
Uchiha Haru

A 16-year-old girl with heart disease and leukemia dies after years of treatment. But to her surprise, she finds herself in a black void. For a thousand years she stays there thinking she is in hell. But she was wrong, and she finds that out when she meets God. For staying in this emptiness for a thousand years, God gives her wishes and a chance to be born again. Let's see what our heroine will experience in her new life.

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3 Chs

2. New Life

A little girl of three lying in her bed suddenly opened her black eyes and sat up. This girl had shoulder-length jet black hair, clean cotton-white skin, long black eyelashes, and small purple lips. After this little girl stood there for a few seconds, her posture and the look in her eyes had a depth and air that a three year old couldn't have. Yes, this little girl was the reincarnation of Asya and is now called Uchiha Haru. Uchiha Haru was considered a genius by her clan and family. She could walk by 3 months and talk like an adult by 6 months. In addition, their intelligence was advanced enough to surpass many adults. Because of this, her father saw him in the same alley as his older brother Itachi and treated her differently and closer. But at the same time, her father considered her the princess of her clan, although he couldn't show much of her feelings. Haru contemplated her three year memories for a while, then took a deep breath and glanced at the bed next to her.

Her twin Sasuke slept there. He was a really sweet boy too. He too could walk and speak like a normal child. So actually as it should be. After staring at her twin's cute face for a while, she put on a serious expression and adopted a thoughtful stance. She was speaking in her mind at that moment.


Soon after, a ringing echoed in her head and she heard a voice.

'Thing! The system connects to the mind of the master. Binding %1...%6...%17...%24...66%...85%...99%...100%. Thing! The system has been successfully connected to the spirit of the master.'

"Hello master, would you like me to introduce you to the system?"

Haru listened to the punches for a few seconds, then nodded slightly and answered mentally.

"Of course I want to. But first, let's give you a name. I call you Siri, I've always envied those with an iPhone. All right Siri, you can start with your definition.'

'Thing! The master completed the secret mission of naming the system and won the golden treasure chest as a reward. Do you accept your award?"

Haru was surprised to hear that but couldn't help but be happy. She mentally answered again while slightly smiling with the excitement in her heart.

"I accept the award."

'Thing! The Golden Treasure Chest award was accepted.

1. Chakra Cultivation Technique - Heavenly Chakra Cultivation Technique

2. Mind Cultivation Technique – Sovereign Mind Technique

3. Soul Cultivation Technique - Immortal Soul Technique

4. Bodybuilding Technique - Four techniques for cultivating divine beasts

5. Black Sword Shusui

6. 10x lottery tickets

7. 1,000,000 EXP

8. 1000 stat points

9. Zushi Zushi no Mi (Gravity Controlling Devil Fruit)

10. The Art of Sun Breath

'Thing! Chakra Cultivation Technique - Learn the Celestial Chakra Cultivation Technique?

Yes No'

'Thing! Mind Cultivation Technique - Learn the Sovereign Mind Technique?

Yes No'

'Thing! Soul Cultivation Technique – Learning the Immortal Spirit Technique?

Yes No'

'Thing! Bodybuilding Technique - Learn the Four Divine Beast Cultivation Techniques?

Yes No'

'Thing! The Black Sword Shūsui, 10x Lottery Ticket and Zushi Zushi no Mi have been removed from your inventory.'


You have ascended!

You have ascended!




you have ascended

Your level has increased to 27.'

'Thing! 1000 status points have been added to the system.'

'Thing! Should You Learn the Sun Breath Technique?

Yes No'

Haru was stunned at all the notifications and such lovely rewards. She felt that she became much stronger with each level she reached. After looking at dozens of notifications in front of her for a few seconds, she started to learn all the techniques one by one. In turn, knowledge of all techniques filled her mind. After about 10 minutes she had digested and understood all the information. She couldn't help but be excited as a smile formed on her face. After a deep breath, she calmed down and continued with the introduction of the system.

'Master the system has 6 main menus. Status Window, Inventory, Shop, Quest, Lottery Machine and Monster Tower.

The status window is the window with all your information. If you think of the status window, it will open in front of you.'

As Haru thought about the status window, the blue screen in front of her began to change and she read what was written there.

"Status window

Name: Uchiha Haru/Asya Karaca

Age: 3

Level: 27, 146,353/160,006

Shadow: 0/30,000

Fame: PrIncess of Uchiha, Shadow Sovereign, Reincarnated Person

Hit Points (CP): 20,000/20,000 (2000 for a normal adult)

Chakra: 100,000/100,000 (Kage level)

Mana: 100,000/10,000,000 (99% sealed.)

Strength: 34 (10 normal adults)

- represents the strength one has and the damage inflicted on the enemy.

Speed: 34 (10 normal adults)

- Determines the person's speed, reflexes and reaction speed.

Vitality: 72 (10 normal adults)

- Represents one's own defenses, vitality and regeneration

Intelligence: 550 (10 normal adults)

- Determines the energy level of the person.

Wisdom: infinite (a 10 normal adult)

- Increases the ability to comprehend and comprehend.

Stat Points: 1135

Current physical condition: healthy, excited and curious


Player's Body (Lv. MAX)

- Provides a body that allows the user to experience the real world like a game. He takes no damage from attacks, only suffers for a few seconds and loses HP. After sleeping on a bed, it restores CP and Chakra and heals all status effects.

Player's Spirit (Lv. MAX)

- It allows the user to think about events calmly and logically. It also offers a peaceful spirit in any situation. It provides immunity to spiritual attacks.

Chakra Cultivation Technique (Lv. MAX)

- Allows the user to develop, strengthen and intensify their chakra. This way, he uses less chakra and can attack much more powerfully with a drop of chakra. At its highest level it becomes more intense and powerful than the energy of nature.

Technique of Mind Cultivation (Level MAX)

- It is a technique that trains the mind of the user. In the illusion arts, it grants ultimate control and 100% immunity to illusions.

Soul Enhancement Technique (Lv. MAX)

- It develops the mind of its user. As the soul develops, intelligence and comprehension increase. It makes the soul immortal.

Bodybuilding Technique (Level MAX)

- It is a technique that develops and strengthens the body and leads to immortality. It gives you the attributes of the 4 divine creatures that exist. It grants the strength of the Blue Dragon, Guardian of the East. The swiftness of the White Tiger, the guardian of the west. The defense of the Black Turtle, the guardian of the north, and the regenerative and healing powers of the Red Phoenix, the guardian of the south.

Sun Breath Technique (Lv. MAX)

- It is a breathing and sword technique that harnesses the power of the sun. As you gain the ability to control the fire with this breathing technique, the heat of the fire will increase as you progress. You can create a fire with maximum solar heat. It also provides 100% immunity to fire. It has 13 forms.

1. Form Dance: A single hits a strong vertical punch.

2. Form Light Blue Sky Form: The Swordsman rotates his body 360° and throws a vertical punch.

3. Form Raging Sun Form: The swordsman performs two horizontal strikes to attack or defend.

4. Form False Rainbow: This technique against incoming attacks causes the swordsman to twist and turn at high speed, creating afterimages. Afterimages often work well on people with good eyesight and will most likely not attack as they attack the afterimage instead of the actual body.

5. Form Pinwheel Shape: The Swordsman jumps behind him and, while in the air, fires a flaming attack at the enemy in a circular motion.

6. Form Burning Bones, Summer Sun: It was a powerful defensive technique. The Swordsman defends nearby attacks with a circular swing.

7. Form Sunflower Strike: A single linear attack at the tip of the sword.

8. Form Sunfire Mist: The Swordsman attacks his target with a mist-encrusted strike, ostensibly to prevent the target from landing on the ground, but it usually hits the target.

9. Form Sunset Transformation: The user rolls through the air and sends out a powerful vertical flaming sword strike.

10. Forming Foem Benevolent Radiance: While in the air, the swordsman sends out spiraling movements and surrounds the enemy with powerful blows.

11. Form Sunlight Circle Dragon Dance: This is one of the most powerful Sun Breath techniques. The Swordsman makes quick and powerful moves without stopping, replacing form with the fiery Sun Dragon, and this attack is powerful enough to decapitate multiple targets at once.

12. Form Flame Dance: It is a dual combo attack. It starts with a vertical attack first and then another horzontal attack.

13. Form: The user successfully combines all twelve forms of breathing style, increasing the sharpness and agility of their movements without tiring.'

The more Haru read, the more excited she became. She took a deep breath after suppressing her excitement.

"What about the other menus?"

"Likewise, master, you just have to think of the menu you want to see."

As Haru mentally pondered the inventory, the writing in front of her disappeared and a page of boxes opened up. 3 boxes were already full. Haru thought for a while after looking at the items in the boxes. Then she took out the devil fruit and started eating it without hesitation. It tasted so bad, like eating cardboard, but she forced herself to eat it all. After standing like that for a few seconds without doing anything, she suddenly felt a power rising inside her. After her body glowed a bit, everything went back to normal. Although she wanted to gamble with her newfound power, she left it for later, bought the lottery tickets, opened the lottery machine, and used the tickets one at a time.

'Thing! used lottery ticket. You won a bottle of clean water."

'Thing! used lottery ticket. You've earned a Monster Summon Scroll."

'Thing! You used a lottery ticket. You won a clothing set."

'Thing! You used a lottery ticket. You won a sack of senzu beans."

'Thing! You used a lottery ticket. You won a Nutella bread."

'Thing! You used a lottery ticket. You won a Fuinjutsu Study Kit."

'Thing! You used a lottery ticket. You've earned a Bloodline Awakening Pill."

'Thing! You used a lottery ticket. You've earned an IQ booster."

'Thing! You used a lottery ticket. You won a body cleansing pill."

'Thing! You used a lottery ticket. You've earned a magical black dragon bow."

Haru had a confused look on her face as she looked at her awards. Her gaze lingered on the Nutella bread for a few seconds. Nutella was her favorite dessert in her old life. Due to her illness, she had to constantly go on a diet, eating sweets was often forbidden. So the doctors and family allowed her to eat a slice of Nutella bread once a month. She always looked forward to this day. Now, while she could eat enough to slip into a sugar coma and still stay healthy, there was no Nutella in this world. After a small sigh, she grabbed the Nutella bread from her inventory and ate it hungrily in a matter of seconds. She sat for a while with a satisfied face and then looked at her other awards.

"Wow, I must be pretty lucky. A sack of senzu beans is very good, it will be very good for my clan if I learn how to grow senzu beans. Then the Monster Summoning Scroll will also benefit me. I wonder what call is coming? Check it out, there's even an IQ booster. I have to feed it to Itachi, Shisui, Sasuke and definitely Naruto. It also increases IQ by 50%. That's a big increase. Oh, I will give the body cleansing pill to all my family members and Shisui. Itachi in particular gets rid of his illness straight away. They are also freed from the Uchiha curse. With other Uchihas I only give to those I trust and of course only young people. The old should retire and pass things on to the younger. Fuinjutsu is also very good, I need to buy a fuinjutsu from the store to protect our eyes. Although there may be in the library in my mindscape. I should check. And the Bloodline Awakening Pill will also help me awaken my Sharingan. I don't have to experience trauma since I don't have a curse like other Uchihas, but I still have to train to wake up. It's faster that way."

As Haru was already making plans, she suddenly heard a sweet boy's voice. Turning her head to the sound, she saw Sasuke wake up and stare at her.

"Nee-chan, good morning."

Sasuke had a sweet smile on his face. Haru looked at her twin and smiled, then got up from her bed and decided to continue studying the system later.

"Good morning, Sasuke-chan. Come on, let's wash our hands and face, and then let's go have breakfast. Mother has probably already set the table."

After Sasuke smiled and nodded at Haru, they left their room and went to the bathroom to wash their hands and face. After they both finished their business in the sink, they went down the stairs and headed to the dining room. When they got to the dining room, the table was bready and everyone was already seated at the table. Only Mikoto wasn't on the table yet. Sasuke and Haru greeted their older brother Itachi and father Fugaku as they walked towards the table with smiles.

"Good morning, nii-san. Good morning, Tou-san. (X2)"

"Good Morning Sasuke Haru-chan"

Itachi smiled and wished his brother and sister good morning while Fugaku just nodded and gave a small smile. Even that smile was a good development for Fugaku. Just then, Mikoto came to the table with two glasses of milk in hand. After placing one of the two glasses in front of Haru and the other in front of Sasuke, she sat down at the table and wished his twins good morning. No one spoke as everyone started to eat breakfast. There was only the sound of plates and cutlery to be heard. After eating her food in silence for a while, Haru turned her head to her father and looked at her father with a serious expression on her face. Fugaku, of course, noticed this immediately and took a break from his meal. He narrowed his eyes slightly as he looked at his daughter.

"Would you like to say something, Haru?"

When everyone at the table fixed their eyes on Haru, Haru nodded gravely and answered.

"Yes Tou-san, I wanted to ask you something."

Fugaku watched her with a straight face while curiously turning his full attention to his daughter. Haru had been a different child since she was born. Her genius was even greater than that of her older brother Itachi, which made Fugaku very proud. Although Fugaku could not show his love and pride, he was also proud of his three children. But Haru was still separate for him, Haru was his only daughter and Haru was a very loving child. Even before Haru regained his memory, she realized that her father Fugaku really loved her very much and was proud of her but couldn't show it. Because of this, she always behaved close to her father, showed her love and never feared or afraid of him, no matter how cold he was. That made Haru different for Fugaku. Of all his children, Haru was the one she could best express her feelings to. So he wondered what Haru might want from him. Looking at Haru with curious eyes, Haru spoke up.

"Tou-san, I just opened my chakra so can you teach me how to be a ninja? You've been weird with Itachi Nii-san lately. You're always thinking about something. And from what I've seen and heard there are problems between Konoha and our clan. I don't want anything to happen to our clan, but I don't want anything to happen to our hometown of Konoha either. I don't want nii-san or anyone between Konoha one day or our clan. So I want to get stronger, I want to get stronger and help and support you and nii-san. So can you teach me how to become a shinobi?"

While everyone at the table looked at Haru in shock, Sasuke was the only one who didn't quite understand what was going on. But he still understood that the matter was serious, so he chose to remain silent. Mikoto looked at her daughter in shock and didn't know what to say. She couldn't believe that what they were trying to hide had been analyzed in such detail by Haru.

Itachi was also in shock. Haru's words hit his heart like a hammer. In fact, after a few years, he might be forced to choose between his clan and his homeland. He was shocked that Haru could read this with so little knowledge and their facial expressions.

Fugaku, on the other hand, vacillated between surprise and pride. He didn't know whether to be shocked or proud that his three-year-old daughter had figured it all out with her two or three insights and analyses. Furthermore, it was also something to be proud of that she had opened his chakra herself at the age of three. In that moment, Fugaku knew for sure that Haru was an even greater genius than Itachi. There was pride in his eyes as a small smile formed on Fugaku's face. He spoke after placing his left hand on his daughter's head and patting it.

"Well, if you want to be a shinobi and help your brother and I, then I'll teach you. After breakfast, I'll start your first lesson. If you convince me in your first lesson, I'll teach you how to is a shinobi."

After hearing what her father said, Haru smiled widely and jumped for joy. Before Fugaku realized what had happened, Haru jumped on top of him and gave him a big kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you Tou-chan."

Mikoto started giggling at her husband when Fugaku didn't know what to do with Harushould be sitting on his lap. Sasuke was shocked by his father's condition as Itachi tried to keep himself from laughing. He always thought that nobody could surprise his father. As he looked at his twin sister, he began to realize that his father would treat her as close as he had to treat Haru if he were kinder. But he was still afraid of his father, and like Haru, he was ashamed to show his love.

After Haru got off Fugaku's lap with a smile and settled back in her chair, they continued with their breakfast.