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Chapter 96 The four little ones are preparing to hunt for the first super-annual soul ring


Chapter 96 The four little ones are preparing to hunt for the first super-life soul ring

Flanders and Liu Erlong once again heard the words that Yu Xiaogang often talked about before, and they were a little in a trance. Yu Xiaogang finally realized those words.

Flanders looked at the file in his hand with complicated eyes. The line of suggested years for innate soul power level 2 and first soul ring was so dazzling. He turned to look at Su Yuntao's resolute little face next to him.

Flanders suddenly felt that he was wrong. Does Shrek Academy have to accept talented children? It seems that a highly gifted genius can succeed anywhere.

Yu Xiaogang looked at Liu Erlong with a look of disbelief and Flanders with complicated eyes and smiled and said:

"Boss Flanders, Sister Erlong, if you don't believe it, you can use your soul power to check Su Yuntao and Sisi. They will never let you down. I believe in my ability to teach apprentices! I will not make fun of my apprentice's future. !"

Flanders now directly grabbed Su Yuntao's arm as if he had just woken up from a dream, and while using his soul power to explore, he felt the strength of his body by touching the bones. Then he looked surprised and said to Yu Xiaogang:

"Yes! Xiaogang really has you! How do you teach your apprentice! A waste with level 2 innate soul power has been trained to become a genius? Is there any secret?"

After speaking, Flanders raised his eyebrows at Yu Xiaogang. Yu Xiaogang felt that Flanders had not changed at all and was still so out of touch.

Liu Erlong also examined Sisi. She was very fond of this little girl who had the same fate. She carefully examined Sisi, who was also an orphan, up and down. Sisi blushed a little when Liu Erlong touched her, but she still persisted. It would have been nice if we didn't run away on the spot.

"It is true that Sisi's physical fitness is comparable to that of a second-ring soul master, and it is more than enough to withstand the first soul ring for 700 years. Xiaogang updated you that many years of theoretical research have finally yielded results!"

Yu Xiaogang smiled mysteriously at Flanders and Liu Erlong and said:

"This is related to a secret that no one in Douluo Continent knows. I will explain it to you while eating first. You will know it then!"

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, he took the initiative to pull Bibi Dong to sit on the main seat. Liu Erlong snorted and pulled Sisi to sit opposite Bibi Dong. Flanders sat down next to Liu Erlong and gave her Bring tea and pour water.

Su Yuntao blushed and squirmed. Sisi couldn't stand it anymore and pulled her over and directly pressed her on the seat next to her! Really, this guy Su Yuntao usually seems carefree, but he still wants her to take the initiative! So angry.

Xiao Zhan and Wang Dachui didn't think much about it. They just sat down and waited for Teacher Yu Xiaogang to use their chopsticks.

Bibi Dong believed in Yu Xiaogang unconditionally, and everything Xiaogang said had basis. She was not worried at all about whether Xiao Zhan and Wang Dachui could withstand such long-lasting soul rings. She recognized Xiaogang's theoretical knowledge.

After sitting down, Bibi Dong looked at the unhappy Liu Erlong across from her, and wanted to provoke her. Who made Liu Erlong go against her everywhere? Then she turned around and blinked her watery eyes and whispered softly to Yu Xiaogang:

"Xiao Gang, I want to eat that salt-baked green dragon. It's too hot. Xiao Gang, can you help me peel it?"

Yu Xiaogang really couldn't stand Bibi Dong's coquettishness and cuteness, so he subconsciously picked up the largest shrimp and started peeling it for Bibi Dong. Yu Xiaogang peeled the snow-white shrimp meat and put it in Bibi Dong's bowl.

Then Bibi Dong began to taste it elegantly, and her eyes would glance at Liu Erlong opposite her from time to time, wanting to see how this nominal love rival would react?

Liu Erlong felt like he was going to explode with anger, and the chopsticks in his hand made a crunching sound. Seeing that the situation was not good, Flanders said in a conciliatory tone:

"Sister Erlong, do you want to eat this? I'll pick it up for you! Today is a good day for our golden triangle to reunite."

After speaking, Flanders put a few of the most expensive dishes in Liu Erlong's bowl. He touched Liu Erlong lightly with his elbow and paid attention to the occasion. After all, this was Yu Xiaogang's first real treat. . Disciple Yu Xiaogang is still here! Don't scare the kids.

Liu Erlong could only sulk, biting hard one bite at a time, venting his frustration that had nowhere to release. Flanders was nearby helping to pour juice and pick up vegetables, while he took a few bites by himself. Bibi Dong didn't get the result she wanted, but this was not bad. She was in a good mood when she saw her nominal love rival being deflated. From time to time, she told Yu Xiaogang that she wanted to eat this and that, and she really enjoyed Yu Xiaogang's feeding.

The four children of Su Yuntao felt the pressure of tit-for-tat at the dinner table and could only eat like crazy, hoping that time would go faster!

The meal ended with the confrontation between Bibi Dong and Liu Erlong, which made the four children of Su Yuntao heave a sigh of relief. Finally got over it! Dining with teacher friends is so excruciating!

At this time, Sisi came close to Su Yuntao's ear, placed her small hands on the soft flesh of Su Yuntao's waist and warned in a threatening tone:

"Su Yuntao! This lady agrees to be your girlfriend! But if you dare to mess around like the teacher in the future, let's see how I deal with you! Do you understand?"

Su Yuntao was so close to Sisi all of a sudden, felt the warm breath that Sisi exhaled, and his words of agreeing to be his girlfriend completely shut down his brain.

Seeing Su Yuntao blushing and squirming like a little girl, Sisi became furious. He directly pinched the soft flesh of Su Yuntao's waist and made a 180° rotation, and Su Yuntao jumped up with a "oh" sound.

In an instant, the originally silent atmosphere in the box was broken, and everyone couldn't help but look at the small movements between Sisi and Su Yuntao. Liu Erlong stepped forward, hugged Sisi, touched her head gently and said to Su Yuntao:

"Su Yuntao, you kid, you have to be nicer to our Sisi in the future! If one day you let me know that you bullied Sisi, let's see how I deal with you! I treat Sisi as my biological sister, and Sisi will only If that boy Yuan Yuntao dares to bully you, tell your sister, and I will help you stand up!"

After Liu Erlong finished speaking, he glanced at Yu Xiaogang with complicated eyes, which meant something. Yu Xiaogang could only respond to Liu Erlong's gaze with an awkward yet polite smile.

Liu Erlong grabbed Sisi and Su Yuntao one by one and said eagerly:

"We've finished eating, let's go hunting for souls quickly! Wait, sister will take you to experience the feeling of flying in the air! Boss Flanders, come over and help me!

You take Su Yuntao and I take Sisi and rush to the hotel on the edge of the Star Forest as quickly as possible before tonight! After a night's rest, tomorrow we will go directly to the Star Forest to hunt for souls! "

Flanders took a breath of air. Notting City is a bit far away from the Star Forest! It seems to be another hard job. There is no way who can let Liu Erlong give the task willfully? He could only do his best.

Yu Xiaogang saw Liu Erlong Fengfenghuohuo was about to leave with Sisi, and he couldn't help but started to have a headache. He didn't know when Liu Erlong's fiery temper would change. It's uncomfortable to be carried flying in the air. Flanders often did this in the past, but he knew it through his memory.

Yu Xiaogang stopped Liu Erlong and Flender, took out a black and gold belt from his arms, inlaid with 8 blue translucent gems, and said to Flender:

"Boss Flanders, this is an upgraded replica that I made through reverse engineering of my storage soul guide. Each gem has 10 square meters of space. I put some gadgets in it. I hope you like it, Boss Flanders!

Sister Erlong, I didn't know you were coming over. I'll make up for the gifts next time! Don't worry, it won't be worse than Boss Flanders! "

Liu Erlong was a little unhappy to see that there was no gift from her, but after hearing that Yu Xiaogang would make up for it later, he asked:

"Xiao Gang, this is what you said! But Xiao Gang, you are so awesome. You have reversed the completely lost method of making soul guides! You are worthy of the name of a master!"

 There is another chapter in the evening. I want to watch the Return of the South China Sea with my wife tonight. Maybe the update will be later. At the end of the month, please give me your monthly tickets and collections. Thank you, readers.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 97 Completely Cut Off the Evil Fate


Chapter 97 Completely Cut Off the Evil Fate

Yu Xiaogang was very happy to be recognized and smiled at Liu Erlong and said:

"As long as you work hard, nothing is impossible. This is all thanks to my secret trump card. I rely on her to complete the reverse soul guide technology. I will tell you about it in the future. I hope you won't be shocked by me then. !"

Liu Erlong snorted coldly and was very unhappy with Yu Xiaogang for pretending to be a charade. In addition, he added new grudges and old grudges to Yu Xiaogang and said in a strange manner:

"Xiao Gang, you have changed! Now you are hiding secrets from me! Forget it, I don't expect you to tell me now, let's go, Boss Flanders, we have to get to the edge hotel of Star Dou Forest before dark!"

Yu Xiaogang just took it as a tantrum for Liu Erlong's strange annoyance, and didn't care. However, when Flanders led Liu Erlong and the others out, he did not forget to remind him:

"Boss Flanders, I suggest you take a look at the first storage space of the storage soul guide I gave you. There is a surprise in it. I suggest you take it out on the street. It's a bit big!"

Flanders heard Yu Xiaogang's surprise again and couldn't help turning around and smiling at Yu Xiaogang:

"Okay! Xiaogang, if you still show off to me, boss, I will go to the road right away to see what gifts you have prepared for me! Let's go! Sister Erlong, let's take a look at the meeting gift from our master Yu Xiaogang!"

After speaking, Flanders took the lead and left the box. Liu Erlong was relieved now and looked at Yu Xiaogang a little nostalgically and said:

"Xiao Gang, I shouldn't call you brother! Maybe you and my father are right. Our relationship is indeed a wrong start. I will adapt to my current self. I hope we will be well in the future, my dear brother!"

After Liu Erlong finished speaking, he also went out, as if a little golden tears fell from Liu Erlong's cheeks.

Yu Xiaogang felt that he was being too cruel, but it was for Liu Erlong's good. It's better than the life of Liu Erlong who tortured himself for more than 20 years in the original work! He, Yu Xiaogang, couldn't give Liu Erlong love, so he had to make it clear that this would be good for both parties!

Yu Xiaogang sighed, hoping that Boss Flanders could truly pursue Liu Erlong, and that Liu Erlong could get out of this relationship. There is only so much he can do, after all, German orthopedics is terrible!

Sisi and Su Yuntao bowed goodbye to Yu Xiaogang and Bibi Dong.

"Thank you, Master, for your recent cultivation! Then Sisi and I will go hunting for souls with Sister Erlong and Uncle Flanders! We will definitely fulfill your expectations, Master. Goodbye, Master and Mother!"

Yu Xiaogang smiled happily and nodded. Su Yuntao is indeed a good boy who knows how to repay kindness. He did not forget to give them a reassurance and said:

"Okay! Su Yuntao, don't act like a little girl here, I will let Yunlan protect you secretly, but don't let your guard down, Yunlan will only take action when you are in danger!

The teacher hopes that you will be able to fight by yourself when hunting for souls for the first time. The flowers in the greenhouse must go through wind and rain before they can thrive! You can set off with confidence! The teacher is waiting for your triumphant return! "

Su Yuntao took Sisi and bowed to Yu Xiaogang again, and then took Sisi's little hand out of the box to meet Flanders and Liu Erlong. Sisi blushed and bowed her head in silence along the way. After all, she had just met Su Yun. It's so embarrassing to have Tao's little tricks discovered!

Bibi Dong watched the conversation between Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong without interrupting. After all, as a woman, she couldn't make trouble when her man was doing business, and it was also related to her future life.

Bibi Dong saw that Yu Xiaogang had finished explaining, but she remembered that when Liu Erlong left in tears just now, the tears in Yu Xiaogang's eyes were still hidden from her, Contra!

Bibi Dong suddenly lost his temper. He walked to Yu Xiaogang to block Xiao Zhanwang Sledgehammer's sight. He put his hand on the soft flesh of Yu Xiaogang's waist, leaned close to Yu Xiaogang's ear and spoke in a voice that only the two of them could hear. said:

"What's wrong? You can't bear to let go of your Erlong sister? Don't go to my bed at night if you can! And where's my gift? My gift must be better than your Erlong sister! One! Point! Point!"

After saying this, Bibi Dong was still not relieved, so she gently pinched the soft flesh of Yu Xiaogang's waist to give her a similar experience as Su Yuntao. Today, the master and the disciple enjoyed the same treatment.

Yu Xiaogang took a breath of cold air softly, and his face twitched to hold back from screaming. After all, his apprentice was still there, and the master's face had to be saved. Yu Xiaogang immediately flattened his head slightly and begged Bi Dong for mercy and promised:

"Dong'er, let go! I know I'm wrong! I'm going to work overtime when I get back from soul hunting to make the most perfect soul guide for you! Dong'er, if you push harder, my flesh will turn green!" Bibi Dong just now Satisfied, he let go, blocking the sight of Xiao Zhan and Wang Dachui, and quickly kissed Yu Xiaogang's face, turned around and left a message:

"You know what's going on! Otherwise, don't enter my bedroom next time! Xiaogang, just sleep on the sofa for me!"

Bibi Dong quickly changed her face, showed a kind smile, walked up to Xiao Zhan and Wang Dachui and said to them:

"Come here and let me, Master, take a good look at your physical fitness. Just to be on the safe side, let me see what is the most suitable age for you? After all, absorbing soul rings beyond one's years is too shocking!"

Bibi Dong stretched out her hands and put them on the shoulders of Xiao Zhan and Wang Dachui, and used her soul power to check the physical fitness of Xiao Zhan and Wang Dachui. After a while, he let go of his hands and said to Yu Xiaogang in wonder:

"Your Xiaogang, I really don't know how you can teach such an outstanding apprentice? I will have to make you work harder if I accept an apprentice in the future!"

Xiao Zhan and Wang Dachui breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Contra's soul power oppression was still very torturous! Just now when Master Bibi Dong's soul power entered her body, she felt a small snake swimming around in her body. She felt uncomfortable all over and she still feels numb.

Yu Xiaogang heard Bibi Dong say that her apprentice would also want him to teach Hu Liena in the future? But now that the plot has completely changed beyond recognition, will fate still follow the same path as the original?

No matter, since we have traveled to Douluo Continent, the original work can only be used as a reference in the future. You can believe it but you can't believe it completely! After all, Douluo Continent is no longer a novel and anime but a real world!

Now that I, Yu Xiaogang, am here, I must change everything! Just get out of the way of the original plot!

While Yu Xiaogang was still feeling so proud, there were waves of exclamations of envy coming from outside. Bibi Dong curiously walked to the balcony of the box to watch.

Yu Xiaogang was brought back to reality by Bibi Dong's actions and heard the sounds outside. He walked up to Bibi Dong with a smile and asked:

"What are you looking at? So entranced?"

I saw Bibi Dong pointing at the domineering off-road soul guide vehicle parked on the road and asking with curiosity:

"Xiao Gang, is this also your invention? A horse-drawn carriage? But it looks quite pleasing to the eye! After you finish working on the soul rings of your two apprentices, Xiao Gang, please tell me about your recent research on soul guide technology. How far have we come? Now Xiaogang, you have given me too many surprises!"

Yu Xiaogang put his arms around Bibi Dong's shoulders and pulled her into his arms, whispering gently:

"Okay! Dong'er, I'll tell you whatever you want to know! Since Dong'er likes the soul-guided off-road vehicle I made, I'll make one myself for you in a while!"

Bibi Dong felt very happy, but Xiao Zhan who was following behind ate a mouthful of dog food. Xiao Zhan felt that he had to find a girlfriend. After all, Su Yuntao and Sisi were already in a relationship, and he, the boss, Still a bachelor! How dignified!

Wang Dachui, leave it alone! Tiehanhan!

 I have a headache every time I come up with chapter names, the author is such a bad namer! I'm so angry today, my little cotton-padded jacket is leaking! Fart in my face!

  By the way, at the end of the month, please ask for monthly tickets and collections, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 98 Departing from the Star Forest


Chapter 98 Departing from the Star Forest

While Bibi Dong was still cleaning up Yu Xiaogang, Flanders was the first to walk out of Qibao Restaurant. He looked at the meeting gift given by Yu Xiaogang in his hand and marveled:

"Xiao Gang is getting better and better! He has even reproduced the completely lost method of making soul guides. Let me see what surprise Xiao Gang has prepared for me?"

Flanders turned around and looked around, found a deserted dark alley, and took off his belt. Then he touched the storage soul guide on his waist with a mysterious look on his face. After putting his mental power into it, he saw the two-wheeled car that Xiao Zhan was riding today, but it was even more domineering and bigger.

There are also some replacement parts and a book inside, as well as some strange-shaped sticks and a large wooden box. What caught Flanders' attention the most was a car he saw when he entered Notting City, which was similar to a soul bus.

Flanders suddenly felt itchy and couldn't bear it. He walked to the square in front of Qibao Restaurant and touched the storage soul guide on his waist. A huge object appeared in front of him wrapped in a burst of soul power, and a military green soul-guided off-road vehicle appeared in the square.

The bright light of soul power attracted passers-by, and they all stopped to watch, making sounds of surprise and envy when they saw such a domineering soul-guided off-road vehicle.

"This car is so handsome! Is it a different style than the recent soul buses? I really want to own one! It will be so majestic to drive home during the Chinese New Year!"

The passer-by glanced disdainfully at the person who had just spoken and directly broke his imagination and said:

"Stop daydreaming! I can't even afford a single part of it even if I sell you! But the city lord's palace seems to be still looking for smart people to be drivers, and it seems to be the coachman. Hehe, we can't afford to apply for drivers. You can also drive a soul-guiding car!"

The passerby who had just been scolded retorted back with a look of disdain on his face and said:

"You still want to apply for a job as a driver in the City Lord's Mansion based on your stupidity? I don't think you can even pass the first level!"

The commotion among passers-by didn't bother Flanders from studying the soul-guiding off-road vehicle at all. From time to time, he opened the door and sat in to experience it. When he was confused, he thought about the storage of the soul-guiding device and there was also a book inside. Yu Xiaogang must have left key information.

Flanders leaned on the soul-guided off-road vehicle, looking through the surprise gifts from Yu Xiaogang, while waiting for Liu Erlong to come down. He knew that Yu Xiaogang and Liu Erlong had something to say.

So Flanders came down early, but Yu Xiaogang gave up his feelings for Liu Erlong and even brokered the affair between him and Liu Erlong.

"Xiao Gang! I really don't know how to face you. Thank you so much, good brother!"

"Oh! It's a soul-guided off-road vehicle! The teacher actually gave you one of the only two vehicles! Uncle Flanders!"

When Su Yuntao came out, he saw the soul-guided off-road vehicle, and his eyes were immediately attracted! Pulling Sisi to the side of the soul-guiding off-road vehicle, she felt like caressing the skin of a beautiful woman.


Flanders got very angry when he heard Su Yuntao call him uncle. He took the book and knocked Su Yuntao on the head lightly and said:

"You brat! You want to call me uncle! What kind of uncle! No matter how big or small you are!"

Then Flanders asked Su Yuntao embarrassedly:

"Su Yuntao! Can you drive this soul-guiding off-road vehicle? I just got it from your uncle, so I'm not familiar with it yet."

Su Yuntao had always been obsessed with the soul-guided off-road vehicle. When he heard Flanders' question, he immediately patted his chest and said confidently:

"Master, don't worry! When the teacher just made the old prototype, I was the test driver. It's just that if there was a small accident, the teacher wouldn't let me play... well, drive."

Flender's eyes twitched, he seemed to have heard correctly just now, right? He could only turn his head and look at Sisi. As Xiaogang's disciple, he should know these novel soul tools, right?

"Uncle Flanders, I'm sorry, I don't know how to do this. The teacher asked me to manage the sect's shop, and I haven't had time to study yet!"

Seeing Flanders' questioning look, Sisi was a little embarrassed and said with her little pink tongue. Liu Erlong, who was walking at the end, calmed down a little and became angry when he saw Flanders grinding away! He walked forward and grabbed the manual and said directly:

"Why are you whining! Su Yuntao, you kid, come and drive! Let me see how to drive this one. Is there anything difficult for a soul guide to learn? Get in the car quickly!"

Flanders saw Liu Erlong's eyes were red, he might have cried just now and wanted to comfort him. Liu Erlong was in a bad mood now. He got angry and said when the person didn't move:

"Why are you still holding back? Why don't you get in the car!"

Liu Erlong directly grabbed Si Sila and opened the car door and sat in the back seat. Flanders and Su Yuntao looked at each other and got into the car in a formal manner. As soon as they got in the car, they felt familiar eyes falling on them.

Confused, Flanders poked his head out from the passenger seat, turned to look back at the owner of this line of sight, and saw that it was Yu Xiaogang and Bibi Dong. He excitedly said to Yu Xiaogang upstairs:

"Xiao Gang! Boss, I like the meeting gift you gave me! I accept it without any courtesy! Let's go now! See you later!"

Flanders didn't wait for Yu Xiaogang's response, sat back in the passenger seat and slapped Su Yuntao on the back of the head, who was still obsessively touching the steering wheel, and said with a smile:

"You brat! Don't be in a daze! I'll ask Xiaogang to give you a car when you come back from this soul hunt! Your uncle still has some respect! Is it necessary for Sister Erlong, the number one soul ring in the area, to go to the Star Dou Forest?"

Liu Erlong said angrily while reading the manual:

"The Soul Hunting Forest is a group of house cats! How can the soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest be as powerful as the soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest? Let's go, I don't want to lose to that woman! It's not that easy to be my sister-in-law!"

Su Yuntao hummed and started to activate the energy switch of the soul-guiding off-road vehicle, and the soul-guiding off-road vehicle began to start slowly. After a while, he drove out of Qibao Square and disappeared at the next intersection.

Bibi Dong withdrew her gaze, her powerful Contra aura was clearly evident, and she stretched out her hand to Yu Xiaogang and said:

"Take it out! Just now, I heard your apprentice tell you that you have another one here. Just let me try out the soul guidance device you researched. You must have a better one!"

Yu Xiaogang was seen through by Bibi Dong, but he still took out a mini and exquisite model off-road vehicle, handed it to Bibi Dong and said with a bit of reluctance:

"Dong'er, be careful. This is the only one I have successfully made. The success rate of compressing runes is too low. The samples of ancient soul guidance devices I obtained are not rich enough. Now soul guidance technology has just started."

Bibi Dong picked up the compressed state of the soul-guiding off-road vehicle in her hand and carefully watched the research progress on Yu Xiaogang's soul-guiding technology. She said to Yu Xiaogang with a smile:

"Xiao Gang, you are really surprising. You can take your apprentice down! We are also going to hunt for souls in the Star Forest! Wait, Xiao Gang, come and drive. I want to enjoy the scenery along the way. I have never relaxed when I was busy practicing before."

After Bibi Dong finished speaking, she jumped down from the balcony. The breeze blew Bibi Dong's hair and skirt. Her moisturized and plump figure and stunning appearance made the passersby who were standing around completely attracted by Bibi Dong's peerless appearance. Give shock.

"so beautiful!"

This is the voice of all passers-by.

 Asking for monthly tickets, collecting and reading

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 99: The Long River of Destiny: The Confrontation between the Past and the Future

Chapter 99 The dialogue between the past and the future in the long river of destiny

Yu Xiaogang was also stunned by Bibi Dong's look back and smile, but after having a pleasant night with Bibi Dong, his resistance improved a lot.

Now that so many people were staring at his woman, he felt very unhappy. Yu Xiaogang immediately used his mental power to lift Xiao Zhan and Wang Dachui to fall beside Bibi Dong, and stepped forward to block Bibi Dong.

Bibi Dong looked at Yu Xiaogang's childish scene, and the corners of her mouth turned up slightly. She was now as happy as honey, and said to Yu Xiaogang like she was coaxing a child:

"Okay, Xiaogang, let's go quickly! This place is quite far from the Star Forest. Can your soul-guiding off-road vehicle handle it?"

Yu Xiaogang was excited by Bibi Dong, and immediately wanted to show off. He took back the soul-guiding off-road vehicle from Bibi Dong's hand, used his soul power to activate the soul-guiding runes, and threw it on the ground.

I saw the soul-guided off-road vehicle slowly growing from small to large, shocking the onlookers who had never seen the world and whispering to each other. Anyway, what they saw today has been drinking and talking with others in the past few days, and it feels like it can be passed down in Notting City for a long time.

Yu Xiaogang took Bibi Dong's hand, walked to the passenger seat and opened the door. A very gentleman made an invitation gesture and said with a smile to Bibi Dong:

"Dong Er, please get in the car. I will accompany you throughout the journey. I guarantee that the scenery along the way will be endless!"

Bibi Dong very elegantly placed her hand on Yu Xiaogang's hand, and then sat in the passenger seat and began to look at the car's decorations. Bibi Dong exclaimed that Yu Xiaogang was quite able to enjoy it, with all mahogany decorations and soul beast fur seats.

Yu Xiaogang gave Xiao Zhan and Wang Dachui a look to get in the car. The teacher will take you for a ride today.

Xiao Zhan looked at the soul-guided off-road vehicle that suited his aesthetics, rubbed his hands at Yu Xiaogang and said with a flattering smile:

"That teacher? When can you order one for me? Teacher, your car is so handsome!"

Yu Xiaogang smiled helplessly at the request of Xiao Zhan, his apprentice:

"Xiao Zhanqian, don't think about it. We don't have enough key materials. Teacher, we have no stock. Isn't it enough to give you a soul-guided motorcycle? Isn't that enough? Let's talk after we get in the car. Don't keep your wife waiting."

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, he returned to the driver's seat and prepared to drive. Xiao Zhan could only sit in the back seat with Wang Dachui in disinterest. Then Yu Xiaogang and his party, amidst the envious and jealous eyes of everyone, galloped towards the Star Dou Forest.

In fact, Yu Xiaogang originally didn't want to build an off-road vehicle, but a sports car. The problem was that the road conditions in Douluo Continent were too bad! Fortunately, Notting City has him behind it to promote development, and cement pavement has already begun to be laid along the way.

Once outside the confines of Notting City, it's hard to describe! So Yu Xiaogang specially built it into an off-road vehicle and focused on shock absorption, which took a lot of his brain cells.

When Yu Xiaogang and Flanders were running towards the Star Forest, they were in a different space at the core of the Lake of Life in the Star Forest. A golden-haired soul beast with three eyes suddenly woke up from its deep sleep, turned around and shouted loudly to the soul beast further inside:

"Your Majesty! Your Majesty! The fate of our soul beast clan has begun to fluctuate. A person who is related to the fate of our soul beast clan is coming to the Star Dou Forest!"

A burst of black light flashed, revealing a domineering man dressed all in black, the golden-eyed Black Dragon King Beast God Emperor Tian! He looked at the three-eyed Jin Yang with concern and asked eagerly:

"Three-eyed Jinni, did you feel something with your destiny eye? Is it a good thing or a bad thing?"

Then Di Tian's eyes filled with hatred looked up at the false starry sky in the alien space and gritted his teeth:

"Damn the Gods of the God Realm! If it weren't for Lord Shura Shenlong God, how could he have failed! The Lord is still seriously injured and has not recovered yet. That bitch Asura God has been looking at Douluo Continent for the past tens of thousands of years. We won't be hiding in this alien space forever! I hope there's no bad news this time, there's enough already!"

Only the gods of the spirit beast clan in the divine world fought against the human gods. In the final battle, the soul beast clan suffered a tragic defeat and withdrew from the divine world. However, the gods did not fare well either. Many gods were lost. The Dragon God self-destructed before his death and shattered a third of the God Realm.

It made the divine world no longer perfect and completely slowed down the pace of the gods in ruling the heavens. But because of this, their soul beast clan was completely targeted by the gods, and they launched a thunder tribulation to prohibit the soul beasts from becoming gods!

At this time, a burst of green light flashed, and a gentle woman full of maternal brilliance appeared next to the three-eyed golden tiger. The emerald swan Brigitte gently held the three-eyed golden tiger's head and blamed Ditian:

"Okay! Ditian, calm down your momentum and don't disturb the Lord's rest! I see you scared Xiao Jin. Come on, Xiao Jin, tell Sister Biji, what did you see in the river of destiny?"

The three-eyed Jin Yang couldn't care less about acting coquettishly. Although she was playful, she still knew the seriousness of the matter. She began to recall some of the fragments that the Eye of Destiny showed in her dream while she was sleeping:

"Sister Brigitte, the dreams given to me by the Eye of Destiny are too vague, just some fragments of the long river of destiny, but they are a good thing!

In the future, the soul beast clan will have a soul beast that controls all the plants in the Douluo Continent, and will re-open a new divine realm with a human being! Confronted with the giant ships and gods floating in the starry sky that covered the sky. "

The three-eyed Jinniu shivered when she recalled those terrible starry battles in her dream, which made Brigitte feel distressed. After a comforting meal, she continued:

"The human who appeared in the dream of Destiny River seems to be coming to the Star Forest recently! But I can't see the person's appearance clearly, and I feel like it's obscured by something.

When I wanted to take a closer look, he actually saw me in the dream of River of Destiny! He would still smile at me. Before the dream disappeared, he left a message:

Long time no see kitten! "

This is the first time that the three-eyed golden tiger encountered such a terrifying thing. What kind of strong man can talk to people in the past through the river of destiny? It's so scary! The three-eyed Jinniu rubbed his head into Biji's arms in search of a sense of security.

Ditian looked serious after hearing this. What the three-eyed golden tiger said was too shocking! Even the God King of the God Realm cannot be so powerful, but the ending is good! The trouble is here now, this strong man has erased everything about him in the long river of destiny.

Let others not find him, and now the Three-Eyed Jinniu senses that he is coming to the Star Dou Forest to hunt for souls. The question is, there are so many soul hunters in the Star Dou Forest every day, how can they tell the difference?

Di Tian really wanted to get on the line, after all, as long as he goes against the gods of the divine world, he is a comrade in arms! But that strong human being is not famous now. We will know it later when he joins the soul beast clan on the mainland!

But why doesn't he know about the soul beast king who unites all plant soul beasts? Logically speaking, such a powerful soul beast Emperor Tian should know!

Ditian could only sigh helplessly now. He was helpless and could only watch while walking! Wait for the Ten Thousand Demon King's clan to pay attention, hoping to find that strong person from the same clan.

Now that the haze in Di Tian's heart has mostly dissipated, at least there is still hope for the future of the soul beast! This is worthy of his Ditian pursuit! After all he is:

Golden-Eyed Black Dragon King Beast God Emperor Tian! The beast god of the soul beast clan!

 How does it feel to write like this? By the way, please read and collect monthly tickets.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 100 The secret room Douluo seeks illness


Chapter 100 Secret Chamber Douluo Qian Xunji

Yu Xiaogang, Flanders, led the team to hunt for souls and Di Tian, ​​who was in a different space at the core of the Star Dou Forest, was far away in the Spirit Hall, where a father and son were quarreling and confronting each other in the Judgment Elder Hall.

Qian Xunji was a little angry and shouted loudly:

"Father! Why can't the men of our Qian family be able to hold the position of God of Angels? Do we have to wait for the next generation? Now that we have so many elders in the Spirit Hall, we would have unified the continent long ago if we obtained the inheritance of the God clan! Father, why are you stopping me! I just want thousands of families to live forever, what's wrong with that?!"

Qian Daoliu was praying devoutly towards the Angel God, but when he heard his son's words, he immediately burst out with a level 99 ultimate Douluo aura, knocking Qian Xunji back a few steps. Qian Daoliu said in a voice that echoed throughout the entire Judgment Elder Hall:

"Don't be disrespectful to Lord Angel God! You just need to mind your own business now! Finding a talented woman to inherit our Qianjia Martial Spirit is the most important thing now!

Lord Angel God has issued an oracle. The next generation of our Qian family will have a god. Douluo Continent is about to change. Many inheritors of the God clan will appear. Now we must fight for Angel God! Don't let me down, son. "

Qian Xunji's eyes were gloomy. He had been a titled Douluo for a long time and had been stuck at a bottleneck. He originally wanted to make a breakthrough through the inheritance of the Gods. He was the one who took the lead in snatching the inheritance of the Gods from Poseidon Island. Obviously, he failed and got the idea of ​​inheriting the Angel God, which has been protected by thousands of families in Wuhun Palace for thousands of years.

Qian Xunji could only leave angrily, walked out of the Elder Judgment Hall, returned to Qian Xunji's own territory, and started smashing things to vent his anger. At this time, a secret guard appeared on one knee in front of Qian Xunji, held up a secret letter in his hand and said:

"Your Holiness! Our secret guards have discovered a hundred thousand-year-old soul beast that was alone, and another that is suspected to be a hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast in its incarnation. Please deal with it, Your Holiness."

Qianxunji heard this and reached out to take it, tore off the seal and looked at it carefully. It was ridiculous that the Pope of Wuhun Palace had no soul bones, and the low-level people looked down on it.

Although Qianxun Ji's soul ring is full now, hunting a hundred thousand year soul beast is a bit wasteful, but the hundred thousand year soul bones are still very fragrant. His father cannot give him the set of angel god's inherited soul bones!

"A hundred-thousand-year soft-bone rabbit? Such a weak soul beast actually has a cultivation level of one hundred thousand years? Just give me the soul bone! There is a bit of trouble in the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest."

Qian Xunji has a headache. The Great Star Dou Forest is not easy to hunt hundred thousand year soul beasts. It seems that he has to bring all the people. Damn those worshiping elders who listen to the announcement but don't listen to the instructions. Otherwise, he would not be so passive now!

Qian Xunji lowered his gaze and saw what he suspected to be the 100,000-year-old soul beast in its form, but its whereabouts had recently disappeared. Suddenly he was a little angry, his soul shook, and the secret letter in his hand instantly turned into ashes. Now he had no one to use. First, he gave an order to the secret guard kneeling below:

"You guys are always keeping an eye on the hundred thousand-year-old soft-bone rabbit soul beast in the Star Forest! Wait for me to take his men to hunt the soul first! We also secretly sent spies to search for the exact location of the suspected one-hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast's incarnation! There must be no mistakes!"

The secret guard bowed his head respectfully and said:

"Yes! Your Majesty the Pope!"

Qian Xunji looked at the secret guard who disappeared in a burst of shadow, and he began to feel happy and thought in his heart:

"Father, since you don't support me and don't give me the inherited soul bones of Qianjia, then I will hunt down the hundred thousand year old soul beast myself! I must become the strongest titled Douluo in Douluo Continent!"

Qian Xunji thought of his father's instructions again. The angel god oracle told them that the next generation of their thousands of families would have a god. Qian Daoliu also asked him to find a highly talented female soul master to pass on the Qianjia bloodline. Qian Xunji took out a secret medicine from the storage soul guide.

Qianxunji raised the transparent glass bottle, and the pink liquid shone charmingly under the light. Qian Xunji showed an evil smile, completely destroying the sunny side brought by that angel's martial spirit.

This bottle of secret medicine was discovered by Qian Xunji's secret guards in an ancient ruins. It can make titled Douluo incapacitated and confuse his spirit. In fact, Qian Xunji has always coveted his disciple Bibi Dong. Instead of letting Yu Xiaogang, a loser, take away Bibi Dong, it is better to let her contribute to the Qian Family!

Bibi Dong! Master has raised you for so many years, it's time for Bibi Dong to make some sacrifices for the Spirit Hall!

Qian Xunji carefully put away the secret medicine and solemnly ordered the confidant guard outside the door:

"Come here! Let's invite Saint Bibi Dong to come to the Pope's Palace to see me and tell us that we have something important to discuss! By the way, someone will come and tidy up and let the kitchen prepare fine wine and dishes! Today is a happy day." Saintess in Wuhun City In the hall, a man who looked exactly like Bibi Dong was leaning on the bed. Her beautiful eyes were looking at the full moon outside the window, and she was in trance. She was the confidant of the orphan adopted by Bibi Dong.

She lost her name after her parents and family were all killed by the Fallen. She was originally a lively, cute and innocent little girl, but they all disappeared that day when the village burned down.

All kinds of familiar people were sucked dry of blood by the terrifying degenerate, and their souls were extracted from their bones and muscles. She let out a perverted smile. Originally, she also left with her parents.

When she was at her most desperate and helpless, Bibi Dong descended from the sky with angelic light. She will never forget Bibi Dong's angry words:

"Damn fallen ones! What do you think of life? Tell me!"

Not only were the degenerates not afraid, they were even more excited and shouted:

"Damn it! Why did Wuhundian react so quickly! Kill her together! I want her head as my collection!"

Bibi Dong was furious at that time, and she was also young and energetic. After all, the Saint of Wuhun Palace had someone to protect her when she appeared. Facing the evil fallen soul master Wuhundian, no one was spared, and they were all killed one by one by Bibi Dong.

Then while cleaning up the battlefield, Bibi Dong found a little girl. Although she was covered in blood, she still said very gently:

"It's okay, kid, you're safe. I'm sorry we were late."

That night she saw hope and found the motivation to continue living. She also followed Bibi Dong and wanted to become stronger and kill all the fallen soul masters!

That year she awakened her martial soul. The martial soul with level 7 innate soul power might have mutated into a blood-red hell butterfly due to accidents. She was adopted by Bibi Dong as her younger sister, and she also gave herself a new name.


In fact, Bibi Dong has always treated her as a younger sister, and Xuedie also knows that, but she still wants to be a strong person and has always regarded herself as Bibi Dong's secret guard.

Only after Bibi Dong and Yu Xiaogang let go, watching Bibi Dong paralyzing herself with practice all day long, Bibi Dong secretly cried secretly, Xue Die also knew. Bibi Dong was so happy when she received the news from Yu Xiaogang that day. It was a happy smile that she had never seen before.

Xuedie took the initiative to use the transformed soul bone obtained from hunting for the sixth soul ring to disguise herself as Bibi Dong. Let Bibi Dong go meet his sweetheart, Xuedie also wants to find someone to rely on.

However, his childhood experiences made Xuedie Xin very autistic and insecure. Recently, Bibi Dong's master Qian Xunji has been looking for her more and more often. Xuedie doesn't know if it's an illusion. Every time Qian Xunji looks at her face pretending to be Bibi Dong, her eyes are strange and indescribably disgusting.

Every time Xuedie used her identity as Bibi Dong's master to suppress the strange feeling. Recently, she felt very panicked and always had a feeling of impending disaster.

"Sister Dong'er, I wonder if you have found your beloved now? I hope everything goes well this time! No accidents happen."

 I'm a little confused now. The outline plans to have the original character die soon after giving birth to Qian Renxue, which makes me a little reluctant. It's the last day and the monthly pass has expired. Please give me a monthly pass, collect it, and read more.

(End of this chapter)