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Chapter 51 Swimsuit treading water training


Chapter 51 Swimsuit treading water training

Yu Xiaogang took out two outdoor tents from the storage soul guide and set them up directly on both sides of the open-air swimming pool using his mental power.

Students in the elite class are so envious when they see Teacher Yu Xiaogang controlling things remotely so easily! However, Teacher Yu Xiaogang also said that mental power depends on talent, and not everyone can learn it.

Yu Xiaogang said to the elite class students under the envious eyes of everyone:

"The next step is to practice the upgraded version of tree climbing. The water treading practice further improves soul control energy. Now, Sisi, take the girls to the tent on the right and change clothes. Xiao Zhan, take the boys to the left to change clothes. Boys are not allowed to go near the right side. Tent, violators will run 30 laps with heavy weights!"

A few male students in the elite class looked at the girl on the right, Yingying Yanyan, with lewd eyes. They immediately became serious when they heard Teacher Yu Xiaogang's warning tone. This caused the girls to laugh and laugh, and Sisi stood guard at the tent door like an old hen, looking at everyone like a peeping tom!

Yu Xiaogang felt that he was not sufficiently prepared. He asked Elder Kahn to build two more changing rooms. Now he was waiting by the swimming pool for the elite class students to change into their swimming suits.

After a while, the men and women from the elite class changed their clothes and walked out of the tent one after another. The boys were not so thoughtful and thick-skinned that they could be used as shields. Wearing swimming trunks, he was doing bodybuilding exercises and competing to see who had the best muscles and figure. Wang Dachui's muscles exposed on his head caused a cry of exclamation.

Yu Xiaogang was also attracted by the excitement of the boys. When he saw Wang Dachui's big guy, he couldn't imagine that he was the size of a 10-year-old child. If it weren't for Wang Dachui's childish face, people would believe him even if he said he was 20 years old!

Yu Xiaogang felt that Douluo Continent was really magical, as long as the soul masters had such enviable figures. Except for some reasons for martial arts, such as Ma Hongjun, the phoenix hooked in the original work.

After all, the girls had finished changing their clothes. After a long time, Sisi led a group of white legs out of the tent. There were a few who were shy and hid at the back, not daring to stand out. As the leader, Sisi walked at the front, her little face looked expressionless, if it weren't for the red ears that betrayed Sisi's hidden shyness.

Anyway, after Sisi and her group of female students came out, the group of boys were immediately attracted to their attention. Su Yuntao looked at Sisi's figure that was just beginning to grow after wearing a one-piece swimsuit. He immediately blushed and turned his head away.

Sisi had actually been paying attention to Su Yuntao's performance. Seeing how innocent Su Yuntao was, Sisi couldn't help but smile. She seemed very satisfied with Su Yuntao.

Sisi also noticed that among the boys, except for Wang Dachui, who was still showing off his muscles, the other boys looked over. However, seeing how attracted the attention of the boys, the girls boldly made some seductive gestures, which immediately stunned the boys across from them, and one of them accidentally slipped and fell into the swimming pool. It made the girls laugh.

Yu Xiaogang watched the farce in front of him without disturbing him. After all, training every day was quite tiring, so the combination of work and rest was just for the elite class students to relax.

Yu Xiaogang had seen it all, he clapped his hands to attract the attention of the elite class students who were still playing there to him, and then said:

"Okay, students, you have all changed your clothes. Then the teacher will start teaching you how to climb trees and step on water for advanced cultivation."

At this time, Su Yuntao raised his hand and asked:

"Teacher, how do you practice treading water? Do you soak in the water and swim while treading water? After all, we have all changed into swimsuits."

Yu Xiaogang glanced at Su Yuntao and waved his hand to indicate that Su Yuntao would put down his hands and explain himself. Yu Xiaogang looked around at the elite class students who were full of curiosity and began to explain: "Su Yuntao, you guessed wrong, it's not very close. Students, you used to climb trees with your feet on hard tree trunks. It is easier to practice. And treading water is a more refined way to control the soul power. Not only do you have to let the soul power generate suction, but you also have to repel the water and stand on the water! Because water is flowing and liquid, this is much more difficult than climbing a tree."

Yu Xiaogang paused for a moment to let the elite class students digest what he just said before continuing:

"I asked you to put on your swimsuit because I am afraid that you will fall into the water and get your training clothes wet when you practice treading water for the first time. You can practice treading water slowly. When your soul power is exhausted, you will start swimming back and forth. Moreover, the waves generated by swimming will also be harmful to your practice of treading water. It's a test for my classmates! After all, calm water and rough water are completely different. Now the teacher will give you a demonstration. Pay attention to the movement of the teacher's soul power! I will only demonstrate once!"

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, he walked towards the swimming pool in front of the elite class students. He kept walking and didn't care that there was a swimming pool in front of him. Yu Xiaogang stepped directly on the water with one step, and also deliberately relaxed the control of his soul power, so that the path of the soul power's operation would be particularly clear after the soul power overflowed.

Then Yu Xiaogang looked like he was walking on a flat bottom in front of the shocked eyes of all the elite class students. Yu Xiaogang felt that his exquisite soul power control level was not enough, so he casually hit a soul power ball and exploded in the middle of the swimming pool, causing The water was choppy.

Yu Xiaogang rose and fell with the water's surface as if he were soaked in it, feeling like a feather floating on the water's surface.

Yu Xiaogang looked at the dumbfounded expressions of the elite class students beside the swimming pool in front of him. It seemed that his performance just now completely shocked his students.

Then Yu Xiaogang released his mental power to control himself to float 3 meters above the water, and said to the elite class students below:

"Students, as long as you pass the next treading water assessment, the teacher will teach you a self-created soul skill. This self-created soul skill requires a high level of soul power control. If the control is not up to standard, you may not be able to learn it! The teacher will use it first to show you. Look, this self-created soul skill is very suitable for the auxiliary department. Teacher Sisi is very optimistic about your mental talent. This teacher's self-created soul skill can also attack out of the body under the control of mental power."

Yu Xiaogang said to several students in the elite class of Sisi who were in the auxiliary department.

"Teacher, the name of this self-created soul skill is called Rasengan. It causes the soul power to gather together and make irregular movements. Without mental power, it can only be attacked with bare hands. Under the control of mental power, it can be launched as a long-range attack."

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, he stretched out his left hand with his palm upward, using the strong soul power in his body, a golden spiral pill grew from small to large and appeared floating in the palm of his hand.

The Rasengan in the palm of his hand attracted the surrounding air to converge towards him. Yu Xiaogang's eyes flashed with golden light, and he used his mental power to control the Rasengan to fly away from his hand. Yu Xiaogang formed a sword with his left hand and pointed at a big stone in the distance.

I saw a golden stream of light flying towards the big stone. The moment the golden light touched the stone, there was a loud noise! A constantly rotating golden semicircular air shield appeared on the ground, constantly absorbing the surrounding vegetation and stones.

"Buzz! Touch!"

Then the golden air mask made a sound and completely exploded.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 52 The Rasengan makes its debut


Chapter 52 The Rasengan makes its debut

When the Rasengan exploded, the air and debris it had just absorbed turned into powder and spread around. A strong wind blew up and made the leaves rustle.

When the students in the elite class saw a wall of wind blowing over them like a sandstorm, they planned to close their eyes and protect their faces and wait for the wind to pass.

Yu Xiaogang was very satisfied with the effect of just using 10% of his soul power to compress the power of the Rasengan. He saw the elite class students below preparing to resist the smoke and dust generated by the explosion of the Rasengan and said kindly:

"Students, don't worry, the teacher will protect you. This will also let you see how your mental power can defend against attacks!"

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, he increased the output of his mental power and created an air ability film in front of the elite class students. It was completely fine to defend against this kind of wind.

The students in the elite class saw a golden and transparent anti-epidemic shield lying in front of them. Before they could react, the explosive smoke and dust caused by Teacher Yu Xiaogang's self-created soul skill just hit Teacher Yu Xiaogang's mental defense with the strong wind. Cover.

There was a beeping sound, and small stones and branches and other debris fell on Teacher Yu Xiaogang's mental defense shield like a heavy rain. The students in the elite class saw the golden defensive air shield making full ripples.

Su Yuntao was very curious and stepped forward and touched the golden air mask. He felt as if his hand was touching a very tough cowhide. Su Yuntao turned to look at Teacher Yu Xiaogang and said:

"Teacher, it seems that the defensive shield created by your mental power is not very strong?"

Yu Xiaogang was very satisfied with Su Yuntao's question, so he continued to introduce his self-created soul skills to the elite class students, and replied to the elite class students below who looked puzzled:

"Teacher, this mental power defense shield depends on how much soul power you input and the size of the coverage. It is also related to the strength of your own mental power. For example, if teacher's mental power defense covers the entire swimming pool, it is already very good. Don't aim too high. Wait until you are talented. When people learn to use mental power for defense, the more concentrated the mental power is, the stronger the defense will be!"

The elite class students listened carefully below and couldn't help but secretly nod. Especially Sisi and the others, as auxiliary soul masters, they didn't want to be a burden to their classmates to protect them.

Now Teacher Yu Xiaogang showed in front of them a self-created soul skill that could be learned as long as the soul control was up to standard. They were all looking forward to the place where the Rasengan landed just now and were lost in thought.

After a while, the smoke dissipated with the wind, and the students in the elite class saw a large semicircular pit with a diameter of 5 meters appearing where there was a big rock. There were spiral patterns on the walls of the pit. The big stone before had been shattered into pieces and completely turned into powder, drifting away in the wind.

The students in the elite class were shocked to see that Teacher Yu Xiaogang's self-created soul skills were so powerful that they were almost as powerful as a single blow from the Soul Sect.

After being completely shocked, Sisi came back to her senses and looked at Teacher Yu Xiaogang with eager eyes and said excitedly:

"Teacher! Can I learn the Rasengan, your own soul skill, and it will be so powerful? Will it be difficult to learn this Rasengan?"

The questions Sisi asked also touched the hearts of the students in the elite class. They all looked at Teacher Yu Xiaogang and waited for the teacher's answer.

Yu Xiaogang looked at Sisi's eagerness for knowledge and inquiring eyes, and without any hesitation, he directly explained to Sisi and the elite class students:

"As long as your soul power doesn't leak out when you climb trees or tread water, you can come to my teacher to learn the Rasengan. Then the teacher will help you with the props to help you practice the Rasengan. Teacher, this self-created soul skill Rasengan has a characteristic, different soul powers will produce different effects."

Yu Xiaogang paused here and said proudly with a strong and confident expression:

"And you don't have to worry about spending so much time practicing the teacher's self-created soul skills that can only be used in the third and fourth levels. There is no situation where the soul master's level will be useless. The teacher took this into consideration when developing the self-created soul skills. Rasengan This soul skill is directly proportional to the amount and purity of the soul power you input! Even a titled Douluo can use it as a trump card!" After hearing this, Sisi jumped up excitedly, clasping her hands in front of her chest and facing Yu Teacher Xiaogang said:

"Teacher! As an auxiliary soul master, I have no ability to protect myself. I can only run away when I encounter an enemy. Thank you for creating this soul skill! You gave us auxiliary soul masters a glimmer of hope!"

After Sisi finished speaking, several students from the auxiliary department bowed to Yu Xiaogang to express their gratitude, so that the auxiliary department also had a means of attacking and protecting themselves.

Yu Xiaogang saw Sisi's actions and accepted them calmly, and then used his mental power to support Sisi and the others, saying that there was no need to thank him again.

Then Yu Xiaogang said to the elite class students:

"Okay! Let's go to the swimming pool and start practicing treading water. It should be easy to get started after climbing trees. Don't worry, the swimming pool is only a little over 1 meter deep. It's okay if you don't know how to swim. Teacher, I'm watching from the side. Are you okay? If you understand, just ask me. Now go practice!"

The few in the elite class were originally in a dilemma, but after hearing that Teacher Yu Xiaogang would be watching from the side, they boldly went to practice.

The girls led by Sisi were the first to step onto the water, trying to maintain the balance between the soul power under their feet and the water, but raising one foot to walk on the water like Teacher Yu Xiaogang just demonstrated.

But her soul power was unstable when standing on one foot, and Sisi sank with a exclamation. Fortunately, Sisi didn't have to worry about getting wet and exposed even if she changed into a swimsuit, and the swimming pool only reached her chest when she stood up, so she didn't have to worry about choking on the water.

When Xiao Zhan saw Sisi's fooling around, he pointed at Sisi and laughed. Sisi was a little annoyed and shouted to Xiao Zhan:

"Why are Xiao Zhan laughing? If you can, come down and watch our training from the shore? I don't think you can do it? Are you a landlubber?"

"What! Fart! How could I be a landlubber! I'll show you now! I, Boss Xiao, am not in vain!"

Xiao Zhan immediately replied loudly like a dog whose tail was stepped on. After speaking, Xiao Zhan looked at the huge swimming pool in front of him and swallowed. Then Xiao Zhan took up his soul power and walked towards the swimming pool with a look of death. When Xiao Zhan stepped on the water with his feet, he tried hard to control his soul power to maintain balance with the water.

At this time, Sisi's eyes showed a sly look, and she held up a ball of water with both hands towards Xiao Zhan's position.

Xiao Zhan had always concentrated his mental power to control his soul power, but now he was stimulated by a ball of cold water, and his soul power suddenly became chaotic.

The soul power of one foot was gone, and then Xiao Zhan made a pig noise and fell into the swimming pool, and started to flutter, completely forgetting that Teacher Yu Xiaogang just said that the swimming pool was only more than one meter deep, and he stood up to his chest.

"Help! Guru! Help! Guru! I can't swim!"

Sisi and the other girls all started laughing, watching Xiao Zhan make a fool of himself. However, when Xiao Zhan's loyal and foolish younger brother Wang Dachui heard Xiao Zhan's call for help, he pounced and shouted in the air:

"Boss Xiao! Hold on! I'm here to save you!"


A huge splash exploded in the swimming pool! Turning everyone else around him into drowned rats.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 53: The fuck is about to drop


Chapter 53: It's about to happen (please vote for me)

As the elite class students watched Wang Dachui rescue his boss in stunned silence, Wang Dachui jumped down and used his soul power to directly create a five-meter-high splash.

And the position hit Xiao Zhan's head just right. When the water surface of the swimming pool began to calm down, Xiao Zhan was seen floating on the water with a peaceful expression.

Wang Dachui thought Xiao Zhan had been smashed to death by him, so he immediately stepped forward and put his finger in front of Xiao Zhan's nose to feel it. He breathed a sigh of relief and stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat off his head.

Su Yuntao touched the water that had just been splashed on his face. He looked speechless and said through gritted teeth to Wang Dachui, a guy with no brains.

"Wang Dachui, don't be so reckless next time? Look, you knocked Xiao Zhan unconscious! What will you do now?"

Wang Da hammered the idiot and could only show his signature smile, standing beside Xiao Zhan at a loss. At this time, Sisi didn't think it was a big deal. She turned her eyes and started to say:

"Oops! Boss Xiao fainted like this? I heard from Teacher Ye from the infirmary that if a person falls into the water and faints, he should use artificial respiration to breathe mouth-to-mouth and let the rescue team come! Who is coming?"

Su Yuntao and other boys looked in shock as they looked at where Sisi was bewitching Wang Dachui. Su Yuntao felt that Sisi was too bad and hoped that Boss Xiao would wake up soon.

A few boys looked confused as to whether they wanted to explain to Wang Dachui, but they shut up when they met Sisi's fierce gaze.

Sisi plans to teach Xiao Zhan a lesson! Recently, Xiao Zhan has been challenging his authority in front of Yu Xiaogang, now he will play a little prank. Let's see if Xiao Zhan dares to dance like that in the future!

Yu Xiaogang looked speechlessly at the human tragedy that was about to happen in front of him, and did not try to stop it. Xiao Zhan was knocked unconscious by Wang Dachui just now and Yu Xiaogang didn't stop him. With Xiao Zhan's physique as a beast spirit soul master, he was able to wake up immediately. I hope Wang Dachui won't be so stupid.

Wang Dachui heard Sisi's suggestion and turned around to look at the other students. Su Yuntao and the others shook their heads to say no. Shaking his head, he also secretly reminded Wang Dachui, a fool, that artificial respiration was a prank by Senior Sister Sisi, so don't believe it!

Seeing that no one came to help, Wang Dachui had no choice but to sacrifice himself to save Xiao Zhan, so Wang Dachui took a deep breath and pursed his big lips and slowly lowered his body.

Suyuntao Sisi and the others immediately opened their eyes wide as they looked at the scene in front of them, feeling that Wang Dachui believed in others too easily. Everyone else in the elite class knows the other side of Senior Sister Sisi. They must not offend Senior Sister Sisi next time! She holds a grudge!

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help but laugh when he saw Sisi's prank. Girls in this world are small-minded. For the sake of Xiao Zhan's physical and mental health, he used his mental power to stimulate Xiao Zhan's mind, asking Xiao Zhan to stop him before he lost his integrity.

Xiao Zhan still remembers flopping in the panic swimming pool at the beginning, and he seemed to have called for help! It was vaguely like a big stone hitting Xiao Zhan's head. He felt like his brain was hit by something hard and he fainted.

Xiao Zhan felt like he was lying on the bed like a ghost, and his whole body felt weak, as if his brain had been stabbed by something. Xiao Zhan opened his eyes dimly and saw that Wang Dachui seemed to be kissing him. Xiao Zhan opened his eyes wide and made a sharp popping sound.

Yu Xiaogang felt that his ears were ringing, who knew that Xiao Zhan could still produce such a high tenor when he was frightened. Wang Dachui bore the brunt of the impact for a moment, then looked at Xiao Zhan waking up in his arms and said with his signature silly smile:

"Boss Xiao! You just fell into the water and fainted. Sister Sisi said that you need artificial respiration, but I haven't done it for you yet! Boss Xiao, you woke up."

Xiao Zhan's face turned pale and he immediately got down from Wang Dachui's arms. He stood in the swimming pool and saw that the water was only up to his chest. His face instantly turned red and he said angrily to Wang Dachui:

"Wang Dachui! I'm the boss and I'm so unlucky that I have such a stupid little brother like you? I'm really lucky to have you." After Xiao Zhan said to Wang Dachui, he turned around and glared at Sisi fiercely, then walked up to the shore half-lying on the big tree. Go down slowly. Seeing that Xiao Zhan still dared to glare at her, Sisi made a face and snorted. Sisi said that she, the senior sister, was very vindictive.

Yu Xiaogang looked half-lying under the big tree, as if he was a salted fish that had lost its moisture, his eyes were lifeless, and he had to go to psychological counseling. It was really not easy for him to be a teacher!

"Xiao Zhan, don't be discouraged. Sisi is just making a little joke for you. It's nothing to do anyway. Seeing as you can't swim, wait until the teacher gives you a floating board and learn how to swim first! A man can bend and stretch!"

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, he patted Xiao Zhan's shoulder, took out the telekinesis flying knife from the storage soul guide, and used mental telekinesis to control it to cut off a large branch. With a few swishes, a swimming auxiliary board came out, and used telekinesis to control it. Send it to Xiao Zhan.

Xiao Zhan came back to his senses and regained his composure from the shock of losing his moral integrity just now. Hearing the comfort from Teacher Yu Xiaogang and the freshly baked wooden board in front of him, he might be a little embarrassed that as Xiao Boss of Junior Soul Master Academy, he was retaliated by Sisi in front of his younger brother.

Xiao Zhan comforted Yu Xiaogang kindly and convinced himself in this way. He took the board in front of him and said as if he didn't care:

"Don't worry! Teacher! I'm the son of the Lord of Notting City, and I'm also the boss of the academy, Xiao! I won't be arrogant with Sisi if I don't remember the faults of the villain! But I will work hard to cultivate and become the first in the elite class to reach the 10th soul master! "

Xiao Zhan cannot take revenge on that girl Sisi, that would be too embarrassing for Xiao Zhan. But I, Boss Xiao, will be the first in the elite class!

Yu Xiaogang didn't know why Xiao Zhan suddenly became angry, and now his eyes were almost filled with fighting spirit. But this is also a good thing. Anyway, it is just a quarrel between classmates. It is fun to have such an apprentice. Otherwise, Yu Xiaogang, who is as naive as Wang Dachui, will find it very boring.

Seeing that the battle between the two bosses was over, the students in the elite class began to concentrate on practicing the control of treading water soul power. Yu Xiaogang gave instructions from time to time. Seeing that the student had exhausted all his soul power, he used his mental power to lift him up and carry him to the shadow of a big tree, feed him some salt water and rest.

Yu Xiaogang and other elite class students had almost exhausted their soul power, so he asked them to take a rest and continue to practice swimming with physical strength until get out of class ended in the evening.

Yu Xiaogang said that he could take a rest when he was tired from swimming. After a while, the elite class had rested, and they all started to swim in the water to exercise. It was normal at first, but the boys looked at the girl's white thighs from time to time, which made Sisi and the others feel uncomfortable and a little shy. After all, it was inland and it was rare to see the sea.

With red ears, Sisi used her recovered soul power to control a ball of water and hit Su Yuntao on the head who had been looking at her. Su Yuntao was still blinded after being hit by the water ball.

Seeing Yu Xiaogang smile and nod, Sisi acquiesced. She knew that Yu Xiaogang saw that they were too tired from training and could mess around, so she started splashing water with her friends to attack the boys. After the boy was splashed with water by the girl, he saw that Teacher Yu Xiaogang had no reaction, so he started to fight back without thinking much, and then the sound of laughing and joking came from the swimming pool.

Yu Xiaogang was pleased to see that his students did not stop them wherever they were playing. Recently, the students were trained too much to be physically fit. They should relax a little and practice in a relaxed manner.

 Everyone, the temperature has been erratic recently, and my baby seems to have been affected by it. Most of the readers should be in good health. Why does my child feel more energetic when he has a fever?

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 54 I engage in technology in the fantasy sewer


Chapter 54 I engage in technology in the fantasy sewer

The afternoon practice of treading water ended with the laughter of the students in the elite class. Yu Xiaogang gave a little encouragement and then get out of class was over.

Yu Xiaogang finished dinner with the snow dumplings in the cafeteria. On the way back to the dormitory, he met the stall owner and the concierge who were helping deliver the goods. When the concierge saw Yu Xiaogang, he poked his hand and said flatteringly:

"It's Teacher Yu Xiaogang, you're back! Someone just delivered something to you at the entrance of the college. I'm here to help! Don't worry, I will help the delivery boss deliver these potted plants to your dormitory!"

Yu Xiaogang felt a little uncomfortable being flattered, and even for an uncle, he had goosebumps. He could only say with a straight face:

"Then thank you Rochelle and boss, I'll lead the way! I'll settle the balance as you please, Rochelle won't let you work in vain, and I'll pay you Rochelle's wages later."

As soon as Rochelle heard this, she helped deliver the goods and took her own wages into it. She happily said to Yu Xiaogang respectfully:

"Teacher Yu Xiaogang, this is my responsibility. Thank you for not remembering the faults of others. Otherwise, our work in the room will be lost. I will send it to you right away!"

After Rochelle finished speaking, she began to work hard to help the stall owner push the cart. Yu Xiaogang nodded slightly and walked in front to lead the way.

When they arrived at the dormitory, Yu Xiaogang just asked the two of them to leave their things at the door. After paying the balance, they paid the boss and gave Rochelle some money. Yu Xiaogang warned the concierge when he was about to leave:

"As a college concierge, just do it honestly and don't do what happened last time, or no one will help you next time!"

"Yes! Yes! Teacher Yu Xiaogang, I have changed my ways. There will be no next time!"

Rochelle tightened the gold soul coin in her hand and spoke to Yu Xiaogang very respectfully, then bowed and helped unload the goods. After finishing my work, I helped the stall owner take the delivery truck out.

Yu Xiaogang looked at the retreating figures of the concierge and stall owner with deep eyes. He planned to make Notting City his own rear area, and the Junior Soul Master Academy would be the source of talents for his power in the future.

Especially when soul masters who are working students from the college come to school every year. As future civilian soul masters, they have no training resources and poor talents. It just so happens that Yu Xiaogang has the secret medicine to improve his cultivation talent, and he is not short of self-created soul skills.

Yu Xiaogang has to start planning for Notting City now. When his four apprentices grow up, Xiao Zhan will definitely take over the position of the city leader of Notting City. Wang Dachui will upgrade the technology of the blacksmith shop in the future so that it can become the logistics for his own force in the future.

Sisi, the senior sister Yu Xiaogang, was trained completely as a housekeeper. It would be okay to leave her own power, funds and management to Sisi.

Su Yuntao can be a role model for civilian soul masters. The second level of innate soul power is cultivated by Yu Xiaogang to become a soul emperor or soul saint. It is a golden sign!

Yu Xiaogang planned to send Su Yuntao to the Wuhun Palace as a secret agent to help recruit civilian geniuses to his own power. Now Yu Xiaogang can only survive, the more trump cards the better.

When Tang San was reborn through time travel and Yu Xiaogang, the other members of the Shrek Seven Devils in the original work, was all recruited, he still didn't believe that he could not unify the Douluo Continent by gathering so many people and advance the aristocratic spirit masters from the ancient feudal society to modern civilization.

Yu Xiaogang actually felt quite speechless after living in Douluo Continent for a period of time. People here have extraordinary abilities and do not promote the development of civilization. Instead, he continued to fight and kill every day to consolidate the privileges of nobles and soul masters. After Yu Xiaogang finished his work as an elite class student, he went to the Holy Soul Village to concentrate on research.

I want to try some method to allow ordinary children to become soul masters. There are endless possibilities for the next generation of children who have grown up but have not yet awakened.

Instead of waiting for geniuses to come to their doorsteps, it is better to take the initiative. Besides, now that the elite class has pretty much been taught by itself, other teachers can do the work for them. In this way, Yu Xiaogang also has free time to do things. He just needs to teach theory every day and be present during the assessment. While Yu Xiaogang was making plans for the future, he used his mental power to lift up the potted plant and bring it back to the dormitory, where he began to transform it into a fantasy version of the three-dimensional projection technology.

Yu Xiaogang's mental power carried the ornamental plant soul beast into the master bedroom of the dormitory, put the potted plant in place and said to the blue silver grass on the side:

"Yunlan! Shenlan! The life has begun! Yunlan, you control the Blue Silver Grass network to connect to the Dream Butterfly, and Shenlan helps control the soul power output. Let us light up the first technological lamp on Douluo Continent!"

"Okay master! Start linking to the Blue Silver Grass network to gain control of the soul power!"

Deep Blue's energetic voice sounded in his mind.

"The mission creator has been confirmed! The Blue Silver Grass Network has intervened in the Deep Blue Database and has begun to deduce the best plant soul beast growth model! The Blue Silver Grass Network has begun to connect to the Dream Butterfly!"

Yun Lan's mechanical and ethereal female voice sounded in Yu Xiaogang's bedroom. She used several special leaves to roll into a round blue silver grass. The special leaves in the grass ball vibrated to act as a trumpet. This was Deep Blue's birth gift to Yun Lan. !

When the Yunlan Blue Silver Grass Vine spread and touched the Dream Butterfly, a burst of blue-golden soul power light began to emit from the Dream Butterfly Soul Beast.

Yu Xiaogang used his mental power to scan and pay attention to the growth of the Dream Butterfly Soul Beast, and at the same time used his mental power to control the record book and pen to describe the currently observed data.

The dream butterfly began to sway visibly to the naked eye, as if time was accelerating. Growing rapidly, the dream butterfly soul beast's lifespan began to exceed the long limit and increased, from a ten-year soul beast to a hundred-year soul beast, to a unique ornamental plant soul beast of three thousand years.

Yu Xiaogang lamented that Yunlan, the collective consciousness of the Blue Silver Grass Network, was truly a miracle. He was completely the king of all plant soul beasts! Although Bluesilver Grass is weak, when thousands of Bluesilver Grasses share everything, the effect produced is extremely powerful!

"Creator! It has been observed that the special individual of the Dream Butterfly Soul Beast has developed soul consciousness and has been integrated into the collective consciousness of the Blue Silver Grass Network. She has something to say to the creator."

At this time, Yun Lan suddenly began to report to the creator, Yu Xiaogang.

"It took three thousand years to produce soul consciousness? And your IQ is so high? Deep Blue, what did you find during the test just now? Is it a miracle caused by the tiny soul source attached to the collective soul power of Blue Silver Grass?"

Yu Xiaogang crossed his chest with one hand and touched his chin, and asked Shenlan who had been reading the test report in the soul space. The data flow flashed in the dark blue eyes and then he smiled and replied to Yu Xiaogang:

"Master, you guessed it right! The dreamy butterfly's soul consciousness was spawned by the soul origin of Blue Silver Grass. The strength of its soul consciousness is comparable to that of a ten thousand year soul beast. Now it has been assimilated by Yunlan and merged into the collective consciousness of the Blue Silver Grass network. , which means that the characteristics of Bluesilver Grass are also inherited."

Yu Xiaogang nodded, and asked Yun Lan to release his authority and let his dream butterfly's soul consciousness manifest.

After Yun Lan received Yu Xiaogang's order, he gave Dream Butterfly a second-level authority. After gaining access to the soul consciousness of Dream Butterfly, she couldn't wait to come out and meet her benefactor, Yu Xiaogang.

 I have to go to work again, and the temperature here suddenly dropped. It was 31° yesterday and 16° today.

(End of this chapter)

Chapter 55 Yu Xiaogang's secretarial team is adding a new member


Chapter 55 Yu Xiaogang's secretarial team is adding a new member

A burst of blue-gold light began to spread from the roots of the dream butterfly, and those beautiful butterfly flowers began to dance with the life soul power injected by Yun Lan.

In front of Yu Xiaogang, the colorful mist particles gradually appeared in the air, and after being arranged, a little Loli girl, indistinguishable to the naked eye, floated above the dreamy butterfly.

The little Loli girl opened her big watery eyes and blinked her long eyelashes in a very humane way. After seeing Yu Xiaogang, he smiled, lifted up the sparkling flower skirt like a lady and said:

"Thank you very much, creator. Without your help, Meng Meng might not have been able to break through the shackles of blood in his life. And now that Meng Meng has joined Sister Yunlan's big family, she has made many, many friends in the sea of ​​collective consciousness of the Blue Silver Grass Network. Than before. It's so much better to be ignorant! Just tell me what the creator needs Mew to do!"

Yu Xiaogang crossed his chest with one hand and touched his chin, which had just grown stubble, and looked at the dreamy little loli in front of him who had completely stepped out of an anime. After thinking about it, he asked Mew:

"Did you name Mew yourself? So Mew, can you now connect to Deep Blue's database? See if you can materialize the movie in my past life memory? And what special abilities do you have?"

Meng Meng made a cute move and tilted her head, holding her pink face with her fingers. After thinking about it, he replied to Yu Xiaogang:

"Creator, my name was chosen by Sister Yunlan with the help of my real body name. Creator, rest assured that I can materialize illusions as long as I have memories, and I can instinctively create an illusion or spiritual hallucination that is real and fake. I can also gather The massive stream of consciousness in the sea of ​​collective consciousness of the Blue Silver Grass Network directly attacks the enemy's soul consciousness!"

After Meng Meng finished speaking, he was so proud that he put his hands on his hips and raised his little head, as if he was coming to praise me. Yu Xiaogang smiled helplessly. There were more and more strange things happening around him. It seemed that he would have one more person in his big family.

"Well! I probably know Mew's abilities now, so now I'll connect to the Deep Blue database and call up Wandering Earth One and Two. Deep Blue will use deduction to beautify the picture quality and sound effects! The better it can be! I'll go get some now. Small snacks, ever since I traveled to Douluo Continent, I have been living like an ascetic every day! There are no mobile phones, computers, or Internet! This is a desert of death for modern people!"

Maybe he has been too depressed recently, and Yu Xiaogang is now planning to explode his emotions. Anyway, he is one of his own people and is not afraid of social death.

Yu Xiaogang summoned all the first and second martial arts spirits and asked Deep Blue to start optimizing the picture quality of the Wandering Earth movie. Yunlan was very considerate and made a recliner out of bluesilver grass vines, which also exuded pure life soul power.

Meng Meng began to stretch his body while discussing with Shenlan, etc. In this way of building the real illusion, Luo Sanpao had already been having fun in the bedroom. Shenlan and the three of them didn't care about Luo Sanpao at all, as long as Luo Sanpao didn't cause any trouble for them.

Yu Xiaogang was cutting a fruit platter in the small kitchen downstairs. This was a skill he learned at KTV in his previous life, and now he has picked it up again in Douluo Continent. It will be fine if he knows more skills!

When Yu Xiaogang learned about the fantasy world that can be faked and real, he knew that he had a big project that could make money. He wanted to move the movie theater on earth to Douluo Continent, hehe! Let these idiots from Douluo Continent see what the real form of entertainment is! Just make a little bit of money!

As long as Yu Xiaogang has funds, many things can be solved! After that, the gold-swallowing giant beast stationed in the sect has not yet begun to show its power! Deep Blue has deduced twelve basic formation runes for soul guidance devices. When the time comes, building a soul guidance device production line will also require gold soul coins. Yu Xiaogang taught Su Yuntao and his four apprentices that they also wanted gold soul coins, but now he was sitting on nothing. The 20,000 gold soul coins left by the original body have been spent recently. Yu Xiaogang will really run out of money if he doesn't keep the original source.

Yu Xiaogang plans to move those romantic TV series and movies to Douluo Continent first. After all, isn't Douluo Continent a love continent?

Yu Xiaogang first tells love stories to open up the unintelligent minds of the Douluo natives, and then waits until he is full-fledged before releasing private TV series or movies to quietly change the minds of the Douluo natives.

Yu Xiaogang thought about it, so he quickly prepared a large bowl of fruits and snacks, and moved them to the bedroom on the second floor using mental control.

As soon as Yu Xiaogang entered the door, he saw that it had been transformed into a warm private theater by Yun Lan. The bedroom walls were covered with blue silver grass vines. The silver lines on the blue silver grass flickered under the influence of the soul power, which was very beautiful.

Yu Xiaogang put down his things and only now noticed that Yun Lan had advanced to the Blue Silver Grass bloodline. Now the Blue Silver Grass controlled by Yun Lan has become the Blue Silver King bloodline. He couldn't help but asked Yunlan happily:

"Yunlan, have you evolved the bluesilver grass bloodline? How many bluesilver grasses have you assimilated now? Tell me what happened in Notting City recently? Let me see your intelligence gathering ability, Yunlan!"

Yunlan appeared from the dream butterfly and looked like a royal sister, with long emerald lake-blue hair. With a beautiful face and soft facial features, she revealed an aura of kindness. Yun Lan replied to Yu Xiaogang in an ethereal female voice:

"The creator, Yunlan, has assimilated all the bluesilver grass within a hundred miles around Notting City in the past few days, and also discovered a small valley with hot springs and waterfalls in the scheduled sect residence in the back hill of Holy Soul Village. It's very good. It is suitable for the conjecture experiment and application of the creator's light and dark yin and yang eyes! The city lord of Notting City knew that the creator accepted Xiao Zhan as his apprentice. I don't know where he knew that you may have a kidney deficiency and need ten thousand years of whale gum to replenish it. Noting City The city lord plans to use his treasured ten-thousand-year-old whale glue to perform the apprenticeship ceremony. There is no other mention of anything related to the creator."

Yu Xiaogang nodded, indicating that he already knew. Yun Lan is really good at collecting information. Who would pay attention to the inconspicuous blue silver grass on the roadside?

A few days ago, in order to prepare for the future, Yu Xiaogang told Yun Lan to collect information and information that mentioned his name. Yiyi would record and track it, and then report the useful information to Yu Xiaogang after Shen Lan reviewed it.

Wasn't it some bastard who spread the rumor that Yu Xiaogang had kidney deficiency? My kidneys are so good! Get up every day and stand tall! It's just that I have to wash one more pair of pants every day, especially after practicing health-preserving skills, my five internal organs are getting stronger and stronger!

Yu Xiaogang and Yun Lan discussed the future development direction of the Blue Silver Grass Network, and opened up a purely unconscious cyberspace in the sea of ​​collective consciousness of the Blue Silver Grass Network for Yu Xiaogang to use in the future.

After Yu Xiaogang waited for Shenlan to evolve and awaken again, he could combine it with the soul guide to try out an Internet personal terminal. Shenlan served as the computing server center and Yunlan served as the network link channel to create a personal terminal for receiving and sending information on the soul guide.

Once we understand the nature of the concrete illusion of dreams, we can create a projection personal computer terminal like that in science fiction.

(End of this chapter)