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Chapter 71 The Theory of the Three Treasures of the Spiritual God


Chapter 71 The Theory of the Three Treasures of the Spiritual God (please read it later)

Yu Xiaogang looked at Sisi's eager eyes, and was very relieved to have transferred Sisi's worries. In the future, when soul guide technology becomes more developed, other soul masters may be surpassed by soul guide technology, but he Yu Xiaogang will never be surpassed by soul guide technology!

Yu Xiaogang wanted to practice the Three Treasures of Jing, Qi and Shen at the same time, but now he has only cultivated mental power and soul power, and is still missing one qi and blood. After all, there are still traces of Shen and Qi, but Qi and blood have no clue at all.

So Yu Xiaogang wanted Xiao Zhan to hunt and absorb the blood flame demon tiger soul ring to see if he could obtain the soul skills related to qi and blood. When Yu Xiaogang was on Earth, he complained that it was so easy for people in Douluo Continent to acquire magical soul skills. Instead of studying the essence of soul skills and martial arts, they only knew how to fight and kill. They had not made progress in ten thousand years and were easily surpassed by an ordinary martial arts internal skill. .

In fact, Yu Xiaogang also asked Shenlan to deduce qi and blood. The problem was that the blood vessels could not withstand such fast flow and pressure of blood. In the simulation, either the heart burst and died, or the blood vessels throughout the body ruptured and caused massive bleeding.

There are also various ways of simulating miserable death, such as blood rushing to the brain and turning it into paste, or internal bleeding. If it weren't for Shenlan's amazing simulation skills, Yu Xiaogang would have died countless times.

Yu Xiaogang looked over Sisi at Xiao Zhan behind him. He looked at Xiao Zhan who was feeling uncomfortable with a meaningful look. He said to the four cheap disciples in a gentle tone:

"Actually, the teacher is following a unique path of cultivation. The ultimate goal is to become the first person in the continent! Become a god! After the teacher's research, cultivation can be divided into three types: essence, energy, and spirit. Everyone on Douluo Continent only cultivates energy.

A few people have special spiritual talents because of their martial souls, and they cultivate Qi and Shen at the same time, so this type of soul masters practice slower than others. However, after becoming a titled Douluo, soul masters who cultivate both Qi and Shen are very powerful! "

Su Yuntao and the others looked at Teacher Yu Xiaogang in front of them with surprised eyes. This was the first time they heard this theory. Moreover, these were not mentioned in the theory of the top ten competitive forces of martial arts that the teacher announced before. Is this the reason why the teacher is so powerful at level 36?

The four of them, Su Yuntao, were very energetic and did not dare to miss a word. After all, their teacher was the first person to walk on this new path of cultivation, and he was also their leader!

Yu Xiaogang saw that his four cheap apprentices were beginning to listen seriously to what he said, and he was very pleased that he did not accept these apprentices in vain. Sisi also took out the book and pen very seriously and began to record what he just said.

When Su Yuntao and Xiao Zhan saw that senior sister Sisi had started taking notes, they suddenly realized and took out books and pens from their storage soul guide rings to start recording. Wang Dachui looked at his senior brother and sister at a loss at first. Then I hurriedly started taking notes.

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but laugh at Wang Dachui's appearance. However, although this kind of apprentice is a bit stupid, he is the best candidate to guard the sect's station, and will be the best candidate to manage the sect's rules and workshops in the future. After all, the brain is too stubborn to accept death!

Yu Xiaogang saw that Su Yuntao and the four of them had almost finished recording and continued to say to them:

"This is the mystery of our sect and cannot be told outside! Not now! In the teacher's new cultivation theory, Qi represents the soul power that the soul master uses to meditate on martial arts to absorb the energy of heaven and refine it. God is the spiritual force that God taught you. Law."

When Yu Xiaogang said this, he paused and looked at Xiao Zhan. Suyun Taossi and Wang Dachui both saw the teacher looking at Xiao Zhan and turned around to look at Xiao Zhan in surprise and confusion. They didn't know why the teacher cared about Xiao Zhan. war.

Sisi's brain was the quickest and fastest, her big eyes flashed and she immediately thought of what Teacher Yu Xiaogang didn't say at the end. After all, the teacher just said that it takes three practitioners to climb the highest peak!

Sisi immediately said to Teacher Yu Xiaogang in a very affirmative tone:

"Teacher, does your final cultivation rely on Xiao Zhan's martial spirit? I remember, teacher, when you were analyzing the essence of martial arts for us, you said that Xiao Zhan's martial spirit can control his own blood. Does essence mean blood? "

The more Sisi talked, the less confident she felt, and she began to doubt her previous guess. She looked at Teacher Yu Xiaogang with doubtful eyes, waiting for the teacher's answer. Yu Xiaogang nodded and shook his head at Sisi, and said to the four people in front of him via WeChat:

"Is Sisi's guess just now correct? Precision is indeed related to blood, but there are other deeper things in it. The teacher can't answer it yet.

We can only wait for Xiao Zhan to hunt down the blood flame demon tiger soul ring that the teacher chose for you and see if you can obtain a soul skill related to qi and blood. "

Yu Xiaogang's eyes revealed a very profound gaze as he looked out the window at the night scene. He stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling window of the private room with his hands behind his back and his back to Su Yuntao. The four of them continued to answer and explain:

"Teacher has used Yunlan and some special means to simulate and deduce that if you rely solely on soul power to push the blood to flow faster in the blood vessels, you will either die of massive bleeding or a certain part of the body will burst. So Xiao Zhan, you must not try Qi in private. Blood cultivation exploration! The teacher will help you find a good path and pave a road to the sky for the four of you!"

"Teacher! Don't worry! Even if I hunt down the Blood Flame Demon Tiger with my first soul ring and don't get the soul skills related to qi and blood, I will use the second soul ring to continue hunting! If that doesn't work, I will continue to hunt with the third soul ring position! Here we go! Until you get the soul skills you need to study, teacher!"

Xiao Zhan heard that Teacher Yu Xiaogang was so kind to their four apprentices and told him not to explore the path of Qi and blood cultivation in private. Where can one find such a good and caring teacher? Now that he, Xiao Zhan, has met a good teacher, he must repay the favor!

"Boss Xiao! You are such a man! I, Su Yuntao, recognize you now! From now on, only you can take the position of senior brother in the sect!"

"Yes! Boss Xiao! You are really my idol! That's what I like about you!"

Su Yuntao and Wang Dachui stepped forward, hooked their arms around Xiao Zhan's neck and gave a thumbs up. Sisi's words to Xiao Zhan were filled with pride, and she couldn't help but look at him with admiration and said:

"Okay! Xiao Zhan, you can make such a big sacrifice. As the senior sister of Longmen, I support you in my heart! But do you really not regret it? Did all nine soul rings hunt the same kind of soul beast?"

Xiao Zhan broke free from the arms of Su Yuntao and Wang Dachui, puffed up his chest and said with great pride:

"I, Xiao Zhan, do what I say! And what are you afraid of? The teacher has such magical self-created soul skills, and the terrifying mental power he just showed. Hehe, I believe that even without powerful soul skills, I can reach the level of a titled Douluo! We Isn't there still a teacher who knows the truth? Isn't that right, teacher? Hehe!"

Xiao Zhan first responded to Sisi, then showed a playful smile with big white teeth and said to Teacher Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Xiaogang turned around and looked at Xiao Zhan and couldn't help but laugh. He knew that this was what Xiao Zhan said to comfort Sisi, because he saw the light of firm admiration and the light of hope in Xiao Zhan's eyes!

"Haha! Xiao Zhan, you little naughty boy! But you underestimate your teacher's ability! You will know when the time comes."

 The task is completed and I will continue to humble myself tomorrow. Please give me a subscription and a monthly pass.

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(End of this chapter)

Chapter 72: The Hidden Ability of Mental Power


Chapter 72: The Hidden Ability of Mental Power (please vote for me)

Xiao Zhan could only smile shyly at Teacher Yu Xiaogang:

"I knew you had a solution, teacher! So, teacher, what's the difference between your new training system and the soul master's training system? Which one is stronger?"

Yu Xiaogang smiled and said to Su Yuntao and the others:

"Let me show you how to use the spiritual power after opening up the spiritual sea. After the spiritual power created by the teacher is cultivated, it will produce another perspective of perception. Teacher, I call it spiritual awareness. People's mental power will be emitted automatically, and some People's mental power is naturally strong, and they will immediately feel it if someone is staring at them from behind.

After cultivating my self-created mental power, this talent will be infinitely magnified. You can try it now. Teacher, I have my back to you, so you just shoot me with a pistol. Don't worry, you can't hurt me. ! "

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, he turned his back to Su Yuntao and the others, closed his eyes and began to rest his mind. Su Yuntao and Xiao Zhan looked at each other, laughed strangely, and started loading bullets.

After all, teachers usually don't show mercy to them when they are training, and will reprimand them even more harshly, even though they know it is for their own good.

Now that there is an upright attacking teacher, Teacher Yu Xiaogang will not fight back, and he can also try the mental defense reaction ability that the teacher just mentioned. After all, they knew the speed of bullets when they were just shooting targets, and ordinary soul masters couldn't react at all.

Sisi loaded the bullet and pointed it at the back of Teacher Yu Xiaogang. One hand was a little trembling and she could only hold the gun with both hands. Although she knew the teacher's ability, she still couldn't pass the test in her heart.

Wang Dachui is much more relaxed, he is a model of brainlessness. He just does what the teacher Yu Xiaogang says. Anyway, he shows that he is a well-behaved and sensible person.

Sisi finally calmed down and said to Teacher Yu Xiaogang:

"Where? Teacher, we're going to shoot! Teacher, if you really can't defend yourself, just stay away! We don't want you to get hurt either!"

"Well! Just shoot as you please! Don't forget who made the pistol in your hand. I know the power of the gun better than you. Don't hesitate to shoot!"

Yu Xiaogang turned his back to Su Yuntao and the four others remained motionless, but comforted them very casually.

Sisi could only close her eyes, bite her lips and aim at the approximate location and fire randomly. Su Yuntao and Xiao Zhan Wang Sledgehammer watched Sisi open fire and finished a magazine of bullets in one go.

When the pistol made a "click" sound and the bullet was empty, she carefully opened her eyes and looked in the direction of Teacher Yu Xiaogang. After seeing clearly, she couldn't help but let go of the pistol and fell to the carpet with a dull sound.

Sisi covered her mouth with both hands, revealing her big eyes and looking at everything in front of her with an incredulous expression. Su Yuntao and Xiao Zhan Wang Sledgehammer were also affected by the sound of the pistol. Su Yuntao woke up in the quiet praise and couldn't help but stare at the floor-to-ceiling windows. Teacher Yu Xiaogang in front of me exclaimed:

"Teacher! Is this...is this the spiritual sense developed by mental power? It can react to bullets at such a fast speed! What a powerful skill! I really want to have the method of spiritual power cultivation that I have practiced for so long, teacher. I haven't opened up the sea of ​​​​spirit yet and am stuck at the first pass? Teacher, do I not have the talent in this area?"

I saw many densely packed bullets floating around Yu Xiaogang, still spinning. He slowly turned around, the bullets stopped rotating and gathered together, and was squeezed by Yu Xiaogang's huge mental power and turned into a small metal bead, which he threw to Su Yuntao and said:

"All soul masters have spiritual talent. It's just a matter of strength. This is based on the degree of brain development. Just wait until your physical fitness improves! Practicing the spiritual nourishment skill well will help you open up the sea of ​​​​spirituality. Helpful!

Let this little iron bead be used for you to cultivate your spiritual power! The teacher left a spiritual force inside that would not dissipate within fifteen days. You practice spiritual power to sense the spiritual power inside. When you can feel this spiritual power, it means that you have started to practice spiritual power! "

Yu Xiaogang saw that Su Yuntao's mental power had become more and more active recently, so he should help push Lingmen away. Then Yu Xiaogang continued to ask the four disciples:

"Except for Su Yuntao, who among you has not opened up the spiritual sea? If you don't understand now, just ask!" Sisi came back to her senses at this time and asked her teacher:

"Teacher, I have opened up the sea of ​​​​spirits, but there is only a small puddle. My mental power is very weak and can only hold up a water glass. I will get dizzy after holding on for about 10 minutes. It is not as powerful as you show! Teacher, how can I increase it? How big is the spiritual sea? Does the sect have any secret medicine?"

After Sisi finished speaking, she used her unskilled mental power to hold up an empty teacup and dropped it in her hand, looking at her teacher expectantly.

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but find it funny, he wanted to use his own elixir to increase his mental power! He finally knew that in the eyes of Binghuo Liangyi, there was the fairy grass mentioned in the original work that could see through the autumn dew. The problem was difficult to solve now!

Yu Xiaogang actually hopes to study carefully why the fairy grass has such a powerful medicinal effect. It seems that his own artificial two-dimensional eye treasure will be put on the agenda.

Yu Xiaogang said helplessly to Sisi:

"Do you think the sect's secret medicine is so magical? The teacher also wants to take medicine to improve his mental strength. The problem is that a clever woman can't make a meal without rice. The teacher knows where this medicine is, but it already has an owner! It's not good to snatch other people's things. ! You should practice steadily step by step, don't always think about reaching the sky in one step!"

Yu Xiaogang felt very distressed when he saw Sisi's disappointed expression. After all, he was just a female apprentice and he usually treated her like a daughter. He couldn't help but continue to comfort him:

"Sisi, you guys, don't be discouraged. The teacher is currently studying man-made treasures. If successful, there will be no shortage of heavenly materials and earthly treasures! Although you rely on your own cultivation, it doesn't say you can't use external objects to increase your cultivation speed? You will be able to practice in the future. Come to my office, where the teacher asked Yun Lan to arrange a treasure place for soul power cultivation, and you will get twice the result with half the effort if you practice there!"

"Yeah! Really? Teacher, you are so kind!"

Sisi cheered, threw herself into Yu Xiaogang's arms and said coquettishly. Yu Xiaogang fondly touched Sisi's little head and said:

"Okay, how old is Sisi? You will soon become an official soul master, no matter how big or small you are. Su Yuntao, you three, go back and practice hard like Sisi! The teacher has recently sent a letter to my old brother. Now, when the time comes, we will help you hunt for souls when you reach level 10! He is a Soul Emperor!"

"Teacher, your brother is actually the Soul Emperor!"

Su Yuntao and the other four people were all surprised. After all, it would be great to have a soul king in a small place like Notting City, let alone a soul master at the soul emperor level.

At this time, Sisi blushed with embarrassment and left Teacher Yu Xiaogang's embrace with tears in her eyes. After all, her parents went hunting for souls in their early years and never returned. After being accepted as a disciple by Yu Xiaogang, I felt like I was loved by my father. Now I have a treasured land for cultivation, and the soul hunter even called the Soul Emperor to protect me.

Yu Xiaogang patted Sisi's head lightly and said:

"Then you practice hard and strive to break through level 10 within a month. According to the speed of the messenger caravan, my old brother will come to you in one month! Don't embarrass me then!"

Su Yuntao and others had a firm look on their eyes. When they got back, they would use the Yunlan Blue Silver Grass cultivation treasure land in the teacher's office to break through the bottleneck as soon as possible and not let Teacher Yu Xiaogang down.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 73: The Fallen Evil Soul Master


Chapter 73: The Fallen Evil Soul Master (please read)

Yu Xiaogang seemed to be motivated enough, and continued to educate several disciples:

"You also watched the movie The Wandering Earth today, and you also know that there is a ball under our feet. It is almost clear what the sun is. The teacher also has an idea. The three treasures of spirit, energy and spirit are also gathered together like the planets.

The soul power is condensed into a core in the middle Dantian, which I call the soul core for short. After opening up the spiritual sea, spiritual power must also be condensed into a core, which is called the divine core. Finally, the qi and blood condense in the lower dantian to form the qi and blood core. I have already thought of a name for it to be called the qi and blood golden elixir, or it can also be referred to as the blood core! "

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but laugh at Su Yuntao and the others who looked like they were listening to a book from heaven. He also thought that none of his four disciples had obtained a soul ring yet, so they might not understand his thinking.

Yu Xiaogang could only lay down the grassroots first, and wait until he and Shenlan Yunlan sorted out the feasible cultivation method before passing it on to them. Yu Xiaogang continued to look at the four disciples as if they didn't understand, and still pretended to understand. said:

"Just listen to the general idea now. The teacher has already figured out the spiritual core, but now he has no idea about the most important Qi and blood. After all, the three treasures of Jing, Qi and Shen are one, but Jing is at the front and the most important. One link, otherwise condensing Qi and Shen first will be like a castle in the air.

Without the foundation of Qi and blood, I can only rely on my body to support myself. I estimate that I need a Soul Douluo or a Titled Douluo to try the teacher's theory of the Three Treasures of Essence, Qi, and Shen!

So Teacher Xiao Zhan is very optimistic about your martial arts! You are the only martial soul related to Qi and blood that Teacher has encountered. You should practice well and guard against arrogance and impatience. Based on your current cultivation speed and Teacher's experience, it will be no problem to break through level 10 this month! "

Under the trusting gaze of teacher Yu Xiaogang, Xiao Zhan straightened his chest and looked at Yu Xiaogang with firm eyes, and said boldly:

"Teacher! I know the importance of your theoretical research now! You have trained me and Su Yuntao so hard that they will never forget their roots! Now let me help you, teacher! Teacher! Now we have finished eating and go back. Finish practicing in your office and then go home! I won't relax in practicing now!"

"Hehe! This is how powerful you are as the boss of the school! Come on, teacher, let's go back to practice and try to break through the bottleneck as soon as possible!"

Sisi echoed Xiao Zhan's words while walking behind Yu Xiaogang and pushing him away. Yu Xiaogang felt that the chicken blood was too much, but it was just what I wanted.

Yu Xiaogang put away the mental power that enveloped the private room, and after using his mental power to restore the seat decorations that had been messed up by testing the power of his mental power, Yu Xiaogang said to Su Yuntao and the four people around him:

"Okay! Now that the teacher has finished, that guy Ning Hai won't notice. Remember that the pistol the teacher gave you is for self-defense! You can't show it off! Xiao Zhan and Wang Dachui see that your mental power is also different from that of Su Yuntao. If you are just as active, you will soon open up the spiritual sea. The three of you should practice the spiritual nourishing technique together!"

"It's Teacher! I'm eager for the convenient ability of mental power! It's such a versatile ability! Controllable objects can be attacked directly and passively defended! It's so perfect!"

Xiao Zhan couldn't help but sigh, after all, Yu Xiaogang's mental abilities are so comprehensive! This is not unique to Wuhun, he can also learn it! This is the most important thing!

Yu Xiaogang smiled and warned Xiao Zhan:

"Okay, don't be too ambitious! The strength of your mental power depends on your talent! Everyone's height is different, but it would be good for you to have an additional attack aid."

Yu Xiaogang remembered Shi Nian, the leading teacher of Canghui Academy who was killed by Tang San's hidden weapon in the original work, and kindly reminded him:

"The four of you should be careful when you encounter spiritual soul masters when traveling on the Douluo Continent! The spiritual soul masters' soul skills are very weird and difficult to guard against. For example, the teacher knows such a soul master named Shi Nian Wuhun. He is Canmeng's spiritual soul master.

Time can create illusions just like dreams. But what's even more powerful is that Shi Nian can directly attack people's spiritual origins. If you encounter him, don't conflict. After all, your spiritual power is too weak.

The four of you are traveling across the continent to disguise your spiritual power as soul skills. Those fallen ones will not let everyone practice soul skills, especially when you are still weak! "At this time, Su Yuntao, who still didn't understand the real environment of Douluo Continent, asked aloud:

"Teacher, I know that I will be careful when meeting spiritual soul masters in the future, but what is a fallen person? Why have I never heard of it?"

"Yes, teacher! As the Lord of Notting City, my family has never heard of a fallen person. Is this famous?"

Xiao Zhan couldn't help but ask teacher Yu Xiaogang from the side. After all, in his heart, the teacher knew everything about astronomy and geography, so he just asked if he didn't understand!

Yu Xiaogang saw that the clear eyes of Su Yuntao and Xiao Zhan revealed their stupidity. It seemed that he needed to be trained and trained himself, so he explained to the four cheap disciples:

"As you all know, martial arts are the other side of human blood and soul. People can affect martial spirits, and martial arts can also affect people! Those awakened mutated martial spirits, such as the brain-eating beast martial arts and the bloodthirsty bat martial arts , even the spirit of the soul-eating beast can in turn affect the soul master himself."

"Teacher, someone actually awakened such an evil spirit? How disgusting! Are they all mutated? But why have I never heard of it?"

Sisi crossed her chest and rubbed the goosebumps on her arms. It was the first time she heard such a disgusting and terrifying martial spirit, and she couldn't help but complain.

Wang Dachui scratched the back of his head and recalled thoughtfully:

"It seems that in my hometown more than ten years ago, when the Wuhun Palace helped to awaken the martial souls, one of them awakened. The ghostly martial soul was taken away directly by the awakened soul masters of the Wuhun Palace. There was no news from him again. He seemed to be an orphan. Hey, time It's been so long that I can't remember it, but I heard it from the village elder during the Chinese New Year!"

Yu Xiaogang nodded and took over Wang Dachui's words and continued to spread knowledge to Su Yuntao and the four of them:

"That is one of the representatives of evil spirits. One of the responsibilities of the Spirit Hall is to clean up and imprison fallen spirit masters, because soul masters who have awakened such evil spirits are basically unable to resist the beastly nature transmitted by the spirits.

It only takes one time to be dominated by the beastly nature of the martial spirit. It will be difficult to look back for the rest of your life! After all, what the Fallen hunt is not soul beasts but living people or babies, so you rarely see the Fallen on Douluo Continent. because

With the Wuhun Palace supervising almost all the fallen, they were driven out and imprisoned in the Killing City! When you encounter the Fallen, you don't have to hold back and kill them directly! You can't let one go! "

It was the first time that Su Yuntao and the four of them heard that there were soul masters hunting down ordinary people and babies for training. Sisi felt a little disgusted. After all, girls are quite emotional in this regard.

Yu Xiaogang just mentioned that if you encounter the Fallen, kill him directly, Tang San, I won't let you destroy the Killing City this time! snort! God Shura is not a good thing!

Throughout the entire Douluo series, the gods in the God Realm have never done a good deed. This time, Yu Xiaogang is going to become a god and create his own godhood to become a god!

 A little stuck

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 74: Traditional Chinese Medicine makes its first appearance


Chapter 74: Traditional Chinese Medicine makes its first appearance (please subscribe)

After Yu Xiaogang created the Three Treasures of Spirit, Qi, and God based on his imagination on earth, fellow practitioner An Shenlan deduced that a Titled Douluo of level 99 can live forever as long as his body and soul are not damaged.

Yu Xiaogang had a premonition that the union of the three treasures of spirit, energy and spirit would be the day when he would become a god! Not the false god who lives in the God Realm on Douluo Continent! How does Yu Xiaogang think that Douluo God is a practitioner who has mastered some rules and authority?

When the time comes, Deep Blue will be able to deduce the method for Douluo God to become a god as long as he obtains some data from the god as a starting point. Yu Xiaogang looked down on Douluo Continent God a little, mainly because the original work was so trashy that he could be killed by a hidden weapon in the ordinary martial arts world.

In the original work, Qian Renxue's soul power level dropped after his throne was shattered. Yu Xiaogang guessed that Douluo God was no different from an ordinary practitioner. It's a bit like incense becoming a god. The origin is the god's position and abstract rules and authority!

Moreover, the flow of time between the God Realm and the Douluo Continent is different. The God of Angels ascended to the God Realm for thousands of years before choosing a successor, which shows that the God of Angels fell in just a few decades in the God Realm.

Yu Xiaogang speculated based on the content of the original work that the God Realm is just a larger world, where they also fight for cultivation resources. In the original work, the God Realm Committee is a joke, with constant little tricks behind the scenes.

Yu Xiaogang left the Qibao Hotel under Ning Hai's farewell. He looked up at the vast starry sky, secretly despising Douluo God for his short-sightedness. Like the people on Douluo Continent, he did not study the nature of power, but was dominated by power!

Tang San in the original work is an example. After accepting the status of God Asura and God of Poseidon, Tang San's character was completely affected by the murderous will of God Shura and the poison of Poseidon's belief. He has become extremely selfish and is no longer a person at all, and perhaps some of his original character flaws have been magnified infinitely.

After all, no one is perfect in the world when it comes to matters, regardless of the heart. Everyone has character flaws. Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but sigh that it would no longer be boring in the future, and would become more interesting! Tang San, let's see if you can be changed by me, otherwise I won't be merciful!

"Teacher, what are you looking at? What's so interesting about the stars in the sky! I'm tired of looking at them a long time ago!"

At this time, Wang Dachui shouted loudly in confusion. Yu Xiaogang was interrupted by Wang Dachui, and turned around and said to him:

"Teacher is looking into the future! What do you think will be in the starry sky? Teacher has a dream. Teacher, I want to use soul guide technology to build a flying ship and travel in the starry sky. Go and have a look at the stars in the sky. , what a different scenery there is!"

Su Yuntao was attracted by Yu Xiaogang's dream. After the baptism of wandering the earth, the four of them also knew what was under their feet and how vast and dangerous the starry sky was.

While Yu Xiaogang taught Su Yuntao and his four apprentices about the concepts of the universe and the starry sky, he also answered some strange questions raised by the four apprentices.

For example, Wang Dachui suddenly asked how people can poop if they can only float in space. Yu Xiaogang was almost silenced by Wang Dachui's question. Fortunately, Douyin Science Popularization on Earth saved him once in his previous life, otherwise it would have been difficult for Yu Xiaogang to answer.

Yu Xiaogang and his four apprentices walked and chatted for a while before arriving at Notting City Square. He found that the place was more lively than usual, and there were people queuing up at the pharmacy that Teacher Ye had opened before.

Yu Xiaogang and Su Yuntao went forward to ask someone. After all, it was a bit abnormal to come to the pharmacy to see a doctor so late at night!

Yu Xiaogang walked up to an old man who was resting on a chair by the roadside and asked:

"Old man, why are there so many people queuing up at the pharmacy at such a late hour? What happened nearby and why so many people come to see the doctor?" The uncle may be from nearby. He went out for a walk to eat after dinner. When he was tired, he sat down. Rest on a chair at the edge of the square. Seeing that Yu Xiaogang was well-dressed and asked questions very politely, he replied very talkatively:

"Oh! You, the young man, just came to Notting City recently! There was a teacher in the Junior Soul Master Academy recently, who seemed to be called something, but he was a master of theory.

Anyway, a kind-hearted person founded a sect called Longmen and asked a soul master in the sect to open a pharmacy here for everyone. Originally, ordinary people like us could only fight against ailments.

Now, there is a pharmacy like this that can help you see a doctor, and you can just drink medicine and be cured. It's quite miraculous! It's just that the decoction is too bitter. "

Yu Xiaogang was very confused. He remembered the first time he entered Notting City and bought herbal medicine at the Qibao Chamber of Commerce Pharmacy! Why don't people from Douluo mainland know ordinary medical books? He asked this question and said:

"Old man, isn't there a pharmacy in Notting City that sells herbal medicine? Why don't you go to the pharmacy to buy herbal medicine for medical treatment?"

The chatty Mr. Xiaoshi looked at the young man in front of him with strange eyes, but when he saw that this young man was followed by four students from the junior soul master academy, he thought that Yu Xiaogang was the kind of big shot who didn't know much about the world, so he patiently explained:

"Oops! Sir, you don't know something! Those pharmacies sell herbs used by soul masters for their cultivation. For medical treatment, they go to the auxiliary soul master of Wuhun Hall. The auxiliary soul master has only one soul. The technique is amazing! The disease is almost gone with just a wave of your hand!

The soul master of Wuhun Palace is good at everything, but the charges are a bit expensive! Regardless of the size of the disease, 1 gold soul coin will be charged! How can we, the miserable ordinary people, have so much spare money?

So that person from Longmen is a great virtuous person! It was discovered that you can cure diseases by eating grass, so anyone with a headache or fever around Notting City came here to see a doctor. "

Yu Xiaogang felt a little speechless. Douluo mainlanders actually regarded medicinal herbs as ordinary weeds. Fortunately, he had a very serious case of chuunibyou when he was in junior high school. I was poisoned by those time-travel novels!

At that time, Yu Xiaogang spent all day dreaming about traveling to ancient times to show his power, and he even read through the 80s' One Hundred Thousand Whys, the Militia Training Manual, and the Barefoot Doctor's Manual.

When Shen Lan was sorting out Yu Xiaogang's memories, he found it out. Yu Xiaogang was a bit social at that time. But after all, it was the most precious gift left to him by his motherland on earth. He asked Shen Lan to copy it down through his mental power, compile it into a book and give it to Teacher Ye.

At that time, Teacher Ye was shocked when he received the Barefoot Doctor Manual. It was impossible to think that people could be cured by eating some weeds without relying on treatment and assistance from spiritual masters.

It was Yu Xiaogang who took Teacher Ye to personally treat a few people who could not afford the expensive treatment. They used the prescriptions in the Barefoot Doctor's Manual to boil the collected herbs into a medicinal soup, which was effective in a few days. However, Teacher Ye, a native who had never seen traditional Chinese medicine before, My jaw dropped.

Anyway, Teacher Ye took a few elite class students who were interested in traditional Chinese medicine to run this pharmacy together, and now Yu Xiaogang sees that the situation is developing well!

But sometimes Yu Xiaogang complains that the Douluo mainlanders are really physically strong! The medicinal properties of those medicinal materials are also ridiculously strong, and they take effect quickly, so now Longmen's reputation has been established in Notting City!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 75 Notting City lays out Chinese medicine seeds


Chapter 75 Notting City lays out Chinese medicine seeds (please subscribe)

Yu Xiaogang has lived in Douluo Continent for a while, and has also learned about the economic system of Douluo Continent. One copper soul coin is equivalent to one yuan on earth in the previous life, and one hundred copper soul coins can be exchanged for one silver soul coin, and ten silver soul coins. Exchange one gold soul coin.

Almost one gold soul coin is equivalent to 10,000 yuan in Yu Xiaogang's previous life on earth. No wonder ordinary people don't spend so much money to find treatment and auxiliary soul masters if they are not seriously ill. After all, it is too expensive.

No wonder ordinary people on Douluo Continent hope that a soul master will appear in the next generation. After all, it is so easy to make money! The gap between the rich and the poor is so huge that senior soul masters don't care about gold soul coins, while ordinary people still have to work hard for a gold soul coin.

Just because there is a relationship between healing and auxiliary soul masters on Douluo Continent, the medical system has not developed. After all, as long as the healing auxiliary soul master can cure the disease with any soul skill, who will bother to study how to use herbs to treat diseases.

Instead, I discovered that some herbal medicines were helpful to soul masters in their cultivation, so they opened a pharmacy to buy herbal medicines. Sometimes Yu Xiaogang also complains that it doesn't matter who has good soul skills, as long as he gets a soul ring, he can directly get an ability like a fool. No wonder Douluo mainlanders have stayed the same for tens of thousands of years.

After all, no one has worked hard for more than ten years to create their own soul skills. In battle, they may not be as powerful as the soul skills that others casually obtained through hunting. With such a big gap, it is no wonder that not many people study their own soul skills.

Yu Xiaogang stood up and saw Teacher Ye and several elite class students busy there from a distance. After bidding farewell to the old man in front of him, Su Yuntao and the four of them left Notting City Square and walked towards Wang Dachui's blacksmith shop.

"Teacher! Why didn't you go find Teacher Ye just now? We can still help! And it's really like what the old man said, by eating weeds, isn't it! Can herbs cure diseases?"

Xiao Zhan couldn't help but asked Teacher Yu Xiaogang who was walking in front.

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but slow down when he heard Xiao Zhan's question, and responded to Xiao Zhan:

"Don't make trouble for Teacher Ye. Traditional Chinese medicine is very rigorous, and you don't understand! Teacher Ye taught Traditional Chinese Medicine to her from my teacher. At the beginning, the teacher asked Teacher Ye to teach us how to earn a good reputation. Pharmacies treat ordinary people.

But today you have also seen the helplessness of ordinary people. Teacher Xiao Zhan, I hope to continue to expand the scale of the pharmacy and turn it into a hospital so that more ordinary people can receive medical treatment. Is there any way I can get some money through my relationship with Dad? Soul Coin Investment.

This will also be good for you to take over the position of Lord of Notting City in the future. Sisi, take a look at the students in the college who are not talented in cultivation and have flexible brains, and ask them if they are willing to learn Chinese medicine to treat people's illnesses? "

Xiao Zhan heard Teacher Yu Xiaogang say that doing this would be good for him to take over the position of Lord of Notting City, and carefully recalled the happy expressions of ordinary people leaving after being treated by Teacher Ye. It was indeed very winning people's hearts. He immediately said to Teacher Yu Xiaogang:

"Don't worry! Teacher, I will let my dad build a big place for Teacher Ye to show his talents! I want to become the most respected city lord in the history of Notting City!"

Sisi saw Xiao Zhan talking nonsense, and after Xiao Zhan finished speaking, she casually answered:

"Yes! Teacher, please feel free! There are many soul masters who graduate every year in the academy. They either work as guards for nobles, form soul hunting teams to travel on the edge of life and death, or join the Spirit Hall to become an ordinary awakened soul master. I think Now that there is a stable way out, there must be many students who are willing to do so!"

Yu Xiaogang nodded to him, told Xiao Zhan and Sisi what to pay attention to, and continued walking in front of the four of them. I hope that the seeds of Chinese medicine civilization he brought to Douluo Continent can take root and sprout in this land, so that more ordinary people can receive effective treatment.

Instead of relying on treatment to assist the abnormal development of the soul master, as expected, bad things will happen if civilization takes shortcuts, and it is not advisable to encourage the development of civilization!

After a while, Wang Dachui felt something was wrong! Why is it not the way back to the college? It seems to be the way to his blacksmith shop. Wang Dachui said to Teacher Yu Xiaogang in a curious and anxious tone: "Teacher! This doesn't seem to be the way back to the college! It's to my blacksmith shop." Lu, teacher, do you want to visit my family? What did I do wrong? I must change it! Otherwise, my father will spank me again!"

Su Yuntao looked at Wang Dachui's pitiful and aggrieved expression, and couldn't help but patted Wang Dachui on the shoulder and laughed and said:

"What? Isn't this the Hammer King King Kong who is fearless in our academy! Are you afraid of being spanked one day?"

Sisi and Xiao Zhan were also laughing and joking at Wang Dachui. Wang Dachui usually showed no fear in the academy, but he was actually afraid of being spanked by his father! It's really surprising, after all, Wang Dachui is so tall that you can't even tell.

Yu Xiaogang was speechless to Wang Dachui. He just went to pick up a piece of goods. Why did Wang Dachui think of a home visit? Doesn't Wang Dachui have a criminal record before? It's really possible with Wang Dachui's brain! Sometimes Wang Dachui really can't turn his head around and makes mistakes!

Yuxiao just smiled enough to comfort Wang Dachui and said:

"Don't worry! It's not a home visit. But your father won't beat you if the teacher is here. The things I ordered in your blacksmith shop last time should be ready. Your father told me when I got the custom-made flying knife for the first time. It will be built in the near future. I will go back to the teacher today to see if I can stop by to collect money."

Wang Dachui breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that it wasn't something he did badly that made the teacher angry and asked for a home visit, and whispered in a low voice:

"Hehe! As long as it's not a home visit, it's fine. I'm most afraid of home visits. Last time, my dad beat me to death. It hurts just thinking about it!"

After Wang Dachui said something, he trembled all over as he thought of something. Su Yuntao and Xiao Zhan, who were close by, turned away after hearing this, closed their mouths and snickered, their shoulders couldn't help but tremble.

Because Sisi has opened up the sea of ​​spirit, her ability to perceive spiritual power has greatly increased. She could clearly hear what Wang Dachui had just whispered, and couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh.

Wang Dachui was completely confused and could only look naive.

Yu Xiaogang mentally sensed what was behind him, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up. Fortunately, he managed his expression well and didn't laugh out loud on the spot.

After a while, I arrived at the door of Wang Dachui's blacksmith shop. Not many people had gone home for dinner in the evening. I saw Wang Dachui sitting in the small maza, drinking wine and eating side dishes, looking leisurely.

When Wang Dachui saw his father, he couldn't help but hide behind Yu Xiaogang, hoping that his father would not find him. Yu Xiaogang felt that Wang Dachui's actions seemed to be very successful in educating Wang Dachui since childhood!

When Wang Chui looked over, Yu Xiaogang said enthusiastically:

"Old Wang is drinking! I didn't disturb your enjoyment! I took my apprentice out to eat and passed by to pick up the drawings I asked Wang Dachui to give you last time. Have you finished building it? Last time, Old Wang, you were so confident that you said this. It's done in time!"

When Wang Zhui first heard someone calling him, he was still thinking that someone was looking for him late at night. When he heard the name Lao Wang, he thought it was his old friend, so he turned around and saw that it was his stupid son's teacher.

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(End of this chapter)