
On the March yet Again

On horseback, Eckhard rode among his Army; behind him were 75,000 Austrians; their purpose was simple, annex the Teutonic State in the name of King Berengar von Kufstein, and repel the Eastern Coalition. The 5th, 7th, and 9th Divisions who were dispatched for this mission were relatively inexperienced in warfare. 

Despite this, they were eager to perform in battle and confident in their training. With the great Field Marshal of Austria at the helm, they believed that there was no conceivable way that they could lose this war. 

At the moment, these Austrians were embarking into Bohemia, where they would regroup with the 1st Division of the Royal Bohemian Army. Though Berengar was also the King of Bohemia, he had seldom spent time within its lands, instead, he had delegated the responsibility of Governance to a personal representative who instituted the King's reforms.