
Reflecting on the Past

The day after Berengar arrived in Constantinople, he arose bright and early. He immediately noticed Honoria was not lying next to his side, which made him curious. As such, he spent some time getting ready for his day. Luckily for him, the Byzantines had a large bathhouse within their palace similar in size and grandeur to his own. 

After spending some time cleaning the sweat and grime from his body that had accumulated during his journey across the Mediterranean sea, Berengar decided to take a walk through the palace gardens. After all, the Byzantines, much like their Roman ancestors, were quite well known for their unique garden culture. 

While walking through the immaculate gardens of the Byzantine Imperial Palace, Berengar noticed a peculiar sight. Honoria was dressed in a byzantine style gown that matched her Tyrian purple hair as she sat upon the side of the large fountain with Heraclius perched upon her forearm.