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Chapter 111 The Ten Thousand Year Soul Beast Sacrifice




Chapter 111 Sacrifice of a hundred thousand year soul beast

Yu Xiaogang broke out with a fighting power that the Quasi-Hun Sect should not have. If Yu Xiaogang's cultivation level was not too low and he did not exert all the power of his own secret method, Qian Xunji and the others would have turned into a bunch of ashes.

Then Bibi Dong used all his strength to stop Qian Xunji from being slightly injured, and forced Yu Xiaogang to escape even though he was beaten to the point of vomiting blood. This made Ah Rou, who was lying dead, moved. She knew that as long as Qian Xunji took care of Yu Xiaogang and Bibi Dong, it would be her turn.

Anyway, the end is death, Arou plans to fight before death! Even if he sacrifices himself to Yu Xiaogang, the man in front of him who values ​​love and justice, he can make his lover run away regardless of his own safety, but Yu Xiaogang can still stand up and resist without hesitation.

Maybe Ah Rou can bet on Yu Xiaogang and tell Yu Xiaogang to take care of Xiao Wu. After all, the phantom of Yunlan's clone just now was a soul beast, although it was a humanoid soul beast that I had never seen before.

However, as a soul beast that is about to reach a 200,000-year cultivation level, it still has some discernment. Yunlan is definitely a 100,000-year-old soul beast, and he obeys Yu Xiaogang's words, so he is worthy of entrusting Xiao Wu to take care of him.

If the potential of A Rou's bloodline had not been exhausted, he would not have been able to survive the great catastrophe of the soul beast becoming a ferocious beast. Without even a chance, Ah Rou would not reincarnate as a human just to spend more time with her daughter Xiao Wu, just to spend a few hundred more years with her.

When A Rou initiated the soul beast sacrificial ceremony, Qian Xunji's ninth soul skill attack was like a breeze blowing on his face. This allowed Qianxunji to add crazy attacks no longer taking into account the consumption of soul power, and frantically attacked the protection of the rules of heaven and earth produced by the sacrifice of the Arou soul beast.

At this time, Juhua Caring carried the bloody ghost and flew to Qian Xunji, who was exhausted and short of soul power. She was a little scared and suggested:

"Lord Pope! It is impossible to interrupt the soul beast sacrifice, and now the former saint is also protected by the rules of the soul beast sacrifice world.

And we are not in a good state now, especially the old ghost who blocked the attack for the Pope. Now he is seriously injured and unconscious, and may die at any time! "

Juhuaguan took a look at Qianxunji's uncertain face, then lowered his head and gave a gentle and distressed look at the ghost in his arms who was almost out of breath but out of breath. Ju Huaguan's eyes were firm and he mustered up the courage to question Qian Xunji:

"Lord Pope! Although Lao Gu and I are willing to die for the Wuhun Palace, it is meaningless now! Moreover, Yu Xiaogang will definitely regain his full strength after obtaining a hundred thousand year soul ring, and may even go further.

And if anything happens to the Pope, if Yu Xiaogang can still use the Thousand-Armed Giant attack just now, we may all have to explain here, the gain outweighs the loss! Lord Pope, please think again! "

After Juhuaguan finished speaking, he held the ghost's hand tightly and lowered his head in silence, waiting for Qianxunji's next reaction. In fact, when Juhuaguan launched a powerful attack on Gangyu and Xiaogang, Qianxunji, the Pope, was very dissatisfied with using the ghost as a shield. If he had not been able to defeat Infinitus, Juhuaguan would have wanted to avenge the ghost right now!

Why wouldn't it be good for the two of them to stay in the Wuhun Elder Enshrinement Hall? It's a mistake to become a little brother to a villain for a little profit!

Qian Xunji's face looked uncertain, sometimes red, sometimes white, sometimes black. Then I suddenly broke into a cold sweat when I thought of Yu Xiaogang's palm shadow all over the sky and countless huge Rasengan energy balls.

If he does it again, he will definitely die from this move. In this way, Qian Xunji will become the first level 95 super Douluo in the history of Douluo Continent to die at the hands of a low-level soul master. Now that Yu Xiaogang cannot escape after accepting the soul beast's sacrifice, it is better to return to Wuhun City quickly, after all, that is the safest place!

Qian Xunji glanced at Yu Xiaogang with a sinister look, and secretly hated Bibi Dong for lying under the protection of the rules of heaven and earth. He suddenly felt that the physical injuries were getting worse and his blood was surging.

"Pfft!" Qianxunji sprayed a mouthful of old blood in Juhuaguan's face. He didn't dare to hide, so he could only hold back his concern and asked:

"Are you okay? Your Majesty the Pope!"

Yu Xiao's attack just now was not so easy to catch. The main attack was taken by Qianxunji. If Gui Mei hadn't resisted the biggest Rasengan attack in the end, Qianxunji might have been even worse.

Qian Xunji had just been holding on to suppress his injuries, but now he was so angry that he was even more hurt. The two energies of Yu Xiaogang and Yun Lan have been destroying Qianxunji's veins, especially Yu Xiaogang's soul power, which is like a tarsal bone. Qianxunji can only suppress the confrontation, but cannot force it out of the body.

Qianxunji vomited a mouthful of blood and weakly gritted his teeth at Juhuaguan and ordered:

"Retreat! Go back to Wuhun City to rest! And block all news today, don't let anyone find out that everything here is related to us."

Qianxun Ji looked at Yu Xiaogang who accepted the soul beast's sacrifice. He was so angry that he vomited a mouthful of blood. He secretly hated Yu Xiaogang's figure and gave an order to Juhuaguan:

"Get Yu Xiaogang out of this matter! Want to become famous all over the world in one fell swoop? Dream on! You can continue to be a useless master in the eyes of the world! Let's withdraw!"

Qian Xunji flew away in embarrassment with Juhuaguan, and if he didn't leave again, he really wouldn't be able to leave. Are you taking a 5-meter slap from Yu Xiaogang's Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara? But this relationship is finally settled, and the next time we meet, we will fight to the death!

Yu Xiaogang floated in the red soul beast's origin. Xiao Wu's mother Arou said to Yu Xiaogang with gratitude and guilt:

"I'm sorry Yu Xiaogang! Because I got you involved. This is my compensation to you, but I have an uninvited request. I have a daughter who I protect very well.

Soul Master Yu Xiaogang, I know you are a good person, and you have a hundred thousand year old soul beast serving you. It seems that you are very friendly to spirit beasts. I hope you can take care of my daughter when you meet her in the future. She is in the core area of ​​the Star Forest, and she will be able to sense that you have my soul ring and soul bone on your body. "

Having said this, Ah Rou will not regret that this is her life when she sees Qian Xunji walking away with the remaining men. But it was better than Ah Rou imagined at the beginning. She continued to look at Yu Xiaogang with pleading eyes and said:

"Soul Master Yu Xiaogang, I hope to leave a trace of my consciousness and soul in my soul bone so that I can see my daughter again and say goodbye in the future. Is that okay?"

Yu Xiaogang also discovered that Qian Xunji had escaped and left, and immediately thought that Qian Xunji was afraid that he would attack Thousand-Armed Avalokitesvara plus Rasengan again after he recovered. After all, Qianxunji vomited two mouthfuls of blood, and it seemed that Yu Xiaogang's attack seriously injured Qianxunji.

Yu Xiaogang being sacrificed by Ah Rou was not part of his plan. He originally wanted to return to his lair and design his own golden holy dragon bloodline self-condensing soul ring through Deep Blue. It really shocked Bibi Dong and the others, but since Arou asked him, Yu Xiaogang agreed!

"Your name is Arou, right? Don't worry! I do have a special hundred thousand year soul beast under my command. I will wait for Yunlan to protect your soul so that you can meet your daughter Xiaowu, no matter how well I take care of you. Not as good as my biological mother!"

Ah Rou said thank you to Yu Xiaogang with tears in her eyes. She was very surprised and sacrificed, leaving behind a trace of miserable soul that was very cool. Who knew that Yu Xiaogang's 100,000-year-old soul beast had this magical ability to protect her integrity? soul. This is not simple. Protecting the soul of a sacrificial soul beast under the rules of heaven and earth is not simple!

Ah Rou exuded the pink soul beast essence, transformed into a set of gorgeous clothes and circled around Yu Xiaogang, taking one last look at the core area of ​​the Star Forest in the air.

Ah Rou withdrew her gaze and stopped thinking about it. Her body became translucent and energy rushed into Yu Xiaogang's body. After carrying all the origins into Yu Xiaogang's body, he began to repair the riddled body.

A red illusory soul ring flashed around Yu Xiaogang's body and was slowly condensing. A large amount of energy gathered on the bones of the left leg, and Arou's sacrificial soul bone also began to condense.

 Coding is not easy, please give me monthly votes and follow up on reading

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 112 The 2th Soul Ring of 4 Million Years


Chapter 112 The Fourth Soul Ring of Two Hundred Thousand Years

Yu Xiaogang watched as a soul ring with a golden pattern was slowly taking shape, and a second golden pattern was looming. Did Arou rebuild it because she couldn't break through the catastrophe of the ferocious beast?

Now Yu Xiaogang felt hot all over, and the golden holy dragon's blood began to boil. The hidden blue electric Tyrannosaurus rex bloodline began to appear, and the black thunder that destroyed the world flashed crazily in the sea of ​​​​spirits.

Yu Xiaogang immediately said eagerly to Shenlan and Yunlan:

"Shen Lan, take notes! It's a rare opportunity to experience the sacrifice of a hundred thousand year soul beast in person. Arou seems to be close to the potential of bloodline. Yunlan, come and help push me! I want to become the first person in the history of Douluo Continent with twenty thousand years of bloodline potential. The soul master with a ten thousand year soul ring!"

Deep Blue was very busy in the thundering sea of ​​spirit, and more than thirty projection screens began to burst out with a large amount of data flow. Deep Blue was processing the rare data non-stop while saying mischievously to Yu Xiaogang:

"Hehe! Congratulations, master, for getting one step closer to the goal! Now that the soul beast sacrifice data record is almost complete, master has a good news for you! Your golden holy dragon bloodline is purer and stronger! If master hadn't been wearing human skin When you go out to play, you are like a humanoid soul beast!"

Yu Xiaogang has nothing to do with the increasingly lively Shenlan. After all, everything he has now is built on Shenlan, and Shenlan still talks about his master every day. He always acts cute and pretends to be cute, but this time it is Shen Lan who is silently supporting him, otherwise Qian Xunji would not be able to beat him so easily.

Yun Lan was much more mature and steady. Without saying a word, she knew that Yu Xiaogang had now reached a critical moment. Yun Lan began to call all the Blue Silver Grasses within a thousand miles to share and contribute a little bit of the soul beast's origin, and began to gather towards Yu Xiaogang through the Blue Silver Grass network.

I saw the red soul ring on Yu Xiaogang's body and the second golden pattern began to outline as if he had taken the best medicine. Then Yu Xiaogang's hundred thousand year soul ring, which originally had only one golden inscription, appeared on Yunlan Lanyin. The powerful soul beast in the Cao network broke through the accumulation of its origins and turned into a 200,000 soul ring!

At the moment when Yu Xiaogang's soul ring was completely formed, red light illuminated the walking path. The red beam of light connecting heaven and earth began to slowly dissipate, and A Rou's soul body fell into a deep sleep with the help of Yun Lan. Sleeping in the soul bone of Yu Xiaogang's left leg, he felt the powerful soul skills brought by A Rou's twenty-year soul ring.

One is the Thunder of Destruction, which is the original ability to manifest the bloodline of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus. The dragon attributes of the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Bloodline have been completely swallowed by the Golden Holy Dragon to increase its foundation. This is a pure attacking soul skill that destroys everything. It's hard to try now, but it looks like I'll try it on Qian Xunji later!

Another soul skill, because it has the vitality source of Yun Lan's powerful blue silver grass, the original soul skill mutated into Praise of Life. Pure auxiliary soul skills have powerful healing and repairing effects, and now Yu Xiaogang is destroying lives all by himself.

The soul skills are good, but Yu Xiaogang has a sad face. The main thing is that the 49-year-old soul ring is really powerful! But it consumes a lot of money! Yu Xiaogang carefully sensed his soul power and made a big jump to level 50 and a half. After practicing some more, he could break through soul kings in no time!

There are also two soul bone skills brought by A Rou, which are similar to the soul bones brought by Xiao Wu to Tang San in the original novel. After all, they are mother and daughter! One is the invincible golden body and the other is flickering, both are good skills for Yu Xiaogang!

Yu Xiaogang put away the soul ring and immediately rushed to Bibi Dong and hugged her tightly. Several Zongyue fell to the ground, leaving Bibi Dong lying in his arms. As if he was afraid that Bibi Dong would disappear, he gently let go of Hou Yu Xiaogang and gently wiped the blood from the corners of Bibi Dong's mouth and the messy hair ends, his voice a little choked and said:

"Dong'er! Why are you so stupid? Don't do it again! I promise you that we will face any difficulties together in the future! Just listen to my words from now on, okay? I don't want you to get hurt."

Bibi Dong leaned on Yu Xiaogang's warm chest, reached out and gently stroked Yu Xiaogang's cheek and said sweetly:

"Xiao Gang, I'm so afraid of losing you. I really can't imagine what extraordinary things I will do after losing you. Xiao Gang is willing to give everything for you. I love you Xiao Gang! Ahem!"

"Dong'er, you are seriously injured now! Don't talk any more! I will treat you now! Don't be so stupid after you obey me, your man still has a trump card! And I love you Dong'er too!"

Yu Xiaogang stretched out his hand distressedly and placed it on Bibi Dong's abdomen, the 200,000-year soul ring he had just obtained beneath his feet flickering. The land around them that had turned barren and brown due to the fierce battle began to grow a large number of flowers and plants, and the trees not far away that were affected by the battle began to sprout and grow new leaves. Bibi Dong felt that a very warm soul power was healing and washing away the pain in her body. Bibi Dong felt so comfortable that she couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

Yu Xiaogang saw that Bibi Dong's face was now rosy and full of complexion, and he couldn't help but sigh at the abnormal soul skill ability that Arou brought to him. The place where Yu Xiaogang stood was a piece of scorched earth just now, but now it has turned into a sea of ​​flowers because Yu Xiaogang treated Bibi Dong and leaked some soul skills.

Yu Xiaogang held Bibi Dong in his arms and looked at the beautiful sea of ​​flowers and sighed to her:

"Look how beautiful it is! Dong'er, I actually don't like fighting and killing, I just want to watch the sunrise and sunset with you every day. Then you and Dong'er will raise a pair of children, forever."

Listening to Yu Xiaogang's simple wish, Bibi Dong felt that her whole heart had been taken away by Yu Xiaogang. When she heard about a pair of children, her face turned red. Bibi Dong raised her charming face and said softly to Yu Xiaogang with blurred eyes:

"Okay! It's all up to you, Xiaogang! We'll live like this from now on, kiss me!"

Yu Xiaogang looked at Bibi Dong's eyebrows, her face that became beautiful due to shyness, and her pink and tender lips. In addition, after the disaster, Yu Sheng was in a mood and kissed her directly. At that moment, time seemed to have stopped and the world was far away from them.

On the edge of a nuclear explosion crater that looks like an apocalyptic scene, a sea of ​​green flowers protrudes from the dark land. Yu Xiaogang and Bibi Dong embraced passionately. After a long time, Yu Xiaogang just let go of Bibi Dong. He hugged Bibi Dong and looked at the sunset and said with emotion:

"Dong'er, our escape from danger this time is all thanks to A'rou, the one who sacrificed a hundred thousand year soul beast. We accept A'rou's favor, and I promised to take care of her daughter in the future. I plan to let Yunlan pay attention at all times. A Rou's daughter Xiao Wu, but when Dong'er returns this time, please switch to my self-created training system!"

Bibi Dong rested her head on Yu Xiaogang's shoulder, feeling Yu Xiaogang's warm embrace and relaxing physically and mentally. She turned her head slightly and looked at Yu Xiaogang's side face, with a tender look in her eyes and said:

"It's all up to you, Xiaogang! It's true that your self-created cultivation system is very strong, and you can also rely on the secret method to defeat the Titled Douluo with the power of the Soul Sect. But Xiaogang, does your secret method really have no backlash? Don't lie to me, okay?"

Yu Xiaogang looked at Bibi Dong's concerned eyes with a hearty smile and said comfortingly:

"Fool! Don't worry! Even without Arou's sacrifice for treatment, I can just go back and lie down for a few days. It won't leave any hidden injuries or overdraw my potential! I just borrowed Yunlan's ability, and it was a blessing in disguise that Dong'er, I Be promoted to Soul King immediately!"

Bibi Dong looked surprised. The stronger Yu Xiaogang is, the more likely she is to seek revenge from Qian Xunji! Sister Xuedie will definitely find justice for you! snort! Qianjia, I, Bibi Dong, will fight to the death with you!

Bibi Dong leaned on Yu Xiaogang's arms, her thoughts drifting away, and she and Yu Xiaogang hugged each other to watch the sunset.

 I'm going to speed up the plot, Qian Renxue will appear soon. Now I am worried about who will be the pope, so I continue to ask for monthly tickets and follow up.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 113 Gold and Iron Triangle Combination


Chapter 113 Golden Iron Triangle Round

After Yu Xiaogang and Bibi Dong were bored for a while, he turned around and looked at the huge crater left by the battle with Qian Xunji, which looked like a nuclear explosion. There might be an underground river at the bottom of the crater. The turbid water began to fill the huge pit, and it seemed that the Star Dou Forest was about to leave its own legend.

Yu Xiaogang's boyfriend was so strong that he picked up Bibi Dong while she screamed and used her mental power to fly up. He told Bibi Dong in his arms:

"Dong'er, let's go quickly and join Boss Flanders and the others! Someone will definitely come to check on the aftermath of the battle just now, and I have to hide for a while. Now is not the time to show off! Dong'er hug me tight and let's go!"

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, he used his mental power to place a mental barrier around his body to block the wind, and began to accelerate slowly, leaving traces in the air while Bibi Dong screamed in surprise.

Only a large lake with muddy muddy water was left, and a wooden sculpture of the Thousand-Armed Guanyin was left beside the new lake. Yun Lan's figure gradually appeared, he took a look at the mess in front of him and sighed. After all, Yunlan, as the collective consciousness of the Blue Silver Grass Network, is still emotionally moved by the loss of plant life.

Yun Lansu waved his hand, and the life soul power of the blue silver grass began to spread like water ripples. The place where Yunlan's life soul had brushed began to be covered with bluesilver grass, and water-attribute bluesilver grass grew even in the still very turbid lake water.

The Thousand-Hand Guanyin left by Yu Xiaogang began to collapse and turned into nutrients to nourish the land that was devastated by Yu Xiaogang. Yun Lan nodded with satisfaction, then disappeared and went back to revive Yu Xiaogang.

Because Yu Xiaogang doesn't want to become a conspicuous person on the Douluo Continent yet, after all, a Soul Sect's counterattack titled Douluo is too terrifying. Now you can hide it as long as you can, otherwise all these monsters and monsters will emerge. What Yu Xiaogang needs most now is time to grow up. And based on Qian Xunji's villainous behavior, he must be tight-lipped because he can't afford to lose face.

After a while, a team of soul masters came over to check and see if there were any benefits. After all, soul beast corpses are also good things, even for low-level soul masters like them who look down upon them.

Then the leader of the soul master team looked at the Blue Silver Grass meadow and the sparkling lake with a confused look on his face. The hand holding the map of the outer reaches of the Star Dou Forest turned white with so much effort. He raised his head and lowered his head several times to compare his eyes with the map. Then he looked at the beautiful scenery in front of him in shock and asked his team:

"Old Wang! Are we dazzled? A few days ago, this was a forest! Why did it turn into a big lake in an instant? What kind of strong man is fighting? It's so terrifying!"

In the following years, this lake became a resting place for soul hunters who came to the Star Dou Forest, leaving behind various legends.

Yu Xiaogang hugged Bibi Dong and rushed to Flanders' location given by Yun Lan. After all, when the fighting just started, Yu Xiaogang asked Yun Lan to send Wang Dachui and Xiao Zhan to Flanders to escape. Flanders and the others should be dying of panic now, and they have to go and report that they are safe.

A bonfire was burning in an open space, and Liu Erlong walked in circles anxiously. Flanders was silent there.

Sisi saw Liu Erlong looking so anxious, so she comforted her:

"Sister Liu Erlong! Just sit down and wait calmly! I believe in the teacher's strength. Isn't there also a master's wife? Contra's strength can definitely avert danger, and the communication ring that the teacher gave us did not call the police. The teacher may be calling us right now. Are you rushing here?"

Seeing that Liu Erlong was so anxious, Flender comforted him and said:

"Yes! Sister Erlong, you have to believe in Xiaogang's strength. You just saw that the one who sent Xiao Zhan and Wang Dachui over was a hundred thousand year old soul beast. And isn't it Bibi Dong who also has Contra cultivation! Plus The last hundred thousand year soul beast, I really can't think of anyone else who can keep Xiaogang. I really didn't expect Xiaogang to have such a magical soul beast under his command, it's really enlightening."

Liu Erlong suddenly became angry and stamped his feet hard, instantly crushing a stone, and the flying fragments almost hit Flender's head. He could only shrink his neck and not provoke Liu Erlong, but what Flanders said also made Liu Erlong relax a little.

Liu Erlong angrily sat down on the tree stump, crossed his arms and looked at the bonfire in a daze, and said to Flanders who was sitting opposite the bonfire:

"Boss Flanders, am I too willful? If I hadn't been angry with Bibi Dong and hunted the soul of Xiaogang's apprentice together. With the three of us' trinity soul fusion skills, no matter how powerful the enemy is, we can deal with it together." Liu Erlong raised his head, stared into Flender's eyes and said word by word:

"Flanders, although there is no possibility for me and Xiaogang now, Yu Xiaogang is my cousin after all. Can I not worry?"

Flanders smiled at Liu Erlong, patted his chest and promised:

"Then Sister Erlong is here to protect the little ones. I'll be here just as quickly as I can."

Liu Erlong looked at Flanders, who was obedient to him, and felt that his broken heart began to be gently soothed by Flanders. He couldn't help but said to Flanders:

"Be careful! If Flanders is in danger, just take shelter! Now I only have you."


Flanders turned his back to Liu Erlong and the others to prevent his tearful side from being exposed. After all, Yu Xiaogang's apprentice is also present. When Yu Xiaogang finds out, it will be dark history.

But Flanders felt that all the hard work was worth it. Just when Flanders was about to take off with his martial soul, he was looking for Yu Xiaogang and Bibi Dong. He saw Princess Yu Xiaogang holding Bibi Dong and falling in front of him. Flanders was stunned and his eyes widened.

Yu Xiaogang gently put down Bibi Dong, whose legs were a little weak. After all, Yu Xiaogang was flying at supersonic speed just now in order to have a quick round with Flender. This gave Bibi Dong an unprecedented experience. After landing, Bibi Dong directly gave Yu Xiaogang a 360-degree massage on the soft flesh around his waist.

Bibi Dong blamed Yu Xiaogang:

"Xiao Gang! I said slow down! Slow down! Why are you still excited and continuing to accelerate? You don't know how fast you fly, but I'm a little scared! I almost hit the treetops several times!"

Yu Xiaogang was manipulated by Bibi Dong and immediately bowed to avoid it, begging for mercy with a smile:

"I won't do it next time! There are outsiders here! Be careful!"

Then Yu Xiaogang raised his head and noticed that Flanders was in tears, and couldn't help but look at Wang Dachui suspiciously. Did that idiot say something about him encountering a formidable enemy that he will surely die? Otherwise, why would Flanders burst into tears when he saw him?

"Well, Boss Flanders, am I not in good condition? There is no need for you to shed tears! It's weird for you to look at me with tears in your eyes like this. Besides, I have gained great benefits now, even though I owe a favor."

Flanders immediately lowered his head and wiped away his tears, then acted very naturally, walked forward and hugged Yu Xiaogang hard, patted Yu Xiaogang's back hard and said through gritted teeth:

"Yes! I almost thought you were in danger and couldn't come back!"

Then Flanders leaned into Yu Xiaogang's ear and whispered:

"Xiao Gang! Forget about that scene just now! Otherwise, your boss will be completely embarrassed!"

Only now did Yu Xiaogang notice that Liu Erlong, who usually had a hot temper and looked like a mother-in-law, was sitting neatly by the campfire.

 I still have to catch up, I haven't finished watching the anime. I haven't read a single chapter of the original novel. Why do Douluo have so many bugs?

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 114 Confess the 2nd Martial Spirit

Chapter 114 Confessing the Second Martial Spirit

Liu Erlong was seen with his head lowered, but Yu Xiaogang was just beginning to gain energy, and he noticed at a glance that Liu Erlong's neck turned pink. However, when Yu Xiaogang saw Liu Erlong's clenched and white fists, he still did not dare to tease Flanders and Liu Erlong.

But are Flanders and Liu Erlong progressing so fast? It seemed that Liu Erlong had gotten over that painful time. Yu Xiaogang also approached Flanders and asked Da Jie in his ear:

"Well, Boss Flanders, I want to treat you to dinner when you get back! It's best to have a private room at Qibao Restaurant until you see us there!"

The best way to deal with Iron Rooster is to treat him to a treat. Flender's face twitched and he let go of Yu Xiaogang, patting his shoulders and gritting his teeth and said viciously:

"Okay! Go back and give your apprentice a clean slate! After all, you have absorbed the first soul ring beyond the age limit, so you have to celebrate it! By the way, what kind of powerful enemy did you encounter? Are you in such a mess? There is still the smell of blood on you! Are you not injured?"

After speaking, Flanders touched his hands here and there to see if there were any injuries on Yu Xiaogang's body. Yu Xiaogang slapped Flanders's hands away and said helplessly:

"Okay, Boss Flanders, I'm fine now. I just met Qian Xunji, the Pope of Wuhun Palace, and two titled Douluo, hunting down hundred-thousand-year-old soul beasts to get soul bones. But I also got benefits, and now I Already at level 49, you can break through to the Soul King realm immediately."

Flanders immediately opened his eyes wide, raised his voice and spoke in a shocked voice:

"What! Three titled Douluo? One hundred thousand year soul beast? Xiaogang, you upgraded to level 49 and immediately broke through to the soul king? Am I dreaming? Didn't you say you were only at level 38 when you were eating yesterday?"

Yu Xiaogang sighed a little melancholy, and explained to Flanders, who looked confused, and Liu Erlong, who raised his head in shock when he heard that he was practicing leapfrogging upgrades:

"That's a great mother. I owe someone a big favor. Originally, Bibi Dong and I had helped hunt for good souls for my apprentice, but we happened to meet Qian Xunji and two titled Douluo chasing after a hundred thousand-year-old soul. Soul beast, kill the beast and take the bones."

Liu Erlong was very worried and asked Yu Xiaogang:

"Then how did Xiaogang and you get rid of Qianxunji? After all, three titled Douluo are too dangerous! Xiaogang and you were not injured, were you?"

Bibi Dong stepped forward to block Liu Erlong's view and said

"Thank you, Sister Erlong, for your concern. Aren't Xiaogang and I staying here well now? But that Arou is really decisive. In order to give us the ability to resist and retreat, she directly sacrificed herself to Xiaogang."

"A hundred thousand year soul beast sacrifice? I have only seen this in ancient books and thought it was just a legend. I didn't expect you to meet Xiaogang. But what happened? We can all feel such a strong soul here. The power fluctuated, and there was a loud noise and a strong gust of wind just now!"

Flanders was now itching to know how Yu Xiaogang got out of trouble. Yu Xiaogang also wanted to take this time to teach his apprentice that there is heaven and earth and there are people outside the world!

Yu Xiaogang stepped forward and cast a questioning look at Bibi Dong, but Bibi Dong nodded. After all, Flanders and the others would know about it in the future. This would also let Flanders and the others know the true face of the Qianjia of Wuhun Palace.

As soon as Yu Xiaogang received Bibi Dong's consent, he looked at the group of people who looked curious and asked Yun Lan to check if there were any outsiders around. After confirming that there were no outsiders, he said to Flanders and the others:

"The language is too one-sided. I extracted the memory through my second martial spirit, and you can watch it through the projection! In the future, you should be careful when you meet people from the Spirit Palace. Now the Spirit Palace has changed its flavor and deviated from the original intention of its creation. ."

Flanders stretched out his hand to interrupt Yu Xiaogang's confused look and asked:

"Wait! Xiaogang, don't you only have one martial spirit, Luo Sanpao? Why do you still have another martial spirit? You didn't show it when we traveled to the mainland together before! Could it be that the martial spirit can be awakened the day after tomorrow?"

Yu Xiaogang actually wanted to rely on this showdown, since they were all his team members and close people anyway. Then he answered Flanders' question knowingly:

"No? I am a twin martial spirit!"

Flanders was not used to it. He stepped forward and hooked Yu Xiaogang's shoulders and said through gritted teeth:

"Xiaogang, when did you say that! Tell me honestly! What's going on!" After a lot of fussing, Yu Xiaogang looked at Bibi Dong's bright eyes and coughed lightly and explained:

"Actually, the martial soul is the embodiment of a person's soul and body blood. After my research on the soul master's training system, it is the most magical. I have been exposed to the law since the first soul ring, but no one in Douluo Continent seems to have studied it in depth.

Most soul masters only know how to use it but don't understand the principles. My second martial soul can be said to be an accidental product, it can be said to be an artificial martial soul. "

After Yu Xiaogang read the introduction, he started to summon the martial soul, and the four soul rings under his feet flickered. Especially the fourth blood-red soul ring was so dazzling that Liu Erlong couldn't help but exclaimed:

"It's really a hundred thousand year soul ring! Xiaogang, is your physical strength so abnormal? The soul sect can actually withstand a hundred thousand year soul ring? How did you practice?"

Yu Xiaogang didn't answer and ordered Shenlan and Luo Sanpao from the bottom of his heart:

"Come on! Come out and meet! Luo Sanpao and Shenlan!"

I saw the soul power behind Yu Xiaogang flickering, a dragon roar and a silver bell laughing. Bibi Dong saw Yu Xiaogang's martial spirit, and a cute little girl about the size of a doll appeared next to Yu Xiaogang riding a golden dragon.

Dark Blue spread its transparent wings and flew around Yu Xiaogang and the others, scattering starlight, leaving a beautiful light and shadow falling on Yu Xiaogang's shoulders. He greeted Bibi Dong and the others:

"Everyone! Hello! I am Deep Blue, the intelligent elf of the master's second spirit. I represent the embodiment of the master's wisdom and am the great butler! I am in charge of many things of the master!"

Flanders and others felt the suppression of the martial soul bloodline, especially Liu Erlong, who was a fire dragon martial soul. He is even more sensitive to the suppression of the golden holy dragon's bloodline. Xiaogang's martial spirit is definitely a top-notch dragon martial spirit. Liu Erlong sighed in his heart that Yu Xiaogang was lucky.

Even after the second awakening and evolution of Wuhun, Luo Sanpao still rubbed Bibi Dong affectionately as before. The two dragons looked at Bibi Dong with bright eyes, waiting to be fed. When he followed his master in the Wuhun Hall, the people in front of him often fed him delicious food.

Bibi Dong touched Luo Sanpao's big head with a magical look on his face. As before, he took out small snacks from the storage soul guide and fed Luo Sanpao. Bibi Dong started to recall the past happiness while feeding Luo Sanpao. time.

Flanders looked at Yu Xiaogang with a mysterious look, and circled around him in return. He stretched out his finger and poked Deep Blue's little face, but Deep Blue's little hand hit him hard with his soul power.

"Hey! Xiaogang! Your martial soul has such a bad temper! But Xiaogang, your martial soul is really strange. They are both physical martial souls. Your second martial soul represents wisdom, so all your magical soul guides rely on this little guy. ?"

Shen Lan snorted angrily, turned his head and ignored Flanders. Yu Xiaogang said with a smile to Flanders:

"Alright, Boss Flanders, who made you mess around? Don't blame me for the loss. Shenlan is my best assistant. I rely on Shenlan for help with many things. Including the soul guide and my new cultivation path, I will go back to Flanders later. You should also specialize with me! And now I can self-condensate the soul ring! If it hadn't been for this matter, I would have confessed to you."

Flanders' eyes suddenly widened, and the glasses hanging on his nose almost fell off, and he exclaimed loudly:

"What? Did I hear it wrong, Xiaogang?! Self-condensing soul ring! How is this possible! Xiaogang, please don't fool me!"

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(End of this chapter)

Chapter 115 Self-Condensing Soul Ring


Chapter 115 Self-Condensing Soul Ring

Yu Xiaogang waved his hands to everyone's surprised expressions, and pushed Flender, who was about to put his face in front of Yu Xiaogang's, and explained:

"I did an experiment on myself, using my own martial soul bloodline as the guide, and Deep Blue's stored soul energy as the main source. Luo Sanpao's third soul ring is a self-condensing soul ring, and now I have the special soul beast Yunlan.

With the life and soul power of Blue Silver Grass as a base, he can then use his own martial soul bloodline as a guide to obtain the soul ring that is most suitable for his own martial soul. After all, what condenses the soul ring is given by the true form of your martial soul. "

Yu Xiaogang paused and looked at the quiet audience below, smiled and continued:

"Have you ever thought about it? A soul master can practice so quickly and only take a few decades to become a soul saint or a person with outstanding talent can become a titled douluo. Every bottleneck requires a soul beast.

But how many soul beasts are there? Those soul beasts that have cultivated and grown to ten thousand years need hundreds of thousands of years. I checked the historical maps of the Star Dou Forest and found that it was not as small as it is now hundreds of years ago.

Although some soul masters have realized this and started to trap soul beasts. This is the origin of the soul hunting forest. However, it only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. Perhaps the soul beast group will disappear in a few thousand or tens of thousands of years. "

Bibi Dong lowered his head and began to ponder. Is this the purpose of Yu Xiaogang's research on the self-condensing soul ring now? Sure enough, he is the man she likes.

Then Bibi Dong thought that after this desperate battle, she felt that the bottleneck of her soul power was beginning to loosen. Now that Yu Xiaogang had become the first person to eat crabs, Bibi Dong said to Yu Xiaogang with firm eyes:

"Xiao Gang! I feel that the bottleneck of soul power is beginning to loosen. This time I go back to seclusion to attack the bottleneck of the Titled Douluo. Let me do the second self-condensing soul ring experiment! Aren't husband and wife one body? Let me help you A handful! Xiaogang, I believe in your research theory!"

After Bibi Dong finished speaking, she kept looking at Yu Xiaogang while continuing to feed Luo Sanpao. At the same time, Su Yuntao's four little ones also jumped out and said actively:

"Teacher! Let's not hunt for soul beast soul rings next time! We also have to rely on you, teacher, to study the theory of self-condensing soul rings! We are your disciples, teacher. How can we be left out when such a good thing is happening!"

Flanders laughed loudly, patted Su Yuntao's shoulder and said to Yu Xiaogang:

"Xiao Gang, you have four good disciples. Boss, I envy you. I don't know when I will be able to accept such a satisfactory disciple! But as the boss of the golden iron triangle! My soul ring will depend on you next time, little one. Just!"

Yu Xiaogang felt that it felt good to be recognized by others. Most of the obsession left by the original body had dissipated, and only a trace of Yu Xiaogang was left to achieve spiritual perfection.

However, for the natives of Douluo Continent, the soul master breaking through the self-condensing soul ring is too shocking. After all, this is the domain of gods, but Yu Xiaogang still awkwardly said to Flanders:

"This self-condensing soul ring can only use animal martial souls, and those weapon martial souls cannot be guided by their own martial souls. After all, there are no hammer soul beasts and ribbon soul beasts, but Sisi and Wang Dachui, you can rest assured that through this ten Teacher Ten Thousand Years Soul Beast Sacrifice has new inspiration! Teacher Rong goes back to sort out the data."

Sisi smiled bitterly and felt depressed. Su Yuntao stepped forward and hugged her comfortingly. Wang Dachui chuckled and said:

"It's okay! Teacher, I believe you can definitely figure out how to use the weapon soul to self-condensate the soul ring! At worst, next time you have the second soul ring, you can come to the Star Dou Forest to hunt for souls!"

Yu Xiaogang was very excited to see Wang Dachui again. After all, he didn't have to risk his life to hunt for souls. It was more convenient to come to him and come from the soul condensing ring. Yu Xiaogang continued to introduce:

"Actually, my method of self-condensing the soul ring is to rely on the help of all the bluesilver grass on the Douluo Continent, relying on the endless amount of bluesilver grass to gather a little bit of soul power and the origin of the soul beast, plus my own martial soul bloodline To induce the soul-condensing ring."

Yu Xiaogang put his hands behind his back and looked up at the sky full of stars, adjusted his mood and said:

"Actually, there is a huge ball under our feet. I call it a planet. Above the sky is the boundless starry sky. There is endless energy there. After being filtered and transformed by the life barrier on Douluo Star, it becomes the wandering soul that you absorb through meditation. force.

After Dong'er returns, he will first focus on cultivating Qi and blood, maximizing his physical strength and striving to maximize Cheng Yunlan's life and soul power. I hope Dong'er that your ninth soul ring is also a red 100,000-year soul ring! "

Bibi Dong touched Luo Sanpao's big head, her eyes filled with infinite longing. After all, when she felt powerless just now and watched Qian Xunji walking towards the weak Yu Xiaogang step by step, she hated herself very much for not being strong enough. It would be great if she, Bibi Dong, was also a Titled Douluo! "Don't worry! Xiaogang, my ninth spirit ring must be a hundred thousand year spirit ring! And I want to be a two hundred thousand year spirit ring just like you, Xiaogang! I can't be weaker than you!"

Liu Erlong looked at Bibi Dong in disbelief and said:

"What are you talking about? Wasn't Xiaogang's soul ring the one sacrificed by a hundred thousand year soul beast? How did it become a two hundred thousand year soul ring? I remember that the highest cultivation level of a soul beast is not one hundred thousand years?"

Bibi Dong couldn't answer either and could only look at Yu Xiaogang. Liu Erlong and Flender looked at Bibi Dong and looked at Yu Xiaogang. Flender directly asked Yu Xiaogang to solve his doubts:

"Okay, Xiaogang, I know you are a master of theoretical knowledge in Douluo Continent! Just explain it to us! After all, this is the first time I have heard of a two hundred thousand year soul beast!"

Yu Xiaogang felt that he needed to learn more about it, and took a look at Shenlan, who had little feet dangling from his shoulders. Shenlan and Yu Xiaogang understood it, and waved a translucent shield to cover everyone in Flanders.

Bibi Dong looked at the transparent protective shield covering everyone in confusion, turned her head and frowned, looked at Yu Xiaogang in confusion and asked:

"Why should Xiaogang set up a protective shield? Are there any enemies nearby?"

Bibi Dong, Flanders, Liu Erlong and the others scanned the surrounding area vigilantly, as if there were enemies hidden in the woods. However, after sensing for a long time, no one was alive, and they all cast doubtful looks on Yu Xiaogang, waiting for Yu Xiaogang to come out and explain.

Yu Xiaogang glanced around at the people and asked with a serious face:

"Then do you know why the soul masters on Douluo Continent generally believe that the highest cultivation level of a soul beast is a hundred thousand year soul beast?"

Flanders didn't follow Yu Xiaogang's example. He sat down next to Liu Erlong and added firewood to the campfire and said with an unconcerned look:

"Xiao Gang, just say it. Otherwise, let's take a good rest now and watch Xiao Gang and you guys fighting bravely just now! I would like to know how you managed to escape from three titled Douluo!"

If it weren't for Yu Xiaogang's good eyesight, he would have seen Flanders's rolling little eyes. I almost believed Flanders, but he didn't want to be pretentious anymore. After all, there was something wrong with Bibi Dong's eyes when he looked at him. In order to go to bed at night, he coughed lightly and started to say:

"Because of God, I actually suspect that the Douluo Continent's soul master training system is controlled by God. Because soul masters come into contact with the laws of heaven and earth too early, and they are completely a reserve force for becoming gods quickly.

Moreover, a soul master who has cultivated to level 99 Extreme Douluo until his death cannot break through without the guidance of gods from the divine world, and a soul master's life span is more than 300 years. You may take it for granted. In my eyes, those Level 99 Ultimate Douluo are just mortals who have mastered the power of gods. "

Yu Xiaogang looked at the shock of several people who heard these secrets for the first time. Fortunately, Yu Xiaogang relied on his imagination from his previous life and Shenlan's deduction assistance. He has already embarked on his own path of cultivation, otherwise he would have to take the test to become a god.

Even if the gods of Douluo Continent are rubbish, they can live forever after all! The ultimate dream of mankind!

 Here's some monthly tickets. The author hasn't seen monthly tickets in a long time.

(End of this chapter)