
Saying Good-Bye to an Old Ally

Berengar stood in the lands of the Aztec Empire. It had been a lifetime since he had last been to these lands. And currently his son, Cualcoatl, was by his side. By now Berengar was in his seventies, and despite looking a decare or two younger, he felt his life quickly coming to an end. He would likely only live to be eighty.

Perhaps it was the wear and tear he had gone through during his youth on the battlefields. And the damage his body had sustained during his trials to prove his worth to Odin. Or perhaps it was simply the weave of fate. But Berengar knew that he only had a few years left.

And while his body had begun to age rapidly, the blessings of the Gods having begun to wear off. He wanted to say goodbye to an old Ally when he still had the ability to do so. Thus, Berengar had journeyed across the world, to the jungles of Mesoamerica, where he found himself once more standing before the great pyramid of Teotihuacan