It had been over a month since Berengar had entered the next life. And during this time, he and Brynhildr had been focused on one thing, and one thing only. Survival. There was a lot that a man like Berengar could do in a month if he had the resources and team to accomplish the goal.
But now that he was all alone, with nothing but a valkyrie to keep him company, and with no civilization to speak of. The once mighty Kaiser of the German Empire was forced to start from scratch.
Because of this, Berengar had built a raised lean-to shelter, where he and Brynhildr had slept for the past two weeks. And during this time, Brynhildr would scavenge, while Berengar would hunt for food. Luckily for him, this world seemed to be a perfectly balanced paradise, that was filled with an abundance of food, and fresh water that was not the slightest bit polluted.