
Surrendering to the Reich

Two weeks came and passed, as Itami and her family lived in the palace of the Kaiser. Though Berengar went out of his way to make his guests comfortable, Itami still stubbornly refused to believe his intentions were genuine. Thus, she continued to sulk about, and wait for the dreaded day which she had to publically announce her surrender to the reich. 

Eventually, the Japanese Empress boarded onto a plane, alongside the Kaiser. The destination was Tokyo Bay, where the Sixth Carrier Strike Group was located. After some shuffling about, Berengar and Itami boarded the SMS Berengar, which was no longer a Linde-class Battleship, but one of the newest designs. 

Itami was given her own private quarters where she was dressed in the traditional garb of the empress of Japan, which the Reich had provided for her. A team of professionals who made her appear as beautiful as humanly possible did her makeup and hair until she was practically a living goddess.