
Uchiha Senju

nicotineAddict · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

Chapter 1

In the abyss where it feels like you would get eaten in mere seconds, there was a glint of light which so pure, holy it could get rid of every evil, yet at the same time there was black glow with red outline and with a tint of white which seemed to resemble 'Hellfire' and this light and darkness was a soul of a middle-aged-man,and his name is 'Miyamoto Tatsuya' he seemed confused but yet was excited because this seemed like a novel where 'protagonist' where GOD grants his wish. But suddenly a cold, dignified voice came.

[Ahem!...Mortal, I Arck, am butler of the GOD who brought you to this place. My master has decided to give you 5 wishes but you will only get 4. You have 1 day to think and tell those wishes. ]

As Tatsuya tried to speak Arck disappeared and he was afraid of this darkness because even here staying for 10 minutes could make someone lose sanity so he just had 10 minutes to choose his 4 wishes. He calls out Arck and says, "I have decided on my wishes" suddenly the scenery changes and he sees himself kneeling in front of A young man sitting on a giant dragon throne and this was 'Creation God'

[So child do thee know why thee are here]

"No, sir"

[Well you see I do good and evil so maintaing both of them at 50% but i saw you in mortal world with same karma, half good and half evil, and seeing you died while protecting a child I took pity and brought you here. I don't have much time to be talking to you so quickly speak your wishes, which world you wish to go or even bloodline.]

"oh, so will i have my memories?"

[Yes,but you would only have of manga or anime you watched and i have already done it that's why you had 4 wishes] explained God

"so, I wish to be born in the world of naruto, be descendant of uchiha and senju with wood-style and 100% Indra bloodline, have god-like talent in learning, quick hand signs and genjutsu, and lastly unlimited potential for chakra reserves." Said tatsuya in seconds hoping god would fulfill them even though they exceed 4 wishes

[Child you are too greedy... *sigh* forget it let it be so anything else now that you are at it. ]

"ya, a strong physique and immunity to genjutsu."

[okay..] Said God with pressure.

God helpless but still complied

[Well, good lucky child]

and tatsuya enters the portal to world of naruto.