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Chapter 56 Fantasy version of personal cinema


Chapter 56 Fantasy version of personal cinema (asking for monthly tickets)

Yu Xiaogang put the thoughts in his mind away. Now it is time to experiment with the fantasy version of the cinema effect, which is the first goal. It is definitely not Yu Xiaogang who wants to watch a movie to relax.

Yu Xiaogang was sitting on the deck chair made by Yunlan made of blue silver grass. Xue Tuanzi was nestled in his arms, looking curiously at the colorful mist particles in front of him as he looked curiously at the things he formed with his heterochromatic eyes.

Shenlan and Luo Sanpao were still lying on either side of Yu Xiaogang's shoulders, one elf and one dragon. Yun Lan and Meng Meng now had no physical consciousness, imitating Yu Xiaogang's appearance and sitting on the transformed recliner, ready to watch the movie. .

"Let's begin! Fantasy!"

"Okay! Creator! Please be prepared and don't be scared!"

The dreamy little loli said to Yu Xiaogang and the others very playfully.

Then Yu Xiaogang asked everyone to find a comfortable position and calm down. After a while, the dream body began to emit blue-gold soul power fluctuations.

Yu Xiaogang saw that the fog began to form around him. Colorful lights flashed for a while. After a while, the three-dimensional influence of the Blue Silver Grass came out with bursts of dragon roars. A golden dragon that was more domineering than Luo Sanpao appeared looming in the clouds and smoke. . In a flash of golden light, Long Biao appeared in front of Yu Xiaogang. The corners of his eyes twitched and he dreamed that even Long Biao had transformed into such a domineering one.

Yu Xiaogang thought for a while and felt that there was something missing in the picture, so he said to Shen Lan and Meng Meng beside him:

"Deep Blue, see if you can copy my third soul ring skill into a dreamy illusion, and make the opening more shocking! Just a little bit of dragon power to suppress it will be enough."

"Okay! Master will now start to deduce the skills of recreating the third soul ring."

Shen Lan looked like he was listening to Yu Xiaogang. After nodding, he waved his little hand and the projection screens appeared one by one. Yu Xiaogang saw that with the innate skills of Meng, Deep Blue now felt more and more sci-fi, and the style of painting had changed. Yu Xiaogang felt like he had traveled through a fake Douluo Continent.

A large amount of data scrolled rapidly on the screen in front of Shenlan, and the deduction was completed in a short time. Then he gave Meng a small look to indicate starting over. Meng immediately began to reconstruct the virtual illusion after receiving the data transmitted from Deep Blue through the Blue Silver Grass network.

After a while, Huanmeng gave Yu Xiaogang an OK gesture to indicate that the task was completed. Yu Xiaogang nodded, picked up snacks and started watching the movie, while feeding the snow dumplings in his arms.

After a while, the golden dragon reappeared, this time with a burst of dragon power and spiritual pressure, which made Luo Sanpao very vigilant. His wise little eyes were full of doubts?

"Okay, Luo Sanpao, don't be so wary, it's all fake. It's a virtual illusion transformed from a dream, and the dragon template has been optimized like you! I hope Luo Sanpao can become as powerful in the future!"

Luo Sanpao gradually calmed down and relaxed under the comfort of Yu Xiaogang's big hands, but his eyes revealed curiosity and surprise as he looked at the virtual illusion in front of him.

I can't say that the movie Wandering Earth is more impactful after being jointly adjusted by Deep Blue and Dream. Yunlan and Dream are still virtual spiritual bodies. They have already watched the plot on the Blue Silver Grass Network, but they accompanied their creators. Still very happy to see.

Luo Sanpao and Xue Tuanzi were quite surprised. Every time they encountered explosions and flames, tigers roared and dragons roared. If Yu Xiaogang hadn't suppressed them here, they would have pounced on them. After watching it, Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but lamented that if the virtual illusion appeared on the earth in the past life, it might have unified all theaters. What is immersive? This is!

If you didn't know it was fake, the characters in the movie wouldn't talk to you. Yu Xiaogang almost thought he had traveled to the wandering earth world again.

Yu Xiaogang used his mental power to clean up the mess caused by Luo Sanpao and Xue Tuanzi, and then said to Yun Lan:

"Yunlan moved all the Bluesilver Grass and Dream Body here to the spare bedroom next door. I plan to build a personal cinema. Yunlan, in your free time, study the stories in my past life memory with Deep Blue Dream. Don't limit it to the stories I have read. Movies, comics and novels should also be adapted to create a virtual fantasy world."

Yun Lan started to take action after hearing Yu Xiaogang's instructions, and saw Yun Lan Su wave his hand. Bluesilver Grass stretched out its vines to tie up the dream body and began to move. The collective consciousness of the Bluesilver Grass network is now assimilated to more and more Bluesilver Grass. Yunlan's mental power is even greater than Yu Xiaogang's, completely as boundless as the sea. .

After Yu Xiaogang was busy for a while, he began to write a letter to Flender. Instead of letting Flanders do that trashy Shrek in the small village under Soto City, why not come to Yu Xiaogang to help work!

In the original Shrek book, except for one Qin Ming who appeared before Tang San, which of the other students became successful? According to Flanders' education method, there is no medicine to restore the body. Going to soul fighting every day is called training the fighting ability.

Teacher Shrek is an old brother of Flanders. He is very good at fighting and teaches the student Yu Xiaogang, but he doesn't agree with it. When the time comes, Flanders will be asked to run around every year to help civilians awaken their martial arts spirits. Ma Hongjun and Oscar cannot let go. Got it!

Yu Xiaogang was actually very interested in Ma Hongjun's mutated martial spirit. He suspected that the mutation of Ma Hongjun's martial spirit must have affected the kidneys.

Yu Xiaogang also speculated that after Ma Hongjun's martial soul mutated, his bloodline had insufficient energy to return to his ancestors, and the semi-malignant mutation of his martial soul would have adverse effects on the kidneys. The phoenix's mutated origin crazily absorbs energy from the body, but cannot vent it out and mutates into the so-called evil fire.

Ma Hongjun's evil fire combines with the kidneys to cause strong kidney water, so he has abilities that are envied by most men. However, Yu Xiaogang didn't believe that Ma Hongjun's kidney water would be endless. He suspected that the kidneys and evil fire had been absorbing the body's energy. What should he do if the body's energy was insufficient?

Flanders didn't have much research on martial arts, and he was stingy about not buying any tonic for Ma Hongjun. Ma Hongjun could only rely on eating a lot of ordinary food to replenish his depleted body energy. The more he ate, the fatter he became, and all his body energy was used by the evil fire to create kidney water.

The evil fire created by the combination of water and fire has the adhesion properties of flames like water. I don't know how Flanders hunted the soul ring for Ma Hongjun in the original work. As a top-level beast, the phoenix can't fly?

Yu Xiaogang plans to personally teach Ma Hongjun's mutated martial soul when the time comes, to see if all of Ma Hongjun's soul rings absorbing soul rings with Phoenix bloodline can promote the continued evolution of the mutated martial soul! This also verifies the point of view in the Douluo fandom in the past life.

Now that Yu Xiaogang has Yunlan, a powerful weapon full of life and soul power, he is not afraid of problems. As long as there is still breath, you can save it!

Yu Xiaogang finished writing the envelope, sealed it, stamped it with his own unique logo and put it away, planning to find one to take with him to the Barak Kingdom caravan tomorrow.

Yu Xiaogang hated this very much. To deliver news in Douluo Continent, you could only write letters and rely on caravans to deliver them. Sending letters was very expensive, no matter how much you wrote, it started with 10 gold soul coins. No wonder it's so hard for commoners to get ahead. The official messengers of the two major empires can only be used by nobles. Don't even think about it if you don't have a noble title.

 The baby at home has been sick recently and is not in good condition.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 57 Notice


Chapter 57 Notice

Recently, the child at home had a cold and fever. He didn't sleep all night. He was so sleepy that he had to go to the hospital during the day. Will update tomorrow morning, no updates in the early morning. After all, the dog's life is at stake!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 58 Calling the wage earners Calling the wage earners


Chapter 58 Calling the wage earners Calling the wage earners

Yu Xiaogang explained his recent research findings in a letter to Flanders, and also mentioned the second awakening of his malignant mutated martial soul. By the way, I would like to help say sorry to sister Liu Erlong, and then our golden triangle can reminisce about the past.

There is also Yu Xiaogang, who mentioned his new apprentices. Although their talents are not as good as those geniuses with innate soul power of level 8-10, this can reflect Yu Xiaogang's educational ability. What else can you do if you educate someone who is already a genius? A true master can educate ordinary people into geniuses or beyond.

Yu Xiaogang also said in the letter that he had founded a sect, and asked Flender if they wanted to form an external academy together to verify Yu Xiaogang's new theoretical knowledge.

Yu Xiaogang wrote a lot eloquently, and he could have continued writing, but after seeing the letter, which was almost as thick as a booklet, Yu Xiaogang gave up and waited for Flanders to come over!

However, according to the caravan's schedule, it would take at least a month to deliver it. Yu Xiaogang missed the technology on earth more and more. Now he only needs to wait for Yunlan to assimilate more blue silver grass before he can implement the research on the communication soul guide.

Yu Xiaogang took out a carving knife made of the best fine iron. He saw that Lao Wang had made it exactly according to the drawing he gave Wang Dachui. He touched the grooves on the carving knife with his hand. This was deduced by Deep Blue. Soul power output line.

Now the fine iron carving knife in Yu Xiaogang's hand was only a semi-finished product. He didn't know what the carving knife was like, but Yu Xiaogang had a flash of inspiration and thought of a 3D printer. Isn't that what it is? Printing things while outputting materials, so Deep Blue used the 3D printer on Earth as a template to deduce the engraving knife needed for the soul guide technology.

Yu Xiaogang took out metals such as gold and silver and some self-adjusted chemicals from the storage soul guide, and said to Shen Lan who had been following him:

"Shen Lan is here to help! You come and help me detect soul power fluctuations in real time and come up with the recipe process for making soul power wires!"

"Yes!" "Master Deep Blue is at your service!"

After saying this, Shen Lan gave a funny salute, and playfully circled around Yu Xiaogang. The colorful wings behind her cast golden light and turned them into projection screens, which displayed the configuration process and precautions.

Yu Xiaogang took a deep breath first, relaxed his body and mind, and then used his mental power to control the materials in front of him and began to prepare the metal soul power wire liquid. Deep Blue was assisting Yu Xiaogang's soul power control and real-time monitoring of the reaction of the materials.

Yu Xiaogang's mental power held up gold and silver, metals with the best soul-guiding properties, and directly used Yunlan's huge mental power to crush them into metal powder, and then used the heart fire soul power to calcine and add the chemical reaction agent that had been prepared long ago.

Yu Xiaogang finally breathed a sigh of relief. He was very focused and a little tired just now. Looking at the gold and silver metal liquid ball floating in front of him, he couldn't help but sigh that he was a soul tool genius who succeeded the first time, and it was the most important first step.

"Okay! Deep Blue pays attention to the reaction of the soul wire solution. We have to guide the metal liquid into the groove of the carving knife before it solidifies. There can't be any mistakes!"

"Yes! Master Shen Lan has connected to the Yunlan Blue Silver Grass Network and started to use his spiritual power. He is starting to import the soul power wire solution into the carving knife! ...The introduction is complete! The soul power wire solution will solidify in one minute."

Yu Xiaogang looked at the soul guide carving knife floating in front of him. It was his first carving knife. The original silver-white blade of the fine iron carving knife is now covered with pattern lines as thin as a hair, sparkling in the light.

"It's so beautiful! Isn't it? This is the light of technology! Deep Blue, our next step is to make a soul power motor and a soul power conversion storage device!"

"Shenlan has received the task, and the task has been added to the deduction list. The computing power of the Yunlan Blue Silver Grass network has been used. Hehe, Master, are you planning to create the soul guide version of 3D carving technology?" Yu Xiaogang smiled slightly and turned to look at A dark blue message floated in the air:

"Shen Lanyou should remember! Manual manufacturing cannot match the speed of machines. People only need to check the most important places! Human civilization cannot be promoted quickly by one person's hands-on ability! We need the power of machinery !"

Shenlan suddenly understood and nodded, looking at the carving knife that was solidifying the soul power wire.

After a while, the soul guidance device carving knife was completed. Yu Xiaogang used his mental power to control the carving knife to carve the storage soul guidance device array on a piece of iron essence the size of a little finger. He was highly concentrated.

After a while, the work table was filled with 10 soul guide cores, and Yu Xiaogang used his soul power to start testing which ones were successful. After persisting for a while, only 6 successfully formed the soul power circuit, and the others were either disconnected or the soul power circuit was wrong, but Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but sigh:

"Phew! The mental energy is exhausted! The human body photolithography machine is not something humans do! Let's make a bracelet-sized one next time! The ring-type storage soul guide takes too much mental energy. But the first time there are 6 layers The success rate is pretty good and it's a passing grade!"

Yu Xiaogang then continued to use his mental power to cut the metal, used different metal combinations to melt and stir with his fire soul power, and then used his mental power to control the shape of the hollow ring and wait for the alloy to cool down.

After Yu Xiaogang waited for the ring to cool down, he installed the core of the soul guide in the hollow groove of the ring, and then covered the groove with blue crystal. Enter your soul power and look inside, you will see that there is about 3 cubes of space.

Yu Xiaogang, who was successful in making a soul guide for the first time, was very excited and immediately put into production. After a while, 6 storage soul guide rings were placed on the table, four of which were engraved with golden words "Silk King Su Xiao"

This is the apprenticeship ceremony prepared by Yu Xiaogang for his four cheap apprentices. I hope Su Yuntao and the others like it. Then Yu Xiaogang put cultivation elixirs and his own cultivation experience into these four storage soul guide rings.

Yu Xiaogang looked at the storage ring in front of him, lifted it up with his mind and put it into a small box. I plan to ask Su Yuntao and four others to come over tomorrow and send them off by the way.

"Shenlan! Luo Sanpao! Snow dumpling! Come on, let's wash up and go to bed. It's already late at night and I have to go to class tomorrow. Yunlan, you should also rest! The expansion of Lanyincao's network can be done slowly, and we should combine work and rest. That's right! Mew, you've worked hard today, go and have some rest!"

Yu Xiaogang said to his little friend and started to prepare to wash up and go to bed.

Far away in Wuhun City, in the girls' dormitory of Wuhun Palace Senior Soul Master Academy, Bibi Dong held up Yu Xiaogang's recent action report. His eyes showed surprise and worry, and he couldn't help but secretly thought:

"Congratulations to you, Xiaogang! You finally got your wish! You are no longer a waste, hum! If Liu Erlong hadn't been Xiaogang's sister, he would have killed her long ago! If he and Xiaogang hadn't been forced to break up now , how could she interfere!"

Bibi Dong waved to the confidants kneeling in front of her, indicating that they could leave. The head of the man in black who was half-kneeling on the ground sank and disappeared in a gust of breeze.

 I woke up in the morning feeling a bit angry. The kid was so energetic. It was 4 a.m.! Woke up at 4 o'clock! pain!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 59 Yu Xiaogang's unknown disaster


Chapter 59 Yu Xiaogang's unknown disaster

Bibi Dong is in a very complicated mood now, because she finds that her master Qian Xunji has been looking at her more and more strangely recently, with an evil light in his eyes. Recently, he has often called Bibi Dong over at night in the name of guiding cultivation.

Bibi Dong read and reread the latest news reported by Yu Xiaogang in her hand, and knew that her lover had broken through the bottleneck and had an unprecedented second awakening in the Wuhun Douluo Continent. In this way, he would have the confidence to pursue love. Originally, Bibi Dong was unhappy when Qian Xunji threatened Yu Xiaogang's life and left her lover.

Not long ago, his master Qian Xunji told Yu Xiaogang that he was going to marry a woman named Liu Erlong. This made Bibi Dong feel depressed. She was depressed and drank frequently. Bibi Dong couldn't help but feel bitter in her heart at that time, which made Qian Xunji keep looking at Bibi Dong with dark eyes without caring.

If Bibi Dong's confidants hadn't been protecting her and collecting information about Yu Xiaogang's recent changes for Bibi Dong, Bibi Dong would still be depressed.

Bibi Dong walked to the floor-to-ceiling window and looked at Yu Xiaogang's latest news in her hand under the moonlight. She didn't know how many times she had read it. Bibi Dong sighed at the magic of fate again and again. "Xiao Gang, you now have the ability and confidence to stand beside me, Bibi Dong." We are all around, and no one will tear us apart anymore!

After Bibi Dong regained her composure, she immediately noticed her master Qian Xunji's recent dark thoughts towards her, and immediately asked a confidant to use a transformed soul bone skill to pretend to be staying in the Saintess' Hall of Wuhun Hall. Bibi Dong sneaked there In the safe room here at Wuhun Advanced Academy.

Bibi Dong now knows that Yu Xiaogang was seriously injured by Liu Erlong, a third party, and went to such a remote town to live in seclusion. Now he is recruiting civilian soul masters to show up to test Yu Xiaogang's theory. The knowledgeable and confident lover in Bibi Dong's heart is back again!

Bibi Dong touched Yu Xiaogang's name on the letter with her slender hand, feeling deep longing and love in her heart. Xiaogang, wait for me, I will be with you soon. No one can take you away from me this time! Not even Xiaogang and your cousin Liu Erlong! Xiaogang, your love only belongs to me, Bibi Dong!

Far away in the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect, Liu Erlong was packing his luggage and planning to leave the house where he had met his father once. If it hadn't been for the appearance of Liu Erlong, his biological father, he and Yu Xiaogang would have cooked rice together now! I guess the baby is pregnant!

When Liu Erlong thought about being pregnant, he couldn't help but hold his cheeks with both hands and squirm like a young girl in love. However, he immediately thought of himself as an illegitimate daughter, and Yu Xiaogang's cousin felt gloomy in his heart.

Now being taken back to the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect by Liu Erlong's nominal biological father, he quarreled with his nominal father Yu Luo Mian every day. He kept asking why Liu Erlong's mother didn't come to her when she was critically ill. Just because Liu Erlong Isn't Wuhun the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex? Not worthy of joining the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect?

Liu Erlong made a big fuss with the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect again today, making Yu Luo Mian unable to come to the stage. He blamed him because he made Liu Erlong's biological mother wait so hard for 10, this heartless man. In the end, Liu Erlong's mother could not wait for her sweetheart. And ended in depression.

Now Liu Erlong just wants to leave this sad place. Maybe she can live a better life without this identity. Liu Erlong inquired about the senior college that Boss Flanders had established under Soto City in the Kingdom of Barak, and planned to go there to relax first.

Liu Erlong doesn't know where he should go now. He feels that the whole world has abandoned him. Liu Erlong's chosen lover has become his cousin. His father who has never seen him and abandoned his wife and children reappears in front of him, but it's not brings happiness but disaster.

Liu Erlong was heartbroken when Yu Xiaogang left him and ran away, so why not face the difficulties together. Liu Erlong has been asking himself in his heart that this kind of thing would not have happened if he chose Flender in the first place. Why is God playing tricks on me like this, Liu Erlong! Why!

Liu Erlong felt unwilling and resentful in his heart! I also resented Yu Xiaogang for not taking responsibility. When the love for Yu Xiaogang kept tumbling, those scenes seemed to have happened yesterday.

After Liu Erlong finished packing his things, he looked at the place where he had not lived for a long time and was lost in thought. "Mother, your wish, I, Liu Erlong, have already fulfilled it for you." That irresponsible father has acknowledged you, and now your daughter is really confused and doesn't know what to do!

Liu Erlong thought hard and walked out of the attic, closed the door, and left the key and a letter at the door. As soon as she turned around, she saw a slightly stooped back, which gradually appeared in the moonlight. Who else could it be if it wasn't Liu Erlong's father, Yu Luo Mian? "Are you here to stop me from leaving? Father..."

Yu Luo Mian slowly turned around, showing a tired look on her face. Liu Erlong noticed that a few wisps of white hair appeared on Yu Luo Mian's temples for a while, and she couldn't help but feel a little distressed in her heart. After all, the person in front of him is his biological father. After all, Liu Erlong's father was a great hero in his mother's stories since he was a child!

Liu Erlong's previous quarrel with Yu Luomian was just to express injustice to his mother for twenty years. Also, why didn't he recognize his relatives earlier so that he would not fall in love with his cousin Yu Xiaogang.

Yu Luo Mian looked at the unhappy daughter in front of him. How could anyone in the world not love his children? It's all because he was young and romantic, and had a daughter without knowing it.

Liu Erlong's mother, that silly girl, hid her pregnancy from Yu Luo Mian and gave birth to a child. By the time Yu Luo Mian knew the truth, it was already too late, because Yu Luo Mian didn't have a daughter and didn't know how to face this illegitimate daughter. Liu Erlong's tone at the time was too much. fierce.

At that time, Yu Luomian almost fainted when he learned that his illegitimate daughter was going to marry his nephew. If he really let his daughter marry his eldest brother's son, it would make the world look at the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect! So he showed up at that simple wedding and stopped all Yuluo Mian from becoming this evil person!

Yu Luo Mian's lips trembled slightly, with tears in her eyes, she looked at Liu Erlong with guilty eyes and said:

"Erlong, it's me, the irresponsible father, who has made you and your mother suffer! It's all the father's fault! I figured out that as long as Erlong you stop looking for Yu Xiaogang, your father will support you! After all, Yu Xiaogang Just your cousin! The Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is your home! No matter what you think of me, Erlong, you will always be my daughter, my daughter of Yuluo Mian!"

Liu Erlong felt his chest was tight, and the love he had been missing since childhood had been replenished. Look, mother! You have not waited in vain, and I, Liu Erlong, will continue to inherit your love.

Liu Erlong lowered his head to prevent the tears in his eyes from being seen by Yu Luo Mian. After all, she was a person with a strong personality who grew up alone and did not want to show her weak side.

So Liu Erlong lowered his head, covered his eyes with his bangs, and said to his father Yu Luo Mian in a trembling tone:

"Father... I still feel that the outside world is more suitable for me. After all, I am not used to the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect. I want to go find Boss Flanders and catch up on old times and relax. I have lived among civilian soul masters since I was a child. I want to Going back to that time, I was really happy."

 This chapter is too much, I tried my best to make the characters as good as possible. I feel like I don't have enough brain power! Now I'm going to start the chunking process!

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 60 Liu Erlong's complicated thoughts


Chapter 60 Liu Erlong's complicated thoughts

After all, Yu Luo Mian is a Soul Saint, and the Soul Saint's powerful spiritual power has been feeling the subtle changes in Liu Erlong's expression, and he is clearly aware of the tears that Liu Erlong just covered up.

When Yu Luo Mian heard Liu Erlong's words, he put down a huge stone in his heart and said:

"Erlong, then you can go out and relax! In fact, I am very satisfied with Flanders, the boss of your golden iron triangle. How good you chose Flanders. Erlong, no matter what you want to do, as long as it does not violate my principles I will always stand behind you. Behind you, Liu Erlong, is the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect! One of the strongest sects on Douluo Continent! You have a lot of confidence!"

Liu Erlong couldn't help but blush when he heard Yu Luomian's evaluation of Flender. It's just that Boss Flanders is always out of tune. He seems a bit frivolous and takes death seriously. Liu Erlong can't get over his feelings for Yu Xiaogang yet, hoping that time will dilute everything.

Liu Erlong felt warm in his heart when he heard Yu Luomian's love for him. After all, orphans long for family affection. Wouldn't it be nice to have a father who loves and protects him now? Although this belated father's love is a bit late.

Liu Erlong was so excited that he suddenly knelt down and kowtowed to Yu Luo Mian three times, and said to Yu Luo Mian in a choked tone:

"Father! It was your daughter who lost her temper with you before she was disrespectful. Now she is going to travel far away and can no longer honor her father by your side."

Yu Luo Mian also became excited and stepped forward to help Liu Erlong up. Yu Luo Mian looked at her daughter who showed her soft side in front of her, and said in the gentlest tone in her life:

"Er Long, let's go! It's okay to go out and relax, and then look for your love again. I recently heard about your experiences in the past few years. Father, I am actually quite optimistic about Flanders. At least he is a good match. I will always I have your back!"

Liu Erlong felt bitter in his heart when he listened to his father Yu Luo Mian's words. Can she go back to the past now? How should she face Yu Xiaogang and Flanders, but she remembered that Flanders also had feelings for her. His cheeks turned red, and he subconsciously overrecognized and said to Yu Luo Mian:

"Father! You don't have to interfere with my feelings, I will handle it! Goodbye, father!"

After Liu Erlong finished speaking, he hurriedly summoned the possessed martial soul, urging the soul power to quickly rise into the air and fly away towards Soto City in the Balak Kingdom.

Yu Luo Mian looked at the direction where Liu Erlong was going away, and couldn't help but sigh that it was great to be young. She could still see the blushing face of her daughter Liu Erlong just now. Yu Luo Mian put her hands behind her back and blessed Liu Erlong from the bottom of her heart:

"Erlong hopes to get out of this failed and wrong relationship and find a partner that is more suitable for you. Father, I can only help you so far. I will help you stop those old stubborns in the sect!"

Yu Luomian's eyes revealed a fierce look! So what if Liu Erlong is not the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex martial spirit! Liu Erlong has his own blood flowing in his body! She is his biological daughter, Yu Luo Mian! It's time to teach those stubborn old guys a lesson. I don't want to think that now the blue and electric overlord Zong Qinghuang is still dancing!

What a real internal and external trouble! Brother, I am beginning to understand your difficulties.

At the same time, Yu Xiaogang, who was still in the Junior Soul Master Academy in Notting City, didn't know yet that a storm was approaching him. Now that he was busy making the soul guide, he washed up and went to bed. He still slept soundly. Bibi Dong came to see him in his dream again, but this time it felt more real!

Maybe this was the world's warning to Yu Xiaogang. He didn't know that Bibi Dong was on the way. In the next few days, Yu Xiaogang gave theoretical lessons to the elite class at two o'clock and returned to the dormitory to conduct research on soul guidance device technology. Recently, Yu Xiaogang has developed a soul-power version of the motor, using the magnetic force produced by the soul-power operation to create a fantasy version of the motor.

Yu Xiaogang also made a soul battery, but the cost was a bit high. One piece is filled with the soul power equivalent to the whole body of a level 40 soul master. Replenishing it is also a problem. Now Yu Xiaogang can only replenish the soul power by himself. Therefore, it is still a semi-finished product that needs to be continued to be researched and produced to reduce production costs. Otherwise, a soul power battery only costs about 500 gold soul coins. How can ordinary people afford it?

After a training class, the students in the elite class were very happy because tomorrow was a rest day. There, they were discussing where to go to Notting City tomorrow. Yu Xiaogang stopped Su Yuntao and the four of them and said:

"Su Yuntao, you guys will come to the teacher's dormitory tomorrow. I have something to do with you, so I'll give you a gift as a disciple! After all, you are the first batch of apprentices accepted by the teacher."

"Okay! Teacher, I know! Then teacher, do you want to have dinner with us! I know that a restaurant has recently opened in Notting City, and the food in it is particularly delicious!"

Wang Dachui smiled with a longing look in his eyes, and his mouth was watering. Yu Xiaogang was also curious about how many delicious meals this fool could never forget.

"Yes! Teacher, let us honor you! If it weren't for your help, teacher, I would still be spinning at level 7 soul power! Teacher, I feel that I can break through level 10 soul power after a few more days of practice! Teacher, let's go too! Brothers, I'm going to treat you all this time!"

Xiao Zhan answered immediately and was very grateful to Yu Xiaogang. Without the guidance of Yu Xiaogang, he would not have reached level 10 soul power in a few months. Moreover, the newly opened hotel seems to be a branch of Tiandou City Hotel, and it seems to be the property of Qibao Glazed Sect. I don't know why those big sects looked here, but Xiao Zhan ordered this meal!

"Teacher, you have been working too hard recently, let's go together! Just treat our disciples as filial piety to you, teacher. If it weren't for you, teacher, you think highly of me and accept us as disciples, we would still be spending time in the junior soul master academy. In order to help us as soon as possible There are so many medicinal materials and secret medicines used in cultivation."

Sisi was also admonishing, and Su Yuntao saw that everyone had spoken and also helped:

"Yes! Teacher, if it weren't for those secret medicines of yours, I wouldn't have been able to practice so fast with my innate second-level soul power. I already have level 8 soul power and feel that I can break through to level 10 after just one month of training. Teacher Your secret medicine cultivation talent seems to have become even higher, and even those geniuses cannot compare with our cultivation progress!"

Yu Xiaogang felt very pleased. Isn't it a good thing that his apprentice knows how to respect his master? Not forgetting Yu Xiaogang's sacrifice, he could only answer with his disciple's filial piety:

"Okay! Okay! The teacher just goes with you. It just so happens that the teacher will give you a meeting gift in advance! Go to the teacher's office first. There are many people here."

Because it was the college's holiday and other students came out, Yu Xiaogang and the others attracted much attention when they were talking there.

Yu Xiaogang led the way, while using his mental power to send a message to Su Yuntao and the four of them some small things he had recently made after studying soul guide technology.

Su Yuntao and the others were very surprised. They did not expect that their teacher not only had the best theoretical knowledge of soul masters in the world, but also had research on the ancient lost soul guidance technology. Now Su Yuntao and the others began to look forward to it. Teacher Yu Xiaogang would What kind of soul guidance device should I make and give to them as a gift for their apprenticeship?

(End of this chapter)