
Running Away from Home

While Berengar was preparing for war in an attempt to crush the rebellious nobles of Austria and solidify his power, the Byzantine Emperor was throwing a banquet; the feast had been prepared for the French Prince.

The latter had elected to stay within the borders of the Empire for the time being. It was now his seventeenth birthday, and as such, Emperor Vetranis had prepared a massive celebration for his future son-in-law. 

Despite Honoria's protests, she had been dragged from her room and forced to sit beside her effeminate fiance. However, she refused to interact with the young man and pouted silently as she dug into her meal with a distressed expression.

Despite Aubry's best efforts to win Honoria's favor, the young woman refused to associate with him in any manner. This had begun to make things complicated for the Byzantine Emperor and the French Host. After all, this young couple was set to wed in a few months, and they were not even on speaking terms.