
Ghost Town

Nearly a month had passed since the swift victory in Milan, and Berengar's army had waited for reinforcement and resupply before marching on the City of Parma. At the moment, the Jaeger Corps had a few hundred men issued with the new Schmidt Needle Rifle, though the ratio of men armed with the Needle Rifle and the traditional muzzleloading Jaeger Rifle was roughly 1:3

As for the rest of Berengar's army, they were still outfitted with the 1417/18 Rifled Muskets. However, compared to the enemy they were facing, such weapons were more than enough to massacre any army they would encounter.

The Jaeger Corps had done their jobs and led the way to Parma; in doing so, they encountered little resistance. It became increasingly apparent that the Italian soldiers still in the field had begun to disobey their orders and flee from the lost cause that was their war with Austria.