

"Sir, with all due respect, I don't think this is a very good idea! You really shouldn't be doing something so dangerous!"

Upon hearing this, Berengar merely grinned as he sat on board the Ju 390 transport plane whose rear hatch slowly opened up. The daring emperor stared down at the Iberian Peninsula below and made a quick, witty retort before jumping out.

"I don't pay you to think Sergeant, now let's fucking drop!"

After saying this, Berengar sprinted out of the hatch before jumping off the ramp and dropping down to the ground below. The wind whistled past Berengar's ears as he rapidly descended through the sky like a fallen angel..

Twenty thousand feet soon became ten thousand feet, and ten thousand feet became five thousand, until finally at one thousand feet he pulled his parachute, rapidly falling out of the device designed to conceal it, and catching the Kaiser in the air like a moth who had hit a sudden burst of wind.