
Discussing Plans for the Future

Having spent his wedding night with his new wife, Berengar awoke later than he usually would. After all, he had his fill of food and wine the night before and was in the mood to sleep in. It was not until roughly noon that he awoke to see Adela still asleep by his side. 

The young woman was still tired from their joint exercise the night before. As such, Berengar kissed her on the forehead before rising from his bed and getting dressed. He decided to take the day off from his usual fitness regimen and instead approached the dining hall for his morning coffee and breakfast. 

As he sat down at the table, he saw Honoria and Linde sitting alongside Henrietta and Berengar's two children. It would appear that they had been waiting some time for his arrival. His two lovers immediately began to inquire about Berengar's night with Adela with wicked grins on their lips. Linde, who was gracefully sipping on a cup of coffee, was the first to speak about this issue.