
Gathering Evidence I

Linde sat quietly at a table, enjoying a cup of tea. Currently, she was within the local tea shop that had recently appeared in the town of Kufstein. Sitting in front of her was Ludolf, who was currently dressed in dark robes whose hood concealed his appearance.

At the moment, he was informing the spymaster of the information which he had received about Lambert's newest plot against Berengar. To any onlookers, they were merely a young lady and young man enjoying tea together.

However, the gravity of the topic in which they discussed in hushed voices was immense. Ludolf took a sip from his tea before expressing his concerns to the woman who handled Berengar's spy network.

"Lambert has written a letter to the Bishop of Innsbruck, which the Head Priest of Kufstein has sponsored. It contains many accusations labeled against Berengar; the most important charge is that he lies with witches and consorts with demons.