
The Borneo Crisis

After a brief encounter with one of her generals, Itami placed a military jacket over her nightgown and followed her subordinate into the war room, where her generals and admirals were already gathered. Before anyone could speak, she had already begun to bark commands at the men.

"Status update now!"

During her walk over to the war room, she had been alerted about what had transpired in the skies above Borneo no more than an hour ago. What she was more concerned about was how the Germans were responding to this incident. A balding fat man who looked almost like a turkey stuffed into a military uniform was quick to speak as he addressed the Empress of Japan with the utmost respect. 

"Tennoheika-sama. In case you are not already aware, we have made contact with the German Air Force over the skies of Borneo. They have gunned down one of our squadrons before fleeing back to their air base in Singapore. What are your orders?"