
A 19

Chapter 91 Bibi Dong, my heart for you will never change


Chapter 91 Bibi Dong, my heart for you will never change

Yu Xiaogang held Bibi Dong's soft body in his arms, and held Bibi Dong's huge elastic jade ball in his right hand. Yu Xiaogang felt the smoothness in the palm of his hand. Maybe he moved too much. With a sound of Ying Ning, Bibi Dong opened her charming silky eyes.

"Oh, wake up! What a lazy little bastard! The sun is shining on your butt!"

Yu Xiaogang used his fingers to scrape Bibi Dong's small nose lovingly and said, subconsciously clasping his left hand. Bibi Dong felt unwell and reached down, exhaling warm air into Yu Xiaogang's ears, and whispered to Yu Xiaogang's red ears:

"You are so naughty! Xiaogang, you are acting weird again so early in the morning! I am going to punish you!"

Bibi Dong directly attacked Yu Xiaogang's fatal point, and instantly grasped Yu Xiaogang's fatal point. Looking at him with a smile, Yu Xiaogang felt his whole body tense up, and immediately raised his hand to Bibi Dong to admit defeat and said:

"Si! It's my fault! I'm wrong! Dong'er! Stop it! Well, Dong'er, we went to bed so late yesterday, must be hungry now, right? I'll get up now to make you something to eat to replenish your body!"

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, he planned to struggle against Bibi Dong's restraints, and planned to get up and wash up first. After all, he had been fighting with Bibi Dong all night, and now he felt uncomfortable all over.

Bibi Dong saw that Yu Xiaogang was about to get up, and she didn't know where the strength came from to tightly control Yu Xiaogang's struggle. She leaned her head on Yu Xiaogang's chest and quietly listened to Yu Xiaogang's strong heartbeat. After rubbing it, Bibi Dong stretched out her slender hand and drew circles on Yu Xiaogang's chest with her fingers and said:

"Xiao Gang! Don't abandon me! You are the only one I have now. I ran away from the Wuhun Palace. Now one of my confidants is pretending to be me by using soul bone skills to simulate my aura and appearance. I don't know if he can still How long can you hold on? Don't leave me again, okay? Xiaogang!"

Yu Xiaogang looked at Bibi Dong, who was looking up at his chest and looking at him with pitiful eyes. He felt that his heart had been taken away by the person in front of him. Endless tenderness arose in his heart. He stretched out his hand to tidy up Bibi Dong. She stroked her messy hair and said affectionately:

"What are you talking about? Dong'er, please take a rest! You looked tired yesterday! I'm going to make delicious food for you now! Dong'er, you are everything to me now!"

Bibi Dong was very happy to hear Yu Xiaogang's promise and felt that she had not been deceived. However, he felt Yu Xiaogang's hand that was dishonest and continued to act strangely, and he twisted the soft flesh of Yu Xiaogang's waist very angrily. At the same time, he loosened the restraint on Yu Xiaogang and almost jumped out of bed with his kick. He was so embarrassed that he said to Yu Xiaogang in a gritted teeth voice:

"Why don't you go cook! Wasn't it enough to bully me yesterday? Where did you get your experience and tricks? Did you do something bad behind my back?"

Yu Xiaogang was shocked by the speed of Bibi Dong's face change. When asked about his excessive fighting skills yesterday, he could only narrow his eyes and chuckled:

"Dong'er, you know that I am the first person in Douluo Continent's theoretical knowledge!"

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, he blinked and looked at the two white buns that Bibi Dong inadvertently exposed with a wicked smile. Feeling Yu Xiaogang's fiery gaze and words, Bibi Dong was so embarrassed that she covered her chest and grabbed a pillow, threw it at Yu Xiaogang and hummed proudly:

"Damn it! It's so annoying! Why didn't I see you were so glib before, Xiaogang! Why don't you go out yet! Do you want to help me get dressed? Go cook! I'm all sticky and I need to take a shower! No peeking allowed !"

Yu Xiaogang could only pretend to be hurt by being hit, picked up a change of clothes and retreated to the door, opening the door to avoid Bibi Dong's continued attacks. By the way, he retorted and said:

"Dong'er, I'm going to take a shower first! Don't peek!"

When Bibi Dong heard that Yu Xiaogang was trying to flatter her in the opposite direction, she immediately blushed and cursed in embarrassment:

"Go to hell! Who wants to peek at a man's shower! Oh my god, Xiaogang, you've become evil too!"

When Yu Xiaogang heard the anger in Bibi Dong's words, he subconsciously replied:

"Hahaha! Dong'er, my heart for you will never change!"

Bibi Dong snorted and listened to the sound of running water in the bathroom. She felt very happy now, at least she was finally with the person she loved. No one can stop them this time!

Bibi Dong feels that Yu Xiaogang is still too weak, and it looks like he needs to practice more in the future! Otherwise, how could a three-ring soul master be worthy of her Contra?

Bibi Dong felt that Yu Xiaogang was about to reach a bottleneck. He was about to break through the level 40 soul sect. Is the second awakening of the martial soul so powerful? Level 10 in one year? Sure enough, the man she chose was indeed outstanding, and her taste was not bad!

Bibi Dong opened the quilt, and her flawless jade body was exposed to the morning sun. Fortunately, Yu Xiaogang was not here, otherwise he felt like he would have nosebleeds.

Bibi Dong looked at the dots of red plum blossoms on the bed sheets, used her soul power to cut them off directly, and put them into the storage soul guide on Yibang's bedside table. She would always treasure this plum blossom, it was a testimony of her Bibi Dong's youth!

Yu Xiaogang finished his shower quickly, hummed a light tune to Bibi Dong in the room, and then went to the kitchen to get busy. The battle with Bibi Dong yesterday was very exhausting and he had to replenish his energy!

Yu Xiaogang was still busy preparing a loving breakfast for his beloved. Bibi Dong also quickly took a shower, wearing silk home clothes and smelling the charming fragrance of rice. She walked to the kitchen and looked at Xiaogang who was working hard, quietly lost in thought. Yu Xiaogang mentally felt someone coming behind him, and turned to look at Bibi Dong with a smile. Bibidong showed a gentle smile and said:

"Little greedy cat! Go and wait at the table. The food will be ready soon!"

Bibi Dong was brought back to reality by Yu Xiaogang's words. After coming back to her senses, Bibi Dong stepped forward and hugged Yu Xiaogang tightly from behind. She rested her chin on Yu Xiaogang's shoulder, feeling Yu Xiaogang's familiar breath, and spoke with a very lazy expression. asked in a tone:

"What are you going to eat today, Xiaogang? I still want to eat yesterday's whole rabbit feast! Keep cooking it for me today! Okay! Okay!"

Yu Xiaogang felt that Bibi Dong's unknown side was very cute. This was what a woman should be like in the beginning of love. He felt light and airy all over being coquettishly acted out by Bibi Dong, so he agreed directly and said:

"Okay! It's all up to you! Dong'er's kitchen is full of fumes, so go out and wait! I'll get it done right away!"

Bibi Dong felt that Yu Xiaogang was very happy to be obedient to her. She kissed Yu Xiaogang on the cheek and immediately released her hand holding Yu Xiaogang's waist. She retreated to the door and winked at Yu Xiaogang slyly. Laughter.

"I'm waiting for you! Xiaogang, come quickly!"

Yu Xiaogang subconsciously touched the cheek kissed by Bibi Dong, and laughed and cursed in his heart:

"What a annoying little goblin! Let's see how I deal with you tonight!"

While Yu Xiaogang was still flirting with Bibi Dong, Liu Erlong held Flender in one hand and drove the martial soul avatar and rushed to Notting City at lightning speed.

Flanders felt that he had been completely humiliated in front of his old brothers. Who could make him like Liu Erlong? I can only play nonsense with her!

When the wall of Notting City was in sight, Liu Erlong's soul power finally ran out. After not sleeping all night and driving his martial soul avatar along the way, Liu Erlong felt that his vision went dark and fell down.

Flanders felt that Liu Erlong had lost his strength, and he let go of the hand that had been holding his ankle. When he saw Liu Erlong's unconscious appearance, he immediately activated his martial spirit and hugged the princess.

Flanders hugged Liu Erlong and slowly landed on the ground. He looked at Ke Ren'er in his arms affectionately and murmured to himself:

"Sister Erlong, why are you bothering? In fact, I have always loved you, no matter what choice you make. I will take you on the next road!"

After speaking, Flanders put Liu Erlong on his back and continued to say gently:

"Sister Erlong, stay down! Let's go on! Find Yu Xiaogang!"

Liu Erlong subconsciously tightened the arm around Flender's neck. She actually did not faint, but she was a little exhausted and recovered quickly after her vision went dark.

Flanders was confused when he only cared about her, but he also made Flanders confide his feelings. Liu Erlong felt that she was very bad, and that a boy who loved her so much had been waiting for her.

Liu Erlong lay on Flanders's back, which was not wide, and he was confused and asking himself.

"Is it mother who is protecting me in heaven? Do you also want me to get out of that sad shadow? Father, you may be right! But I must ask Yu Xiaogang now to make it clear! So that this episode should not happen. I need to put an end to my relationship! She is the killing corner of the Golden Triangle!"

Liu Erlong squinted his eyes and looked at the rapidly retreating trees. His mind went back to the happy days when their golden iron triangle traveled together in Douluo Continent. Can they really go back to the past?

 There are only two pictures today. I don't know if this one will continue to be reviewed and start to challenge driving skills. The cold water starts at night! Well the drive failed! Modified me 2 times! For the sake of the author's hard work, please give me a monthly ticket and favorites

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 92 The modern Notting City bumpkin Flanders


Chapter 92 The modern Notting City bumpkin Flanders

Seeing that she was approaching the gate of Notting City, Liu Erlong recovered a little soul power. She felt the teasing eyes of passers-by entering the city, and she felt that she had rested well. She blushed and said softly to Flanders, who was busy on the road:

"Boss Flanders, it's okay, let me down quickly! It's embarrassing to be seen by others!"

Only now did Flanders notice the passers-by's teasing glances. He was a little embarrassed, but he was still very happy. Sister Erlong had never been very gentle with him. Flanders immediately carefully put Liu Erlong down, helped her stand firm and said:

"Sister Erlong, be careful! Look, we've arrived at Notting City! We've been traveling for so long, and it's already noon. Let's go in and have something to eat! By the way, how about taking a look at Xiaogang's favorite place!"

Liu Erlong was in a trance when looking at the expanded gate of Notting City. Now she was worried about gains and losses. Hearing Flender's words, he subconsciously nodded in response and said yes. Seeing that Liu Erlong was in a trance now, Flender carefully helped Liu Erlong into the city gate.

When Flanders and Liu Erlong entered Notting City, they were like Grandma Liu entering the Grand View Garden. Notting City now has the shadow of modernization.

There are broad roads and painted pedestrian zebra crossings, and there are only a few horse-drawn carriages on the roads. People basically travel by bus. It was the first time that Flanders and Liu Erlong saw a horseless car speeding on the road. They almost thought they were in a different world!

The bus was built by Yu Xiaogang. It took him half a month to get the soul guide motor and the soul guide battery. However, it was too bulky and could only be used on a large bus. Moreover, Yu Xiaogang was afraid that someone would think that he would give him a castrated version, and he could only run three laps around Notting City to replenish his soul power.

Flanders heard the sound of a car bell ringing behind him, and a horrified cry:

"Give way! Don't walk in the middle of the road! You're risking your life!"

Xiao Zhan was happily riding the soul guide motorcycle given by teacher Yu Xiaogang today as a graduation gift for him to break through 10 soul power.

Xiao Zhan has just become familiar with driving and is not yet proficient. Today he went out to practice riding. As soon as he turned a corner, he saw that he was not from Notting City. Standing in the middle of the road, he was startled and he immediately held the brake firmly.


Xiao Zhan braked too hard and went so fast that the rider and the rider fell down, and the soul-guided motorcycle engraved itself on the ground and slid away. Xiao Zhan himself rolled on the ground to release his strength, rolled over and knelt down in front of Flanders and saluted.

Fortunately, Xiao Zhan has been trained under Yu Xiaogang's guidance, and now his skin is rough and his flesh is thicker, and he didn't even get hurt from the accident. He shook his dazed mind, and without pointing at Flanders and Liu Erlong, he strode directly to the Soul Guidance Motorcycle, carefully lifted it up and touched the dents and scratches on it, making a startling roar:

"My soul-guided motorcycle! I just got it not long ago! Why are you so unlucky today!"

Flanders looked at the scene in front of him, as if they were blocking the way for others to drive. Seeing the pedestrians gathered around to watch the fun, he felt embarrassed and walked up and said:

"I'm sorry, little brother! It looks like the shell is just a little broken. Just find a blacksmith to repair it! I will pay the repair fee."

Xiao Zhan was still feeling distressed and touching the scars on the soul guide motorcycle. When he heard Flanders' words, he immediately found an outlet to vent his anger and turned around and shouted:

"Xiu? This is the only soul-guided motorcycle on Douluo Continent! It's a graduation gift from my teacher! What do you want to compensate me for?"

Flanders was a little embarrassed. He heard from the onlookers around him that the middle of the road was for vehicles and pedestrians had to pull over. It seemed like it was indeed his fault. Moreover, he broke the graduation gift given by another teacher. Feeling a little guilty, he thought of something and said to Xiao Zhan:

"Isn't it just a soul guide! Since it was given to you by your teacher, then your teacher must have a way! As a soul saint, I still have some respect, so just take me to your teacher! I will pay for all the repair costs. bear!"

Xiao Zhan originally wanted to have a good argument, but when he heard that the other party was actually the Soul Saint, he was a little confused. He seemed to have caused a big trouble for the teacher, and it looked like he had to delay for a while. Xiao Zhan thought of the fingers behind his back polishing the communication ring to send the message to Sister Yunlan. He immediately changed his face and said with a smile:

"Um~ Ahaha! Anyway, it's a small matter. My soul guide motorcycle is just a little bit injured. I can just ask my teacher to fix it later! I am the son of the city lord of Notting City, and I am most familiar with Notting City! Look at your faces. If you are not from around Notting City, this is your first time coming to Notting City! Let me be your tour guide and give you a good introduction!"

With a smile on his face, Xiao Zhan waved his right hand and put the soul guide motorcycle on the ground into the storage soul guide. The golden light under Flanders' glasses flashed, and his excellent eyesight noticed the soul guide in Xiao Zhan's hand. There is a word "Xiao" in the gemstone on the ring, and the handwriting seems to be Xiaogang's. Flanders secretly thought that in a small and remote city like Notting City, it was not uncommon for someone to possess a storage soul guide, and he was also the son of the city lord of Notting City. Coupled with the obvious handwriting of "Xiao" written by Yu Xiaogang, and the four apprentices mentioned in Xiaogang's letter, the person in front of him is Xiao Zhan.

Flanders turned his head and blinked at Liu Erlong. With years of tacit understanding, Liu Erlong watched with his arms folded, wondering how to deal with the little guy in front of him when the Soul Saint was looking for trouble.

Flender immediately got into the mood, walked up to Xiao Zhan, patted his shoulder and said:

"Okay! Boy! It's noon now, so you can take us to the best hotel in Notting City. I'll treat you! By the way, let's introduce Notting City to us. I think this place is completely different from other cities in Douluo Continent! Well, let me introduce you to your teacher by the way, I am very interested in your teacher!"

Seeing that the uncle in front of him was quite kind and had no arrogance as a senior soul master, Xiao Zhan gradually let down his guard. Anyway, he has already sent the message, and the teacher should receive it soon, so he can delay it for a while longer.

Then Xiao Zhan chased away the onlookers. Fortunately, Xiao Zhan still had some respect in Notting City. After the pedestrians dispersed, Xiao Zhan walked in front of them very proudly, introducing the recent huge changes in Notting City to the two country bumpkins who had never seen the world.

Flanders and Liu Erlong looked at the crowded cinema, and Flanders was amazed when they heard that it was Mr. Xiao Zhan, who was Yu Xiaogang, who invented it.

Passing by Longmen Hospital, Xiao Zhan took Flanders and Liu Erlong to experience the joys, sorrows and joys of the lower class civilians. Fortunately, Douluo Continent is a fantasy world after all.

Basically, they are all minor illnesses. People who walk out of the hospital are full of smiles. In the past, people who had no money to see a doctor had to rely on their physical strength to fight. Now there are hospitals dedicated to treating common people. The fees are low, which is completely good news for the lower class commoners!

Xiao Zhan also introduced the buses, bicycles and the like, and proudly said that they were all inventions of his teacher. He took Flender and Liu Erlong to visit the shops under Sisi's name.

Inside are some household appliances from the earth, all of which are soul guide templates carved by Yu Xiaogang. A single replenishment of soul power can run them for a whole day.

Sisi is extremely busy now. She has to receive caravans from different cities for handovers and entertainment every day. Fortunately, she has Qibao Glazed Sect as her backer, which eliminates a lot of troubles. Sisi also enjoys it. What she likes most every day is looking at the numbers on the account books. It increases day by day.

On the way, Flanders also told Liu Erlong his guess, and also learned that the chattering boy in front of him was Xiaogang's disciple. She also listened with peace of mind to the novel changes in Notting City, each of which was related to Yu Xiaogang.

When Liu Erlong saw the little girl Sisi, he also liked her very much and told her interesting things about going on adventures with Flanders Yu Xiaogang. She felt particularly sorry for Sisi, a child whose parents had both died, and she also gave Sisi some beautiful jewelry.

Flanders looked at Liu Erlong's motherly side, and was a little lost in thought. At this time, Sisi heard Liu Erlong's adventure story of the Golden Triangle's Killing Horn.

Originally, Sisi was very angry when she received the news from Xiao Zhan! Xiao Zhan is a guy who causes trouble all day long. However, she relied on her girlish talent to find out the details of these two soul masters. When she heard that they were the Golden Iron Triangle, she was surprised and said:

"Sister Erlong, are you really the killing corner of the Golden Iron Triangle? Then my teacher is the wisdom corner of the Golden Iron Triangle! Since Sister Erlong is the teacher's friend, let me entertain you!"

Sisi held Liu Erlong's hand very intimately and said, then turned to the side and smiled. Xiao Zhan began to put on a senior sister attitude and began to scold Xiao Zhan for being idle recently and not practicing properly.

After all, Sisi and her teacher Yu Xiaogang said that you should not relax even when you reach the bottleneck. It is the best time to polish the quality of your soul power and lay the foundation for the future.

 You need to drive with caution, driving is risky. It was reviewed 9 times yesterday and everyone was numb. Brothers, at the end of the month, please ask for monthly votes and collections. You can also vote for free recommendation votes.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 93 Bibi Dong becomes jealous


Chapter 93 Bibi Dong becomes jealous

Xiao Zhan looked constipated and could only lower his head and shake his head little by little to show that he was listening. Don't dare to talk back, otherwise Sisi will snitch again, and then Teacher Yu Xiaogang will definitely punish him!

He just couldn't bear his temper. Mainly polishing the quality of his soul power was too boring. Only Su Yuntao and Wang Dachui could calm down. Su Yuntao longed for strong strength and had strong willpower, while Wang Dachui was a fool and would do whatever the teacher said anyway.

There is also a soul guide motorcycle! This was very attractive to Xiao Zhan, who was exposed to motorcycles for the first time! After all, he is still a little boy, and he already loves mechanical things!

Liu Erlong looked at the scene in front of him of Sisi scolding Xiao Zhan very lovingly. The relationship between Yu Xiaogang's disciples was very harmonious! It's quite interesting that an auxiliary soul master trains an offensive soul master until he can't hold his head up.

Sisi felt that it was almost done, so she asked Xiao Zhan to order a banquet at Qibao Restaurant, where she would be entertained by Yu Xiaogang's senior sister. After all, she was the teacher's friend and had to be entertained well.

Xiao Zhan was amnesty after receiving Sisi's order, and ran out quickly, leaving behind a sentence:

"Sisi, please entertain the teacher's friends first. I'll go to the Qibao Hotel to book a private room and invite Su Yuntao and Wang Dachui to join me."

Liu Erlong looked at Xiao Zhanfou's back, burst into laughter and said to Sisi who was still there angrily:

"It seems that your senior brothers have a very good relationship! Sisi, come and tell me how your teacher Yu Xiaogang is doing recently? How did your teacher teach you?"

Sisi made a face in the direction of Xiao Zhan, then jumped into Liu Erlong's arms and said coquettishly:

"Sister Erlong! Who has a good relationship with that guy Xiao Zhan! You don't know that you are always against me in the academy! If I hadn't been accepted as a disciple by the teacher, I would have beaten him to the point of running away! I am very strong! "

Liu Erlong petted the little head in his arms and asked:

"Oh? How do our little beautiful Sisi plan to beat Xiao Zhan until he is running away? I heard you say from Sisi that you are an auxiliary soul master. Did Xiaogang teach you any abilities? By the way, Xiaogang is also your teacher. "

Sisi likes to read all kinds of books, and also knows that the Golden Iron Triangle is famous in Douluo Continent, as well as the very famous trinity martial soul fusion skill. Everyone on Douluo Continent believes that soul masters with martial soul fusion skills are brothers or husbands and wives, and their relationship is particularly close.

Sisi left Liu Erlong's arms a little reluctantly, winked playfully at Liu Erlong and Flender, and said with a smile:

"Sister Erlong, just watch it! I am not an ordinary auxiliary soul master! Hehe! Let me show you the secret method that the teacher taught me!"

After speaking, Sisi stretched out her hand and pointed to the plate on the table. The pink mental power attached to the plate, controlled it to float and began to fly quickly around the three of them. Sisi said to the stunned Liu Erlong and Flanders in a high voice. :

"How about it! Sister Erlong and Uncle Flender! This is the self-created soul skill taught to us by Teacher Yu Xiaogang! Mental power!

The teacher also said that with the help of flying knives, I can fight like an attack-type soul master! The mental power is very powerful! In the hands of the teacher, it can not only attack, but also defend and fly! It's a pity that I'm still too weak now and can't be as strong as the teacher! "

Liu Erlong just came back to his senses from the mental shock. He was also happy with Yu Xiaogang's rise and stepped forward to pull Sisi and ask questions.

Flanders on the side wanted to complain, but because Liu Erlong was so excited, he shut up. He said from the bottom of his heart:

"You're already called Sister Liu Erlong! Why did you become an uncle when you came to his place? I feel a generation older instantly!"

While Liu Erlong and Sisi were chatting passionately, in the back hill of Holy Soul Village not far from Notting City, at the headquarters of Longmen Sect, Yu Xiaogang held Bibi Dong's jade hand and walked in the eyes of Yin and Yang. Gang was very excited and introduced Bibi Dong next to him.

Yu Xiaogang was still telling Bibi Dong a lot about what he had done recently, including creating his own soul skills and cultivating the muscles and Dantian. After all, the soul masters on the Douluo Continent were all based on martial souls, and all the soul power gained from training was In Wuhun.

Therefore, the soul masters on the Douluo Continent are most afraid of having their martial souls broken, just like people in the martial arts world are afraid of their Dantian being broken.

Yu Xiaogang took Bibi Dong's hands, looked at the beauty in front of him with blazing eyes and said: "Dong'er! Anyway, you have sneaked out from Wuhun Hall now, so come and help me! Let's develop our own world together. Zongmen! By the way, I want to give you a warm home!"

Bibi Dong directly approached Yu Xiaogang's waist holding him, and rested her head on Yu Xiaogang's shoulder. I am very confused about whether I should agree to my lover's invitation.

"Xiao Gang, I feel a little sorry for joining your sect like this. I am a little sorry for the upbringing and teaching of Wuhun Palace. After all, Qian Xunji is my teacher. Although the way he looks at me now is very wrong, I hope it is my illusion. !"

Yu Xiaogang thought of the secret room incident in the original work, and subconsciously hugged Bibi Dong tightly in his arms. The flash of killing intent in his eyes was not seen by Bibi Dong. After all, Bibi Dong was now his Yu Xiaogang's woman! It's the love of my life I met while traveling across the Douluo Continent!

Yu Xiaogang patted Bibi Dongyu's back and comforted her in a gentle and affectionate tone:

"Isn't there someone pretending to be you now, Dong'er? Let's talk about it later, right? Wait until you think clearly before answering me! By the way, Dong'er, is your confidant safe? I'm afraid that there will be some danger to you, Dong'er. Let your confidants bear the responsibility."

Bibi Dong raised her head and kissed Yu Xiaogang, then rubbed Yu Xiaogang's chest very intimately, feeling Yu Xiaogang's rich breath and whispered softly:

"Don't worry, Xiaogang! My confidant is an orphan I rescued from the fallen before, and her soul bone simulation skills are absolutely perfect! That little girl has been very respectful to me since she was a child, and even if she is discovered, my confidant She is a level 70 agility attack soul master and she should have no problem escaping!"

Yu Xiaogang sighed. Someone might have to bear the consequences of the original work for Bibi Dong. He hoped that Yun Lan would take over by then. If there weren't too many titled Douluo in Wuhun Palace, Yu Xiaogang would have to let Yun Lan do it. Monitored at all times.

Yu Xiaogang said to Bibi Dong in his arms:

"I will introduce you to someone later. She is my strongest trump card right now! She is comparable to a level 95 Titled Douluo! She is also my confidence!"

Bibi Dong's eyebrows suddenly widened and she looked at Yu Xiaogang's handsome face with a look of disbelief. She couldn't even think that a Super Douluo would obey the words of a Soul Lord! Did Xiaogang say it deliberately to comfort her?

Cao Cao was about to arrive. Bibi Dong felt a very powerful and strange soul beast aura, and immediately left Yu Xiaogang's very warm embrace. She protected Yu Xiaogang behind her and looked at the figure who suddenly appeared in front of her with great dignity and said:

"Who is your Excellency? Why did you come to us?"

Then Bibi Dong whispered to Yu Xiaogang behind him:

"Xiao Gang, we are really unlucky this time. We actually encountered a hundred thousand year soul beast here. I will stop it when the time comes. Xiao Gang, you can run as far as you can! Don't worry! I am Contra! Have you escaped? questionable!"

Yu Xiaogang felt warm in his heart when he saw Bibi Dong Na's desperate efforts for him. With a smile on his face, he pressed Bibi Dong Na's weak shoulders and stepped forward and said:

"It's okay! Dong'er is the trump card I mentioned, and she is also the collective consciousness of the Blue Silver Grass network that I created. She is the most special soul beast on the Douluo Continent. She has no body or entity and can appear anywhere where there is Blue Silver Grass. "

Yun Lan bowed slightly to Yu Xiaogang and Bibi Dong very respectfully, and then said in an ethereal voice:

"Welcome the Creator and Mistress to the Yin Yang Liang Yin Eye. Creator, your apprentice just sent a message that there is a soul saint who wants to trouble you. However, after my investigation, it was your friends Flanders and Liu Erlong who came to find you. Okay, Miss Sisi is taking care of you now, and she should come to see you soon."

Bibi Dong was first shocked by Yunlan's identity. She didn't know how to hunt a hundred thousand year old soul beast that had no body or entity and could appear at the Blue Silver Grass at any time. Completely invincible! Let others fight! No wonder Xiaogang is so confident. Sure enough, the man she likes in Bibi Dong is the strongest!

Yu Xiaogang was very confused when he heard that Flanders and Liu Erlong were looking for him together, so he wrote to Flanders himself! Why did Liu Erlong come with him, and Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but feel guilty when he heard Liu Erlong's name.

Bibi Dong saw a look of guilt on Yu Xiaogang's face when he heard Liu Erlong's name, and suddenly felt very uncomfortable in his heart. He stepped forward and put his slender jade hands on the soft flesh of Yu Xiaogang's waist, leaning his head on Yu Xiaogang's waist. Xiaogang said with a strange voice in his ears:

"Xiao Gang is your relative! Sister! Sister! I'm here to see you? Do you want to introduce me to me later? After all, I, as a sister-in-law, should be prepared, right?"

 I'll go and see how others write about Shura Field first, and I'll study it carefully tonight hehe! Ask for monthly votes and collections, and vote for free recommendations

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 94 Liu 2 Long Xiaogang is my man, you are just a sister


Chapter 94 Liu Erlong Xiaogang is my man, you are just a sister

The pain in Yu Xiaogang's waist was pinched by Bibi Dong, coupled with Bibi Dong's threatening words, Yu Xiaogang's back was almost wet with cold sweat. As expected, women are fickle no matter where they are. You don't know it at all. What expression will she give you next second?

Yu Xiaogang could only say in an embarrassing tone of pleading:

"Dong'er, now you know that Erlong and I are just cousins. Ethically, Liu Erlong and I can't be together. Mainly, I didn't know that Erlong sister is my second uncle's illegitimate daughter before. If I knew If Sister Erlong was my uncle's illegitimate daughter, this bad fate would not have happened! Dong'er, I have learned a lot about love! I was so desperate at that time."

Yu Xiaogang turned around, carefully keeping Bibi Dong's jade hand on the soft flesh of her waist away from her, while stepping forward to stop Bibi Dong's slender waist, Bibi Dong snorted coldly! He hit Yu Xiaogang's mischievous hand hard on the back.



Bibi Dong had experienced Yu Xiaogang's terrifying physical strength last night, and knew that the blow just now would not hurt Yu Xiaogang at all. However, she was quite satisfied with Yu Xiaogang's cooperation with her. Bibi Dong stepped forward and grabbed Yu Xiaogang's ears and said angrily:

"Go! Go! I'll deal with you when I get back! You were so affectionate just now! Er! Long! Sister! Sister! At that time, you and Liu Erlong almost got married and I haven't settled the score with you yet! Xiaogang went to Noting The city will treat your good friends well!"

Yu Xiaogang saw that Bibi Dong was a little discouraged. At least he made his attitude clear. If Bibi Dong bullies him, just bully him! Who made Bibi Dong his wife?

"Hey! Hey! It hurts! It hurts! Dong'er, I was wrong! My ear is going to fall off! It's going to fall off!"

Yu Xiaogang's funny look made Bibi Dong burst into laughter. The silver bell-like laughter made Yu Xiaogang breathe a sigh of relief. At least Mo Hun passed this level. I hope Bibi Dong and Liu Erlong won't start a fight when they meet. After all, Liu Erlong also has a hot temper.

Yu Xiaogang's face showed bitterness. After all, this was the sin caused by his original body, and now he can only bear it. Then Yu Xiaogang winked at Yun Lan behind him, and when Bibi Dong and Liu Erlong really started to fight, Yun Lan would have to stop them.

As Yu Xiaogang's creation, Yun Lan understood Yu Xiaogang's meaning immediately. Yun Lan secretly made an OK gesture to Yu Xiaogang, indicating that she had everything.

Yunlan bowed respectfully to Yu Xiaogang and Bibi Dong and said:

"As for the Creator and the Mistress, I will go down first and inform Su Yuntao and the four of them to book a banquet. The Mistress will take care of themselves!"

After Yun Lan finished speaking, the sky turned into starlight. Bibi Dong heard a hundred thousand year old soul beast treat her with such respect, and heard the words of the mistress, which made her happy. Then she glanced at Yu Xiaogang and said:

"Hmph! Xiaogang, you are not as sensible as Yunlan! Why are you just letting me go? Lead the way! I want to see what Liu Erlong is going to do!"

Yu Xiaogang wiped the cold sweat from his forehead and couldn't help but complain in his heart:

"Sure enough, the anime is all a lie! Where did my so gentle Bibi Dong go? We just got together and we really have a relationship, so we declare our sovereignty so domineeringly? But I like it! Hehe!"

Yu Xiaogang took out a handsome soul-guiding motorcycle from the storage soul-guiding device, rode on it, put the legs on the bike, stretched out his hand to make an invitation to Bibi Dong and said:

"Your Majesty, please get in the car. I will serve you throughout the journey!"

Bibi Dong was startled by the two-wheeled car at first, but she soon regained her composure. Very gracefully and calmly, she took Yu Xiaogang's big hand, turned over and sat behind him like Xiaogang did just now.

Yu Xiaogang smiled evilly at Bibi Dong behind him and said:

"Dong'er, sit still! We will arrive in Notting City soon and let you experience the feeling of flying!"

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, he turned on the switches of the soul battery and motor, and the soul motorcycle rushed out like an arrow, speeding along the cement road towards Notting City.

Bibi Dong was forced to hug Yu Xiaogang's waist tightly due to the huge inertia, feeling the passion brought by speed. She looked at Yu Xiaogang's side face serious about riding a bicycle and thought to herself:

"Liu Erlong, no matter you are Xiaogang's sister, if you steal a man from me, I will never let go this time!" In the most luxurious box of Qibao Restaurant in Notting City, Sisi received the message from Yunlan and was very excited about it. Liu Erlong, who was sitting next to him, said:

"Sister Erlong! Our chef will be here soon! I'll ask the waiter to serve the food!"

After Sisi finished speaking, she clapped her hands gracefully, and immediately the waiter who had been waiting outside the door pushed the dining cart and started serving dishes one after another, and soon a large table was filled.

Flender secretly gasped at the three delicacies on the table, unaware that Xiaogang's apprentice in front of him was still a rich young woman. It seems that his Shrek Academy has a sponsor! As Xiaogang's apprentice, Sisi will definitely help the master uncle!

Originally, Yu Xiaogang wanted Flender to come over and be the principal, and it couldn't be justified without gold soul coins! While Flanders was still staring at the golden soul coins, Liu Erlong on the side heard Sisi saying that Yu Xiaogang would be here soon. He was a little restless and took out the mirror from time to time to see how his makeup was. After a while, he looked Toward the box room door.

Sisi's mind is full of questions now? Isn't Sister Erlong the teacher's cousin? It looked like there was a little story, and then he secretly sent a message to Su Yuntao and the other three, wait and see what happened, and run away as soon as something went wrong! After all, it's better to know less about elders' gossip.

While Liu Erlong was waiting impatiently, the door handle of the box turned, instantly attracting the attention of everyone in the box. Flanders and Liu Erlong stood up from their seats, and Su Yuntao and the four others were not to be outdone. Stand up and wait for their respected teacher.

As soon as Yu Xiaogang opened the door and came in, he saw Liu Erlong's complicated eyes, with various emotions of nostalgia, pain, despair and despair flowing inside. Yu Xiaogang stepped forward, hugged Flanders, patted his back and said:

"Long time no see, Boss Flanders! Thank you for helping me!"

Yu Xiaogang smiled and greeted Liu Erlong like an old acquaintance and said:

"Sister Erlong, are you here too? Why don't you practice hard in the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect? Why do you come to me when you have time?"

Liu Erlong stopped breathing and almost lost his balance, but fortunately Yiyuan Sisi supported her. Liu Erlong's trembling lips trembled and he said with sobs:

"Xiao Gang! Don't you love me anymore? I don't care about worldly opinions! I just want to ask clearly this time!"

Yu Xiaogang sighed, a little reluctant to tell the truth that he didn't love her, but he was still disturbed by it! After all, Liu Erlong is his cousin, and Bibi Dong has given everything to him. He cannot let Bibi Dong down.

"Sister Erlong! In fact, I was put under an illusion by Qian Xunji and forgot about her. After all, you are the daughter of my uncle Yu Luomian and my sister. We can't continue to make mistakes! In fact, Boss Flanders also Love you deeply!"

Liu Erlong didn't believe that Yu Xiaogang said such heartless words, and wanted to go up and ask Yu Xiaogang carefully if it was not true! Is it wrong to love someone?

"Liu Erlong! Didn't Xiaogang just make it clear? You are just a sister, don't blame me, my sister-in-law, for being rude to you! Don't push yourself too far!"

Bibi Dong slowly walked in from the gate at this time, walked up to Yu Xiaogang very domineeringly, hugged Yu Xiaogang's arm, and glanced at Liu Erlong who was completely stunned.

Liu Erlong was very angry and pointed at Bibi Dong and asked loudly:

"Why are you, a woman, here! Let him go! Stay away from Xiaogang!"

After Liu Erlong said this, he activated his martial soul and used his soul power to suppress Bibi Dong. Bibi Dong let go of his hand and stepped forward, also activated his martial soul and began to fight against Liu Erlong's soul power. This caused hardships to the four of Su Yuntao and Yu. Xiaogang smiled bitterly and used his mental power to pull Su Yuntaosi behind him to protect him.

Yu Xiaogang looked at the tit-for-tat Bibi Dong and Liu Erlong and hoped that they wouldn't really fight! Secretly told Yunlan to be ready to stop him at any time. After all, one is the wife and the other is the sister. It would not be good for either of them to get hurt!

Damn it, why did the original person leave such a mess? How great would it be if he traveled back in time to when Yu Xiaogang was a child! Now he is very passive!

 Did I become yang? I feel dizzy now, my joints all over my body are sore, and even my teeth are sore. That's it for today. Will make up for it tomorrow. I really can't hold it anymore and I'm so sleepy after taking anti-inflammatory drugs. By the way, please give me your monthly pass and collection. Don't hide it until the end of the month.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 95 Liu Erlong I am your future sister-in-law


Chapter 95 Liu Erlong, I am your future sister-in-law

Yu Xiaogang felt very troubled when he saw Bibi Dong and Liu Erlong both activated their martial spirits and were ready to fight at any moment. He glanced at Flanders who was leaning on him at a loss, and secretly conveyed a message through his mental power:

"Boss Flanders, wait for me to stop the situation from developing further. Just control Liu Erlong and don't let her lose her temper again."

After Yu Xiaogang finished explaining to Flanders, against the soul power pressure of Bibi Dong and Liu Erlong, a vast and boundless spiritual power directly broke the soul power of the two. Holding Bibi Dong's delicate hand, he said:

"Okay Dong'er! Don't be willful. After all, Liu Erlong is still my cousin. Give me some face and don't make things too awkward. After all, it's me who feels sorry for her.

Erlong, please stop making trouble. We are really not suitable and we cannot continue to make mistakes. I also want to consider your reputation. At that time, you only chose me between me and Boss Flanders out of goodwill.

As you know, people with martial soul fusion skills are either brothers and sisters or husbands and wives. Erlong, you were just misled by the attraction between the martial souls. It was a family relationship that dissolved in blood, not love. After all, you and I didn't know our relationship at the time. "

When Liu Erlong heard Yu Xiaogang's advice and analysis, he staggered back a few steps. Flanders ducked to his side, gently supported him and said with concern:

"How are you, Erlong? Are you okay?"

Liu Erlong turned his head and looked at Flanders' face, feeling in a trance. What Yu Xiaogang just said was echoing in my mind, and it seemed that it was indeed what Yu Xiaogang said.

When Yu Xiaogang and Flanders confessed their feelings together, she secretly felt that Yu Xiaogang was indeed more attracted to her. That very kind feeling made Liu Erlong, who had grown up as an orphan, feel the warmth that he had not seen for a long time.

But even so! Liu Erlong still couldn't accept Yu Xiaogang's abandonment of her! Why is she the only one who has to bear all this! Now I just want to ask clearly! I don't know why Liu Erlong got angry when he saw Bibi Dong!

Liu Erlong was a little relieved now, since Yu Xiaogang no longer loved her, but it made him angry to see Bibi Dong's hateful and condescending face! Pushing Flanders away, he pointed at Bibi Dong behind Yu Xiaogang and said:

"Hmph! Even if Xiaogang and I are no longer possible, I will never agree to a woman like you being with Xiaogang! Haven't you hurt Xiaogang enough before? You still have the nerve to come to Xiaogang!"

When did Bibi Dong get pointed at her nose and scolded? If she wasn't used to being a saint of Wuhun Temple, she would have scolded Liu Erlong. She and Yu Xiaogang interlocked their fingers and tapped their toes, but Yu Xiaogang didn't react. He came over and put a stamp on his cheek, and responded nonchalantly to Liu Erlong's provocation just now:

"It's not your turn to interfere in Xiaogang and I's affairs! From now on, you must be polite and call me sister-in-law. You are welcome to attend my wedding with Xiaogang. I will hand you the wedding invitation."

Suddenly Liu Erlong felt that his lungs were about to explode! This woman Bibi Dong is completely targeting her! He also showed off his affection in front of her and declared his sovereignty!

"You!!! Bibi Dong, I'm going to fight you!!"

Flanders saw that Liu Erlong was going to make a big move, so he immediately grabbed her and comforted her:

"Don't be angry, Erlong! It's not that bad! It won't do you any good!"

Liu Erlong was stopped by Flanders, and his head became clearer. After all, there are still juniors here to watch, which is not good after all. Liu Erlong pushed Flanders' hand away, folded his arms and sulked alone.

Flender surrounded Liu Erlong and kept comforting him. After all, Yu and Xiaogang had already pointed out the relationship. He also helped him get closer to Liu Erlong, and Flanders felt like he had been given a shot of blood now.

When Liu Erlong saw Sisi and a group of juniors, he immediately thought of Yu Xiaogang asking Flender to come here. Then he pointed at Bibi Dong and gritted his teeth and said:

"Exactly! Yu Xiaogang called Boss Flanders here to get the first soul ring for his apprentice. Let's compete to see who can complete the soul hunting the fastest and best. Only then will I recognize you as a woman! Sisi and Su Yuntao and you two, please come over to my sister. When you come to my sister's place, I will take you to the Star Dou Forest to hunt for souls!"

Sisi and Su Yuntao were eating melon happily, but they didn't know that the melon was eaten by them. Sisi and Su Yuntao suddenly blushed and looked at each other a little embarrassed.

After all, Liu Erlong was someone who had come before. Just after chatting with Sisi, she felt that Sisi had an unusual affection for Su Yuntao, so she planned to set them up, which would also be considered as entrusting her failed relationship.

After Su Yuntao's relationship was pointed out, the courage came out of nowhere and took the initiative to hold Sisi's little hand for the first time and walked towards Liu Erlong. Sisi was so shy now that she felt dizzy and did not resist when Su Yuntao held her hand, which made Su Yuntao secretly happy.

Bibi Dong said unfazed by Liu Erlong's provocative bet:

"Do you want to use this to stop making things difficult for me? Just let me, my sister-in-law, play with you. Xiao Zhan and Wang Dachui, after you two have finished eating, I will take you to hunt for souls. Do you want Xiao Gang to go with me? ?After all, they are your apprentices."

Xiao Zhan smiled bitterly and walked behind Bibi Dong with Wang Dachui. He felt that his master wife was not easy to get along with! It gives people a superior temperament, and the commanding tone has to be obeyed.

Wang Dachui didn't think too much. He walked up behind Bibi Dong and said to Bibi Dong very obediently:

"Okay, Master! I'll give you my first soul ring, Master!"

Bibi Dong was very happy to address Wang Dachui, and the corners of her mouth turned up slightly. He showed a charming smile, then took out Su Yuntao's four martial arts files from the storage soul guide, used his soul power to send the martial arts files of Sisi and Su Yuntao to Liu Erlong and said:

"This is the development direction of Wuhun planned by Xiaogang for them. Look carefully to make sure you are not mistaken. Don't blame me for not reminding you, Xiaogang's apprentice is not simple."

Liu Erlong angrily grabbed Sisi and Su Yuntao's martial arts files and opened them. Suddenly his eyes widened and he looked up at Yu Xiaogang with an expression of disbelief and said:

"Xiao Gang! Did you make a mistake? Whose first soul ring is actually 700 years old! And why is the soul hunting target still required to die? Isn't it okay to just hunt suitable soul beasts?"

Flanders heard Liu Erlong's exclamation and took the martial arts files of Sisi and Su Yuntao from Liu Erlong's hands. After looking at them carefully, he also looked at Yu Xiaogang with questioning eyes and said:

"Yes, Xiaogang! This is too exaggerated! There has never been anyone in Douluo Continent whose first soul ring has exceeded 430 years. Are you mistaken? Moreover, Sisi and Su Yuntao's innate soul power is not high, and their cultivation talents are not high. Not good. Are your expectations too high?"

It's time for Yu Xiaogang to come out and explain, otherwise Flanders and Liu Erlong won't believe him. Yu Xiaogang put his hands behind his back and explained to the two confused people with confidence:

"This is my latest research combining theory with practice. Talent can be changed through the day after tomorrow, and the upper limit of a soul master cannot be determined innately.

You can use your soul power to check the physical fitness of Sisi and Su Yuntao, and then you will know whether I am exaggerating. "

Yu Xiaogang looked at the bright sunshine outside the floor-to-ceiling window with deep eyes and said the famous saying that he had never completed in his life:

"There are no useless martial spirits, only useless soul masters!"

 Please give me monthly votes, please collect, please recommend votes. I will try my best to code today.

  I forgot to modify it when I posted it, but it has been modified now.

(End of this chapter)