
Beyond Death Itself

In a massive room, reigned heavy silence.

The room which could accommodate hundreds of people, was filled to the brim with people from all over the entire world, their faces carrying a grim expression and a sad feeling of departure clearly visible in their eyes.

Anybody who was a somebody stood here obediently in complete silence.

From all the Kages of every Nation, to even the Daimyo of those respective Nations, along with Clan Heads of The Clans of those Nations stood, with their heads bowed as a sign of respect and homage.

Any outside person may wonder, what occasion would render such glorious lineup of these powerful group of people.

The occasion being Uchiha Sasuke, who was lying upon his deathbed.

This was Sasuke Uchiha, widely considered to a God amongst Shinobi, alongside Naruto Uzumaki.

Together with the Seventh Hokage, he had beaten back the invading forces of the powerful Otsutsuki Clan, from outer space, an enemy no one had expected.

Together, they had saved the world, which had come near the brink of collapse.

Unfortunately, the Otsutsuki Clan were far too powerful. Stronger than anything they could have imagined.

So when thousands of powerful Rinnegan Users belonging to the Otsutsuki Clan had cornered Naruto Uzumaki, he chose to face them bravely head on by himself, and killed every single one of them.

However, the Otsutsuki were truly not weak, and The Nine Tailed Fox was stripped away from Naruto.

As fate would have it, the battle took a grave toll on the Seventh Hokage, and he ended up succumbing to his injuries a few days later, but he had managed to completely turn the tide against the outside invaders, and given humans the advantage they desperately needed.

Naruto Uzumaki died peacefully in the hands of his Best Friend and Brother, Uchiha Sasuke, and Sasuke promised him Vengeance.

The remaining forces were reorganized once again by Sasuke Uchiha and his wife, Sakura Haruno.

On the Otsutsuki side, they had managed to gather every single tailed Beast much like the Akatsuki back then, though none of them knew why, and managed to reform the terror that was the Jyuubi.

In the climatic battle against the Otsutsuki, which would decide the fate of Humanity, the entire world shook as humanity fought like no tomorrow.

In the end, with the sacrifice of many, humanity finally saw the light of victory.

Unfortunately, misfortune struck as Sakura Haruno was one of the people who sacrificed themselves for Humanity.

Uchiha Sasuke had lost both his brother and wife in this war, and he, who had not cried in a very long time, shed tears at their graves, lamenting his weakness.

At the end of the battle, Uchiha Sasuke personally ensured each and every Otsutsuki met their death, and like a butcher he was, killing till the Elemental Nations ran red with the blood of the outsiders.

At the end of the war, the Otsutsuki were wiped out, and the Ten Tails was captured.

At that moment, Uchiha Sasuke knew that Naruto would punch him for it, but Uchiha Sasuke took the decision he knew Naruto would not agree with.

Sasuke Uchiha sealed the Ten Tails within himself. The entirety of it.

Uchiha Sasuke became the only Jinchurikki of the world at the moment.

He had lost everything, his brother, his wife, the people he considered friends.

He was truly tired of war, and he did not want the Elemental Nations to be inflicted with more wars.

Sasuke knew human nature, and knew that even though it was peaceful now, sooner or later it would be forgotten and after his death, who knew when the next Shinobi World War would begin?

He knew Naruto would not be proud of him for he had completely stripped away the individuality of the Tailed Beasts, but Naruto was dead, and he did not believe that the cycle of Hatred would not start once again.

Perhaps a century, perhaps a thousand years later, but Sasuke knew the cycle would begin once again.

With the end of the Great War, his Daughter, Sarada Uchiha was elected the Eighth Hokage, and married Boruto Uzumaki, the son of his Best Friend, and his only student.

Nonetheless, the Uchiha Clan was still alive and well even today, as his wife had borne him several more children over the years before the war.

By that time, he no longer desired to be involved in the world, and handed the affairs to the younger generation, who he knew would do a good job.

He had gotten a bit older then, so he decided to travel the world, and living amongst Ordinary civilians in disguise, learning how they lived, what difficulties they faced, pondering upon his own life, the choices he had made, the life he had lived, the regrets of his heart, the distant memories of his best friend, his wife, his children, his parents, his elder brother, his comrade in arms from Konoha, and everything in between.

He visited endless villages, saw flourishing cities, witnessed happiness and sadness, lived in simplicity and pondering about his life and the memories he had made.

Even with his dissaperance, the unsurpassable legend of Uchiha Sasuke still rang in the hearts of Shinobi and Men alike.

Many, many years later, he once again returned to his village, Konoha.

He realised the Uchiha Clan had grown tremendously and consisted of several hundreds of members. A new generation of the Uchiha would bring his clan flourishing prosperity.

He wryly smiled, and went to meet Sarada. His eldest daughter.

She started to show signs of aging, some of her hair had gone white, but she was doing an excellent job as the Eight Hokage.

He met Boruto, his student, whom he treated like a son.

Sasuke still remembers the immature child from years ago, but the Boruto of now was a mature man, and Sasuke knew he had not done a bad job.

The Uchiha knew he was not long for this world. The Ten Tails Seal was constantly weakening and this was taxing his vitality. His life-force was constantly drained to maintain the seal of the Jyuubi and it was a miracle he survived so long.

But for the Ten Tails, Sasuke had a plan.

A few months later, in a faraway mountain, laid Sasuke Uchiha on his deathbed.

He had called his daughter, Boruto and his entire Uchiha Clan to his house.

Sarada was old now, and cried tears of sadness when he told them he was not long for this world.

Seeing her crying, Sasuke called her close and poked her forehead affectionately.

He gave a kind look to both Boruto and Sarada, to all of his children, as memories of his time with Team 7 and with his family flashed before his eyes.

As his life was leaving his body, he knew the time had come.

He glanced within himself, and saw the Jyuubi wildly roaring with joy, as it assaulted the massive cage surrounding it.

"I'm taking you with me."

The Uchiha called out to the Ten Tailed Beast.

He focused on the cage surrounding the beast, as it began to shrink smaller and smaller in size till the Jyuubi could no longer fit inside.

The Jyuubi's body distorted hideously, as the cage began to shrink rapidly.

Before the Uchiha, the Sealing Cage within the Uchiha had now shrunk to the size of a mere finger, and the Jyuubi could no longer be felt.

The cage Completely shattered into golden notes of light and flew towards the Uchiha's form and began to fuse with him.

The Uchiha kneeled due to the sudden influx of energy, and the pain he felt was soul crushing.

Now, with time, as the Uchiha died the Jyuubi too would die with him.

Sasuke felt himself losing his life force, and saw the faces of his daughter, his student, and his family, everyone had sad expressions on their faces.

He smiled, as he felt his life slip from his fingers slowly.

His whole life flashed before his eyes, as Uchiha Sasuke finally closed his eyes forever.

Inside a spacious and luxurious mansion, was a room decorated with great splendour. Outside this room, a large group of people had gathered.

A young male paced relentlessly in front of the doors, his face was filled with anxiety and worry. He looked to be thirty years of age, and he gave off a majestic aura. Although he had aged a little, one could still see the handsome youth that he once was. He was wearing a gold lined silver robe, which added to his handsome appearance, and he was surrounded by an aura similar to that of a lord.

His face was resolute, and his eyebrows were knitted together, almost forming a single lump.

Three meters outside of the room, a group of 30 people, ranging from young to old, were all lined up nervously. The elders of the group looked to be 60 to 70 years old already, with white hair all over their wrinkled faces. However, despite their age, their eyes could still make people shiver and quake in fear from the godly lights that flickered within. Judging by the glow from their eyes, the amount of fear they could inflict on others was so much that people wouldn't take them to be frail old men at all, but rather robust and healthy middle aged men with the strengths of a tiger and dragon combined. The rest of the men were all around 30 to 40 years old, with imposing auras and eyes that revealed nothing. It was obvious with only one glance that this was not a group of normal people.

And within the room in front of them, the sounds of a woman crying in pain could be heard.

"Madam, keep on pushing, the baby is almost out. I repeat, the baby is almost out…" An elderly but impatient voice could be heard through the pain-filled echoes. Those who could hear the voice could tell the owner of the voice was an elderly woman.

Outside the room, the middle aged man who was anxiously pacing about, abruptly froze in place and spoke with a sense of urgency, "This has been going on for an entire day and night already, how has my wife not given birth? If this drags on for any longer, I'm afraid even she will face an unfavorable situation."

Even the man's voice was filled with never ending anxiety.

"My lord, please don't worry too much. Madam will definitely be fine. You forget that Madam is a Saint Master." A white haired man spoke with a tone of confidence, but even his face could not hide the look of worry on it.

"sigh…" The lord clad in a white robe began to sigh again repeatedly; the worry and anxiety on his face did not decrease even the slightest amount.

Eventually, after the men outside had waited for two more hours, an excited voice came from within the room. "My lord, my lord! Madam has given birth! She has given birth and is safe! And so is the boy!" The amount of emotion in the voice was stirring up excitement throughout the house.

Upon hearing that, the middle age man that was waiting anxiously became slack-jawed; the wariness in his face had been completely wiped out and replaced with an expression of joy and emotions. He was so emotionally moved that he couldn't find the right words to say, and blew open the doors so quickly that it was as if they didn't exist in the first place. His speed was almost inconceivable; no ordinary man could possess enough strength to pull off the same amount of speed he had just displayed.

The middle aged man immediately flashed over to the bedside and sat down beside it. His face was full of concern as he looked at the woman who was reclining on top of it. "My Wife, how are you feeling; you have to be all right!" Despite his excitement, his voice was gentle and was brimming with concern.

On top of the bed was a woman who was in the peak of her 20's. Her appearance was so beautiful, it could cause an entire state to fight and collapse upon itself for her hand. Her exhausted and pale face was drenched in sweat, but still managed to retain a divine look.

The female looked up with a tired expression at the man by her side and smiled, "My dear husband, I am fine. Please just allow me to see my baby."

"Oh! Yes! Right away! As long as you are fine."

The man started to smile with joy, but he turned around and looked at the bundled up child in the midwife's arms. Right as he was about to speak, the eyebrows on the midwife knitted together and stared with rapt attention at the infant she was holding.

Her arms continued to rock the bundle as she muttered, "Cry baby, go on and cry. What child are you that you do not cry? How odd, I have delivered many babies, and although the numbers have not reached over a thousand babies, I have helped given birth to over 9000! However, this is the first time I have seen a freshly delivered baby that does not cry."

But at the same time she spoke, the men who were outside all piled into the room, each one of them had a smile on their faces. One after another each person began to congratulate the woman on the bed.

The middle aged man was still smiling greatly and spoke to the woman, "My love, you should rest up first. I'll bring the child over in a second."

The man then got up and walked towards the midwife, "What's wrong? Could it be there's some sort of problem with the child?" His voice had dropped down slightly; sometimes, some children would be born with diseases. This occurrence wasn't uncommon, and would actually happen often. He was already afraid that his newly born child had some sort of problem.

Hearing his question, the midwife's face went sour as she looked at him, and said respectfully, "My lord, the young lord has no problems that I am aware of, but according to my 10 years of experience, every newborn child will start to cry. But this young lord is different; look here, ever since his birth, he hasn't uttered even a single peep of sound. This is an extremely strange situation."

The man's forehead creased in thought as he looked at the bundled infant. The infant's eyes were bright and showed no impurities within them as it looked all over the place. One moment he would look over here, and the next moment he would look over there. He was very cute in this way, and just by looking at him you would think there were no problems with him.

However, the man didn't notice that the infant's bright eyes didn't have a single impurity in the vast abyss of his pupils. In fact, it had seemed like his eyes held a profoundness that shook the man's inner self, though he himself didn't believe it.

Then as he put his hand on top of the infant, he saw a fine layer of yellow light suddenly float around his palm.

Seeing the middle aged man's movement, the midwife's face became uneasy. She was only a small midwife, one of society's lowest class, but even she was afraid if there was a problem with the child. If there was one, then the man would blame her, and she would not be able to recover from it. Despite the fact that this situation was not related to her in anyway, she wouldn't have the power to say otherwise.

The man quickly took his hand back, his own heart was finally at ease. A smile returned to his face once more as he laughed, "The child is safe and sound, I can't find even a single problem." He took the bundle from the midwife with another laugh.

Upon hearing this, the midwife let out a breath of air in relief. With her heart rate slowly going back to normal, even she started to laugh in excitement, "What the lord says is correct, perhaps this is a representation of the young lord's future. He will surely become a strong and unique individual as he grows."

As he listened to the midwife, knowing that this was an extraordinarily vague thing to say, he still couldn't help but laugh, "Yes, I can only hope so. Someone come here! Let us reward Mother Hong with a hundred gold coins!"

The midwife's face grew joyously and immediately said with emotion, "I give the lord many thanks, many many thanks indeed!"

The father brought the infant to his mother on the bed and smiled, "Yun'er, look! This is our child, look how cute he is!"

Yun'er held onto the child tenderly and gave him a kiss on the forehead and spoke happily, "Dear husband, since our child is a boy, then as per our agreement beforehand, we shall call him Shangyang Xiang Tian."

Laughing, the husband said, "Not bad, I hereby officially declare that this child's name will be Shangyang Xiang Tian! Come all! I invite all of my guests here today, tomorrow there will be a feast in my son's honor! We shall celebrate greatly…."

In a flash, a year had already passed. In front of a small lake, the figure of a child that wasn't even one meter tall stood about with a blank expression. Both of his eyes were staring attentively at the rock garden in the middle of the lake. The little boy was wearing a gorgeous set of clothes, but the expression on his face was unusually complex in a way that was strange to see on a one year old boy.

This boy was Shangyang Xiang Tian, and in this moment a scene was playing in his mind.

All he could see was the faces of his daughter, his sons, his student, their sad and grim expression.

The scene then switched to him facing the Ten Tails, him reducing the size of the entire seal bit by bit, the Destruction of the seal, and it's merging with him, and subsequently his own death…

Xiang Tian looked at his tiny body and gasped; the look on his face could only be described as complex. Over the past year, he had lost count of how often moments of his past life had flashed before his eyes. The memories were so fresh in his mind, it was almost as if everything happened only yesterday; as if engraved into the very depths of his soul.. No matter what he did, he couldn't forget the memories, but he understood now; he was called Sasuke in his past life. After his death, he had carried with him the mysteries of his memory and soul, and had been reincarnated.

He retained all his memories of his past life after being reborn, along with his mental abilities and Intelligence which was far higher than a normal person.

Over the past year, slowly hearing upon the conversations of others around the household, and also with the help of his mother was able to get a sufficient grasp of the strange language and dialect of this world, although it would take some time for him to get used to the strange language of this world.

More importantly, he had learned that he was no longer in the same world as before. This was a new world that the Uchiha had never heard of.

Even the mansion Sasuke lived in had a name–Shang Yang Mansion. The mansion belonged to one of Lore City's top families, each had a foothold of power and influence. His own father was actually the leader of the Shangyang clan named Shangyang Ba. His mother was named Bi Yuntian and was the fourth wife for the clan leader.

Apparently, polygamy and taking multiple wives was quite normal in this world, even though it was far more rarer in the Elemental Nations.

Although his mother wasn't the primary wife, she still had a considerable amount of power in the family because she held the title of a Radiant Saint Master.

Even though Sasuke didn't understand what a Radiant Saint Master was, he did understand that it was because this woman was a Radiant Saint Master that her status was high in the clan, and there were many that respected her.

In regards to Sasuke himself, he was the Shangyang clan's fourth young lord, and had a majestic status within the clan. He also had 2 elder brothers and an elder sister.

The first brother was Shangyang Hu, the sister was Shangyang Mingyue, and the second brother was Shangyang Ke. The four of them shared the same father, but each had a different mother. Excluding Shangyang Hu, Shangyang Mingyue and Shangyang Ke had met with him multiple times and were both only a few years older than him. The eldest of the siblings was Shangyang Ming Yue, who was 4 years old; 3 years older than Sasuke. Shangyang Ke was 2 years older than him. Aside from them 4 however, there were still many other children in the family.

At this time, an elderly housekeeper came up from behind Sasuke and spoke softly, "4th young lord, it's getting late, and your mother is looking for you."

The Uchiha was immediately jolted back to reality. Looking at the sky, he had come to the sudden realization that the sky was dimming, an indication of the impending night. Unconsciously, Sasuke had been standing there for the whole afternoon. "I understand, Shang Bai. I will go back in a second."

Shang Bai was the housekeeper for the Shangyang clan and essentially took care of every single matter within the family. Because of this, his status within the clan was fairly high. Although he was only a housekeeper, he had garnered a good amount of respect, practically the same amount as the head of the house himself had.

A smile adorned Shang Bai's face as he watched Sasuke with high expectations. Even when Sasuke was only half a year old, he hadn't needed the help of others to walk, and quickly learned how to speak within 8 months. Not only could he speak clearly, but he could even communicate with others. With these two achievements alone, Sasuke had already been called a genius, and many were eagerly awaiting to see how he would grow up.

At night, Sasuke accompanied his mother, Bi Yuntian, to eat dinner in the dining hall. The dining hall they both sat in was special; only the head of the house, his wives, and his children could eat there.

When Bi Yuntian and Sasuke arrived at the dining hall, three beauties were already sitting at the circular dinner table. Each one of them looked to be in their 20s, and two of them each held a child in their arms. One of the children was a boy, and the other was a girl. The boy was around 3-4 years old, and was healthy but chubby. He was the third son and young lord of Shangyang Clan–Shangyang Ke.

The moment Shangyang Ke saw Sasuke, hostility and hatred swelled up in his eyes. It was clear to see that he was brimming with the intent to start something, and one could tell that he held a bias against Sasuke.

The four ladies could all sense the hostility radiating from Shangyang Ke towards Sasuke, but none of them spared a second thought about it. In their minds, this was merely a small matter between children, and definitely not something that would be of great matter.

The other child was a 4-5 year old girl with two ponytails. Her bright eyes looked at the still hostile Shangyang Ke and laughed. With her two dimples that appeared with each laugh, she looked exceptionally cute. Although she was underaged now, it was certain that after she grew older, she would have beauty that could rival the gods. This child was the second born of Shangyang Ba, as well as the sole female child–Shangyang Mingyue.

"Brother, you're here! Come and sit!" Upon seeing the Uchiha, the smile on her face had become even more splendid, as she waved him over.

Sasuke nodded towards Mingyue as a greeting, and sat down with his mother at the dinner table.

Bi Yuntian began to pamper Sasuke, softly saying, "Xiang Tian, say hello to your aunts and siblings."

Sasuke frowned a bit, but quickly hid it and looked at the older ladies, "Hello eldest aunt, second aunt, third aunt, second sister, and third brother." Ever since his mother had discovered that he could speak efficiently, she had been ecstatically teaching him the basic rules of etiquette.

Sasuke did not care too much and learned what he could.

It would prove beneficial to him in the long run as well in this new world.

When he had first arrived in this strange new place, he had struggled intensely with this new body. Since he was reincarnated with his old memories, he still felt like Sasuke. Deep within his soul, he did not think this new life was his, but as time went on, he gradually accepted his new body and life.

No matter what though, Bi Yuntian was still his mother, as she had given birth to him, but he did not forget Mikoto Uchiha, his previous mother from his older life. He had always felt conflicted and has ignored it since then.

Although it was a mystery on how he managed to retain his memories, they had been from a place on another world. It had no relationship to this new world, so Sasuke had decided to hide away the memories in the deepest part of his mind.

Even though he had many regrets, he had still lived his previous life well, and on his deathbed he no longer felt any regrets.

Sasuke realised that perhaps he should learn to accept this new life for what it was, and live without regrets.

Knowing his Best Friend, he knew that perhaps that is what Naruto would had wanted him to do.

The three ladies all smiled at the silent Sasuke. One of the ladies wearing golden robes laughed, "Sister Yun Tian, it would appear that Xiang Tian is getting more and more intelligent. Sigh… it's getting harder and harder to only see him as a one year old child. I truly am envious of you for having such an intelligent child." The lady who spoke was the second wife of Shangyang Ba and mother to Shangyang Mingyue–Bai Yushuang,

"That's right, younger sister Yun Tian, what second sister said is correct. Each and every day, I grow even more fond of Xiang Tian." Sitting next to Sasuke with a tranquil look was another one of the 4 ladies. She was the third wife–Yu Feng Yan.

"Xiang Tian is certainly a child genius. To be able to walk at 6 months and speak at 8, these are feats that no other child his age would be able to replicate. I find myself anxious to see how much Saint Energy he has when he undergoes the test in 2 years, though I do sincerely hope that he will give us all a pleasant surprise when the time comes." The next lady who spoke was significantly older, and seemed much more temperamental than the others. She was the first wife–Ling Long.

The moment Ling Long finished her sentence, a deep manly voice spoke out, "I agree. I look forward to when Xiang Tian reaches his 3rd year for this pleasant surprise as well." A 30 year old man entered the dining hall, carrying himself with the manner of a master. With a white aristocratic robe decorated with golden outlines, and a head of black hair that reached his shoulders, the man gave off a relaxed atmosphere.



Immediately after seeing the man, the 7 people at the table all stood up at once and called out one after the other. Sasuke also stood up and gazed silently.

This man was indeed the head of the Shangyang clan, Shangyang Ba.

Shangyang Ba strolled down to the dinner table and sat down with a gentle smile on his face. With a look at Sasuke, he asked, "Xiang Tian, are you feeling happy living here still?"

The Uchiha nodded his head, "Yes."

A smile curled up on Shangyang Ba's face, "Xiang, if you ever feel closed in this stuffy old house, feel free to explore the outside and experience it for yourself!"

"I know . . . Father." Sasuke replied.

Shangyang Ba was indescribably happy at how intelligent Sasuke was and how much he differed from any other one year old, .

The family dinner went by joyously and the meal was consumed quickly.

Sasuke did not dwell on the happenings of the family and returned to his room alone. Based on his age, he should have been sleeping in the same room as his mother, but he had requested that he wanted his own room.

Regarding this request, Sasuke had been firm, and wouldn't be persuaded otherwise. Bi Yuntian had ended up accepting his request.

And so that night, Sasuke lay upon his large bed, and closed his eyes.

He began to think, and realised he had been thinking a lot.

He did not know how he felt about this new family and this new world.

He was conflicted. These were his parents in his new life.

He had died.

However, he could not forget his original parents.

Although, he had not interacted too much with his new parents in this new world, he felt they were truly kind people.

The woman called Bi Yuntian truly cared for him and showered him with unconditional affection just like a mother, and he was always reminded of Mikoto.

Once again, he hid away these conflicting thoughts deep within him, and began to think upon something else.

He then examined his body.

According to what he knew so far, the people here use something called Saint Energy, and not chakra, which similar to chakra also pervades their bodies.

He had realised long ago, that he no longer possessed any chakra.

All of it was now Saint Energy.

And now, for the first time, he concentrated and felt this Saint Energy.

Sasuke realised it was far more dense than chakra, however the principles were still the same.

However, just as he was about to stop, he suddenly felt something within himself, he never thought he would have felt.

Within his body, he felt the sheer energy of the Jyuubi.

His eyes widened.

"Impossible! I wiped the Jyuubi out, how is it still within me?"

He closed his eyes, and found himself within the same place where he had sealed the Ten Tails off in his previous life.

However, instead of being a dark cage, the entire area was completely opened up, and shone with a golden radiance stretching boundlessly outwards without end.

No sealing cage could be seen.

Instead, Sasuke saw the Jyuubi itself sleeping soundly ahead of him, Completely unaware of the world.

His eyes widened.

He felt the natural energy of the Jyuubi radiating off of it in waves, even more terrifying than before, as Sasuke approached it slowly.

Sasuke stood in front of the Jyuubi and took a deep breath.

He looked like a dot in front of this behemoth.

Instinctively, Sasuke touched the Jyuubi ahead of him with his hands.

Instantly, as their hands made contact, Sasuke immediately fell down on one knee, as he felt a massive influx of memories going through his mind.

He realised, at the moment of his death, due to the complete collapse of the seal, the entirety of the Jyuubi had ended up being absorbed by him, and had become one with his soul.

He did not know how such a thing happened, but he had now access to all of the Jyuubi's memories and could even feel the sheer natural energy of the Jyuubi although it was locked.

It took Sasuke a few moments to process this, as he exited his mind and found himself back outside again.

However, within his mind he found a strange technique, as if it had been engraved upon his mind.

"Primordial Chaos Tempering"

This was the technique that was now with him, that he had gained from Jyuubi.

Sasuke had never heard of such a thing in his previous life, and kept it in his mind to resolve this question at a later date.

He then read the rest of the technique.

This technique, contrary to what the name suggests, was made for sword wielders, and had a secondary function which was to strengthen the body, however that in itself could be called an entirely different thing.

The purpose of this technique would be to make the body strong while not affecting the agility of the swordsman. Sasuke felt it was quite good, but still felt puzzled as to what this was doing within the Jyuubi's soul and memories.

Currently, the Jyuubi's soul was asleep and since Sasuke had no clue what was going on, he shrugged and decided to wait for answers.

Also, the Jyuubi's soul had become like a Second soul to him, it was like they were one, so he felt no danger.

Meanwhile, he found himself curious regarding this technique he had just obtained, and decided to study it.

A few minutes later he realised that this technique consisted of 12 Parts and came one after the other, each more difficult than the last.

However, as a Swordsman, he was astonished by it, as these techniques were far too brilliant, that he could not help but sigh in appreciation.

Just as he had accepted his previous life, he had accepted this life as well, and what he had been given. Thinking this he began to train.

The Chaos Tempering was divided into 12 Layers. The first Layer dealt with body strengthening and tempering.

The methods written in it were truly magical. By absorbing both the Saint Energy of the world and then transforming it, one could incorporate it within the bones of the body. This allowed every organ and even every single cell in the body to be strengthened to their limits. The original frailty would be cast away and the body would reach the most optimal state while giving the body endless amounts of benefits like a longer lifespan. When one practiced the later methods, your body would reach new heights in strength; and as the technique indicated, if one could reach the highest levels of cultivating the body, then they could even live as long as they wanted.

However this method was associated with one's own strength. If one's Saint Energy was stronger than the physical body, then Primordial Chaos Body Tempering would use that energy and incorporate that into the body to become stronger. In the case that one's physical body and one's Saint Energy were both at an equilibrium, then one would have to make a breakthrough to reach the next level. Only with this cycle would one be able to continuously improve their entire body without limits.

Sasuke was slowly absorbing the world's energy in a neverending stream and was circulating it in a cycle throughout his body. Then under Sasuke's control, the energy would be incorporated into his cells and organs.

Ever since he had arrived at this strange new world, one of the few things that had excited Sasuke was something that was called World Essence. This World Essence was extremely dense, perhaps a hundred times more dense than the nature chakra back in his Shinobi world.

However what Sasuke couldn't understand was the difference between the World Essence of this world and the Chakra of his past world. While both were the same in feeling, Sasuke was carefully discovering that the World Essence had an extra type of energy. This type of energy was a small part of the World Essence and was interconnected as if blended together so that they could not be separated.

When he had absorbed this new type of energy into his body, nothing negative happened. So because of that, Sasuke had not tried to remove the clearly different energy from the World Essence. However, Sasuke was now curious in the matter, thoughts and ideas were swirling around his head, but this new energy was not that simple to be figured out so easily.

After the never ending World Essence had been absorbed into his body, Sasuke could clearly feel every single artery and cell in his body become stronger. The World Essence that was taken into his body was like a giant health tonic that made his body feel alive as it absorbed it. His body was like a giant thirsty beast that wanted more and more. While at the same time, Sasuke was feeling a pleasurable sensation from all over, and felt free from worry as the feeling carried him away.

In a flash, another year had gone by. Sasuke had been in this strange world for 2 whole years now. During those 2 years, Sasuke didn't take a single step outside of the Shangyang mansion, far too engrossed in the newly discovered techniques of this world. Everyday during his free time, Sasuke was alone in his room practicing the first principle of Primordial Chaos Tempering–body cultivation.

In one year Sasuke had already reached major success in cultivating his body. At the current moment without a doubt, If an average person swung an average sword at him, then his body would not be scratched at all. He had trained his body so much that even a single cut would not be made.

Of course, this was only what he had thought of himself, he wouldn't dare try it out on himself personally.

In this past year, Sasuke's body was developing at such a fast rate, it was inconceivable. In a single year, he had already reached a height of 1.2 meter, an abnormal height for a 2 year old. This height had actually made him look to be closer to 5 or 6 years old instead.

Because of this, everyone in the mansion had been alarmed beyond belief, although many of them still had vast expectations for him. Expectations hoping that he would be a genius with unlimited potential, but everyone would have to wait for when he turned 3 in order to confirm anything.

Regarding this expectation put on him, Sasuke couldn't help but feel helpless. He didn't understand that the reason why his body had grown so fast was due to practicing Primordial Chaos Tempering.

Although he still accompanied Bi Yuntian to the dining hall, but as usual he had still shut himself off in his room every night. Sitting on the bed with crossed legs and his hands on his knees, he would close his eyes and face the sky once more.

But this time, Sasuke wasn't cultivating his body, but instead he was pondering. It had been 2 years since he arrived at this world, and in those 2 years, he had never seen the outside world from beyond Shangyang mansion. He spent the majority of his days locked up to cultivate his body. Up until now, he still did not understand much about this world. Outside of Shangyang mansion, he practically knew nothing about this world, even what the outside world looked like.

He understood in his heart that in everyone else's eyes, he was a 2 year old boy. A 2 year old boy would generally be happily cherished by his parents while growing up carefreely. Sasuke however, did not care about that.

While in his bed, Sasuke finally decided that tomorrow morning, he would ask his "parents". It was important for him to know and understand what the outside world was like in this world.

As the morning daylight shone through a crack of a window into his room, Sasuke suddenly opened his eyes as he stood in the middle of the room. In this hour, he had finally moved; his legs moved so fast that it was practically a blur. For his legs to maintain this type of speed for some time, even most Genin of his previous world wouldn't be able to keep up in this condition.

Sasuke's legs were moving in a mysterious way as he walked about in a certain trajectory. As he moved around his room quickly, his legs had whipped up a small whirlwind due to the extremely fast paced movement he was making.

Although this event did not go on for long, Sasuke stopped moving, as his face was turning paler by the second. Slowly gasping for breath, both of Sasuke's legs couldn't help but shiver and quake as he paused.

The Uchiha slowly walked to his window and sat down next to it. Bending his lower back, both of his arms massaged his legs continuously. Pursuing the mysterious footsteps for that one moment had caused his legs to become incomparably weak. He couldn't even use the smallest amount of power in his legs anymore.

Sasuke shook his head helplessly and frowned, no matter what type of techniques he used to cultivate himself, the first thing he had to do was attain a better build. Not only that but the more profound a technique was, the higher its requirement. When it came to the exercise of following the footsteps, if he did not have a strong physical physique and a strong Qi, then he would not have been able to last very long. Of course, normal practitioners would not be able to hold up for as long as he had, and if they had tried, then they would have exerted their body beyond what it could take and damage it.

It was not easy to acquire a profound ability after all.

Sitting by his bed after massage his legs, he waited for his leg to be returned to their original state before sitting cross-legged on the bed again. Once more he began to absorb the World Essence from the world and absorb it into his body.

The night went by quickly and in a flash the sky was filled with the colors of the day. And at that moment, a sound could be heard coming outside of Sasuke's room.

"Son, it's daytime, time to get up!". came the obviously feminine cry from his mother.

Hearing the sound, Sasuke slowly opened his eyes and called out in his childish voice, "I know, I'm awake already!" With that said, he climbed down from his bed, and walked off to clean himself and prepare for the day.