

Itami sat in the back of Berengar's limousine with a flustered expression on her pretty face. By her side was the man she had just gone on a date with. No matter how the young Japanese empress tried to spin the night's events, she could only conclude that it was, in fact, a date. 

The very idea that she would be dating the man who she had once seen as her nemesis was quite bewildering. Over the course of a month, Berengar had gone from a hated enemy, to the object of Itami's affections, and yet she did not dare say how much fun she had at the carnival, nor would she dream of hinting that she would enjoy another outing with the man by her side. 

She even found it difficult to grab hold of the man's hand as he smoked a cigarette out the window. Inch by inch, Itami's dainty fingers slowly nudged their way towards Berengar's hand until the two overlapped.