid of? Did you find out Bibi? Dong became a titled Douluo? Damn Yu Xiaogang! Bibi Dong was originally the saint of our Wuhun Palace! This was originally the glory that belonged to the Wuhun Palace! Yu Xiaogang really deserves to die! Damn it!"

Qian Xunji was furious on the throne, but the secret guard below remained unmoved and lowered his head. Qianxun Ji coughed for a while. After all, he was too seriously injured at the time. When Qian Xun Ji breathed again, he looked at the secret guard kneeling below and said with a bad face:

"Yu Xiaogang doesn't have to worry about it now! Speed ​​up the acquisition of whale glue and let the small sects contribute the whale glue. Just give them some rewards! I don't know who dares not to give us what the Spirit Hall wants! Now the important thing is to collect the innate soul power. For geniuses above level 8, the Pope's Palace needs fresh blood!"

Qian Xunji felt that things had not gone well in recent years. Poseidon Island failed to tighten the abdomen and lost a large number of manpower. Juhuaguan and Guiying, who had finally been fooled, were severely injured by Yu Xiaogang's explosion, and they are still recovering from illness! So Qian Xunji is now completely alone.

The secret guard immediately bowed his head and said yes and was about to leave. Qian Xunji suddenly thought of something and said with a disgusted face:

"How is that woman? Don't let her seek death again! After all, she carries the blood of Qianjia! Once she is born, you don't have to worry about it, Bibi Dong! My good disciple, I hope you like the gift, haha! Haha! !"

The secret guard trembled all over and immediately obeyed the order and carefully stepped back to go out to do things. Qianxunji's reaction was really interesting when he thought about the god-sister pretending to be Bibi Dong. However, he still let the woman Xuedie raise her for a while. Qian Xunji was excited just thinking about the scene of mother and daughter being separated.

Since I chose not to cause trouble to Yu Xiaogang and Bibi Dong, it would be better to feel disgusted when the time comes. After all, there are now two titled Douluo in the Yu Xiaogang Sect, and Qian Xunji has no one who can do anything, and Qian Daoliu will not help.

After all, only the big forces know about the betrayal of the Holy Maiden of the Wuhun Palace by Bibi Dong. Especially, the fact that the Pope of the Wuhun Palace wants to do evil things to his disciples cannot be exposed. Qian Daoliu can kill Qian Xunji now even if he wants to. Got an idea. If it weren't for Qianjia's new bloodline, Qian Xunji's position as Pope would have come to an end.

After Qian Daoliu prayed in front of the statue of the Angel God every day, he planned to go to the back room of Wuhun Hall to see the condition of the blood butterfly, and planned to use his soul power to warm the fetus. In any case, their Qian family has children, and the higher the cultivation level of the soul master, the harder it is to have offspring. Qian Daoliu is now very interested in Xuedie.

Qian Daoliu doesn't care how Qian Xunji got Xuedie pregnant, as long as the result is good! After a while, Qiandaoliu came to a dormitory with a large number of guards. When the guards saw the arrival of Qiandaoliu's great enshrinement, they all bowed respectfully.

Qian Daoliu asked about the recent situation and was slightly relieved when he found out that everything was as usual. Xuedie didn't react at all to Qian Daoliu's arrival, and just let Qian Daoliu check the fetus in his belly. After each examination, Qian Daoliu used his gentle soul power to nourish him.

Every time Xuedie felt that the life of the child in her belly was so good, she began to miss her parents. After Qian Daoliu finished the inspection, he looked like an exquisite puppet, Xuedie, and sighed slightly:

"As long as you can give birth safely and safely, I will give you an unexpected reward. I will try my best to meet all the requirements for raising the baby well."

Qian Daoliu saw that Xuedie still looked like a wooden man, shook his head slightly and sighed, this was all his son's fault. After breaking up with Tang Chen in the battle on Poseidon Island, he inherited the inheritance of the Thousand Family of Wuhun Palace, and married a woman he didn't love for the blood inheritance of the Thousand Family. After giving birth to Qian Xunji, he devoted himself wholeheartedly to the development of Wuhun Palace.

Since the death of Qian Xunji's mother, Qian Xunji's personality has become even more extreme. Qian Daoliu plans to personally teach the next generation of his granddaughter. He is worried about Qian Xunji and has led his granddaughter astray. After Qian Daoliu left, Xuedie began to react a little, stroking his belly that was beginning to swell, his eyes revealing pain and hatred that eventually turned into endless motherly love.

Xuedie also wanted to die at first, but he was rescued every time he sought death. Slowly, Xuedie could feel an extra heartbeat in his body. Every night in the dead of night, Xuedie would smile and caress his growing belly.

Xuedie hated Qian Xunji's unbecoming behavior as a human and an animal the most, and also hated Bibi Dong for leaving her to suffer these hardships. After so much time, Xuedie also figured it out, and Xuedie was relieved of Bibi Dong. After all, Bibi Dong never expected that her master Qian Xunji would do something worse than a beast.

Xuedie thinks that all this is her fate! When she was a child, her parents were killed by the fallen, and it was Bibi Dong who saved her. Now that he has paid off Bibi Dong's debt, Xuedie gently caressed his slightly swollen belly and said with endless maternal brilliance in his eyes:

"Mom, I'm sorry for letting you have such a beast that is worse than your father. Mom also wanted to die in vain, but when you started to have a heartbeat, mom didn't want to die. After all, you are innocent and everything is damned Qianxunji, I hope you will collect debts for your mother when you grow up! Qianjia, I will remember everything you have done to me."

Xuedie also wanted to take revenge himself, but was alone and weak and unable to take revenge. Xuedie figured it out and taught the child in her belly well. Haha, Qianxunji, don't you want a successor of the Qianjia bloodline? What would happen to a daughter who hates you?

Xuedie planned to give birth to the child in her belly and no longer wanted to live. She felt guilty that her flesh and blood would not have a mother in the future, but when she thought about what Qian Xunji did to her that night, she began to feel desperate and angry. Suppressing his guilt, Xuedie now just wants to talk to the unborn baby in his belly every day, eat well and raise the baby in peace.

In the next few months, Yu Xiaogang began to work hard with Shenlan to deduce the Qi and Blood Golden Pill, or the method of condensing the Yuan Pill. Recently, because of the Chinese New Year, Yu Xiaogang gave himself a holiday to spend some time with Bibi Dong.

However, many people began to send gifts to visit Yu Xiaogang. After all, Longmen Sect is now a large sect. There are only a few factions in the continent with titled Douluo, so many small factions began to express their willingness to join and become subordinate sects.

This makes Flanders smile every day and act like a good gentleman to everyone. The original Shrek Academy teacher really felt like a teacher in the newly built Shrek Academy. Now there are more than 500 students in Shrek Outer Academy, and most of them are They are recent disciples from small forces and some talented students.

Qin Ming was the only one in the inner court. After all, Flanders still had the final say in the inner court and he had to reach level 25 soul power before he was twelve years old. This made Yu Xiaogang speechless.

But Qin Ming was very happy. The old shabby college turned into a high school. He also joined the Longmen Sect, which is now the most popular one in the Douluo Continent, and was appreciated by the sect leader and gave him guidance in training. This made Qin Ming so excited that he couldn't sleep well for several days.

At this time, Yu Xiaogang was hiding on the island in the center of the Yin Yang Liang Yi Eye Lake. Those visitors were all being received by Flanders, and anyway, Liu Erlong and Zhao Wuji were also helping. Yu Xiaogang saw that Flanders was still enjoying it, so he delegated the power. The most important thing for Yu Xiaogang now was the experimental results in front of him.

 Asking for a monthly ticket! Please read it!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 134 The Qi and Blood Golden Pill Technique is Obstructed

Chapter 134 The Qi and Blood Golden Pill Technique is Obstructed

Yu Xiaogang looked in front of him and used his mental power to simulate the internal conditions of his body. His internal organs, muscles, blood vessels, and the power of qi and blood provided by Yu Xiaogang himself.

Now Yu Xiaogang is staring at the simulated Dantian situation in front of him. Shenlan is observing and recording data on the side. Yunlan stretches out a blue silver grass vine to transmit life soul power to support Yu Xiaogang's simulated body from collapse.

In that illusory body, the power of qi and blood circulates in the blood vessels and tendons. A trace of clouds transmits the life soul power and is refined into a part of qi and blood. Seeing that the power of qi and blood begins to grow stronger, it immediately enters the final stage. Dan's moment of truth.

Yu Xiaogang felt a little unsure, after all, this was already the 148th experiment in recent months. Every time Yu Xiaogang saw the simulated illusory body either couldn't withstand the violent energy of blood and energy and exploded, or the energy and blood were so compressed that the explosion broke all the virtual internal organs and veins.

Yu Xiaogang has also tried to use imagination in novels, including cyclones. It's just that the blood energy was too violent. At the last moment, he couldn't control the violent suction, and all the energy was drained out in an instant and turned into an energy bead.

At that time, Yu Xiaogang thought he had succeeded, but Shenlan poured cold water on him. Now Yu Xiaogang still remembers Shenlan's hesitant expression at that time. In the end, Shenlan said tactfully:

"Master! Don't be sad! At least Master, you have created the spirit stone in the novel about cultivating immortals! This energy bead can be used as a soul guide energy system, which is very good. At least you have gained something from all this time, right? Master!"

Yu Xiaogang looked at Shenlan in surprise and confusion, but Shenlan blinked his big innocent eyes at his master's doubtful gaze. Yu Xiaogang said doubtfully:

"Why didn't you succeed? Didn't you finish forming the pill? Why did you say it failed, Shen Lan? This..."

The more Yu Xiaogang talked, the more something felt wrong. He raised his hand and held the white energy marbles, but he always felt that something was wrong. Seeing that her master hadn't reacted yet, Shen Lan flapped her little wings and flew to Yu Xiaogang's hand, stroking the beads with stable energy and said:

"Master, didn't you notice? The last qi-blood energy vortex sucked out all the energy in an instant, including the simulated body. Master, the energy bead you are holding now is an energy crystal, not a qi-blood golden elixir!"

It was a big blow to Yu Xiaogang at that time, but failure is success! Yu Xiaogang left everything behind and asked Flanders to help manage the Longmen Sect. Now every day, Bibi Dong personally delivers meals and Yu Xiaogang gives warm and loving encouragement.

The experiment of Qi and Blood Golden Pills has found the right direction. Yu Xiaogang and Shenlan devoted themselves to it and began to look for a safe way to condense Qi and Blood Golden Pills. After several experiments, Yu Xiaogang obtained a box of energy crystals. It seems that Yu Xiaogang will not be afraid of running out of energy when making the soul guide.

Yu Xiaogang recalled his experimental experience over the past few months, and couldn't help but sigh about how his golden finger was not so savvy, and why he didn't have any skills at his fingertips. It was as important as what was written in the novel, and he could come up with a peerless skill as soon as he thought of it.

If it hadn't been for the time-traveling mobile phone that had a sudden change, Yu Xiaogang would not have known which time he died on the way to create his own technique. Yu Xiaogang is now a little lucky to have Shenlan and Yunlan to help simulate the deduction.

At the beginning, Deep Blue used the old method of deducing data like a supercomputer. Yu Xiaogang felt that he was not involved, so when he saw the projection, he thought of using energy and mental power to build an illusory body, trying to simulate the operation of the muscles, veins and internal organs in his own body. Law.

This made Shenlan's eyes light up. After all, the exercises derived from the data deduction results were not 100% safe. Every time Yu Xiaogang happily practiced the exercises deduced by Shenlan, Shenlan was mentally prepared for rescue!

This time, entities and data are deduced together and compared with each other to see where there are any shortcomings. During this period, Yu Xiaogang came up with a lot of ideas. What kind of seeds condensed inner alchemy and what kind of pressure condensed all failed. The method that was closest to success was the cyclone method, but so far they are stuck in the last step. Yu Xiaogang controlled himself and stared at the crazy rotating cyclone in the illusory lower Dantian, and asked Shen Lan uncertainly when he entered the working state:

"Deep Blue, are you sure that adding spiritual will will succeed? Why do you still need to do it together with Ice and Fire Body Refining? I feel a little mental pressure just participating in the simulation now, and I feel like I am in the deep sea."

Shenlan pulled aside the projection screen with the data waterfall in front of him, and said like a scientific madman:

"Master! After data deduction and calculation, I found that the addition of the ultimate properties of Fiery Apricot and Star Anise Ice Grass can cleanse the Dantian of muscles and veins. It can effectively make the muscles and veins purer when the aura golden elixir is condensed, and can also cleanse Qi and blood. Increasing the quality of Qi and blood increases the probability of forming a golden elixir!"

Yu Xiaogang saw that the Deep Blue Wisdom Pearl was in his hands, and he relaxed and began to control his spiritual will with all his strength to fuse the increasingly violent power of blood. Yu Xiaogang felt that he was controlling a violent bloody dragon.

"Pfft! Coax! Coax!"

At the last moment when the golden elixir was about to take shape, Yu Xiaogang still couldn't control the increasingly violent energy and blood. Yu Xiaogang frowned and looked at the energy beads floating in the air. Yu Xiaogang crossed his chest with one hand and touched his stubbled chin, muttering to himself:

"Deep Blue, I feel that I still have to complete the ice and fire body refining first! By the way, I further integrate the spiritual will into the power of Qi and blood. Every time at the last critical moment, I find that the spiritual will is completely disconnected from the power of Qi and blood. The two energies are clearly separated like this It made me lose control of my energy and blood in an instant."

While recording and summarizing, Shenlan asked Yunlan to clean up the mess while holding the energy beads and putting them in the box. Although this was the closest to success, Shenlan still didn't want to waste the energy beads, which are the best energy source for soul guides.

"Master, do you want to take a rest? Yunlan and I will clean up the experimental table. Master, you haven't slept all night. Go and take a nap on the sofa! Yunlan and I are the only ones here! Wait until master has rested and regained his energy. The physical body of the golden elixir simulation experiment is ready to be held!"

Yu Xiaogang smiled bitterly at Busy Shenlan and Yunlan and said:

"Then let's take a rest together! You and I have been busy all night, so take a good rest and clear your mind."

Although Shenlan and Yunlan both have spiritual bodies and cannot get tired, Yu Xiaogang still regards them as family and friends. Shenlan and Yunlan enjoyed this, and quickly packed up the mess of the experiment and returned to the sea of ​​​​spirits to take a short rest.

Yu Xiaogang went to the bathroom to wash up, took a hot bath, changed clothes, lay on the sofa, and fell asleep unconsciously. The sun began to set slowly, and Bibi Dong came over with a lunch box to deliver meals as usual.

As soon as Bibi Dong opened the door and came in, she saw Yu Xiaogang sleeping soundly with a tired face. She felt distressed and walked to Yu Xiaogang and gently put down the food box. She took the blanket and gently covered Yu Xiaogang. Bibi Dong looked at Yu Xiaogang. Xiaogang's face became more handsome and bookish, and he couldn't help but lean down and kiss her.

Then Bibi Dong crept into Yu Xiaogang's arms like a kitten, hugged Yu Xiaogang and fell asleep with happiness on her face while smelling the familiar smell.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 135: The Realm of Qi and Blood in the Chapter of Immortality Kung Fu


Chapter 135: The Realm of Qi and Blood in the Chapter of Immortality Kung Fu

When Yu Xiaogang woke up, it was already the second day. Shenlan and Yunlan were both sensible people, and their master stayed up all day and night for the method of condensing Qi, blood and golden elixir. When Bibi Dong covered Yu Xiaogang with a blanket and slept together, Deep Blue calmly comforted Yu Xiaogang's mind, allowing Yu Xiaogang to have a good rest and sleep.

When Yu Xiaogang opened his eyes, he was a little confused and looked at the bright sky. The sun shone through the window on Bibi Dong's face in his arms. Looking at Bibi Dong's fair and transparent cheeks in the sun, her long eyelashes trembled slightly. Yu Xiaogang was just right. smiled and said:

"Dong'er, stop pretending to be asleep. Did we sleep like this all night? It's been hard on you recently, but I can soon study the method of condensing Qi, blood and golden elixir."

After saying this, Yu Xiaogang gently touched Bibi Dong's fair face and straightened the messy hair. Bibi Dong didn't open her eyes and just used her actions to express herself. She hugged Yu Xiaogang's slim waist tightly and muttered coquettishly:

"Xiao Gang... just hold me and sleep for a while! Just for a while! You've been so sleepless and forgetful of food recently that you haven't been with me for a long time, and now that I'm a Titled Douluo, I'm not afraid of the Spirit Hall. Xiao Gang, you don't have to So anxious to improve your strength!"

Yu Xiaogang just smiled at Bibi Dong's consolation. He was the only one who knew that Douluo Continent was about to undergo a great change. After that, all kinds of genius soul masters, alien world travellers, and gods who had not been seen for ten thousand years were all in Douluo Continent. It's out of your mind. Yu Xiaogang could only suppress his desire for strength and comfort him:

"Dong'er! Don't you have Xiao Tuantuan accompanying you every day? And you are already a Titled Douluo now. I, the Soul King, can't lag behind, and Titled Douluo can only live for about three hundred years. I don't want to From now on, as yin and yang, we will become gods! We will become immortal gods! We will never be separated for the rest of our lives!"

Yu Xiaogang's straightforward speech made Bibi Dong very happy. Bibi Dong took the initiative to offer her pink lips, which made Yu Xiaogang unable to hold back and kissed her.

Yu Xiaogang and Bibi Dong were acquainted for a while. Yu Xiaogang started to breathe heavily and looked at Bibi Dong whose face was red. She had been studying Qi and Blood Golden Pill recently and hadn't touched Bibi Dong for a long time. She couldn't help but turned into a big bad wolf and pounced on her. The two of them had some exercise in the morning, and Bibi Dong lay in Yu Xiaogang's arms with a satisfied look on her face. Yu Xiaogang held Bibi Dong's glorious, soft and delicate body, and her thoughts slowly drifted away.

Now the plot of the original work has changed drastically after Yu Xiaogang traveled over. Although the plot has now deviated from the original plot, Yu Xiaogang was afraid of the power of historical correction mentioned in the novel before. Yu Xiaogang was afraid that Tang San would be God Shura has placed a mental seal, so he won't be able to completely wash Tang San's brain when the time comes. As long as Tang San is still the otaku killer in the original work, Yu Xiaogang will have a way to completely brainwash Tang San's head.

But when Yu Xiaogang looked at the blushing Bibi Dong in his arms, he made up his mind! No matter what the future holds, he must protect the people around him. Fortunately, Bibi Dong has not gone to the City of Killing yet, and has not been affected by the killing aura of the Asura God Examination Place's will and thinking.

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but think of Tang Hao, a fool. Recently, Yun Lan also reported to him that the Blue Silver Grass Network monitoring had come out of the Killing City. However, Yu Xiaogang saw Tang Hao hunting souls alone to absorb the projection of the eighth soul ring. I feel terrible about the methods of gods.

It turns out that Tang Hao is very simple, straightforward and a bit naive, but he dared to attack Yun Lan for A Yin. But when Tang Hao came out of the Killing City, his whole person became crazy and gloomy, especially when he was fighting the Thousand Jun Ant Emperor, his blood-red eyes showed a hint of crazy destruction.

So Yu Xiao was a little suspicious of Tang San just now, so if it didn't work, she would use the Yunlan Bluesilver Grass Network to wash away the soul's will, and then use Meng's illusionary ability of the Blood Wheel Eye to completely wash away the original three views and re-instill her own three views.

But this is the last resort, and Yu Xiaogang doesn't want to use it. Tang San hopes you won't be so stubborn, otherwise don't blame me for being cruel, teacher. God Shura's methods of secretly influencing people are indeed terrifying. Fortunately, Bibi Dong has been cut off by him and doesn't go to the Killing City, nor does he accept the inheritance of God Rakshasa.

After a while, Yu Xiaogang and Bibi Dong took a bath together, but Yu Xiaogang was definitely dishonest and was beaten several times by Bibi Dong, but Yu Xiaogang still enjoyed it.

After Yu Xiaogang and Bibi Dong finished cleaning up, Yu Xiaogang continued to deduce the method of condensing Qi, blood and golden elixir. Bibi Dong didn't leave and planned to accompany Yu Xiaogang today. Is this the first time to watch how Yu Xiaogang performs those magical skills? Bibi Dong was very curious. After all, she had also practiced the three foundation-building techniques of immortality created by Yu Xiaogang, and now her soul power had been increased by one level to reach level 94.

Yu Xiaogang immediately entered the state, and said with confidence in his eyes towards Shenlan and Yunlan who were ready:

"This time, I will completely refine and fuse the power of qi and blood, and then I will initially complete the ice and fire body refining and then start to condense the qi and blood golden elixir! This time I will definitely succeed! I have an intuition!" Just as Yu Xiaogang is about to start a new one When deducing the Qi, Blood and Golden Elixir techniques, I always feel that something important is missing. Yu Xiaogang frowned and looked at the false blood vessels and tendons of the illusory body floating on the experimental table in front of him. He had an idea and stretched out his finger to turn his soul power into a knife to make an opening, and a little bit of blood floated towards the illusory body model.

Bibi Dong saw Yu Xiaogang starting to self-mutilate and bleed and said worriedly:

"Xiao Gang! What are you doing bloodletting for? Aren't we practicing the Qi and Blood Golden Elixir technique? Let me see how your hands are doing!"

Yu Xiaogang smiled and waved his hand, and extended his newly cut finger to show Bibi Dong. However, after a while, the big wound has healed and returned to its original state. This is all the result of cultivating Qi and blood to perfection! Yu Xiaogang smiled and comforted Bibi Dong:

"Dong'er, look! It's healed. Now that I have perfected the cultivation of Qi and blood, I have no choice but to find the next step, and Qi and blood are the most important foundation. Dong'er is here with me today. Witness the birth of a miracle! This is a new page in the cultivation of Douluo Continent, and we will open it with our own hands!"

While Yu Xiaogang was explaining to Bibi Dong, he gave Yun Lan orders from the bottom of his heart. Yun Lan controlled his mental power to wrap Yu Xiaogang's blood, and real translucent tendons and blood vessels appeared in the illusory body under the induction of life soul power.

Bibi Dong originally wanted to say something, but his attention was immediately attracted by the mysterious situation on the experimental platform. I saw streaks of green life soul power turning into blood-red energy and blood, and two blue and red extreme cold and hot breath energies entered the illusory and real simulated body.

Various energies are running and intertwined in the tendons, and eventually turn into a life-breathing red energy that circulates back and forth in the Dantian and heart. Gradually, Yu Xiaogang controls this energy and begins to rotate, and soon enters the critical moment of forming the core. .

Bibi Dong seemed to see a star cluster emerging, gathering into a point and becoming Hunyuan Ruyi. The life breath energy turned into little starlight and revolved around a red pill, rotating in a circle and then entering the translucent veins and illusory internal organs.

Yu Xiaogang felt that the illusory simulation deduction body was beginning to become a little more substantial. It felt like he was creating a life because there were two heartbeats in the illusory body. One was steady and powerful to deliver blood to the body, and the other was running with qi and blood beating once a week in the body. .

Shenlan excitedly asked Yunlan to disperse the illusory body, leaving only a golden elixir of breath that was like a small heart. Shenlan flew down and carefully picked up the golden elixir of breath with both hands, and flew to the excited Yu Xiaogang and the shocked Bibi Dong. He said cheerfully:

"Master! Master! We succeeded! The most important qi and blood realm technique in the immortality skill and elixir formation chapter has been initially completed! Later, Shen Lan will deduce it again, sort it out and give it to you, master!"

Bibi Dong also congratulated happily:

"Xiao Gang! Congratulations on getting your wish!"

Yu Xiaogang gently held Bibi Dong in his arms with one hand, and carefully held up Shenlan with the other hand. He looked at Yun Lan who had remained calm and said happily:

"Thank you Dong'er! Shenlan and Yunlan, because of your company and help, I can succeed! Now is just the beginning! The soul core and the flower of the soul are still waiting for us to unveil the mysterious veil!"

 Asking for monthly ticket

(End of this chapter)