
The German Reaction

Berengar sat back in his war room and gazed upon a map which was sprawled across a large table. The Island of Borneo in particular had caught his interest while his military officers continued to update the positions of the wooden figures which represented the factions at play. 

Empress Itami Riyo of the Japanese Empire had invaded the Majapahit Empire in a bid to secure a stable supply of bauxite. Something Berengar had not only anticipated, but had an active hand in deciding. 

However, in her hubris, Itami had also invaded the Northern Philippines at the exact same time. As a result, two areas of conflict were occurring, and while the Majapahit Empire managed to hold some of its ground, Manilla had fallen within the hour of the Japanese invasion. 

Despite all of this, there was a stoic expression on the Kaiser's face while he listened to a comms operator report on the latest losses the Imperial Japanese Army had suffered.