
A 17

Chapter 81 Yunlan conquers Ah Yin


Chapter 81 Yunlan conquers Ah Yin

Ah Yin looked at the giant golden blue-silver tree emerging from the clouds, and she seemed to see a world entirely composed of blue-silver grass. Full of life, no fighting, quiet and peaceful. Ah Yin couldn't help but stretched out his right hand to summon the Blue Silver Emperor martial spirit, and took the initiative to turn into vines and wrap them around him.

Tang Hao and Tang Xiao on the side saw this scene. Tang Hao was a little worried about Ah Yin and couldn't help but worry:

"Ah Yin, please be careful. This senior hopes that you will not harm Ah Yin. She is just an auxiliary soul master. Ah Yin's martial spirit is just an ordinary blue silver grass. You don't need to make a special trip, right?"

Yun Lan glanced at Tang Hao with contempt and replied lightly:

"You should take care of yourself first! Tang Hao, I see that your Yintang is dark. You should avoid going to dangerous places recently! Ah Yin Wuhun is the Blue Silver Emperor! He is not an ordinary Blue Silver Grass. The Haotian Sect is a bunch of brainless people. Your reckless man is so ignorant!"

"Blue Silver Emperor!? What kind of martial spirit is that? Why have you never heard of it? Brother, do you know?"

Tang Hao was originally a little sulky at Yun Lan's retort, and would have rushed forward if he hadn't been defeated, but when he heard Yun Lan say that he had bad luck, he thought it was a joke!

However, Tang Hao was shocked when he found out that A Yin's martial spirit was the Blue Silver Emperor. The emperor's character must be a high-level martial spirit or a top-level martial spirit. After all, A Yin had now reached the sixty-sixth level of the auxiliary soul emperor.

Originally, Tang Hao and his brother Tang Xiao thought that Ah Yin was just an ordinary Blue Silver Grass martial spirit, which could also explain why Ah Yin was able to cultivate the Blue Silver Grass Spirit so quickly!

Just when the two brothers Tang Hao and Tang Xiao were staring at each other, Ah Yin's blue silver grass martial spirit burst into contact with Yunlan's golden blue silver tree and burst into blue gold soul power. A breath of tenacious life spread out, making It was originally the weather of late summer and early autumn, but it was like spring again.

The ground was covered with flowers. The big trees that had just been blown down by the aftermath of the battle regenerated their aerial roots and penetrated into the earth and began to grow vigorously. The ancient tree stumps also sprouted green buds again as if they had come back to life.

Tang Hao and Tang Xiao felt that their soul power had been purified a lot after being swept by this breath of life, and all the hidden injuries in their bodies healed instantly. Tang Hao couldn't believe it, holding his lower back with both hands and twisting a few times, and found that before The waist injury caused by practicing the random cloak hammer method has recovered as before.

"Brother! This life soul power is so amazing. My hidden injuries are all healed!"

"Shh! Be quiet! Don't disturb others. We have gained such great benefits and come together to protect the law! After all, you feel the importance of life soul power. Aren't those group of soul beasts gathering like crazy?"

Tang Hao said happily to Tang Xiao, and was scolded by Tang Xiao again. He honestly began to protect the law. At the same time, he tried to open his eyes wide to see A Yin's situation clearly in the blue-gold light. However, seeing such a strong burst of life and soul power, A Yin was affected by It's also quite delicious.

Ah Yin felt like he was back to the way he was when the Blue Silver Emperor was a child, absorbing the nutrients of the earth and the sun and growing up without any worries.

Ah Yin once again felt that she had entered the ocean where the weak soul consciousnesses of countless blue and silver grass soul beasts were gathered together. The thoughts of welcome home sent by countless Blue Silver Grass consciousnesses reached A Yin's mind.

Ah Yin also saw a familiar figure in the ocean. Ah Yin was so excited that she covered her mouth and couldn't help shouting:

"Blue Silver King, you are still alive, that's great! The moment you disconnected from me, I was scared to death! I thought something happened to you, it's good to see you safe and sound! After all, our Blue Silver Grass clan is too He is too weak and has no means to protect himself." The Blue Silver King manifested a gentle old man's figure in the sea of ​​Blue Silver Grass's soul consciousness, bowed slightly to A Yin in front of him, and said in a gentle tone:

"Your Majesty, please don't be so willful in the future. You are the hope of our Blue Silver Grass clan. Fortunately, a nobleman appeared in our clan and created the collective consciousness of Yunlan. Let us, the Blue Silver Grass clan, avoid the fate of being slaughtered. Emperor You have also accepted the benefits of the Blue Silver Grass Network, do you know it now?"

After the Blue Silver King said to A Yin, he looked at A Yin with bright eyes and said nothing. A Yin's eyes dimmed for a moment, but when he thought of Yun Lan's importance to the Lan Yincao clan, he brightened up instantly and was grateful to Yun Lan beside him. Then he felt guilty and said:

"Thank you Sister Yunlan for your contribution to the Blue Silver Grass clan. To be honest, I am a bit incompetent as the Blue Silver Emperor. Sister, you are more suitable to be the Emperor of Blue Silver Grass than me!"

Yun Lan smiled and nodded in response:

"I have to thank my creator for this, but I have already received your reward. When Ah Yinong agreed to join the Blue Silver Grass network, I had already obtained the blood of the Blue Silver Emperor. This has greatly increased our Blue Silver Grass background, and also It has made up for my last shortcoming."

Yunlan was very happy. After Ah Yin, the Blue Silver Emperor, joined the Blue Silver Grass Network, she found that her soul had become perfect, with no flaws left! Now that Yunlan has the bloodline of all superiors and subordinates from Blue Silver Grass to Blue Silver Emperor, Yun Lan can now be called the true collective consciousness of the Blue Silver Grass network!

Ah Yin has received the benefits of the Blue Silver Grass Network, which has been of great help to a soul-cultivating beast like her. At least she has an extra life with a resurrection coin! Now Ah Yin was very grateful to Yun Lan for mentioning the creator Yu Xiaogang, so he asked Yun Lan:

"Sister Yunlan, can I meet your creator? He is the famous Master Yu Xiaogang on the mainland! You must meet a genius who can create such a magical thing as Sister Yunlan. After all, Master Yu Xiaogang is our Blue Silver Grass The benefactor of the clan!"

Yunlan looked at the bright little stars in Ah Yin's eyes. At the same time, King Lanyin was also very interested in his creator Yu Xiaogang. Yunlan felt very happy and agreed. After all, he had found such a good match for his creator Yu Xiaogang. Awesome subordinates! A hundred thousand year soul beast!

Although Ah Yin has become an adult again, Yunlan thought of following the original plot to sacrifice Ah Yin. Yunlan and Shen Lan can connect their souls through the Blue Silver Grass network, and can monitor the process of the soul bone from scratch, and also Why is a hundred thousand year soul ring so powerful and what is the difference between an ordinary ten thousand year soul ring? Anyway, A Yin will not really die after joining the Blue Silver Grass Network.

The communication in the sea of ​​soul consciousness of Lan Yincao was very fast, and he came out in a short while. Tang Hao has been staying by A Yin's side. Although Tang Xiao withdrew, he was still very concerned about A Yin's situation. He raised the bonfire again and fiddled with the wooden sticks in his hands, looking in A Yin's direction from time to time.

Ah Yin opened her eyes and saw Tang Hao. With tears of excitement in her eyes, she threw herself into Tang Hao's arms, leaving Tang Hao at a loss and asking:

"A Yin, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying again? Don't worry, as long as I'm here, I won't let others hurt you!"

Ah Yin felt a little excited just now. After all, she has not yet reached the maturity stage. It will be dangerous if she meets a Contra or a Titled Douluo. Now that she has met the noble Yunlan and has a life-saving talisman, she can also fake her death by then. Get away.

When she just left the Blue Silver Grass Sea of ​​Soul Consciousness, Yun Lan also told Ah Yin what to do after someone discovered a hundred thousand year soul beast. She also told her creator how to create soul bones and hundred thousand year soul rings. Very interested. Ah Yin agreed without thinking!

Ah Yin believes that the person who can create Sister Yunlan, a soul beast that is comparable to a hundred thousand years old, is definitely not a bad person, and she has single-handedly changed the fate of all the Blue Silver Grass on the Douluo Continent!

And with the help of Sister Yunlan, Ah Yin immediately changed his appearance after being reborn as a sacrifice. Although Ah Yin doesn't know why Sister Yunlan said that she would directly sacrifice to her lover when she encounters danger in the future, has she been exposed? But Ah Yin will soon enter her mature stage. It should be fine, right?

In fact, when Ah Yin met the Haotian Double Star by chance for the first time, he was targeted by people from the Spirit Hall who were watching the two brothers Tang Hao and Tang Xiao. After all, when had a Blue Silver Grass soul master with such a high level of cultivation appeared on Douluo Continent? It's just that no one came over to confirm.

 I've been too tired and busy lately, and I feel like I don't want to move when I have a day off. Resume updates now! I will finish the book!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 82 Have you heard what others said?


Chapter 82 Have you heard what others said?

Ah Yin left Tang Hao's arms with a blushing face. She was a little shy and didn't dare to look into Tang Hao's eyes. She turned slightly and said to Tang Hao:

"Ahao, no one bullied me! I just found out about this happy thing, and I couldn't control my emotions. By the way! I recognize Yunlan as my sister, and the creator of Yunlan's sister will come over soon."

Now Tang Hao was a bit naive. When he saw that his sweetheart was fine, he giggled, then turned to look at Yun Lan and said:

"Sister Yunlan, thank you for taking care of Ah Yin. I apologize to you for my reckless and impolite behavior just now! Whenever Master Yu Xiaogang needs me, I will be here at your call!"

Yun Lan had just been fed a mouthful of dog food by Tang Hao and A Yin. She felt a little uncomfortable and couldn't explain what she felt. She casually agreed to Tang Hao's words with a gracious expression.

Tang Hao didn't care what Yun Lan thought of him. Anyway, Tang Hao couldn't beat him. Anyway, A Yin called her sister, so he wouldn't suffer any loss if he called her sister!

Tang Xiao felt a bit like an outsider when he saw Qi Nuanron here, but he couldn't help but shake his head and smile bitterly that he was just a loser. Tang Hao hopes that you can be devoted to Ah Yin, and let me block the affairs of the sect!

But isn't Master Yu Xiaogang simple? After fading out of the public eye, he quietly created a hundred thousand year old soul beast! It seems that it is so powerful even though it is not physical. It is really not simple!

At this time, Yu Xiaogang, who was far away in the dormitory of the Junior Soul Master Academy in Notting City, received A Yin's request to meet him. After learning what happened here, Yu Xiaogang felt a little numb. But as the parents of Tang San in the original work, we also got to meet him!

After all, Tiehanhan Tang Hao has never been seen before. Yu Xiaogang suspected that why Tang Hao's temperament changed drastically in the original work, it should be caused by the killing field given by the killing city and the death of A Yin. A series of blows and killing changes created the original Tang Hao.

Yu Xiaogang was projected directly to Yun Lan through the Blue Silver Grass Network, and appeared in a burst of blue-gold soul power. As soon as Yu Xiaogang opened his eyes, he saw the very young Tang Hao, Tang Xiao and A Yin.

Tang Xiao looked at Yu Xiaogang with the eyes of a god. After all, he could artificially create a fierce man comparable to a hundred thousand year old soul beast! Of course I have to take a closer look, maybe I'll ask others for it in the future? After all, the Haotian Sect is no better now!

Like the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, it is only supported by one titled Douluo, but it is not as good as the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect!

Ah Yin saw Yu Xiaogang's figure appeared, bowed to him very respectfully and thanked him:

"Thank you, Master Yu Xiaogang. Without your help, the Blue Silver Grass Clan can only continue to do nothing. Now you have given the Blue Silver Grass Clan hope!"

After A Yin finished speaking, she covered her mouth and burst out laughing when she saw Tang Hao's eyes full of wisdom. It looks like she didn't choose a lifelong lover very smartly! It's just her A Yin's dish.

Yu Xiaogang immediately smiled and nodded to A Yin and said hello, then looked at Haotian Double Star and said:

"Hello, I am Yu Xiaogang, the former Young Sect Master of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, and the current first Sect Master of the Dragon Sect! The first person in Douluo Continent's theoretical knowledge! I am very happy to meet Haotian Double Star!"

Tang Hao and Tang Xiao also said very seriously, after all, the face of the Haotian Sect is at stake.

"Hello, Master Yu Xiaogang, I am Tang Xiao, the next leader of the Haotian Sect, this is our god-sister A Yin, and this is my brother Tang Hao. Nice to meet you!" At this time, Tang Hao, this idiot Under Ah Yin's angry gaze, Han touched his head and said:

"Hehe! Haotian Double Star is just a gangster nickname given by friends in the world! It's not worth mentioning! It's not worth mentioning!"

Tang Xiao was interrupted by Tang Hao's self-destruction. He really wanted to go up and give Tang Hao, this stupid brother, a hammer on his head! call! Don't be angry, after all, he is your biological brother! Fortunately, the Haotian Sect wanted him, Tang Xiao, to lead it, otherwise it would be hard to say based on Tang Hao's character.

Yu Xiaogang was defeated by Tang Hao's words. This was completely different from the original work! He was a little unable to react. At this time, Tang Xiao rushed up and pulled Tang Hao behind him. He smiled awkwardly at Yu Xiaogang's human projection and said:

"Master Yu made you laugh! Don't mind, my younger brother, who has a more straightforward personality! I heard that you have gone into seclusion, but looking at this Miss Yunlan, it seems that the master has been doing a lot recently? He actually created something that can be compared to a hundred thousand years. A strong soul beast, don't you know what kind of sect Guilong Sect is?"

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but narrowed his eyes at Tang Xiao's straightforward question, but anyway, the world will know these things when his new theoretical work is released! However, Yunlan still had to explain, otherwise it would attract the covetousness of others.

Yu Xiaogang said to Tang Xiao, the future leader of the Haotian Sect, in front of him with a smile:

"Where! It's just a little hobby, a little research! I'm ashamed to say that I didn't break through the bottleneck until I was almost 30 years old, and I have only reached level 36 Soul Master now. But I have a little bit of luck with the Second Awakening of the Martial Soul Got it!

And because mine has caused all the bluesilver grass on the Douluo Continent to only produce white blank soul rings for ten years, it's harmful! What a sinner I am! A race of soul beasts has disappeared forever in Douluo Continent. Oh, by the way, Yunlan is the collective consciousness of Lan Yincao and has no body! It is the product of my mutated Blue Silver Grass Soul Beast,"

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, regardless of the reactions of Tang Xiao and the others opposite him, he said to Yun Lan beside him:

"Yunlan has nothing to do with you here, go and rest! I'll talk to old and new friends again!"

Yun Lan nodded respectfully and then disappeared with his soul power swaying for a while, making Tang Xiao's eyes widen with disbelief on his face! It's a pity that Yun Lan actually has no body. Without his body and physical soul beast, he can still appear anywhere in Douluo Continent at any time.

The combat power is comparable to that of a hundred thousand year old soul beast! What's even more terrifying is that her creator is just a level 36 little soul master! But Tang Xiao heard that Yu Xiaogang is now level 36! Some time ago, I heard that Yu Xiaogang was still stuck at level 29 and was a waste!

Did you hear that it took less than a year to directly break through level 29 and directly upgrade to level 36 soul power? The martial soul awakens for the second time! Douluo Continent is unprecedented! Tang Xiao really wants to say something to Yu Xiaogang's nose, do you hear what others say?

But Tang Xiao is also happy now. Being friends with Yu Xiaogang now will be good for the future! After all, there is an invincible 100,000-year-old soul beast standing behind Yu Xiaogang! I wonder what the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect's expression would be like when they receive the news from Yu Xiaogang! I'm really looking forward to it!

Then Yu Xiaogang and Tang Xiao had a friendly exchange. Yu Xiaogang basically said that he was a teacher at the Junior Soul Master Academy in Notting City and had four apprentices. Please keep an eye on me in the future, there is still the first Longmen in the back hill of Holy Soul Village.

There are also some new theoretical knowledge books to be published, and a huge research project will be announced at that time. I hope that Tang Xiao can use the influence of the Haotian Sect to help.

Tang Xiao thought it was a trivial matter and agreed casually. He didn't know Yu Xiaogang's sinister intentions. Tang Xiao would cry when the time comes!

Yu Xiaogang plans to reveal the true effects of whale glue. When the time comes, the Haotian Sect of the Seven Treasures Glazed Sect of the Spirit Hall, including the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, is the place where Yu Xiaogang was born after all. At worst, the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect will know the news first. .

Yu Xiaogang planned to muddy the waters of Douluo Continent so that he could grow secretly. He would soon be busy with the construction of the sect's headquarters and had to find something to do for the big forces in Douluo Continent!

Yu Xiaogang is now very interested in his own light, darkness, yin and yang, and Yun Lan has already helped find a location, so he is waiting for him to go over and preside over the overall research. Sunflower and Silver Moon Light have begun to be cultivated, and they have broken through the shackles of the soul beast bloodline of ornamental plants! Yunlan piled up ten thousand year soul beasts in one go.

This also made Meng Meng play a little temper, but Yu Xiaogang couldn't help it and asked Yunlan to upgrade Meng Meng, making Meng Meng's abilities even more unpredictable, and he had a kaleidoscope of blood chakra eyes! As expected, hallucinations are the most annoying!

 I'll just update the 2nd update, I haven't saved the 3rd update, and the 2nd update will break out from time to time hehe! Ask for a monthly pass and follow-up reading! And Bibi Dong will be out soon! I guess this is the latest Douluo fanfic where the heroine appears!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 83 The City of Killing


Chapter 83 The City of Killing

At this time, Tang Hao glanced at Yu Xiaogang, and he was completely different from the legendary power waste in this big force. Now Yu Xiaogang has the strength and has a special spirit beast with the combat power of a titled Douluo under his command.

Tang Hao thought again that he had been easily crushed by Yun Lan just now. It would be impossible for him to be so weak! Then Tang Hao turned his head and looked at Ah Yin with gentle eyes and said:

"Ah Yin, I'm still too weak now. I can't protect you when you meet a real strong man. I want to go somewhere! Ah Yin, just go to Notting City with that sister Yun Lan! Wait until I come out from that place , become stronger than anyone else to protect you!"

Tang Hao may have been stimulated by the fact that Yu Xiaogang had upgraded to level 6 in less than a year, and he didn't know what was going on in his mind. He came to the place of Killing City. He heard that there was a inheritance of gods there, because his grandfather went to look for it, and the Haotian Sect had it. record.

When Tang Xiao heard Tang Hao's words just now, he immediately turned to look at his younger brother seriously. Tang Xiao suddenly felt that his younger brother was so strange at this time. He secretly glanced at A Yin's expression, and still asked Tang Hao in a solemn tone:

"Tang Haoqian is sure you want to go to that place? It's very dangerous there! Our grandfather is gone forever? Do you really have the heart to leave Ah Yin? That inheritance of gods may be just a scam? Have you ever thought about it!"

Tang Xiao raised his voice while speaking, and finally shouted out! Tang Hao became silent, but when he saw A Yin's concerned eyes and expression, he immediately made up his mind not to waver.

"Brother, don't worry! I will come out safely! Ah Yin, you are waiting for me next to Master Yu Xiaogang in Notting City. I am relieved that Sister Yunlan is there to protect you. Hehe! Ah Yin, you still don't believe me Is it strength? As long as it's not a Titled Douluo, I can escape! And in that place, soul power is banned and only physical ability is considered!"

Ah Yin watched with tears in her eyes as her sweetheart was hit by Sister Yunlan and went to such a dangerous place in order to become stronger. However, as Tang Hao's lover, she must support him. He comforted Tang Hao and said:

"Ahao, just go! I will wait for you to come back to me! I will always wait for you!"

Tang Hao stepped forward and hugged Ah Yin tightly, feeling afraid that he would never be able to hold her again. After a long time, Tang Hao let go of Ah Yin and said to Yu Xiaogang apologetically:

"Excuse me, Master Yu Xiaogang, can you ask Sister Yunlan to help escort Ah Yin to your place? I hope that for the sake of being a member of the Third Sect, please help Sister Yunlan protect him!"

Yu Xiaogang had been eating dog food by his side, but Yun Lan had already told him through his mind what A Yin would do in the future. Anyway, it was just a matter of effort, so he casually agreed:

"Tang Hao, are you sure you want to go to the Killing City? There are a group of depraved people who kill without batting an eye. I call them evil soul masters for short! Although soul power cannot be used there due to the gods, I hope you can maintain your current status by coming out. Sincerely! As a friend, I will tell you, don't be blinded by power!"

Yu Xiaogang still likes Tang Hao, who is now accustomed to being naive, as someone he can be friends with. But the path is chosen by others, and he can only give advice.

Tang Hao responded to Yu Xiaogang's advice with the same silly smile as Wang Dachui:

"Don't worry! I am very determined! Brother A Yin and Master! Just wait for me to return in triumph!"

Yu Xiaogang shook his head and sighed, I hope so! However, the answer has been given in the original work. I hope Tang Hao can always maintain his true nature and not lose his true nature due to killing.

Then Yu Xiaogang called out Yunlan through his mind, and then said to A Yin:

"Ah Yin, I can call you that! My sect has a dispensary specially opened for civilians. Recently, we are preparing funds to start building a hospital to treat diseases for civilians.

I see that Ah Yin, you are also a healing and auxiliary spirit master. If you like Ah Yin, you can come and help! I also heard that the three of you have been standing up for the common people. "

Ah Yin was very interested in the hospital mentioned by Yu Xiaogang, so he readily agreed, which made Yu Xiaogang very happy! Another wage earner is in the bag! With Ah Yin joining, will Tang Hao, a thug, be able to escape by then?

Tang Xiao saw that Tang Hao had made up his mind, so he couldn't say anything more and could only pat Tang Hao on the shoulder to express his support. However, what Ah Yin said to Yu Xiaogang just now aroused his suspicion. Yunlan, as a special spirit beast of the Blue Silver Grass family, cannot hunt the explosive soul bone and soul ring without its body and entity.

Tang Xiao felt that it was a pity, but A Yin's words of thanks to Yu Xiaogang just made Tang Xiao guess a little, but even if A Yin was transformed into a hundred thousand year soul beast, he would still protect him to the end! After all, she was the woman he loved!

When Tang Xiao thought that Ah Yin might be the soul beast of a hundred thousand years, he wanted to return to the Haotian Sect immediately to use the sect's influence to eliminate Ah Yin's whereabouts. I wonder if his stupid brother can tell that A Yin might be the soul beast that has transformed into a hundred thousand year old soul beast? But it's impossible for Tang Hao, a guy who only thinks about muscles!

A Yin was very happy to see Yun Lan's figure and stepped forward and called her sister sweetly. Yun Lan also smiled and used her mental power to hold A Yin's hand. She began to whisper and casually introduced Longmen to A Yin. The more Yun Lan talked about what the affiliated hospital did, the brighter A Yin's eyes became.

After Ah Yin heard that the hospital had been so helpful to civilians and that the Lan Yincao clan now had no worries, Ah Yin started to live his own life. Then he told Yun Lan to wait a moment and say goodbye to brothers Tang Hao and Tang Xiao. Ah Yin slowly walked up to Tang Xiao, bowed slightly and said guiltily:

"Thank you, Brother Tang Xiao, for taking care of you recently. Ah Yin will always remember you! I hope you can find a better girl. Please forget about me!"

Tang Xiao felt bitter in his heart, falling in love with someone he shouldn't have loved, forgetting how difficult and painful it was. Although this relationship ended before it even started, Tang Xiao could only sigh sadly and sit in front of the bonfire in a daze recalling the past.

Ah Yin jumped directly into Tang Hao's arms in two steps, hugged her tightly, held back her tears and said to Tang Hao:

"Ahao, be careful! You must come back to me! I will wait for you! Don't forget me!"

After finishing speaking, Ah Yin stood up on tiptoes and kissed Tang Hao gently. After trotting away, she walked to Yun Lan and looked back at Tang Hao, who was still dumbfounded. She covered her mouth and laughed softly. Then she said to Yun Lan with a little decline:

"Sister Yunlan, let's go! I also want to see how that hospital treats and saves civilians!"

Yunlan nodded to Yu Xiaogang, then used her mental power to wrap up Ah Yin and soar into the sky, following the Blue Silver Grass Soul Beast towards Yu Xiaogang's small house in the Holy Soul Village of Notting City. Today Yu Xiaogang explained Let Ah Yin take a rest first and then take her to Notting City to meet Teacher Ye.

Yu Xiaogang also nodded to brothers Tang Hao and Tang Xiao to disconnect the projection link. At the end, he only nodded when he heard Tang Hao ask him to take care of Ah Yin. Anyway, he only accepted Ah Yin as a wage earner. promise.

Tang Hao looked at the calmed Blue Silver Grass Soul Beast and knew that A Yin had gone to Notting City to wait for him. He touched the place where A Yin had just attacked and chuckled.

Tang Xiao couldn't help but stepped forward and slapped Tang Hao on the back of the head, he laughed and cursed:

"Look at how promising you are! You're really embarrassing to me!"

After Tang Xiao finished speaking, he still couldn't help his emotions. He hooked Tang Hao's shoulders and said in a solemn tone:

"Tang Hao! Now you no longer have a single hope! I know I can't stop you from pursuing power, but you have to promise me that you will come back alive! Ah Yin is still waiting for you!"

After Tang Xiao finished speaking, he patted Tang Hao's shoulder hard, let go, turned around and waved, and continued to say to Tang Hao:

"Then brother, I will go back to Haotian Sect! Come back when you can no longer stay outside! I will protect you! Don't let Ah Yin down!"

Tang Hao looked at his brother Tang Xiao's retreating back and said firmly in the loudest voice:

"Don't worry! Your brother has always been the strongest! I will come back safely! Just wait for my good news!"

Tang Xiao just looked back at Tang Hao beside the bonfire with a smile, and then used his soul power to leave quickly, leaving a faint sentence in the air.

"I believe you! My dear brother!"

Looking at the missing figure and the last instructions, Tang Hao felt warm in his heart and planned to leave for the Killing City immediately. Tang Hao's eyes showed a firm look.

The city of killing! Are you ready? I, Tang Hao, am here!

 Recommend a book to a friend. If you like One Piece and are interested, you can read it.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 84 If you can't love it, you'll get sick

Chapter 84 If you can't love it, you'll get sick

Yu Xiaogang breathed a sigh of relief after disconnecting the projection link. At least he had fooled Tang Hao and Tang Xiao. However, his strength must be improved as soon as possible. He will return to Holy Soul Village for retreat tomorrow and start building the sect's base.

Although Yun Lan has been exposed, it is not a big problem. No one can do anything about a hundred thousand year old soul beast that has no body or entity. And he can appear anywhere at any time. Yunlan is now Yu Xiaogang's confidence!

Moreover, first-level Soul Saints are rare in Douluo. Soul Douluo can be the backbone of a sect, and Titled Douluo are even rarer.

Now as long as Yu Xiaogang can become a titled Douluo, he can walk sideways. According to the current cultivation speed, it is definitely not possible and he must speed up his cultivation!

Yu Xiaogang planned to ask Yunlan to cooperate with him in training, and directly use the life soul power of the Blue Silver Grass Network to flush the body, refine the body, and return the body to its youth! Yu Xiaogang has studied qi and blood a little bit and is sure of success!

After all, Yu Xiaogang traveled through time too late, and his body has already been fixed, so he can only rely on methods to improve it. Although the second awakening of Luo Sanpao's martial spirit improved his physical fitness, after all, his background was weak at that time and it did not completely change the status quo.

Yu Xiaogang walked upstairs and saw the snow dumpling nestled in the grass pile of Lan Yin. He couldn't help but worriedly asked Shen Lan in his mind:

"Is Tuanzi okay? It's been three days! She really shouldn't have been allowed to know the theory of Qi and blood promoting bloodline evolution. How could she know that Tuanzi is so understanding of human nature! She can even read!"

Yu Xiaogang was a little annoyed, because he usually lived here alone and no one came over. I casually placed the draft of theoretical knowledge that I and Shenlan had studied together with Shenlan in the study room on the second floor.

Yu Xiaogang just kept Xue Tuanzi as a pet. Who knew that when he demonstrated his self-created soul skills to the elite class, he stimulated Tuanzi's competitive spirit, and he also learned how to read without Yu Xiaogang's knowledge, and even looked through all kinds of things in the study. There is no proven theoretical knowledge.

When Yu Xiaogang found out that Xue Tuanzi was practicing on her own, luckily Yunlan found out early. At that time, Yu Xiaogang was almost frightened to death when he saw Tuanzi bleeding from all his orifices! Because the theory of qi and blood is imperfect, Xuetuanzi cannot stop the movement of qi and blood.

Now it is completely dependent on Yun Lan's life soul power to maintain his body, preventing Xue Tuanzi's blood and life soul power from losing balance. Although after Yu Xiaogang's mental scan examination, the bloodline has indeed evolved, but it is too dangerous.

Shen Lan felt that his master's face was full of sorrow and he was out of the space of soul consciousness. He stroked Yu Xiaogang's cheek distressedly and said:

"Don't worry! Master, Tuanzi's condition is very stable now! As long as there is no problem with Xiao Zhan's first soul ring, the problem of energy and blood exploding the body will definitely be solved! And Tuanzi has also been a blessing in disguise, and his body and soul power have grown a lot. It's almost three thousand years now. He has cultivated into a soul beast!"

Yu Xiaogang felt a little relieved after hearing Shenlan's comfort. But I am still worried. After all, Xue Tuanzi is really very understanding of human nature and is his first pet.

"Hey! It's all up to luck! Come on, let's pack up our things. We have to go back to Holy Soul Village to meet our sect's resident! By the way, we'll make arrangements for Ah Yin, or the soul beast."

Tang San, look how good I am to you, master! Your mother is now my subordinate! However, we still have to let Ah Yin participate in the construction of the hospital so that Ah Yin can have a sense of belonging to Longmen!

Yu Xiaogang said to the air in a deep voice:

"Yunlan always pays attention to the movements of A Yin and Tang Hao! Feel free to rescue them when they are in danger! There will be no monitoring of the Blue Silver Grass in the Killing City, but Tang Hao will notify me as soon as possible!"

"Yes! Creator!"

Yunlan's ethereal voice echoed in my ears, and Yu Xiaogang's eyes flashed with golden light. God Shura asked me to see what you can do, don't let me down! Conquering Ah Yin and Tang Hao is equivalent to giving Tang San an inescapable bond!

No matter what tricks you, God Shura, use on Tang San, I, Yu Xiaogang, want to see whether it is your God's power that is more powerful, or the strength of people's hearts!

After a while, Su Yuntao and the others finished their training and said goodbye to their teacher, Yu Xiaogang. Before the four of them left, Yu Xiaogang told them that this dormitory was for them to use as they pleased. A new sect elder would be coming soon. live.

Yu Xiaogang told Su Yuntao's four cheap disciples some things and wanted to return to Holy Soul Village to supervise the construction of the sect's residence and retreat practice. Although the four of them, Su Yuntao, are reluctant to part with each other, it's not like they can't meet each other. Anyway, there is a magical thing called the Blue Silver Grass Network, and you can contact them through the Blue Silver Grass Network if you need anything. In this way, Su Yuntao and the four of them started taking online classes. Yu Xiaogang got up early the next day and visited Dean Kahn, an old friend, to exchange greetings and expressed his intention to return to Holy Soul Village to build a sect. Wait for Flanders to help hunt for souls as soon as he arrives!

When Yu Xiaogang left Notting City Junior Soul Master Academy, the elite class students and the teachers and students of the Noble Parent Academy saw him off together. Yu Xiaogang could only say goodbye with a smile, and used his mental power to hold up a nest made of bluesilver grass. Inside, the snow dumplings left the hut in Saint Soul Village in Notting City together.

Especially the Lord of Notting City gave Yu Xiaogang a beautifully packaged gift box before leaving, winked and showed a smile that every man knows, and said that this was his son's apprenticeship ceremony! Yu Xiaogang could only twitch his face because he knew through mental scanning that there was a piece of whale glue inside. I can only accept it!

Ah Yin also moved into the junior soul master academy and immediately got along with Su Yuntao and the other four. Ah Yin especially liked the poor little girl Sisi. She has always joked that she would like to have a lovely daughter in the future, but she might be disappointed because Ah Yin gave birth to a son.

In the next month, Yu Xiaogang lived in the back hill of Shenghun Village. During the day, he directed workers to dig mountains and pave roads, and at night, he gave online lessons to Su Yuntao and the other four through the Lanyincao Network. I casually observed Xue Tuanzi's current situation, but to be honest, the life soul power of Blue Silver Grass is really omnipotent. Xue Tuanzi's physical condition began to improve, which made Yu Xiaogang very happy.

Notting City has changed a lot recently. The Sisi family opened a new shop and started selling various bicycles and tricycles. The sales are good and now many people ride them when walking in Notting City. There are also a lot fewer horse-drawn carriages, and farmers have begun riding tricycles to deliver goods.

Ah Yin and Teacher Ye led a group of elite class students to make the hospital spectacular! It brought a very good reputation to Yu Xiaogang's sect, and many people in Notting City worked together to spend money to build a road from Notting City to Holy Soul Village, paving the road directly with cement.

The cement was made by Yu Xiaogang in order to build the sect's headquarters, and was given directly to the Notting City Lord's Mansion, which made Xiao Zhan's father very happy. He kept saying that he gave the right gift last time!

A movie theater opened in Notting City. It was Xiao Zhan who persuaded his father to lead a group of soul master families and nobles in Notting City. They watched a magically modified version of the Legend of White Snake in a banquet hall where they usually hold a banquet. They all expressed their intention to invest in the movie theater. .

At the beginning, ordinary people in Notting City didn't know what a cinema was for? However, on the opening day, the little girl Mian Meng appeared, showing a wave of illusions that were fake and real at the entrance of the cinema, and the aristocratic grandfather of Notting City came to support her.

The day was very lively, and then I went into the cinema to accept the movie with Yu Xiaogang's extras. Then Notting City added an entertainment project, which also allowed businessmen to see business opportunities and expressed that they could open cinemas to every corner of Douluo Continent.

After Yu Xiaogang found out, he left it to Sisi, euphemistically calling it training his abilities. He said that as long as the Yunlan Lanyincao network covers the area, cinemas can be built, but the content must be reviewed by him.

After Yu Xiaogang's rapid development, Notting City has doubled in area and has the feel of a big city. It is also located in a natural trading city at the junction of two empires.

Recently, Yu Xiaogang and others heard from Su Yuntao that Notting City was going to build the Notting City Fighting Arena, which meant that Notting City had entered the threshold of a big city.

Yu Xiaogang also sold some small soul tools through the Sisi family store from time to time, plus profit sharing from bicycles and movie theaters. The construction of the sect's garrison is progressing very quickly. After all, how can gold soul coins not open the way quickly?

On this day, a carriage came to Notting City with materials that were very valuable at first glance. Sitting in the carriage, Bibi Dong looked through the recent changes in Notting City. Every item was related to Yu Xiaogang. She couldn't help but smile and said:

"So you are hiding here! Xiaogang, no matter where you go, you are always so powerful! I won't back down this time! You are the one I want, Bibi Dong!"

Bibi Dong put down the information in her hand and picked up a pair of portraits of Yu Xiaogang collected recently by her confidants. She couldn't help but think of how Liu Erlong, a sneaky cat, had almost succeeded. She gently touched the portrait of Yu Xiaogang with her jade hand and said with a yandere smile:

"Yu Xiaogang, you only belong to me! No one can take you away from me! We will be together soon! Forever!"

 I sorted out the outline and found that Qian Xunji must be alive, otherwise it will be difficult for the Pope of Wuhun Palace to deal with it. After all, Bibi Dong must be with the protagonist! Don't worry, Qian Xunji will definitely be miserable in the later stage!

  Do you feel that Qian Xunji and Qian Renxue are like a loving father and a filial son?

  Just ask for a monthly pass and follow-up reading. I will try to drive tomorrow and hope it won't be censored.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 85 The yin and yang 2 eyes that only belong to me, Yu Xiaogang


Chapter 85 The yin and yang eyes that belong only to me, Yu Xiaogang

Yu Xiaogang has been studying the basic runes of soul guide technology this month. He feels a bit like typing codes. Different combinations have completely different effects.

Yu Xiaogang used his mental power to dig the ground in the small valley with the spring water, created a small lake, and paved the ground with special stones engraved with the technological runes of the soul guidance device. After deep blue deduction, he formed a huge soul guidance device.

Yu Xiaogang carefully transplanted the light of sunflower and silver moon to the two poles, and made the spring pool look like a Tai Chi diagram. After all, it was a yin and yang eye!

Yu Xiaogang also specially placed the spring in the middle of the pool, erected stone pillars and built an S-shaped stone bridge as the dividing line of the Tai Chi pool.

Yu Xiaogang used his mental power to float above the Tai Chi Pond and looked at the masterpiece below, so he didn't know if it was useful or not. At least it achieved its purpose in form.

The soul guide technology runes on the special stone paved in the pool are all related to strengthening, nourishing, regulating and suppressing functions. I hope they can play a role in the experiment.

Yu Xiaogang said excitedly to Yunlan:

"Yunlan begins to connect the light of the sun, flower, silver and moon between the anode and the cathode. Deep Blue always pays attention to the hedging energy balance and observes the reactions of animals and plants used in experiments!"

"After receiving the instructions from the creator, the operation begins!"

"Master! Let's have a big fight! Yunlan, always pay attention to the database for any abnormalities! I will balance the energy conflict!"

Yunlan and Shenlan knew that this was the beginning of Yu Xiaogang's experimental goal, and they began to operate very carefully after receiving Yu Xiaogang's order in the hope of success.

Yu Xiaogang felt warm in his heart when he saw how energetic Yunlan and Shenlan were. snort! What's the point of those time-travelers trying to steal other people's opportunities! If you have the ability to create your own opportunities!

Yu Xiaogang was also very concerned about this first man-made chance treasure. He felt that Yunlan's Bluesilver Grass network stretched out two energy transmission channel vines, and connected them to the plant soul beasts located on the anode and cathode through reserved pipes.

Since the Sun Flower and the Light of the Silver Moon were quickly created by Yun Lan using his life soul power, and his soul consciousness was still very weak and he had no consciousness, Yu Xiaogang had no psychological burden when conducting his first experiment.

After starting the experiment, Yu Xiaogang pulled out the stone blocking the spring, and suddenly the spring water spurted out. A rainbow appeared in the sunshine. Yu Xiaogang also made a large amount of spring water soul guides in advance and started filling the pool together.

The pool was full in less than an hour. Although the spring water was still gurgling out, there was no spring water filling the pool. The light of the sunflower and the silver moon began to stretch out under the nourishment of Yunlan's life soul, and the flowers became more coquettish and beautiful.

The sun's fire and light energy in the sky began to gather around the sun flower, causing half of the spring water to turn golden and red. Because there is no moon, the light of Silver Moon is transmitted by the dark and ice energy that Yun Lan previously stored.

In this way, the other half of the pool water was dyed silvery white. Yu Xiaogang suddenly felt that the air began to stir. Due to energy conflicts in the surrounding areas, a large amount of spring water encountered heat and cold, creating heavy fog.

Yu Xiaogang immediately started to give instructions to Yunlan and Shenlan through the soul link:

"Now! Run the runes of the soul guide at the bottom of the pool to balance the two energies!"

"It's the creator!"

"Dark Blue received it!"

Yunlan and Shenlan replied at the same time. Yu Xiaogang did not dare to be careless and began to pay attention to the changes with his mental strength. Now the energy of the world has begun to gather, and the surge of energy has created a breeze that has filled the entire small valley.

I saw that the rune lines at the bottom of the pool were connected to the soul power and began to glow with golden light. The originally violently conflicting energies began to balance and began to merge and offset each other.

After the two opposing energies were offset and fused under Yu Xiaogang's mental observation, the combined spring water produced a gray energy, which became very active when stimulated by the life soul power of the Yunlan Blue Silver Grass Network.

Yu Xiaogang saw that the experiment was initially successful! My hands are clenched and my whole body is shaking! He actually succeeded the first time! I really can't believe it!

"Master! Master! We succeeded! I just observed a chaotic life energy through my mental scan, and found that the island in the center of the spring deliberately left experimental animals and plants to undergo strange changes. In addition to the energy conflict that just started, most of the animals died. They all survived! However, the efficacy of chaotic energy needs to be further checked."

Shen Lan was very excited. After all, she and Yu Xiaogang built this man-made treasure day and night! He was so happy that he circled around Yu Xiaogang.

Seeing Shenlan being so excited, Yu Xiaogang stretched out his hand to catch Shenlan and put it on his shoulder and said:

"Let's go! Let's go and see how the experimental subjects react!"

"Ah! The master hasn't figured out the newly merged chaotic energy yet. Will it be dangerous to go in hastily?" Shenlan was sitting on Yu Xiaogang's shoulders and heard her master's words. She reached out and touched Yu Xiaogang's cheek in worry and said, After all, new things must be verified before they can be safe!

Yu Xiaogang said to Shenlan in a comforting tone:

"Practice brings true knowledge! Don't worry, Shen Lan! I feel that the life breath of the experimental subject is very stable. Although this chaotic energy can block my mental exploration, the energy is still too thin now, and I can still feel the condition of the experimental subject. I will discuss the specific situation in detail. Bar!"

Shen Lan had nothing to do with Yu Xiaogang's confident performance. Although the experimental subject's vitality was stable, it did not mean it was safe! Alas, who made Yu Xiaogang her master?

"Okay!~_~Master, if the chaotic energy is dangerous, come out immediately! Deep Blue will protect you!"

Shenlan took a deep breath, patted her small chest and said proudly.

Yu Xiaogang looked at Deep Blue's cute look and seemed to have to rub it with his cheek, then slowly floated into the pool that became colorful due to the energy accumulation! Oh, now that the artificial treasure land is successful, it's time to change its name. It belongs only to my Yin and Yang eyes!

Yu Xiaogang landed on the island in the middle of the lake between the eyes of Yin and Yang, and saw that only one soft-bone rabbit was still alive in several iron cages, and only one blue silver grass survived in the flower pot.

The corners of Yu Xiaogang's mouth twitched. Is the energy conflict so severe? But there must be something different about the experimental subjects that can survive such a violent energy conflict!

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but shed tears from the corners of his mouth when he saw several soft-bone rabbits who had heroically sacrificed their lives for his cause. I've been too busy these past few days to eat well, and I'm a bit greedy.

Yu Xiaogang tried his best to look away from the food options, and began to use his mental power to scan the surviving soft-bone rabbit. He found that although this soft-bone rabbit was unconscious, it also received great benefits and became a century-old soul in one breath. beast.

It looks like I might have one more pet! But are rabbits easy to raise? I have raised meat rabbits before!

Yu Xiaogang didn't think about anything else, and looked at the blue silver grass there. Unexpectedly, he also became a century-old soul beast. It seems that Yu Xiaogang's artificial yin-yang eyes and Dugubo's ice-fire eyes have the same effect!

However, Yu Xiaogang carefully closed his eyes and felt that he was surrounded by a unique chaotic energy. After absorbing the chaotic energy and refining it through health-preserving skills, he found that this chaotic energy seemed to be very pure and did not require much transformation. Increased one's own cultivation.

But it seems to be very stressful on the mental power. It seems that if the mental power is not up to standard, you can't come here to practice! It seems that Su Yuntao's four cheap disciples can't enjoy this precious cultivation land!

However, Yu Xiaogang doesn't plan to practice the Yin and Yang eyes, after all, his treasure land has just started and his background is shallow. I can't stand the consumption! Unlike Dugu Bo's Ice and Fire Eyes, which are supported by the Ice and Fire Twin Dragon Kings, they can only slowly absorb the essence of the sun and moon to increase their energy foundation.

Yu Xiaogang took all the experimental subjects and flew into the sky, floating above the range of Yin and Yang. After carefully observing the entire valley, he realized that he must use soul guidance technology to develop a shielding and defensive soul guidance device! Now the yin and yang eyes are the lifeblood of Yu Xiaogang!

Yu Xiaogang exhaled a breath of turbid air and said to the dark blue worry on his shoulder:

"Dark Blue! It looks like we have to continue to be busy! After having this Yin-Yang Eye Treasure, I always feel like someone is trying to steal my things! We must develop a covering soul guide that integrates defense and concealment! Otherwise, I will feel unhappy. Be practical!"

Deep Blue stretched out her little hand and stroked Yu Xiaogang's cheek and said energetically:

"Master! We have come through so many ups and downs! With the recent experience in making soul guides, the covering soul guide can be completed quickly! Master, please take a good rest now! Master, you are busy all day long. It has to keep spinning like a top, Deep Blue is very worried!"

Yu Xiaogang saw that Shenlan was full of energy and became more and more worried as she spoke, smiled, and kissed Shenlan intimately, saying that it was okay and the workload was small, and then ordered Yunlan in the nearby Blue Silver Grass:

"Yunlan, I'm sorry to bother you! Before the covering soul guide is developed, I rely on you to protect this place. Don't let anyone discover this place. If you come close, use your fantasy power to drive it away! If anyone comes in deliberately, kill them directly!"

At the end of Yu Xiaogang's words, a murderous look flashed in his eyes! After all, this is the true heritage of Longmen, a place where energy continuously produces treasures and cultivation.

In the small courtyard where Yu Xiaogang settled in Saint Soul Village, a carriage with a simple appearance and luxurious materials was parked. Two people wearing fine clothes and masks were guarding the entrance of the small courtyard.

In the study, Bibi Dong sat on the chair where Yu Xiaogang usually wrote and researched, looking through the research theory on the essence of martial arts that Yu Xiaogang had just compiled recently, as well as a large number of soul guide technology research and analysis drawings.

Bibi Dong became more and more frightened as she watched! The happier I feel, after all, my sweetheart has become more attractive. Xiaogang, you haven't changed yet! You are even more charming than when you left me. I just like your curiosity and serious research!

Bibi Dong stood up and walked to the experimental sample of the soul guide motor to look at it carefully. She couldn't help but recall the drawings of the processing machinery. She really didn't expect that such a small soul guide motor could drive such a big thing.

Bibi Dong stroked the motor of the experimental soul guide, recalling every bit of her past love affair with Yu Xiaogang and murmured to herself:

"Xiaogang, we haven't seen each other for almost 8 years! I hope I won't scare you this time. I will never let you go! I love you so much! Yu Xiaogang hopes you haven't forgotten me, Bibi Dong!"

After Bibi Dong was forcibly let go from Yu Xiaogang by Qian Xunji, she missed Yu Xiaogang all the time, and she could only practice crazily to numb herself. But every night in the dead of night, she would cry silently in bed. She hated her master Qian Xunji for breaking them up, and she also hated herself for not being firm in her relationship! I hate Yu Xiaogang's weakness even more!

But everything doesn't matter now, because this time it was Bibi Dong who took the initiative, and she was afraid that if she backed down, she would never have a chance again. Yu Xiaogang was almost succeeded by Liu Erlong. If she hadn't received the news recently, she wouldn't know about it, and her master Qian Xunji looked at her more and more strangely, feeling like he was going to eat her alive every time.

Moreover, Yu Xiaogang has been getting better and better recently. Not only did his useless martial soul awaken for the second time, but his soul power increased by 6 levels in less than a year. There has been another breakthrough in the theory of martial arts, and they are also secretly studying the ancient lost soul guidance technology.

How could such a man let go of having missed Bibi Dong for eight whole years? It must be won, otherwise it won't be Liu Erlong's cousin next time.

 It's the end of the year and I'm starting to get busy. I don't have time to type when I go to work during the day.

(End of this chapter)