
White Hair Mommy

It did not take long for Yasmin to recover from her illness. Soon enough, she was up and about again, performing her duties as the motherly figure of so many children. While Berengar was hard at work, Itami was wondering about the castle where she came across her younger sister playing with a group of Berengar's younger children. 

By Momo's side were Adela and Henrietta, who were both taking a day off from work to look after the young ones. As many of Berengar's wives and concubines played essential roles in German society, they often rotated on what days they took off during the week to help look after the children. 

Momo appeared to be in her element around the young ones, as she wore a warm smile on her face, and played with them as if she herself were their mother. Something that neither Adela nor Henrietta took offense to.