
Tyrants ( Love &War)

Anna is a spoilt child, she is a black American and half korean, she wasn't supposed to be born according to her mother, she was force to go stay with her mother in Korea, she hate her mother so much for abandoning her. But when she got there she happened to like it there and she found someone who stole her heart it was no other person than the handsome Kim hyun Joon also know as Alex. Alex hate Anna alot and he also have a fiancee jang hee Jin who is brutal and deadly and over possessive of him but Anna doesn't care because she is used to getting whatever she wants. Seo ri is Anna older sister from another dad a full Korean girl, the two sisters hate each other, and seo ri is dating Kim woo bin Alex older brother. seo ri doesn't know that Kim woo bin only engaged her because of her wealth and power. What will Kim woo bin do when he finds out that seo ri is not the only heir?. Kim woo bin and Alex is fighting to be the suitable heir to their fathers company. Therefore they need influence and powerful heiress to become unbeatable only the strongest will become the heir. This play talk about how the heirs will fight and defend themselves through the game of love. Will Anna be able to make Alex fall for her? Will Anna be able to escape Jang hee Jin death traps? Will the sisters hatred turn to love ? And will the brothers hatred turn to love or revenge? Will seo ri and Kim woo bin last for ever? Who will get the throne?. The play consist of love, hatred, betrayal, lust,pain, revenge and especially war. Read more to know what really happened.

cassiezzlx · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
64 Chs

chapter 11 Am disappointed

          I ran to my room, as I got there I fell on my bed sobbing.

            Then I decided to call my dad so that he will get me out of here, the phone rang for the first time, second time,third time still no answer.

            " Are you really abandoning me, please pick up the phone" I muttered but the fourth time he answered my phone.

             " Hello darling" my dad said on the other line cheerfully.

            " Hello dad" I said sobbing in between.

            " Is everything alright?, Are you crying?" My dad asked me worriedly.

            " Dad everything is not alright I want to come home" I replied crying harder.

             " What is going on Anna? " my dad asks more worriedly.

              " That crazy bitch slapped me on my pretty face, and she was insulting you dad" I said still crying.

            " Really She slapped you? What is wrong with her? You know what I will call you back" my dad replied me angrily as he hung up.

           " oh no"I muttered ' now am in soup,why does he have to call her" I thought inwardly.

             Then I began to walk around wondering" what should I do now" then my phone began to ring.

              I hesitated at first but I later pick up the phone " what the hell is wrong with you Anna, and you have the gut to call after what you did? Am disappointed in you, very disappointed" he said angrily.

           " Dad, dad listen to me" but to my dismay he has already hung up.

            And then I began to cry that I fell asleep unconsciously.

             Around 9am in the morning a maid was knocking on my door and I managed to get up.

            My head was aching,I felt dizzy and tired and I smelled of alcohol.

           When I opened the door it was a young maid and I was just staring at her for a long time, I think she felt nervous because of me staring at her.


           Her head was down" young madam, madam is requesting for you downstairs" she said politely.

           And I gesture her to go and she left at once.

             I close the door behind me as I entered my room, I went to take a quick shower.

           And I did a little makeup because my face was still lightly swollen.

            I put a red shot gown and I losen my hair," well I look stunning as always" I said cheerfully.

               When I got downstairs, I saw my mom and seo ri at the sitting room, they were well dressed and I assume that they were going somewhere.

           " You sent for me?" I ask arching my brow.

              My mom answered me without looking at me" yes I did".

           Then I began to operate my phone,I felt seo ri looking at me in a mean way.

           " What for?" I ask nonchalantly.

             My mom just let out a sigh" I and seo ri, we are both going out, so if you are bored tell the driver to drive you around" she finished her statement getting up.

            And seo ri stood up too about to leave" and take your time we don't mind if you return at midnight" she said calmly as they both left without waiting for me to say anything.

            Then I just let out a sigh" mean bitches" I muttered.