

"Hello!Ah, I see you have started to pick your hero names!It looks like everyone has chosen except you two, so do you have an idea already in mind, or are you completely unsure?"

Bakugo scoffed and rolled his eyes away but Shinso shrugged, looking towards the left wall."I haven't really thought about it."

"Well, then what do you want from your hero name?"

By this time the rest of the class had started to gush about their new hero names, some a bit disappointed as well, like Mina.Izuku-sensei had moved closer to his desk and spoke to him individually.

"I guess... I don't want it to be something that broadcasts what exactly my quirk is.I want to be an underground hero, so it doesn't matter quite as much to me, if I'm being honest."

"Yes, not immediately telling opponents what your quirk is will be beneficial in your case.And not caring quite as much about your hero name is perfectly fine.In fact, Aizawa had his name chosen out by Present Mic, because he just didn't care.That's how he wound up with Eraserhead.If you really don't care that much, try to choose maybe a pun.It'll be like an inside joke only you know."

Shinso had to suppress a small snort at that.He knew that his dad didn't care much about what he was called, but to go so far as to have somebody else pick out your hero name and just go with the first suggestion they said sounded... exactly like him.It was a bit relieving to know that his dad was in a similar situation to him.

"What about... Intestate?"

"Hmm... it sounds good and doesn't immediately give away your quirk.What made you choose it?"

"Well, you said to choose something that was something like an inside joke for me, and intestate means to die without a will.It's up to the jury to decide what to do with them and their assets."

Izuku-sensei let out a soft chuckle, the sound springing cheerfully around the room.A couple of classmates closer to him stopped talking and looked over at the two of them, pausing slightly before going back to their separate conversations.Izuku-sensei motioned him to the front, giving him the sign as he did so.

The class turned their attention to the front, right where Shinso was standing.His dad was directly behind him, curled up in his bright yellow sleeping bag.Taking a deep breath, Shinso held up the sign to where everyone could see it.

"I'm going to be Intestate, the Voiceless Hero."

Aizawa clambered out of his sleeping bag towards the end of class, snatching some sheets off of his desk as he stood facing the problem children that all the other teachers called students.It was a bit unexpected for Izuku-sensei to pop in, but he was glad that his son was able to come up with a name due to the newly returned teacher's help.

Midnight had scampered out soon after Izuku-sensei came in, likely trying to stay as far away from his observing gaze as she can get for as long as possible.It may not seem like it, but Izuku-sensei was always watching, always analyzing, finding your strengths and weaknesses so he could exploit them both.Aizawa was pretty sure he wasn't even doing it consciously, it was just constantly running through his mind.That may be the most unnerving part, actually.

His students hadn't quite figured that out yet, all they had seen was the dark light in his eyes when he got angry, and even that was only for a second.It wasn't even until his second year that Aizawa figured out how terrifying his teacher was.He had ended up transferring over to the hero course in his second year, so he didn't have Izuku-sensei's class until all the other students had already known him for a year.They had seemed to think that he was a bit eccentric, but they had no idea just how calculating he truly was.

When they all found out, it was on the same day.That day just might be burned into Aizawa's mind forever.That incident had made him see his teacher in a different light, one that caused darkened shadows to stretch out across his thoughts.He quickly shoved the memory out of his mind before he delved too deeply into that thought train.

He distributed the sheets of paper to his students quickly, trying to take the least amount of time on that particular part of this activity as possible.This next decision his students had to make was not one to be made with minimal thought process, so it was important to make sure they had the most amount of time possible for the next part of this activity.

"Those papers I just handed out were personally selected agencies from those of you were were drafted, and to those of you who weren't, there are forty agencies from around the country willing and able to take on interns at this time.You don't want to rush this decision of who you pick, so be meticulous about it.Come back tomorrow with your decisions on who you want to intern with."

With that, he zipped his sleeping bag back up and ignored the jibber-jabbering of the students.Izuku-sensei was still there, offering advice to those who were having a harder time picking their internship.He wasn't actually going to sleep right now, he was just going to listen.After all, he had gotten a full two hours of sleep last night.That was on the high end of the sleeping spectrum for him.

He could hear students declaring their internships out to the class, and smirked fondly when he heard Shinso planning to go with Edgeshot.The pro hero was a good choice for one who was aspiring to become an underground hero due to his mysterious nature.It was a well thought out and logical decision.And wasn't that the highest praise that one could give?


All Might was scribbling down notes on flashcards for his next heroics class when there came a knock at the door.He quickly placed his 'Teaching for Dummies' book in his desk drawer before calling whoever it was in.He saw a brilliant smile and blonde hair zip past the doorway and land straight into the chair in front of him.

Young Togata had received his quirk soon after the third-year Sports Festival had ended, heeding Izuku-sensei's warning about timing.They had done a single training session with the quirk, and with the first punch his young protege had ended up breaking all the bones in his arm.All Might wasn't quite sure what to do with that problem since he hadn't had the same struggles when he first used One For All.

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He had ended up having to call the only other person who came close to scaring him as much as his green-haired teacher did: Gran Torino.The older man had seen not one but two users of All For One, so it was likely that he would have some insight on how to help Young Togata regulate his use of the quirk.Of course, just because he called him didn't mean that it didn't take him several tries to work up the courage to do so.

It was decided that Young Togata would take a week off at Nighteye's agency while the first-year internships were going on to train with Torino.As much as the retired hero scared All Might, he had to accept that this was probably the best course of action for Togata to learn how to control his new quirk.

"Well, okey-dokey.I guess I'll go to see this person who has you absolutely terrified!Man, the future is bleak." It was a bit concerning how the boy laughed when he said that last bit, sounding like he was telling the funniest story ever.He could see how Nighteye thought that he would make a great successor.He himself had quickly come to agree.Young Togata would go a long way in the hero world, of that he was sure.


Izuku walked in disguise to the station, following his students into the subway, being discreet with his movements.He knew that others considered it strange that he was constantly viewing others to collect more information, but that sentiment just confused him.It was natural to want to know more about enemies and allies alike, and you should use every tool at your disposal, after all.

He was currently sitting directly across from Shinso, Ida, and Todoroki.The three were on their way to Hosu, going to the heroes Edgeshot, Manual, and Endeavor.It was slightly suspicious that Ida was going to Hosu city to intern when he had gotten invites with higher prospects.It was highly likely that he was going to try and go after the hero killer at some point in the week, something that Izuku was going to do his best to prevent.However, he knew that it was impossible for him to be there every second, so he was glad that there were others there to help the young teen if he got in trouble.

The train slowed to a stop, dooring hissing as they opened.Izuku stepped out, pretending to check a map while he waited for a sufficient distance to separate him and his students, blending in with the crowd.He ducked into the alleyways, nimbly climbing to the rooftops when he was out of sight.No one quite thought to look up when they were being careful of people following them, something that he would take advantage of every chance he got.

The students split up near a corner, and Izuku made the decision to follow Shinso.Todoroki was interning with Endeavor, who was known for his constantly on the move tactics, and that would give Izuku a higher chance of being spotted.Manual was dealing with mostly crowd control today, so Ida would be under his constant attention.Edgeshot however... he hadn't seen that former student in a long time.He had been in the year before Midnight, along with Best Jeanist.It would definitely be interesting to see if the 'ninja' hero would be able to find out where he was hiding.

He crouched down, looking over the ledge of the building.Edgeshot and Shinso had walked up to one another and began discussing what he would be doing in the internships.It was amusing to see the two of them interact, given that they both had a dry sort of wit on their hands.Shinso was quite obviously pleased with the choice to intern with the hero that had a more secretive nature than most, being able to stay in the shadows a bit more until an incident happened.

Once he had watched the two for a bit, he swiftly stepped off in the direction of Ida and Manual, feet thudding softly against the brick of the buildings.The pair was standing and taking incident reports from a few eyewitnesses in a series of mugging attempts.Izuku smiled as he watched Ida intently listen to Manual describing the process and steps that they had to follow.Not many heroes realized that not only was being able to fight villains important, but filing paperwork was as well.There was always some report to write, or information to gather, and many discounted that and didn't quite grasp the amount of work you had to put in.

Manual was a good hero to work with for this reason.He managed to do both incident control and filed his own reports, while quite a few heroes left the paperwork to their sidekicks.However, Izuku could see how Ida always seemed to be glancing off towards the alleyways, maybe not even conscious of these movements.Now, Izuku was even more certain that if Ida got the chance, he would go after the hero killer with no hesitation.

Jumping across the rooftops a bit faster now, he followed the stream of smoke from one incident to the next, tracking the trail that Endeavor had left.The hero was going a bit slower than usual, allowing his intern time to catch up in between the brief battles.The two didn't talk except to shout warnings, and Todoroki's gaze was cooler than usual when he did have to look at his father.It appeared that the two hadn't talked yet after Izuku's discussion with Endeavor, something that would hopefully change soon.

The next few days passed in a whirlwind, with Edgeshot showing Shinso how to get through the smaller spaces as fast as possible, while maintaining the ability to sneak up on your opponent.The two were silent most of the time, apart from a minor correction or direction.Shinso was steadily making progress in his parkour skills, and there were quite a few times where Izuku had to quickly duck out of sight from the two.

He also kept up with Manual, but there hadn't been any problems with that pair.Ida hadn't tried to sneak away yet, but the glances had become more frequent.It seemed that Manual had caught on to the boy's train of thought, and was now watching him a bit more constantly to be sure that Ida hadn't taken off.Todoroki and his father were still following the same pace, not quite completely in sync as they dashed around Hosu.

It was the second to last day of the internships when Izuku started to get that same weird feeling in his gut that he did when Ingenium was attacked.That day, he watched the three students diligently, also tracking the movement of anything suspicious in the city.It was almost evening when he finally spotted a black portal, similar to the one at the USJ, on a more remote rooftop with three figures walking out of it.

Izuku crouched down behind a vent system, regulating his breathing and listening intently.He could only make out bits and pieces, but it was enough to be sufficiently worried.

"I... reform... town. ... sacrifices... needed."

"Hero... title... great... feats. ... continue... work."

That was Stain.And from the inky black portal, he could tell that the League of Villains was also there.Those two working in tandem... Now that was a thought that Izuku wished wasn't there.At least there were other pro heroes there in Hosu and there weren't only three, like at the USJ.

He was just about to follow Stain when several more figures started to spill out of the portal, almost looking like... crap.

There were a trio of Nomu's, all looking just as dangerous, if not more, than the Nomu at the USJ.Before Izuku could even throw a knife, Shigaraki and whoever was with him stepped back through the portal, leaving the Nomu to jump down.Izuku leaped down the building, rolling when he hit the ground.The panic had already set in on the unsuspecting civilains, all screaming and running away from the carnage left in the Nomu's wake.

He raced through the streets, yelling for civilians to evacuate the area as he passed.Black smoke swirled through the air, letting out smothering fumes that clogged his nose.He ducked under shrapnel and leapt across chasms in the streets, pushing his legs as fast as they could go.He zipped by other heroes helping with the evacuation efforts, like Manual.He was relieved to see that Ida was there, given Stain's presence in Hosu currently.He would just have to hope that it stayed that way.

Izuku skidded to a stop, analyzing the scene in front of him.Endeavor and Edgeshot were currently battling the Nomu, and barely managing to contain them.Reinforcements were on route, bring several more heroes into the fold.In the meantime, Izuku stepped toward one of the Nomu and dodged it's first hit, twirling underneath the claw-shaped fist.He pulled out a knife, loding it as far into the creature's back as he could.It didn't do quite as much damage as he would've liked, but they seemed to be weaker than the one that attacked at the USJ.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Edgeshot about to be flanked by a Nomu in his blindspot.He gabbed his electric pen and dove across the pavement, rolling to absorb the impact.There was a brief look of shock in Edgeshot's eyes right before he turned on the crackling electricity and hit the Nomu right in the center of its chest, dodging again when it swiped at him, narrowly avoiding hitting large shards of broken glass lying next to a ruined building.

He was up in an instant, running towards Endeavor and kicking the Nomu square in what he presumed was its chest.It caught it off balance, allotting them a moment before the next attack came.Izuku glanced behind him, noticing the absence of Shinso, with Todoroki standing off to the side and looking like he wanted to jump into the battle.The fact that Shinso was gone was like a sign that something was wrong, and that thought made Izuku grit his teeth.

Even though he was tempted to go after his student, he stayed with the other two heroes until support showed up.The moment it did, he ran off into the alleyways, having the feeling that this had something to do with Stain and Ida. He climbed up and got a birds-eye-view of the back alleys, allowing him to pass by faster and find out whatever was going on.He just hoped that it wasn't as bad as he thought it would be...


Shigaraki had planned this attack out meticulously, fueled on the bitter memory of his defeat at the USJ.He had lost the strongest Nomu they had in that attack, but this time he released three of the Nomu, so even if they weren't as powerful as the first, they would do immense damage on Hosu if they ran unchecked.The fact that they had teamed up with Stain on this chafed at him, however.

The so-called 'hero killer' was an admirer of All Might's, something that Shigaraki would have killed him for if Kurogiri hadn't been around to talk him out of it.Stain wasn't fond of him either, calling his methods 'cruel' and 'overly violent'.The man and his ideologies were annoying, and Shigaraki hated annoying things.He would never have worked with Stain if Kurogiri hadn't said that it would be beneficial to do so, all they had to do was make sure that Stain wasn't aware of their attempt on the life of All Might or he would become too difficult to control.

They had transported back to the base, and were currently watching the live coverage of the attack, with Shigaraki cackling every time a building came down.There was a bowl of popcorn on the table in front of him that he ignored.It was completely forgotten as he watched the heroes struggle to contain the Nomus while evacuating the citizens.It was just Endeavor and Edgeshot battling the Nomus, which meant htat he was going to win-


Just as the Nomus were about to take down Edgeshot, the same hero from the USJ hit it with some sort of electric power.Was that his quirk?He was livid with rage as he watched the three heroes hold off the trio of Nomu's, panting with every blow they landed.


The popcorn bowl and it's contents scattered across the floor with the absence of the table they had been sitting on.Shigaraki had lost control and touched the table with all five fingers, causing the disintegrating effect to take place.Dust blew across the floor, covering the popcorn in a fine dusting.

Just who did that NPC think he was?!He didn't even look that old, more like a UA student, so just why was he so experienced with fighting?He wasn't on the roster for the USJ either, not being a listed student or teacher.His hands clenched with all-encompassing anger as his vision narrowed down to a point, with the green-haired nuisance at the center.

He now had a new goal besides killing All Might: killing this freckled annoyance.

Edgeshot walked along the more shadowed part of the sidewalk with his purple-haired intern to his right.He was glad he had extended the offer for an internship to the hero student; he was certainly a good fit for Edgeshot's style.The kid already knew how to blend into the shadows, he knew some basics of parkour, and he knew how to stay silent on patrols while civilians flocked them.Although... he actually wasn't sure if that was so much as a decision he made, or just his usual state of being.

The kid's chosen hero name was hilarious, too.Just a tad dark, with the added bonus of concealing ones quirk from both the public and villains.Shinso had mentioned something about one of his teachers helping him pick it out, but that was a bit confusing since he was pretty sure that 'Eraserhead' wouldn't come up with something quite that clever.After all, he hadn't even chosen his own name, just chosen the first name that someone suggested to him.Actually, just thinking about the other pro hero made him realize just how similar he and Shinso seemed to be...

They both had this bleary expression on their faces that one can only get after a short nap that ended just a bit too soon, but they both had it on constantly.Not to mention their hero costumes, since they both had that same capture scarf ingrained into their fighting styles and aesthetics.Could they be distantly related or something along those lines...?

"Shinso.Let's take a shortcut through this alleyway.It's important to practice parkour at every chance you get so it becomes an integral part of your reflexes and you don't have to think about it."

The boy just nodded, matching Edgeshot's swift pace as they disappeared into the darkened alleyway.They followed a twisting route that Edgeshot only remembered because one time on a chase, he had gotten lost in the alleyways and ended up going in the complete opposite direction of where he was supposed to be.The mirth in Ingenium's eyes was so embarrassing that now he made sure he knew all the alleyway routes before even stepping foot in a city.

They exited around the center of the city, Edgeshot noting how it was about to start getting dark out.The days had started to get a bit shorter, and Shinso was to be patrolling with him until early evening that day.It had been fairly peaceful, with only a few purse-snatchers, and one robbery at a small bank.Everything had died down a little in Hosu since the attack on Ingenium, given that most villains knew that the heroes were on high alert in the city now.But there were always a few who completely disregarded common sense and just went for it.

Edgeshot was just about to recommend that they start heading back towards his agency when he heard screams coming from behind them.He whirled around, preparing to shapeshift his arms into blades, as he stepped in front of Shinso.A large plume of smoke started to billow out above a building, along with the distinct sound of rubble crashing to the ground.

"Shinso!Stay behind me and do your best to remain outside of whatever we find over there!Make sure there are no citizens left trapped by whatever is happening!"

Shinso nodded, no words on his part needed as they sprinted toward the destruction, bracing themselves for whatever they might find.And what Edgeshot saw... was absolutely horrifying.

There was a trio of... he didn't even know what to call them causing as much damage as possible to their surroundings.The citizens looked like they were already in the process of being evacuated by several of the lower-rank heroes, but that meant that Endeavor was left to fight the three of them alone.And the #2 hero... wasn't exactly winning.

He was barely able to keep them at bay, his fire focused more on distracting them and drawing attention away from the civilians than actually being able to do any damage.And whatever hits he did land didn't seem to be having much of an effect at all, the creatures not even flinching as the red-hot flames roared towards them, engulfing them in their grasp.

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"Shinso, stay back.Do not engage, this is far more dangerous than your internships were supposed to be.I need you to stay out of danger right now, do you understand?"

Shinso nodded grimly at him, backing far away from where the two sides were fighting.It appeared that Endeavor's intern was also near that area, and the two stood next to each other, watching the battle warily, focusing intently on the gruesome scene in front of them.Edgeshot couldn't keep his attention on them for long, however, he had to dive straight into the fray to help defend against the Nomu's.

He was holding his own against a single one, but he had forgotten to watch his sides.One of the hell-raising creatures had peeled away from Endeavor's attacks and had approached him from the side, Edgeshot's eyes widening in shock just before a balck-and-green blur zipped in from the side, appearing out of nowhere.The figure held a grey pen in its hands, driving it into the chest of the Nomu and zapping it with crackling electricity, successfully stopping the Nomu in its tracks.

There was a brief moment where time seemed to slow down, allowing him to clearly view the dark figure in front of him.The dark figure... with fluffy green hair covering his head.

Edgeshot didn't even have time to be shocked because the first Nomu launched another strike at him, with him only managing to dodge because he turned into a sharp, thin blade.His hands became weapons, and he threw himself into his next attack, not giving himself time to think about all his questions surrounding Izuku-sensei's reappearance.

It was a constant struggle as they bought time, the three just barely managing to contain the three beasts.When other heroes showed up, Edgeshot would have sighed in relief had he not been otherwise occupied with trying to pin one of the things.With the help of their fellow pro heroes, they were able to stop the three long enough for Endeavor to burn them to a crisp.It smelled like a mixture of crayons that had been left in the sun too long, and rotten eggs that had been left in the pantry for 6 months.Edgeshot was glad he had his mask on, because the smell was not going away any time soon.

Turning around, he saw that Izuku-sensei had disappeared, leaving Edgeshot to question whether he had even been there in the first place.His eyes strayed over to where his intern was, or rather, where his intern was supposed to be.He panicked for a moment before cutting his eyes over to where Endeavor's intern was looking over at him and nodding at him in a reassuring way.Well...

"Endeavor.Well done on the deep fry.But, was it just me or did Izuku-sensei jump in for a minute there?"

"Yes.Apparently he's back to teaching at UA."

At least he's not going crazy.But the fact that Izuku-sensei was back did make him a bit nervous.Their old teacher had a way of making you feel like you were constantly under a microscope, every move cataloged and judged in a split second.He had almost forgotten just how terrifying and anxiety-inducing that was.

Since their quirks were not as effective against the Nomu's as Endeavor's was, they had to make sure that nobody was trapped under the rubble of the fallen buildings, so the next step was meticulously combing through every square foot of the destruction, an arduous and tedious task that would take up a chunk of time.While he sliced through blocked doorways, his mind wandered to how quickly his teacher had disappeared.Just where did the man go?


Shinso stood back from the fight against the three creatures like the one that had attacked the USJ- the Nomu.Todoroki was right next to him, his eyes tracking his father with the most extreme focus that Shinso had ever seen.The fight wasn't going in their mentors' favor until Izuku-sensei-of all people- leapt into the battle, stunning one of the Nomu's with the same electric pen he had used at the USJ.

Shinso was going to stay in the spot that he had dashed to when the fight had first started, but out of the corner of his eye he saw Ida, running into the alleyways of the city without a moment's hesitation.That couldn't be good...

Sparing one glance behind him, he sighed and chased after his class president, leaving Todoroki standing behind him with the most bewildered expression he had ever seen from the boy.Which actually wasn't saying much, since Todoroki always kept a pretty straight face, but the fact that he looked surprised at all was a bit of an accomplishment.

He streaked through the alley, barely managing to keep up with his classmate in the dim lighting.The sky was rapidly fading into darkness now, with only a peek of the sun shining through cracks in between the buildings.Edgeshot would be fine with him running this way, right?After all, he did tell him to stay out of the fight, so this could be a logical conclusion to come to... and now he was starting to sound like his dad.Just great.

"Dang it, Ida. Couldn't... just... choose to stay in... place.Noooo... just... had... to get me to... follow you."

Shinso finally stopped, having lost sight of Ida for a moment.After looking around and finding nothing, he almost went back to where he thought Edgeshot was when an enraged yell erupted from the alleyway to his left.Yeah, no way was he lucky enough to have that not be Ida.

Jumping over a low fence, Shinso came face-to-face with the scene before him.A pro hero named Native was slumped to the ground, not even twitching even though his entire torso was covered with blood.Ida, too, was limp on the pavement, face tensing as though he was trying to get up but couldn't.

"Shinso, no!Go, this is not your battle to fight.You have to get out of here!"

Stain turned and saw Shinso, eyes narrowing down to reptilian-like slits.His katana was dripping dark red blood, screeching painfully on the ground as the criminal took a few steps forward.His heart was caught in his chest, and he couldn't seem to shove out the question that would end this all.The aura surrounding Stain was bloodthirsty and sickening, filling every single cell in his body with fear.

"Hmm, another one?Yes, follow your friend's advice and run.I only hurt those who are false heroes, only in it for the fame and money of the job.He tried to enact revenge on me for what happened to his brother.Not a very hero-like goal, is it?"

Shinso realized he was out of his depth, and fumbled around blindly on his phone behind his back.All he could do was send his most recent contact his location, hoping that Todoroki would be able to make the connection that he was in trouble and needed his assistance.All he could do was keep Stain occupied until then.

His foot made a half-step back, losing more ground as Stain approached him slowly, tracking his every movement with his eyes, like he was some sort of prey and Stain was the predator.And to him, he supposed that they were prey.The hero killer's prey were heroes, and they weren't even full-fledged heroes, just helpless cocoons trying to become butterflies.

"Shinso, go!"

"You know that I can't do that, Ida."

Shinso gathered up all of his courage and stared up into the hero killer's eyes, seeing the almost hidden bloodlust buried not far under the surface of the gleaming orbs.He could do this, he could do this...

"What makes you the judge between a true hero and a fake one?"

There.That should get him to talk.Like his dad always said, people always wanted to talk about themselves, their ideologies, and their interests.And once you they started talking, they wouldn't stop.It was why they had to be careful what they asked his papa, since Present Mic was quite possibly the chattiest person in Japan.

But it appeared the time for talking was over, as the hero just kept advancing on him with those slow, methodological steps, eyes never leaving his.Shinso wasn't sure if Todoroki had even realized what the text meant, let alone get there in time to help.This was the end of the line for-

Out of nowhere, a boot came down hard on Stain's face, bringing forth a snarl of fury from the dangerous criminal.Shinso could only watch in amazement as Izuku-sensei dodged blow after blow, doing almost a dance as he avoided the sharp blades.The green-haired man kicked the villain square in the chest, using the momentum to spring into a flawless backflip that left him standing right in front of Shinso, not even out of breath.

"Shinso, I need you to get Native and Ida out of this alley.Stay with them, I'll take care of Stain." Shinso couldn't see Izuku-sensei's face, but he could feel the crushing pressure exuding from his teacher, an aura even more bloodthirsty than Stain's.The villain froze for a second, allowing Shinso to grab Ida and awkwardly half-carry, half-drag him farther away from the fight.When he managed that task, he went back for Native, being cautious of the hero's wounds."And Ida, you really should not go after dangerous criminals, especially not for revenge.This is something that will have consequences later."

He was just straightening back up when he felt a shocking pain spring through his back, the area feeling like it was on fire.All he saw before his limbs went numb and he tumbled to the ground was Stain licking his blood off of the weapon.I'm not sure what disturbs me more, the fact that we are in this situation or him licking blood off of a dirty blade.That is just disgusting...

Izuku-sensei didn't glance back to where the three were stationed, but something told Shinso that he knew exactly what happened, and was already analyzing the action to the extent of his abilities.As Shinso tried to watch the fight despite the awkward positioning of his neck, he heard footsteps approaching rapidly from behind, solid thuds hitting one after another, until they stopped directly behind him.

"Shinso, why would you send me a-oh."

"Todoroki, stay back.The three of us can't move right now, but I think that Izuku-sensei has this handled.Though, if you could maybe sit me up a bit and stop the bleeding, that would be appreciated." Shinso couldn't stop the slightly sarcastic edge to that statement, it was just how his voice was.

Todoroki got him and the others leaning against a wall after sufficiently bandaging the wound to the best of his ability, standing in front of them protectively while the standoff continued in front of them.Izuku-sensei had pulled out a knife and was using it to deflect one blade while deftly dodging the other.It was almost beautiful to watch, in a twisted sort of way.It was like they were dancing, whirling around to counter attack and leaping over one anothers attacks.The three UA students were entranced by the constant motion, focused solely on what was happening in front of them.

Izuku-sensei suddenly disrupted the rhythm to the fight by springing backwards and grabbing hold of one of the pipes lining the building, hoisting himself up above Stain.His teacher was only up there a second before he dropped down, using the backs of his knees to hook around Stain's neck, flipping the criminal over and disarming him of his blades in one smooth motion.

Izuku-sensei stood over Stain with one of the most intimidating expressions that Shinso had ever seen, looking down on the criminal with cool rage set in every one of his features.It was a direct juxtaposition from his usual smiling state, one that Shinso was still coming to terms with.It was hard to believe that their teacher could do things like this when he was walking into their classroom with a radiant grin and a ready laugh.He was honestly unsure on whether or not their teacher was the literal sun with how bright his smile was.They might have to get sunglasses some time so they wouldn't blind themselves in class.

Shinso was able to start moving just as Izuku-sensei flipped his dagger around so he was holding the blade and the pommel was facing outward, knocking Stain on the head hard enough that the soon-to-be convict passed out instantly.Ouch...

He tried to pull himself to his feet, standing on shaky legs while Todoroki steadied him as best as he could.Ida was also just now starting to move, looking up at the sky with a deep look of remorse on his face, likely beating himself up about going after Stain and failing.Honestly, Shinso thought he deserved to feel a little bit bad.Yeah, he was angry and probably didn't know what to do with those feelings, but it just wasn't logical to go after the hero killer on your own, and it wasn't smart to seek revenge in the first place.There must have been a moment where instead of this, Ida thought, well, maybe it isn't the best idea to go after the hero killer.Maybe I should talk about my feelings instead of attempting murder?

Izuku-sensei paused a moment before turning around, this time with a sharp grin that seemed to have more edges than curves in place.Scary."Well, is everyone alright?We should probably patch up Shinso, Ida, and Native's wounds at least a little before getting them to an ambulance, and it doesn't look like you were hurt, Todoroki."

"No, Izuku-sensei.I arrived near the end of the fight.How did he manage to paralyze them?Is that his quirk?"

"Yes, I suspect that his quirk has something to do with the blood he ingests.He was only able to paralyze Shinso after he licked the blade, and since I didn't get cut he wasn't able to stop me like he stopped the others.It is also likely that there is a time limit related to the type of blood he ingests, since Shinso and Ida were both released at the same time even though Ida was cut well before Shinso.Ida's blood type is A, and Shinso's is type O. However, regarding your injuries, I still think it would be a good idea to get you checked out, even if you don't think you got injured.You can never be too safe when someone is piercing you with the same weapon that they lick.It's just not sanitary." Shinso gave a little shudder in agreement, feeling his stomach turn at the thought of who else's blood might've been on that sword.

Izuku grabbed some rope from around the alleyway and tied Stain up tightly, looping the knot several times.Shinso was currently trying to avoid the thought that their teacher knew their blood types off the top of his head.It was just going to be filed under the category of reasons to fear his new teacher.That list was actually getting way longer than Shinso thought it would...

The five made their way onto the main street, running into some heroes who called for an ambulance, but due to the chaos the Nomu had caused the roads were a bit backed up.The ambulance wouldn't be there for another few minutes, so it was lucky that nobody's injuries were severe enough that they needed immediate professional medical attention.Everything was going well, that was until the Nomu grabbed Izuku-sensei out of the sky.



Stain thought he had everything under control.The so-called 'hero' Native was lying down with a gash in his side, fully immobilized with no chance of escape.Then that student had shown up and been a real thorn in his side, trying to seek revenge on the behalf of his brother, the pro hero Ingenium.The kid had been no problem to take down, except his arrival spawned another one of those fakes, a purple-haired kid that hadn't been able to speak when he first arrived.When he put so much effort into asking a question, Stain had figured it was best not to respond to the kid.Even that would have been easy to take care of, barely a fly in his peripheral vision, until that green-haired menace showed up.

He looked young, like another one of those brats masquerading as heroes, but he knew what he was doing, too.Those weren't the actions of someone who was still a student, no, those were the actions of a full-fledged hero.It was satisfying to cross blades with him, and Stain was almost impressed when he beat him.Maybe All Might wasn't the only true hero left out there...

And he accurately guessed his quirk after seeing it in action once, even his weakness about blood type.He thought he heard the kid call the guy 'Izuku-sensei', but his ears were still ringing and that couldn't be it.It just wasn't possible that this sixteen-year-old looking kid was a teacher.Even if he looked young for his age, nobody looked that young for their age.It just wasn't plausible.

Though he had no clue what his age was, Stain still knew that he was a true hero at heart, even chiding the one seeking revenge while protecting him.He had inserted himself into a situation he didn't need to be in, all in the name of helping others.All Might was still the greatest true hero, of course, but maybe he wasn't the only true hero anymore.

So when he regained consciousness, he didn't struggle that much, preferring to stay quiet and let them assume he was still knocked out.That was, until one of those flying freaks swooped in from the sky, throwing the one with the separate hair colors into the wall, Stain hearing a crack as he made the impact.The 'Nomus' had been crafted by those petty villains that Stain had met with, the two formulating a plan to cause as much damage to Hosu as possible.He hated working with villains that were fueled by petty motivations, not to mention the fact that the so-called 'leader' of this group hated All Might.The partnership just wasn't going to work out.

So when he saw the Nomu grab the man who had stopped him in the alleyway, he broke out of his chains with no hesitation, grabbing a hidden blade around his waist and jumping into action immediately.The other fakes couldn't stop him as he pushed into the air, raising his blade high to cut through the legs that were holding the green-haired guy down so he couldn't move, effectively rendering him like a doll, unable to stop anything happening around him.

"All... in the sake... of a better society..."

Stain took a single step towards the 'heroes' that appeared to be frozen in fear.They couldn't stop him from escaping, and they couldn't stop him now."I will... kill... all of you fakes..."

Stain felt a stabbing pain in his chest, something that he had apparently not registered earlier, likely due to shock from his wounds.He couldn't stop the blackness from creeping into his vision, not even falling over as he lost consciousness entirely, giving in to the pain.The green-haired man was getting up himself, seeming to ignore or even just not notice the unnatural angle of his arm, which was twisted at the elbow until it was facing outward.A true hero...

Izuku stared at the TV hanging on the familiar white walls of the hospital, feeling a bit sullen.The news reporter was discussing the events that happened at Hosu, and when they described the Nomu taking off with him, they said he was 'likely a student, perhaps fifteen or so years old'.He was not fifteen!He could understand calling him seventeen, or even sixteen, but fifteen?That was just being mean.Luckily, they hadn't gotten a good view of his face, so it was unlikely anyone had identified him based on that little scene.

A knock sounded at his doorway, and he clicked off the TV, still wearing a slight scowl even as the report was turned off.There was a nurse pushing a wheelchair with an old student of his inside of it, Tensei Ida. He was looking well for someone who had been stabbed in the side less than a month ago, if you were looking past the wheelchair, of course.

"Izuku-sensei!I just wanted to come and say thank you in person for what you did when Stain attacked me since I heard you were in the hospital for... what exactly?"

Izuku sucked his cheek in a bit before answering, a bit begrudgingly since Tensei had been one of his biggest hecklers apart from Present Mic, back when they were in his class."Well, I had a very severely broken arm, as well as a dislocated shoulder."

"And how long did it take you to notice?"

"Less than ten minutes." Izuku was a bit proud when he said that.It wasn't every day that he noticed an injury in less than at least an hour.

"And were you the one to point it out or was it another hero?"

"That is beside the point." Tensei raised an eyebrow so Izuku reluctantly responded, "It was your brother."

Tensei's head snapped up when Izuku made that statement, and Izuku realized that the news station hadn't revealed who was involved in Stain's most recent, and last, attack.He had no idea that his brother had sought out the dangerous criminal who had attacked him in the name of revenge.

"What do you mean my brother noticed?!Wasn't he supposed to be away from UA on his internships?What was he involved in that could have resulted in an injury like this?"

"... You heard about Stain being taken down, right?"

"Yeah," Tensei's eyes twinkled for a moment in mirth."They called you a 15-year-old student.It was hilarious.Wait..."

"Yes, Tenya apparently decided that the best course of action was to take Stain out, even though he had virtually no training and was not authorized to harm villains in the first place." Izuku's voice was wry and sarcastic, clearly displaying the fact that he was not pleased with his student.

"Well, crap." The pro hero was silent for a moment before glancing up and looking into Izuku's eyes, catching onto the lack of a smile on his old teacher's face.He was almost wary of the man's reaction, something that Izuku didn't quite understand.After all, it wasn't like he was ever something to be frightened of.Maybe past students did stutter around him and gazed at him with shock and a bit of fear, but that had to be for a different reason.Who was he to be someone to be scared of?


Tensei tracked Izuku-sensei's face, looking for even the tiniest hint of anger.He had never seen his old teacher truly mad, but he didn't need to be mad to be scary.Even Aizawa never came close to being as frightening as their green-haired former teacher, and he had heard that there was an entire class of expelled students who jumped every time they heard the man's name.Izuku-sensei didn't need to try to be intimidating, he just was.

"Are you... angry at him?"

Izuku-sensei looked at him with a thoughtful expression on his face, pondering the question.It didn't take him long before he answered."No, I'm not mad.I think I'm just... disappointed."

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And that was it.Tensei's heart dropped down to his stomach, sucking in a sharp gasp of air that felt like fire on the way down.The last time Izuku-sensei had said that he was disappointed, Tensei had been in his second year, and there was a new student in his class.It was the first day of the school year, and the other students were still a bit sour about the guy from the general studies course who had beaten them all at the Sports Festival and transferred over.God, he still had nightmares about that class period.

Up until that point, the students had seen Izuku-sensei as the happiest teacher in UA, the one who tried not to assign homework on weekends, who never got upset, and who was always agreeable to talk about something other than the classwork if there was time.That all changed that day...


Tensei sat down in his seat next to the guy with the voice quirk, Yamada.Sure, he was a bit loud at times, but he couldn't really control that and otherwise, he was a totally awesome dude to hang out with.The other students filed in, talking about what they did while school was out as they waited for Izuku-sensei to arrive, sitting wherever.The new student was sitting behind them, so Tensei decided to introduce himself, and fully expected Yamada to insert himself into the conversation.It wasn't even a question, he was just sure he would do it.

The new guy didn't look like he was that interested, with an expression both bored and tired, his long black locks falling over his face to cover his eyes.It didn't necessarily look like he wanted conversation, but maybe he was just shy?Ah, whatever.He would just go for it.

"Hi!I'm Tensei Ida, and my quirk is Engine.You're the guy who beat us at the Sports Festival last year, right?Ai-something?"

Yamada chose that moment to jump in, turning around fully in his seat."YEAH!You're Aizawa!Right?!"

The guy's tired eyes shifted up towards him, sighing as he answered."Yeah.I'm Shota Aizawa.Who are you?"

When Aizawa's eyes shifted up, staring his friend directly in the eye, Yamada's face went very pink in the cheeks, eyes rocketing up to the ceiling as he muttered, "Not as straight as I thought I was..."


"I mean, I'm Hizashi Yamada!My quirk is Voice!Nice to meet you!"

Well, that was certainly not what he was expecting out of that interaction, but it was certainly amusing.The two didn't seem like they would be friends, and Aizawa even specifically said that he was not looking for friends, but in the time before Izuku-sensei entered the classroom, Yamada got Aizawa to chat almost non-stop.Granted, he was doing most of the talking, but the other guy wasn't ignoring him, which was more than Tensei thought that his loudmouth classmate would get him to do.

The door shifted open, squeaking as Izuku-sensei walked through the door.Tensei saw Aizawa's slightly confused expression when the green-haired teacher sat down at the desk and remembered that their teacher didn't exactly look like a teacher.You ended up getting used to his youthful appearance after a while, but it was always a shock when you saw him for the first time.

Their teacher was smiling his usual glowing smile that seemed to be brighter than the sun, facing all of them and waiting for the noise to die down a bit.When it did, he started to speak."Well, welcome back, students.I hope you are all ready for your second year to begin, because we are going to dive right back into quirk analysis today.But before we do that, we do have a new student, Shota Aizawa.You might know him from the Sports Festival last year when he came in first place," The class was silent after that statement, a bit of resentment still there.Tensei almost did a double-take when he thought his teacher had a slight smirk on, but it vanished before he could blink, leaving him to conclude he had imagined it.Izuku-sensei continued, "Since today's class period will be focused on analyzing your classmates quirks in greater detail, I will ask you to tell the rest of the class your quirk, Aizawa.Some of them may know it already if they faced you in the final round, but we want to be able to accurately make predictions about what we can and can't do.The more we learn about each other, the more we learn about ourselves."

Aizawa had this sour expression on his face and he looked down at the table sullenly, muttering something unintelligible under his breath before answering."My quirk is Erasure.It allows me to nullify the quirk of the user by looking at them.It does give me dry eye, though."

There was a beat of silence, Izuku-sensei looking like he was a little kid on Christmas and opening his mouth, probably to ask a question, before Tensei heard some kid mutter something from behind him, a dismissive whisper that Tensei didn't think they were supposed to hear.

"What a villainous quirk."

Aizawa's shoulders hunched down even further, and his mouth set into a firm line, but Tensei was much more concerned with Izuku-sensei's reaction.Their teacher lost his smile almost instantly, head snapping to who had made the utterance with razor-sharp precision, gaze piercing him like a lance.His eyes were blazing, and the pressure in the room made it hard to breath.Izuku-sensei's voice was the most venomous tone Tensei had ever heard when he hissed, "What did you just say, Aihara?"

Tensei couldn't bring himself to look away from their teacher, but he knew that Aihara was as pale as a sheet right now.How could he not be, with such a terrifying image in front of them?Not to say that he didn't deserve it, of course.It's horrible that a fellow classmate of his would judge someone only based on their quirk.Truly despicable.

"Now that is one of the most idiotic things I have ever heard anyone say, and it's truly ridiculous that you haven't managed to learn from your first year here.You should know by now that a quirk doesn't make a villain, the person does.And even if we do follow your logic that there are 'villainous' quirks, what makes you think yours is heroic?What tells you if a quirk is made for a villain or a hero?Your own quirk, Claws, could be used for evil just as much as any other.You could tear a person's eye out, or even disembowel others with it.It is just pathetic that you think that this is even a sound train of thought, and I can't even say if I have taught you anything right now." Izuku-sensei had his lip curled, and his hands clenched on the edges of his desk.Tensei had to admit, he was honestly terrified right now.

"W-well, even if it's not a villainous quirk, it's a weak one!He can only cancel out other people's quirk.He can't do anything for himself!"

CRACK.Izuku-sensei's chair hit the wall as he shot to his feet, breathing deeply as if trying to calm himself.This was definitely a different picture of his teacher than the one he had painted in the last year.And why, why, did that guy keep talking?Couldn't he see that not only was he wrong, that this was going to end very badly for him?

"There are no such things as weak quirks!Some might have greater weaknesses than others, and some might be more applicable to situations, but I never want to hear a SINGLE student in this classroom call any quirk weak again!Every quirk has it's weaknesses, and yours is no different.Not only is your quirk rendered useless if someone tears out your fingernails, you have no backup plan to fall on when your quirk doesn't work.You assume it will always be there to save you, but guess what?It won't.You are utterly dependent on your quirk, and during the Sports Festival last year, you lost because you couldn't do anything when Aizawa erased your quirk.You didn't even learn from your mistakes and try to improve, you just decided to call the person who beat you weak.What does that make you?"

By the end of his passion-filled speech, the class was shaking in their seats, all gulping nervously when their teacher suggested tearing out his fingernails to stop him.Tensei had always known his teacher was a genius when it came to quirks and analyzing things, but he never imagined that the green-haired man would put it into practice like this.After this class period, he never wanted to get on his teacher's bad side.Ever.

Izuku-sensei continued to lecture and horrify almost every single person in the room, and by the end there were students in tears, because Izuku-sensei focused on minute details from every single training session they had ever had, and instead of using his normal method of gently leading you towards the realization of where you went wrong, he looked you directly in the eye and instead told you what could've happened had you continued to dowhat you were doing.A lot of the scenarios ended in death or mutilation, the teacher focusing on those who had thrown bitter stares at Aizawa in the beginning of class, or nodded in agreement when that idiot was spewing nonsense.Tensei almost would've felt bad for them if they hadn't deserved it.

Aizawa, who hadn't seen Izuku-sensei's more sunny side, was in a state of extreme confusion, glancing around in bewilderment as students broke down in front of his eyes.Yamada himself was silent, a true feat that not many could accomplish, and was inching back towards the new arrival, likely not even aware that he was doing it.Tensei was scooting back himself, trying to escape the notice of their sharp-eyed teacher as best as he could.The three ended up right next to each other, with Yamada and Tensei on either side of Aizawa.They could only watch and wait for the aftermath to happen, all desperate not to get involved.

"So... how often does this happen?" Aizawa muttered, the movement of his lips barely noticeable as he was slumped down in his chair, arms crossed tightly over his chest.

"Well-uh- this is a first.Izuku-sensei is usually much more, uh, cheerful.We've never really seen him like this before." Tensei mumbled, eyes tracking the path of carnage left in his teacher's wake, trying not to laugh when he turned around and saw Aihara trembling like a leaf in his seat, barely managing to look at the youthful man standing to the front.

"Wait, so he has never been like this before?Then why is everyone so terrified of him right now?"

"Probably because Izuku-sensei has been alive longer than almost any other being on the planet and has taught every single hero to pass through UA since it opened.He also taught Nezu, and is the best quirk analyzer in the world.He's usually so cheerful that I don't think any of us suspected that he could be so scary..." Tensei still couldn't believe it himself, even after seeing the horrifying action itself, it was almost just too much to wrap his head around.Maybe this is why Ectoplasm-sensei always gulps whenever Izuku-sensei walks into a room.

"What do you mean the oldest?He cannot be more than 20 at the absolute max.He literally looks like he should be in our grade right now."

"Oh- his quirk is called immortality.We're pretty sure he's over 200 years old, but nobody has ever really asked him.He's dropped a few hints, like he's been alive since the pre-quirk era, but we haven't really discussed it beyond that."

Aizawa just looked at Tensei with raised eyebrows, clearly disbelieving.Yamada nodded empathetically on the other side of Aizawa, eyes wide in earnestness.Right as his cheeks started to go red when Aizawa glanced at him, the bell rang, saving his idiotic friend from the embarrassment.Their teacher had one last statement to make before they left the classroom, 'I'm not even mad anymore, just... disappointed."

Students filed out into the halls, all eerily quiet.The whole class period had been wasted from that one guy's stupidity, and they hadn't even gotten to the activity that Izuku-sensei had wanted them to do.Not only that, but Tensei was pretty sure that he would never look at his teacher the same way ever again.Blazing green eyes and snarling lips would haunt his memory every time he looked at Izuku-sensei for a long time, if not forever.

Even if they didn't get to the activity in class, this may just have been the most informative lesson Tensei has ever had in that class.Now to make sure I never see that ever again...


Tensei shivered as he remembered the day that Aizawa had come into their classroom, the word 'disappointing' coming from Izuku-sensei's mouth might be just a bit triggering for him.That incident might have inspired more PTSD in Tensei than all of his hero incidents combined.Even including the Stain situation.It was that terrifying.

"You all right there, Ida? It looks like you were in your own world there for a moment." Izuku-sensei looked like a puppy dog, with his head tilted to the side and a slight frown tugging at his lips.It was so hard to conjure the image of him being scary when he was like this.Sometimes he just came to the conclusion that he had imagined it all, but then Izuku-sensei would say something that made him go sheet-white.He honestly thought that one of the scariest things about Izuku-sensei wasn't his analysis skills or how he could follow you for days without you having a clue, it was how he managed to look completely innocent while he was doing these things.Not only that, but Tensei was starting to realize that his teacher just did not realize how scary he was.How, he wasn't sure.

"Yes, I'm completely fine.Where is Tenya now?"

Izuku-sensei's eyes twinkled for a moment and a seemingly innocent smile tugged at the corners of his lips, clearly up to something.Tensei was a bit wary, and that feeling didn't alleviate in the slightest when Izuku-sensei started to speak."Oh, he is okay, don't worry about that, though I do think him and the other students involved need to learn a little lesson.Just because things were alright this time doesn't mean they will be in the future."

Tensei had no idea what his former teacher was up to, but the doctors said that stress wasn't good for you when you were supposed to be healing, so he would just let it go this time.Sometimes, you just had to accept that Izuku-sensei was going to do a thing and that thing would scare you.All of them had that lesson at least once, now it was his brother and his classmate's turn..

Shinso opened his eyes to a large white room, groaning as he tried to sit up, pain flaring in his back.A pair of hands helped him up, pulling gently under his arms until he was in an upright position.When he saw Todoroki sitting in the bed across from him, both arms bandaged up, and Ida standing next to him, likely being the one who helped him, he remembered the events of the internships.I need coffee...

"Shinso!Is your back feeling better?The doctors healed it as best they could, but they said you would likely be experiencing some pain in the next few days." Ida was clearly worried, with a strong undertone of guilt lying in his words.Good, he should feel guilty.Don't attack dangerous criminals, Ida. For someone who is so by-the-book, you sure can break the rules at the exact times you shouldn't.

A few popping noises could be heard as he stretched, going as far as he could until he felt the strain on his back.The pain wasn't as bad as he had initially thought, just very sore."Yeah, I'll be fine.What about you guys?Todoroki, you looked pretty bad when you got thrown into that wall by the Nomu."

"I'm fine.There were a few cracked ribs, and a few bones in my arms were broken, but they were able to reverse the damage easily enough.I was nowhere near as bad shape as you were." Todoroki was sitting up straight, posture as perfect as ever.Shinso winced at the thought of sitting like that in his current state.

"Yeah, who knew getting stabbed hurts?Guess I can check that off my bucket list." Shinso's voice was as sarcastic as ever, a dry edge so sharp that even Todoroki would understand that he wasn't being serious.

"Why would getting stabbed be on your bucket list?"

Nevermind.At first, Shinso thought that Todoroki had to be joking; he was so clueless about when people were using sarcasm or being serious.But no, his classmate is just that oblivious.It was refreshing, in a way, but sometimes Shinso wanted to facepalm so hard.

Ida cleared his throat, his eyes finding the ground as he looked away from the two of them.Speaking somberly, he said, "I apologize for my actions.It was not very hero-like of me at all, and I should not have acted in such a manner." His gaze slid up and found Shinso's, not seeming to even be looking at him, more like some far off vision."We-we got lucky that Izuku-sensei found us.You both could've been seriously hurt if it wasn't for him.I... I was foolish to think I could go after the hero killer myself, and I almost got not only myself but you both killed as well."

Shinso felt the cold, dead thing most usually call a heart twist a little at the sight of the self-loathing in Ida's eyes.He forgave him, but he wasn't going to forget that this incident happened.No, he was going to bring it up almost every chance he got, making sure to lament on the fact that Ida attempted murder.In fact... why don't they call themselves the murder squad?It would be adorable to see the expression on Kaminari's face when he tried to understand what they were-no.Bad Shinso.

While Shinso was having a mental battle with himself, the door swing open, revealing three figures standing just outside.The hero that Ida did his mentorship with was there, as well as Edgeshot and this... dog guy?

"Well, if it isn't the wounded warriors." Shinso huffed out a breath of air at the thick sarcasm present in Edgeshot's voice, the hero obviously not impressed with the three troublesome young students.Shinso did catch the slightest bit of relief in his mentor's voice, however, when he saw that the purple-haired boy was fine.If you ignored the extensive bandages covering his torso, that is.If he was going to use the word 'fine' without lying, he should probably come up with a different definition in the future...

"First of all, we would like to express our relief that the three of you are okay, despite your numerous injuries.Fighting the hero killer is no joke, and you need to understand that you got extremely lucky.Honestly, we're shocked that one of you isn't dead right now." The dog...whatever said.His nose was lifted, sniffing whatever lay underneath that hospital smell."My name is Kenji Tsuragamae, and I am the chief of police in Hosu.We want to discuss your actions of last night."

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Uh oh.A foreboding sense washed over Shinso, leaving a churning feeling deep in his gut.Shinso wasn't quite sure, since he hadn't exactly looked over this law, but they just may have broken the vigilante law, stating that all those using their quirks to try and inflict damage on a villain must have a hero license.The only reason that he knew this was because his dad grumbled about vigilantes and how annoying they could be at least twice a month, having dealt with them a lot in his job as an underground hero.They had all at least gone there with the intent to attack, and had all interfered in one way or another.Todoroki might have gotten off scott free, but Shinso was sure that his...friend... would have gone full throttle if given the chance.Now it was time to see what the consequences would be...

"You three do realize that you attempted to attack a villain through use of your quirk without a hero license, right?Not is that dangerous to yourselves, it is against the law, and there will have to be some kind of repercussion for your actions."

Todoroki's scowl darkened the room, and while it was nowhere near as scary as Izuku-sensei's, he was no slouch in the gloomy territory.Don't, Todoroki, we might get off with a warning or something similar, but don't do anything that could get us into further trouble.I need you guys to use some sense here!

"So what, we were just supposed to sit back and let people get hurt?" Oh great.Thank you so much, Todoroki.That was exactly what we needed right here, when we have already broken laws.Just great.

"The law must be upheld, and you three are no exception.However, there is no need for this to impact your future." The hero looked down his nose at them, holding them in suspension for his next words.Todoroki was still simmering a bit, but he seemed to have backed it up a notch.Whew...

"You have two options right now.First, you can tell the public and be applauded for managing to hold off the hero killer and save a hero's life.You won't be able to avoid punishment in this case, however.The second option is that your involvement in this event is left out.Nobody will know what you did, and we will cover his capture with the attakc on Hosu earlier, saying that heroes across the city caught him.I think we can agree on option two?"

The three students nodded, all looking down at their hands in silence, stewing in a bit of guilt for their actions.The police chief and Manual walked out, after lightly scolding Ida on his actions.Shinso walked up to Edgeshot, struggling just a tad with keeping his torso upright when dropping off the bed to the floor.He met the hero's indiscernible eyes, bringing his own blank expression to the table.

"I thought I told you to stay out of danger?"

"Well, you also said to stay back, and I went pretty much in the opposite direction.So really, I was doing exactly what you told me to do." Shinso couldn't help but smirk a bit as he glanced up to his mentor's eyes, which might not have been the best course of action had it been anyone but Edgeshot.The hero just smirked right back at him, and nodded once before exiting the room, following the others.

There was silence for a moment before Ida exhaled deeply."Okay.I thought we were going to get in way more trouble than that from the way he was talking at first.I honestly can't believe we got off that easy."

The trio of troublemakers had to stay a few more hours in the hospital before going home, the doctors making sure that there was nothing else that they needed to look at before letting them out of their line of sight.Shinso breathed a sigh of relief when they were finally allowed to leave, passing a familiar green-haired man in the hallway.


Izuku-sensei was standing in the shadows of the hallway, winking at Shinso with glittering green eyes that seemed a bit too pleased with himself.His arm was in a sling, Shinso remembering that Ida had pointed out the broken limb before they were sent to the hospital.But the way Izuku-sensei was standing... it was almost like he was waiting for someone to come by.Just another question to add to the list about Izuku-sensei.


30 minutes before the heroes entered the hospital room...

Izuku stepped around orderlies and rolling beds as he made his way through the busy hospital, staying to the sides to pass by more quickly.He had been debating with himself with how to handle what the students did with Stain, and he decided a lecture just wasn't good enough.Yes, he was still going lecture them, he was just going to use other methods to get them to consider their actions in greater detail as well.

Edgeshot and Manual were sitting on a bench several feet away from the entrance of the room, likely waiting for the police chief of Hosu to show up before entering the room.He flashed a toothy grin before subtly sneaking over there, staying out of their line of sight for as long as possible while also maintaining a normal way of walking, not crouching down as it appeared much more suspicious than anything else would.

It was Edgeshot who noticed him first, the ninja-like hero choking on his cup of coffee and sputtering a bit.Manual wasn't too far behind him, taking a concerned glance at his fellow hero before following the direction of Edgeshot's shaking finger to where Izuku was innocently standing, only smirking on the inside of his mind.The latter hero wasn't a student of his, but he had seen him around at the attack on Hosu, arriving as they were carrying Stain's unconscious body away.Izuku, at the time, didn't exactly look like the sunniest person in the world, with a few bloodstains and tears donning his black hero costume, making him look like... just a really battered sixteen year-old.He really wished that he at least looked like he wasn't in high school anymore.He once had an officer of the law walk up to him and tell him that he should be in school that day.It had been embarrassing when he had to show the man his hero license, then go through the trouble of making sure it was real at the station.Those were several hours of his life that he would never get back.

The younger hero looked pretty confused, at one point even shifting his eyes to behind Izuku to see if there was someone else that he should be looking at.He internally rolled his eyes before approaching the two, walking with a confident stride.Edgeshot's eyes were a bit wide above his mask, the hero coughing a bit before speaking.

"Hello, Izuku-sensei.It... well, it's certainly surprising to see you here.You were at the incident last night, right?" The hero smirked a bit, then asked, "So, how long did it take you to realize you were injured this time?"

Izuku narrowed his eyes, glancing away a bit contemptuously.It was so frustrating that everyone had learned that he was just the tiniest bit annoyed whenever they started needling him about it, so of course they decided to do it every chance they got.It was a habit that he had never been able to break when they were students, much to his displeasure.

"Hmph.You are here for the students involved in the Stain incident, right?" Their eyes widened a bit in surprise, before Edgeshot just breathed out a chuckle, Manual glancing between the two of them a bit surprised.

"Wait, how do you know that?Why is he calling a sixteen-year-old sensei?Who are you?" Manual was looking just a bit frustrated, obviously having more questions than he had answers.Honestly, he was just looking lost.

"Oh, I did forget to introduce you.Manual, this is Izuku-sensei, my teacher from my UA days.And no, he is not a sixteen-year-old, it's just a side effect from his quirk." Manual still looked confused, but dropped the subject when the chief of police rounded the corner towards them.

The dog-man checked his phone when he stopped, Izuku seeing he was looking at a news channel going over the Hosu events.They didn't know all the details yet, and Izuku knew that meant that the chief of police would try and keep the students out of it as much as possible, and while he did agree with that, they couldn't get off just scott free.

The police chief and Izuku chatted for a moment, both having met each other before, which made things a lot easier on Izuku so he didn't have to get past the original skeptisism that everyone had towards him at first.They finally came to discuss the students options, since he was their teacher at UA and was permitted to know about things concerning the students medical and legal status, due to the agreement they signed with UA at the beginning of the year.

"I see no problem with that, and I'm sure that the students will agree to that, but," Here Izuku smirked a bit, Manual giving him a surprised side-eye at the devious look on his face, "Make sure they sweat a bit before you offer them that option... it'll be good for them."

Sure, maybe that wasn't the nicest choice to make, but he did have their best interests in mind.This would help them learn to make better decisions in the future, something that they obviously needed if recent events were to be believed.And if it just so happened that it was amusing to him, too... well, nobody really had to know that.

He walked down the hallway until he found a shadowed corner where he could stand and wait to see his students before they left, while fulfilling the requirements that he had to 'stay in the hospital until further notice'.He was pretty sure that Recovery Girl had somehow communicated with the nurses and told them to say that, because one broken bone was no reason to stay in the hospital this long.It was already mostly healed due to his accelerated healing status.This was Recovery Girl's passively angry way of getting him to begin noticing when his bones are broken.He was almost tempted to break more bones, just out of spite.But he wouldn't do that...

It wasn't until later that night that he was allowed to leave, and when he got to his apartment videos of the hero killer were already going viral, talking about his ideology and 'accomplishments'.People seemed to admire him, all talking about his life story in the comments, and how he wasn't wrong with his ideas.There seemed to be a magnetic effect on others when someone completely convinced in what they thought they knew showed up.First it was All Might, who inspired others with his smile, then it was Stain, who tore through the ranks of heroes in the name of his ideals.Noth were very different, yet had a similar effect on those around them.

Classes would not start again until the day after tomorrow, due to the last day of internships for students who weren't involved in trying to attack a dangerous criminal.Those students still had to heal from injuries and think about what they had done.And it had better not be with pride.

He was reading over the quirks of new villains that had been captured in his absence, and those who had escaped or caused some sort of problem that heroes adn officers had caught on to, making sure that he was fully aware if one of them broke out and he happened to stumble upon them.He was just getting to this guy who could make you tell the truth when his phone rang, the caller ID showing that it was Snipe who was calling.

"Hello, this is Izuku Midoriya."

'Izuku-sensei!I know it is a bit later at night than what you would usually be called at, but I wanted to ask if you would do me a favor.'

"Please go on."

'Yeah!So, in my history class we are about to go over the pre-quirk era, and I figured that it would be best to have the only guy who was there talk about it.It would be just class 1-a in the hour that you don't have class, and if you could go that would be rockin'.'

The pre-quirk era... he hadn't thought about that time in his life for a while.It was years and years ago, a distant time that had long ended.Not many thought about it, or really ahd any inkling for what it was like before quirks dominated everybody's life.However... maybe it would be good for the new generation to learn about this.After all, what good was the past if nobody learned from it?

"Sure.That is the class period that is longer due to the general studies day, right?" The hero course had their one week of internships and the general studies course had their week where they went to several places across the city and learned about future career paths.Those days were extended for all the other students due to having more than a third of their students gone, having more teachers to teach the courses for a prolonged amount of time.

'Alright!Thanks for this, Izuku-sensei!See ya then.'

Izuku put away the files, too lost in thought to do anything else.Honestly, he wasn't quite sure how he was going to talk about the pre-quirk era, or even if they would truly understand that with all of its differences, in some ways they still hadn't grown at all.And for him... he didn't know how he would talk about it.It was a long time ago for him, and it wasn't the happiest time in his life exactly.I guess I just start with the facts, then see if they have any questions... It was going to be an interesting class, to say the least.

Aizawa slinked into the class, most of the students already there.It wasn't that he wasn't there on time, he just didn't feel the need to walk into class before he needed to.He spent hours with those kids, he didn't need to spend a second longer than necessary.Nobody had the energy for that, least of all him.His kid was okay, but some of them were really high-strung, to the point where he thought that they were just eating sugar whenever he wasn't looking at them.Well, aside from Sato.At least he had a reason to be eating sugar.

He took attendance drolly, laying down in his sleeping bag while he waited for Snipe to show up.They were doing history in their homerooms because of the messed-up scheduling of the week.So not only did he have to stay in there for the lesson, he had to do this all week.Why did he agree to teach again?

Kaminari made a comment about the hero killer that had Shinso and Todoroki wincing a bit, his son rolling his eyes when he looked at the blonde.Then when he seemed to realize what he had said a second later he started to apologize to the boy with glasses, and his son looked at him with an exasperated form of fondness.Well, that is a bit telling...

Snipe burst into the classroom, but the door didn't shut behind him.Instead, a hand held it open as he stepped through, revealing Izuku-sensei.Just what was he doing here?

"Well hello, class 1-a!As you all know, the schedule is going to be a bit weird for the next few days, so not only will we be staying here for the duration of the class, we will have a longer class period than usual.We'll be going into the pre-quirk era, and may I just remind you all to make sure and pay attention, as the exams are coming up and there will be a penalty if you fail, to be discussed later with your homeroom teacher.Izuku-sensei will be here in this class period, and he will be speaking about the pre-quirk era, as he is the only guy left that was alive during that time.Give him your full attention, please."

Well, Aizawa did have to say that he was impressed.Having another teacher doing all the teaching for you, now THAT was a fine idea.If only he would've thought about that before he had to do all the work of making the personalized lists of heroes to intern with.That was time-consuming, and that time was time that he could've spent sleeping.

"Alright.I figured that to begin with we would go over what was in the textbook, then I can add on a bit from there, and then we will open the floor to questions." The green-haired teacher didn't quite have the same smile that he usually did.Sure, it was there, but it was as prominent or luminescent as usual.Interesting...


Shinso watched their teacher with a slight frown on his face, noting the difference with how Izuku-sensei usually displayed himself.He wasn't nervous, but it was almost like he was lost in a bad train of thought that carried with him in his words.It was pretty concerning.

"The pre-quirk era was very different from the world we live in today.The most obvious difference, of course, is the fact that there were no meta-humans, and so there were no heroes.They had other means of law enforcement, if you would turn to page 146, please."

They read through how police officers were much more prominent, and how there was a whole lot less property damage.Everything almost seemed... simpler, in a way.You didn't have beings with superstrength who could take out a city block by themselves using their bare hands, but you also didn't have heroes to keep the peace.Instead of heroes, the idols were rock stars or actresses, the figures that didn't have quite as much influence now that there was All Might.It was pretty interesting to see contrasting the two time eras were like they were two entirely different worlds.And not only that, he learned that Izuku-sensei was engaging even in history.He knew that he was good from the analysis class already, but it was impressive to see him keep even Kaminari's attention whilst talking about history.The blonde boy was staring so intently at the teacher, it was so adorable and-no.Focus on history, Shinso.

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"And that is what the world was like before quirks appeared.Now, this isn't technically a part of the book, so you can close it for the time being.However, this is something that I think is very important that most people tend to skip over.The road between the appearance of quirks and when we finally got the legal system set up was a rocky one, and nobody seems to mention it anymore.The most important part of the past is learning from it to improve your future." Izuku-sensei took a calming, steadying breath before continuing, his eyes glancing at the ceiling for a brief moment.


"I'm sure you all know the story about how the first quirk appeared, with the girl with the glowing skin.What is usually omitted in the stories is how hard it was for kids with quirks back then.Nowadays, almost everyone has a quirk, and those who don't are usually part of the older generation.That was the quirk population 200 years ago, with only a small fraction of the population possessing one.They- we were discriminated against, with only one kid in each class having a quirk if that.It was an awful time for those who had quirks.Many kids would be abandoned or bullied because of it, especially if they had physical changes.Once there was 40% of the population, laws got passed that made things fairer, and over time those with quirks became the majority, and now it's the quirkless that are discriminated against, But that is a subject for a different day." This may have been harder than he thought it would be... "It is a whole lot better now than it was, that is for sure.Now, if anyone has any questions?"

Yaoyorozu slowly raised her hand, not looking very confident ever since the Sports Festival."You said it was especially bad for those who had physical changes, but... what about those who had quirks like yours?Did they even know sometimes?"

Izuku sighed, dredging up the uncomfortable memories of his past, trying to find the best way to answer the question.

What the hell is wrong with you, freak?

Look at the guy who doesn't age, what are you, some sort of freak of nature?




Shaking himself out of his stupor, he answered Yaoyorozu."No, sometimes people didn't know they had a quirk and went the duration of their lives living without one.As for those whose quirks weren't directly noticeable, well... for me, I had no idea until I was past junior high.There was an incident where I got a gash down the side of my arm and it ended up knitting itself back together right before our eyes.It wasn't until I was out of school that I discovered that I wouldn't age, and it took a lot of trial and error before I found out exactly what my quirk was.Once the system of quirk doctors was established, almost everyone went and checked, but at the time, we were all pretty much on our own in terms of figuring out if we had a quirk or what it was." This was the first time he had really discussed the pre-quirk era, at least in the last century.Everyone really took for granted how everything had changed, a lot of it for the better.Of course, now you had quirk discrimination, but that was a topic for current events and what was wrong with the world now.

Another student raised their hand, and this time it was Uraraka.The brunette was hesitant, lips twisted to the side in a quizzical nature.He nodded at her, hands folding behind him, almost touching the whiteboard."I-Izuku-sensei?What were the kids who didn't have quirks like to the kids that did, like you?What was school like for you?"

"They were afraid of us.We were like aliens to them, beings that didn't make sense to them and they couldn't explain us, so they feared us instead.When the gash down my arm knitted itself back together, most of my classmates either totally ignored me or did their best to make school miserable.I was the only kid with a quirk in the entire school, and... well, kids can be cruel."

He could almost feel the sting from when one of his upperclassmen pushed him into a pile of broken glass, laughing as the blood pooled on the ground.Let's see you heal from that, greenie.It had taken him an hour before all of the deep cuts completely sealed up, and when he got home his mother either wasn't paying enough attention to see the dried blood or smell the metallic scent, or she just didn't care.The first chance he got, he bolted out of that town, leaving to go train in martial arts, as well as get multiple degrees.At least, that's what it says officially, and that's what he told everyone.But he really didn't have time to think about that right now.

He shot a furtive glance at the clock, deciding that they would have one more question before they moved on to how the hero commission was formed.It seemed like everyone was thinking a bit, and none of them raised their hands.He was just about to move on when he saw Bakugo's hand up, the boy looking resentful and sullen.Izuku shot him a quick smile, urging the stubborn boy on.

"Tch.So even though the quirkless people were weak the ones with quirks were picked on?Even though they're pretty much useless?"

'Well, first, I would like to say that that way of thinking is wrong.It's not a healthy mindset to take, and it's not correct.Nothing makes quirkless people weak, trust me.And yes, we were the ones in the minority 200 years ago.Now we don't think about that time, but I do think it is important to remember the past."

Bakugo grunted, but it was better than his usual scoff.He was obviously starting to rethink his stance on others being weak.And yes, when he first discovered the boy's distaste for anything appearing weak, he was a bit frustrated.But then he realized that it was just another unhealthy mindset that this era encouraged.Bakugo believed he had to be the strongest because he had a strong quirk, trying to make sure that nobody ever looked down on him.He did respect others and their strengths, as they all saw in his match against Uraraka.Even when the audience was booing him, he didn't hesitate to give his opponent his best, giving all he had to win.This was the only reason that he hadn't chewed him out already.

Others were noticing the boy's growth as well.Ida, even having noticed his slight disrespect of an authority figure, didn't scold him, instead choosing to sigh deeply while pushing up his glasses.Kirishima was also looking proud of his classmate, giving him a wide smile that displayed as much of his sharp teeth as his face would allow.There was also a red blush staining the boy's cheeks, but Izuku didn't like to collect gossip about his students, even if he did think that their adolescence was amusing at times.Plus, he could just listen to Uraraka and Mina gushing about it through the vents.

He moved on from the questions and led them into the next part of the lesson, talking about how the hero commission was formed and adding his own commentary in from time to time, like how all the quirked individuals came together to create the hero commission, yes, but there were a few who didn't agree with what they planned to do, still bitter from the past and how they were treated.Those individuals became the first villains that the hero commission tracked down.

The class was so attentive that they finished early with the lesson, the class peppering him with questions about the hero commission.What was the first president of the hero commission like?(much better than any president we have had since).How did the non-quirked government respond to the commission starting?(sorry, that's classified).Were the girls who were in the hero commission hot?(he chose not to answer that one, while giving Mineta a warning).Izuku left with 10 minutes left in the class period, heading back to his classroom feeling just a bit more exhausted than he usually was at the end of teaching a class.Maybe he should hack into the commission's surveillance videos, just to cheer him up.He was actually a bit disturbed by their horrible security.Maybe he should just change the codes, or he could...


Shinso watched Izuku-sensei leave the room, noting his toned-down smile as he did so.That obviously wasn't quite as easy for his teacher as he made it seem.And after hearing about what the history books usually skipped over in the pre-quirk era, Shinso could understand why.While his mind was occupied, his gaze wandered over to Kaminari, his blonde hair strongly contrasting the black bolt streaking down the side of his head.He had never been able to find out if it was natural or not, and he didn't exactly know how to ask.Because, you know, talking to others.Yuck...

His dad had been paying attention the entire time, despite the fact that he was laying down in the corner.Shinso had been around his dad enough to know that he didn't just ignore what Izuku-sensei told him so he could sleep.Sure, he would maybe do that to another teacher, like if Snipe-sensei was teaching the subject, but once Izuku-sensei started talking about the adjusting period when quirks first started appearing, he had everyone hooked.Kaminari had been staring intently at their green-haired teacher, his brow scrunched a bit, which Shinso was definitely not watching.Nope.

And while Shinso was trying to shove Kaminari out of his mind, a spot he had seemed to occupy quite frequently these days, the energetic blonde was heading in his direction, Mina trailing behind him, who was looking frighteningly excited, shaking in her exuberance.His mind went blank for a moment, eyes growing wider and wider as the boy and his friend approached.What was he supposed to say?Do?Dang these social concepts!

Then the blonde was in front of him, looking down a bit at Shinso's slightly hunched-over form.He had a friendly smile on, and Shinso thought that it made the boy look absolutely stunning.He had to mentally shake himself to focus on what he was saying.

"Hey, you're Shinso, right?Ever since you beat me in the Sports Festival I've been wondering what your quirk was, because I just do not remember anything between when the match started and when it ended." He looked a bit hopeful, and for the love of All Might why did he have to be so adorable?

"Yeah.When I asked you a question, I used my quirk 'Brainwash' to, well, brainwash you.It just makes you follow my directions until I release the effect or you are jolted out of it." He was almost tempted to tag on a 'sorry', but he reminded himself that he was, in fact, not sorry and he shouldn't be.Kaminari's eyes widened a bit before he grinned even wider, making Shinso's heart thump in his chest.He was so glad that his expression was usually so blank because otherwise, he would've been redder than a tomato right now.There might have been a pink tint to them already.

Mina backed off when the two of them started to chat further, looking proud of herself as she bounced back to Uraraka.The bell for homeroom rang, but nobody in the class moved from where they were, knowing that Aizawa would wait until the end of class to do anything so he could get max shut-eye.He did see his dad peep out of his sleeping bag, giving him the side-eye that told him they would be having a conversation about this later.

Shinso started to get why his dad chose his papa now that he was talking to Kaminari.They might be energetic and excitable, but it was a good offset to Aizawa's and Shinso's natural tendency to be monotone and anti-social.They needed them to pull them out of their shells, to make sure that they weren't just avoiding everyone around them... not that Shinso has ever had dreams where it was just him and nobody else was around him and everything was quiet and... focus on the conversation, Shinso.


Kirishima watched Izuku-sensei walk out the door, bolting over to where Bakugo was as fast as he could.Sero was talking with some of the others, and Mina was telling a blushing Kaminari to go talk to Shinso and to be confident when he did it.You go, bro.Bakugo was silent for once, obviously deep in thought about what Izuku-sensei had taught them earlier.But Kirishima was worried that Bakugo might be more irritable than usual if he was allowed to stew on this too long.So he did the natural thing and stood just out of arms reach, jarring the blonde boy from his train of thought."Hey, Bakubro!" Kirishima leaned down as if to give him a hug.

"Hah- what are you doing, shitty hair?" Ah, he called him shitty hair.Maybe if it was anyone else Kirishima would have been offended, but he had just come to accept it as a term of endearment from his friend.Some people just weren't the best at expressing themselves, so it was good to pick and choose your battles.And Bakubro really was not as bad as others thought he was.Maybe he could be irritable and did not remember anyone's names, but he was also willing to give his respect to his classmates and did care about them.He did see the blonde boy clench his jaw when he caught sight of a slight burn on Kirishima's shoulder from the USJ attack.He was really just a big softy under-

WHACK.Kirishima blinked in surprise as Bakugo smacked a packet into his face, glaring at the red-headed teen."Bakugo!That almost hit me in the eye!"

Bakugo glared up at him, red eyes glinting from the light through the window."Maybe it wouldn't have if you were paying attention, idiot."

Well.That wasn't the nicest thing to- wait!Bakugo was upset he spaced out for a second.Awww, that was actually kind of cute.Bakubro was just so manly.He really did care.Kirishima grinned mischievously, making Bakugo give him a suspicious look.They chatted for a long time, mostly with Kirishima carrying the conversation and smoothing things over whenever Bakugo started to get sparky, making sure his classmate didn't blow up the entire classroom.

Though, just because Bakugo was a bit volatile didn't mean he wasn't fun to be around.Kirishima had a feeling he was extremely loyal, and that he was an awesome friend to have.He had a combative personality, that's all.And he wasn't even as... blowy-uppy?-today.He had been a bit more silent than usual since Izuku-sensei's lesson, and Kirishima was proud of him for it.He was obviously rethinking several things that contributed to an unhealthy outlook, and hearing about the pre-quirk gave him some insight.

The entire class was still talking or doing something else when Aizaawa-sensei walked to the front of the room.Their teacher was watching Kaminari and Shinso, a small scowl present on his face.Kirishima looked over at the pair, not really seeing anything to warrant their teacher's displeasure.The pair was just sitting there, and Kirishima was delighted to see that Kaminari was finally talking to Shinso.Mina had been trying to get their mutual friend to talk to the guy he lost to in the Sports Festival ever since it happened, and it appeared Kaminari had finally managed to go do it.He wasn't even blushing like before.So manly.

"That's enough, class.Go to your seats now.We have something to discuss before you leave for the day."


Aizawa stared directly at Kaminari as the boy headed back to his seat.He wasn't trying to be scary, per se, but he just couldn't help being at least a little intimidating.He never claimed to be a saint, after all.The blonde boy didn't seem to notice his teacher's gaze, grinning a bit to himself.That made him worry a bit.What if he had lost his edge?Just to be sure, he narrowed his eyes at Mina and was relieved when she looked around nervously.Still got it.

"I'm sure that all of you are aware of the fact that summer break is approaching.But I'm not sure that you are all even capable of sitting still for that long.Luckily for you, we will be going to a summer break forest lodge." The class exploded into excited chatter and yelling, Aizawa not even flinching since he lived with Present Mic.He sighed as he activated his quirk, gaining the class's attention once more."However, should any of you fail the end-of-term classes, you will be stuck in remedial classes for the duration of the summer break."

Now the class was a bit scared.Their worried shouts and panicked faces were like music to Aizawa's ears.The kids that were lower in the class were all talking about not studying, and those that were high enough not to be too worried were all thinking about the practical part of the exam.But they all assumed it would be robots.Ha.Izuku-sensei recommended that they change that this year, for diversity.He was pretty sure he saw a slightly sadistic glint in his former teacher's eyes too.These kids had no idea what hell they were just about to go through..